My Information / U.S. Government POS 2041; CRN Instructor: Adrienne Mathews Office: Building

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My Information / U.S. Government POS 2041; CRN Instructor: Adrienne Mathews Office: Building

My Information U.S. Government POS 2041; CRN

Instructor: Adrienne Mathews Office: Building 11 University Center, Room 200A Office phone: 407-582-1008 Skype: facebook:almathews Email: [email protected]

Office Hours Monday – 11:30am – 2:15pm Tuesday – 11:30am – 2:15pm Wednesday – 11:30am – 2:15pm Thursday – noon – 12:45pm Friday – 9:30am – 10:30am – virtual hours. Use Skype or email to reach me.

These are my regularly scheduled office hours. I am in my office at times outside of these hours as well. Please feel free to stop by at any time or to make an appointment.

Course Description POS 2041; Spring 2015; Three credit hours; prerequisites – none.

This course focuses on theory, organization, principles, and functions of national government, stressing relationships of individuals to all levels of government in the political system.

Valencia Part of your experience in this course will be to develop the core competencies of Valencia Competencies College of “Think, Value, Communicate, and Act” TVCA. Students will consider their role in the larger scheme of the American political system, learn to value the role they play as citizens, communicate ideas learned in the course through discussions and examinations, and understand ways in which they can take action to become more civically engaged.

Core competencies This course is designed to meet Valencia College’s core competencies of ethical responsibility and cultural-historical understanding.

Required 1. We The People: An Introduction to American Politics (Ninth Essentials Edition) Course Materials Available in the West Campus bookstore, through several websites for rent, and also to download for your tablet or laptop.

Paperback: 608 pages Publisher: W. W. Norton & Company Edition: Ninth Essentials Edition (December 20, 2012) ISBN-10: 0393921107 ISBN-13: 978-0393921106

2. Access to Blackboard. You will find all course related material posted in Blackboard. Several homework assignments and quizzes will be completed through Blackboard.

1 Using Blackboard: You will be required to log in to Blackboard regularly to do such things as complete Use Firefox as your homework and access worksheets for class. You will also be required to take quizzes online browser throughout the semester.

It is important that you use Firefox as your web browser in order for the functions of Blackboard to work properly.

Logging into Blackboard: (1) Log into Atlas. (2) Click on the “my courses” tab. On the far right side of the page, you will see a box labeled “Valencia Online.” Click on the red box to log into online course. (3) Once in Blackboard, select this course from the course menu (should be on the right side of the page.) Note that there are other ways to log into Blackboard as well.

As Blackboard is a secure server, I will post most grades in the online grade book. Homework grades will be posted twice: once at midterm and after the final homework grade is calculated, but you can always come see me during office hours to find out your homework grade.

Should you have any problems using Blackboard, it is your responsibility to seek help either from the Atlas lab or by calling 407-582-5555. I may be able to assist you with user questions so feel free to ask. I cannot support technical issues.

2 Grading Grading Scale used in 93 – 100 A “mastery of content” this course: 80 - 92 B “above average” 70 - 79 C “average” 60 - 69 D “marginal – yet passing” 59 and F Failing below

A grade of a “D” or better is required to pass this course.

How is my overall Exam one 15% grade determined? Exam two 20% Exam three 20% Exam four (final exam) 20% Average of Unit Quizzes, 25% Average of Assignments, and Participation

Exams You will take four exams during the course of this semester. All four exams must be taken to pass this class. If you do not take an exam – including the final exam - a zero will be given as a grade for that exam and will be averaged into your overall grade.

Exams are given in class and can take any of the following forms (or any combination thereof): multiple-choice, essay, short answer, or any reasonable testing method the instructor feels is appropriate for measuring student competency.

If you miss an exam (with the exception of the final) you will be required to take a written make up exam during the last week of regular classes (April 20 - 24). Make up exams are only given to students who missed an exam. (It cannot be taken to replace a low grade.) It is your responsibility to make arrangements with me prior to the last week to schedule your makeup. No exceptions. This exam will be different from the exam given during the regular class meeting. If you know in advance that you cannot make it to a scheduled exam, you may make arrangements with me to take the exam with another class if I deem circumstances warrant this allowance. Only one exam can be made up. If you miss more than one exam, a zero will be given for the second missed exam.

All exam grades count toward your overall grade. No exam grade will be dropped.

The final must be taken during the scheduled time during exam week. The final is NOT cumulative. (See college calendars at for final exam schedule.) Missing the final exam will result in a zero and failure of the class. Assignments Assignments are posted on the course schedule, but the schedule may change at any time (Both in-class and during the course of the semester. Notice of changes to the schedule will be provided in class. homework) If you miss a class meeting, you are expected to contact another student to find out what you missed.

To be successful in this course, you are encouraged to do all assignments. Some assignments will be completed at home and others will be completed in the classroom. For your assignments grade, I will drop two assignments from the total. What this means is if you 3 complete twenty-two out of twenty-four assignments (twenty-four are currently scheduled but this will change as needs dictate) and still get a 100% for homework. If you were to do twenty- four out of twenty-four, your homework grade would be 109%. (This is a great way to earn extra credit and be prepared for the exams!)

Homework is due at the beginning of class. Do not expect to complete homework while in class. I will not grade homework that is completed while class is in session.

Some assignments will be completed through Blackboard.

Assignments may be added or removed from the schedule at any time.

If the assignment is not completed through blackboard, the homework should be neatly prepared and completed by the beginning of each class meeting.

Deadlines for homework are firm. Late homework will not be accepted.

Make an additional copy of your homework for your records. If you have a claim over a missing grade, I will ask for the copy of your homework. Assignment No Credit Half Credit Full Credit Grading Rubric  Incomplete  Incomplete but  All questions are demonstrates sincere answered completely.  Sampling of answers effort graded is mostly  Sampling of answers incorrect  Majority of questions graded is correct. are answered completely  Plagiarized or copied work  Sampling of answers graded is correct  Allowing someone to plagiarize or copy  Coming into class your work without the assignment and relying on getting  Late submissions the questions off a group member  Absences from an activity  Leaving the classroom during class activity

Participation College students are expected to be active learners and contribute to discussions. Students are expected to come to each class prepared to answer questions and use class time productively. Participation is factored into your grade. Unapproved use of electronics in the classroom will negatively impact your participation grade.

Unit Quizzes Unit Quizzes based on the chapters covered in that unit will be completed in Blackboard to prepare students for the unit exams. Ample time will be given for students to complete these assessments. Computers are available in the library for those in need of Internet access.

4 You will have a minimum of four online unit quizzes. Make sure you use a reliable Internet connection and Firefox as you browser.

Your three highest quiz scores will be used to compute your quiz average. If you miss a quiz, you will receive a zero. A missed quiz will be dropped if that is your lowest grade. Attendance I will take attendance daily for my records. In accordance with Valencia policy, an excess of three unexcused absences may result in an administrative withdrawal from the class. However, do not expect me to withdraw you simply because you stopped showing up. I am more than happy to discuss with you your progress and options, but your actual enrollment/withdrawal is your responsibility.

More than five absences before the withdrawal deadline (March 27, 2014) will likely result in an administrative withdrawal.

Students who miss no more than one class the entire semester and have strong participation are eligible for up to three extra points on his or her overall grade. This means that if you qualify for this option, you can finish the course with a 90, for example, and still earn an A. To be considered present, you must be on time, engaged, and stay for the entire class. If you leave class often (more than twice in a semester) to go to the restroom, take a water break, or to text, gaze out the window, or do anything else that demonstrates to me that you are completely present, you will be marked absent for the day. What I expect from To come to class on time and prepared to work. the students To be an active participant in your learning. To read the assigned material and have completed assigned homework before class. To be organized with the use of a notebook and to have all your work with you when you come to class. To abstain from using unapproved electronics when in class. To do your part to make the learning environment productive and distraction free. To spend on average between five and ten hours preparing for an exam. ** To treat everyone in the classroom with respect, regardless of what you think of their point of view. Part of the socialization process of college is to be exposed to new viewpoints and learn tolerance and acceptance. **

What students can To be on time and prepared for class. expect from me To be an active participant in your learning experience. To abstain from using all personal electronics when in class is in session. To respond to emails within 24 business hours. To treat all students with respect. To do my part to make the learning environment productive and distraction free. To prepare students properly for exams.

Withdrawal Policy Per Valencia Policy 4-07 (Academic Progress, Course Attendance and Grades, and Withdrawals), a student who withdraws from class before the withdrawal deadline of (March (Please read 27, 2014) will receive a grade of “W.” A student is not permitted to withdraw after the carefully) withdrawal deadline. Students who stay in the class after this deadline are responsible to complete all work required for the course; e.g., homework, projects, tests, etc. If you choose to stop coming to the class after the withdrawal deadline, you will be held responsible for all work missed, including the final exam. Any work that is not completed by the appropriate deadline

5 will receive a zero. Hence, the final grade for the course will be determined by taking into consideration the percentages obtained by work that was turned in and the zeros given to work that was not turned in on time. Students can still be withdrawn by the college for violations of the college’s code of conduct policies. Any student who withdraws or is withdrawn from a class during a third or subsequent attempt in the same course will be assigned a grade of “F.” For a complete policy and procedure overview on Valencia Policy 4-07 please go to:

Incompletes As per college policy, an incomplete may be assigned if you are progressing satisfactorily and, for valid, well documented, reasons (emergencies such as serious illness requiring hospitalization), cannot complete the work of a course within the term. You should be aware that I rarely give incompletes; they are reserved for only the most exceptional circumstances. Proper documentation must be provided upon request.

Students with Students with disabilities who qualify for academic accommodations must provide a Physical or Learning Notification to Instructor (NTI) form from the Office for Students with Disabilities (OSD) and Disabilities discuss specific needs with the professor, preferably during the first two weeks of class. The Office for Students with Disabilities determines accommodations based on appropriate documentation of disabilities. Contact information: West Campus SSB, Rm. 102 Ph: 407-582- 1523 Fax: 407-582-1326. Pg. 47

Personal Conduct I will uphold all of Valencia College’s policies regarding academic dishonesty and classroom conduct as per the Valencia College catalog section 6HX28:10-16 and 6HX28:10-18 and violation of Student Code of Classroom Conduct shall result in disciplinary action as prescribed in section 6HX28:10-04.

All material related to cheating or plagiarism will be given a grade of zero and will possibly be referred to the dean for further action including possible withdrawal from the course as well as other legal/college penalties.

This class will deal with political topics that may be considered sensitive in nature to some students. In order to benefit from the “marketplace of ideas”, various academic viewpoints will be given equal time and consideration. Always be considerate and listen to other students. Embrace the opportunity to experience different points of view at college. Per Valencia policy, hateful or intimidating speech of any nature will not be tolerated and will result ejection from the classroom.

Be on time. After your first late arrival, each subsequent late arrival will result in a half absence for the day and a possible five points off your next exam. Late arrivals beyond 15 minutes count as a full absence and a possible five points off your next exam.

Be aware that unauthorized use of electronics, sleeping, arriving late and/or habitually leaving the class makes for a poor impression. As a college student you need to be aware of the signals your behavior sends. Act professionally.

Electronics Policy Access to the Internet through a personal device will be helpful to you in this course when used appropriately. During group work I may allow you to use the Internet to find some answers.

6 Laptops and tablets will be tolerated if used appropriately for class purposes.

Abuse of this policy will not be tolerated. While class is in session and I speaking, you are expect to stay off your electronic device. You can use a laptop or tablet for note taking or to have the power points displayed in front of you, but you should be aware that it is obvious to me when people are not using these devices appropriately. Using them for purposes other than classwork is disrespectful towards me and the rest of the class. Using electronics while I or another student is speaking is a distraction to me, which becomes a distraction for others trying to learn. If I am distracted by your use of these devices, I will ask you to cease using them. If you have to be reminded of the policy, five points will be deducted off your next exam grade.

Cell phone use will not be tolerated unless it is to take photos of notes or used as instructed by me during a lesson. Non-class related cell phone use will result in you being marked absent from class and will negatively impact your participation grade.

Disclaimer I reserve the right to change any portion of this course description. Advance notice will be given to students should there be any changes made.


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