SF State Senior Exit Survey

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SF State Senior Exit Survey

SF State Senior Exit Survey

August 26, 2013 – January 28, 2014

Report issued February 2014

By Academic Planning and Development, Academic Institutional Research (air.sfsu.edu) Table of Contents

Introduction ……..……………………………………………………………………..….….…………………………… 3

Executive Summary………………………………………………………………………….…….…………………….. 3

Responses for Each Survey Question……………………………………………….……………………………. 6

Faculty and Classes ……………….………………………………………….….…………………………… 6

Campus Experience …..……………………………………………………….……….………….………… 15

Skills and Competencies ………………………………………………….….…………….……………… 25

Help in Achieving a Degree …………………………………………….…..…………….……………… 37

Survey Respondent Characteristics ……………………….…………….………………….………… 61

Appendix A – Survey Responses by Student Demographics

Appendix B – SF State Senior Exit Survey SF State Senior Exit Survey

Introduction The Senior Exit Survey is conducted by Academic Institutional Research (AIR) in the Academic Planning and Development office of San Francisco State University to provide institutional performance assessment of SF State’s undergraduate program. The survey is intended to facilitate evaluation of the level of students’ satisfaction with their major program and their SF State experience as a whole. Students encounter the survey online and must proceed through it in order to reach the undergraduate application for graduation. The only survey question that must be completed, however, is the request for their student identification number, the validity of which is not confirmed at that time. Responses to the survey questions were obtained from 3,175 of the undergraduates submitting graduation applications between August 26, 2013 and January 28, 2014.

Executive Summary

Faculty and Instruction The majority of respondents (two thirds or more) reported satisfaction1 with SF State faculty and instruction on the following points:

 availability of faculty and their interest in their students’ academic success

 overall quality of instruction

 their major program providing an education that developed their critical thinking, written communication, and oral communication skills

 their major program providing an education that helped them define clear ethical standards for decision making

 their major program providing an education that helped them understand human diversity

 the opportunity for interaction with students different from themselves

 their education at SF State helping them prepare for life in general

Roughly 60-70% of the respondents expressed satisfaction in the area of career preparation:

1 Five-point Likert scales were used in survey questions about student perceptions. “Satisfied,” “helpful,” “agree,” and “to a great extent” refer in this summary to survey responses in the top two levels of each rating scale, i.e., “satisfied or very satisfied,” “agree or strongly agree,” “helpful or very helpful,” and “to a great or very great extent.”  degree requirements relevant to their professional goals

 their education at SF State helping them prepare for a career in their field

 their major program providing an education that helped them present themselves as credible professionals

 their major program providing an education that gave them a sense of competence in their field

Health & Social Science and Liberal & Creative Arts respondents consistently provided significantly more favorable responses in this area than did those in Science & Engineering or Business. Similarly, females consistently gave higher ratings than did males, and Latino students responded more favorably, especially in contrast to White students.

Degree Requirements and Progress toward Graduation Six in ten respondents reported that the clarity of degree requirements was helpful to them in achieving their degree and half indicated that they are satisfied with academic advising from all sources. Responses were less favorable regarding the availability of required courses:

 42% agreed that required courses were offered frequently enough, while 40% disagreed

 43% indicated that the availability of required classes was helpful to them in achieving their degree, while 32% indicated that it was not

 47% indicated that the flexibility of course choices in their major was helpful, while 29% indicated that it was not

Compared to their counterparts in each demographic category, respondents 25 years of age and over, Latino, African American, and Asian students, and local area students provided significantly more favorable responses in this area. Science & Engineering students provided less favorable responses.

Out-of-Classroom Education and Experience Only four in ten respondents reported that their major program encouraged work on a research project with a faculty member outside of a course or program. Yet six in ten respondents reported that their major program encouraged their participation in research projects, internships, or service to the community. Half of the respondents reported that their major program incorporated practicum, internship, field experience, co-op experience, or clinical assignment. Of the 64% of respondents who indicated that they participated in community service or volunteer work, 48% reported that it was helpful to them in achieving their degree. Latino students and those in Health & Social Science consistently provided significantly more favorable responses than did their counterparts in the race/ethnicity and college categories. White students and those in Science & Engineering consistently provided less favorable responses.

Help in Achieving a Degree Responses in this area were favorable:

 Slightly more than half of the respondents indicated that encouragement from faculty was helpful to them in achieving their degree. Half indicated that encouragement from staff was helpful.

 Seven in ten respondents indicated that social and emotional support from family and friends was helpful to them in achieving their degree.

 Two thirds of the respondents indicated that peer support was helpful to them in achieving their degree, while nearly six in ten reported that they are satisfied with friendships and social support on campus.

 Seven in ten respondents indicated that financial aid was helpful to them in achieving their degree, and half of the respondents who indicated that they participated in campus employment or work study reported that it was helpful.

Female students, Latino students, and those in Health & Social Science most consistently provided significantly more favorable responses than did their counterparts in the race/ethnicity and college categories. White students consistently provided less favorable responses.

Campus Experience Results were mixed:

 Six in ten respondents indicated that they are satisfied with medical and mental health support and security and personal safety on campus.

 Two thirds of the respondents reported that they are satisfied with computer and technology support.

 Half of the students who provided a non-neutral response reported dissatisfaction with parking and transportation.

Participation rates in non-academic and academic extracurricular activities ranged from 30% to 60%. Roughly four in ten participants in non-academic extracurricular activities reported that it was helpful to them in achieving their degree. Such activities included student organizations, student leadership opportunities, student government, campus recreation, athletics, residential life, and fraternities/sororities. Of the 32% of respondents who indicated that they studied abroad and the 44% of respondents who indicated that they participated in independent study, slightly more than half reported that it was helpful to them in achieving their degree. Six in ten respondents indicated that they participated in a culminating senior experience or in a learning community. Of these, half reported that it was helpful to them in achieving their degree.

Students in Health & Social Science generally provided significantly more favorable responses to the questions in this area than did those in other colleges.

Responses for Each Survey Question Presented below for each question is the distribution of responses by all who answered each survey question. Also reported are any statistically significant differences in responses between groups of students by demographic category. Where table cells are empty, there were no significant differences in that category. Tables presenting frequencies and percentages of responses by demographics, i.e., by age group, gender, race/ethnicity, college of major, and geographic origin, for each question are available in Appendix A.

Faculty and Classes:

To what extent do you agree with the following statements?

Required courses were offered frequently enough:

Response % Strongly agree 8% Agree 34% Neither agree nor disagree 18% Disagree 29% Strongly disagree 11% N = 3153

Significantly stronger agreement was reported by the groups of respondents in the middle column than was by those in the right-hand column below:

Demographic Category: Stronger agreement: Stronger disagreement: Age group 25 years of age and over 24 years of age and under Gender Male Female Race/ethnicity2 Latino White College of major3 LCA S&E and HSS Geographic origin

Class size was appropriate to student learning:

Response % Strongly agree 11% Agree 50% Neither agree nor disagree 22% Disagree 13% Strongly disagree 4% N = 3146

Significantly stronger agreement was reported by the groups of respondents in the middle column than was by those in the right-hand column below:

Demographic Category: Stronger agreement: Stronger disagreement: Age group 25 years of age and over 24 years of age and under Gender Race/ethnicity College of major LCA, HSS, and BUS S&E Geographic origin Local area Southern California

2 Native Hawaiian/Other Pacific Islander (<1%) and Native American/Alaskan Native (<1%) are not included in the statistical analyses by race/ethnicity in order to prevent distortion of the results by the extremely small numbers of respondents in those categories.

3 Interdisciplinary Studies & Other (2%) and the colleges of Education (<1%) and Ethnic Studies (<1%) are not included in the statistical analyses by college in order to prevent distortion of the results by the extremely small numbers of respondents in those colleges. Abbreviations for colleges are used: Business=BUS, Health & Social Science=HSS, Liberal & Creative Arts=LCA, and Science & Engineering=S&E. Faculty members were available when needed:

Response % Strongly agree 19% Agree 55% Neither agree nor disagree 18% Disagree 6% Strongly disagree 2% N= 3148

Significantly stronger agreement was reported by the groups of respondents in the middle column than was by those in the right-hand column below:

Demographic Category: Stronger agreement: Stronger disagreement: Age group 25 years of age and over 24 years of age and under Gender Race/ethnicity College of major LCA HSS, BUS, and S&E Geographic origin Faculty members were genuinely interested in my academic success:

Response % Strongly agree 24% Agree 49% Neither agree nor disagree 20% Disagree 4% Strongly disagree 2% N= 3146

Significantly stronger agreement was reported by the groups of respondents in the middle column than was by those in the right-hand column below:

Demographic Category: Stronger agreement: Stronger disagreement: Age group Gender Race/ethnicity College of major LCA and HSS BUS and S&E Geographic origin Course content contains current issues and trends:

Response % Strongly agree 24% Agree 56% Neither agree nor disagree 16% Disagree 3% Strongly disagree 2% N= 3140

Significantly stronger agreement was reported by the groups of respondents in the middle column than was by those in the right-hand column below:

Demographic Category: Stronger agreement: Stronger disagreement: Age group Gender Female Male Race/ethnicity College of major HSS LCA, S&E, and BUS Geographic origin Degree requirements were relevant to my professional goals:

Response % Strongly agree 20% Agree 52% Neither agree nor disagree 21% Disagree 6% Strongly disagree 2% N = 3144

Significantly stronger agreement was reported by the groups of respondents in the middle column than was by those in the right-hand column below:

Demographic Category: Stronger agreement: Stronger disagreement: Age group Gender Female Male Race/ethnicity Asian White and multiracial non-Latino Latino White College of major HSS LCA, S&E, and BUS Geographic origin Local area Southern California My education at SF State has helped prepare me for a career in my field:

Response % Strongly agree 20% Agree 50% Neither agree nor disagree 23% Disagree 5% Strongly disagree 2% N= 3144

Significantly stronger agreement was reported by the groups of respondents in the middle column than was by those in the right-hand column below:

Demographic Category: Stronger agreement: Stronger disagreement: Age group Gender Female Male Race/ethnicity Latino White and multiracial non-Latino College of major HSS LCA, S&E, and BUS Geographic origin My education at SF State has helped prepare me for life in general:

Response % Strongly agree 21% Agree 47% Neither agree nor disagree 23% Disagree 6% Strongly disagree 2% N = 3139

Significantly stronger agreement was reported by the groups of respondents in the middle column than was by those in the right-hand column below:

Demographic Category: Stronger agreement: Stronger disagreement: Age group Gender Female Male Race/ethnicity Latino White and multiracial non-Latino Asian White College of major HSS BUS and S&E LCA S&E Geographic origin SF State offers high quality instruction:

Response % Strongly agree 18% Agree 60% Neither agree nor disagree 18% Disagree 3% Strongly disagree 1% N= 3136

Significantly stronger agreement was reported by the groups of respondents in the middle column than was by those in the right-hand column below:

Demographic Category: Stronger agreement: Stronger disagreement: Age group 25 years of age and over 24 years of age and under Gender Female Male Race/ethnicity College of major HSS and LCA BUS and S&E Geographic origin

In seven of the nine questions in this section of the survey, high percentages of respondents (68% to 80%) expressed satisfaction with faculty and classes. Only six in ten (61%), however, were satisfied with class size, and far fewer (42%) were satisfied with course availability. There were significant differences in responses by gender in five out of the nine questions, with female respondents reporting stronger agreement. There were significant differences in responses by college in all nine questions, with stronger agreement reported by Health & Social Science and Liberal & Creative Arts students in seven of nine questions. Significantly stronger disagreement was reported by Science & Engineering respondents in every question. Campus Experience:

How satisfied do you feel about your campus experience?

Access to faculty: Response % Very satisfied 15% Satisfied 53% Neutral 26% Dissatisfied 4% Very dissatisfied 2% N= 3138

Significantly greater satisfaction was reported by the groups of respondents in the middle column than was by those in the right-hand column below:

Demographic Category: Greater satisfaction: Greater dissatisfaction: Age group 25 years of age and over 24 years of age and under Gender Race/ethnicity College of major LCA BUS, S&E, and HSS Geographic origin Student life events and activities:

Response % Very satisfied 9% Satisfied 34% Neutral 45% Dissatisfied 9% Very dissatisfied 3% N= 3115

Significantly greater satisfaction was reported by the groups of respondents in the middle column than was by those in the right-hand column below:

Demographic Category: Greater satisfaction: Greater dissatisfaction: Age group 25 years of age and over 24 years of age and under Gender Race/ethnicity African American, Asian, and Latino White Asian Multiracial non-Latino College of major BUS and HSS LCA Geographic origin Local area and All other areas (non-SoCal) Southern California Opportunities for out of class learning experience:

Response % Very satisfied 10% Satisfied 33% Neutral 41% Dissatisfied 13% Very dissatisfied 3% N= 3132

Significantly greater satisfaction was reported by the groups of respondents in the middle column than was by those in the right-hand column below:

Demographic Category: Greater satisfaction: Greater dissatisfaction: Age group 25 years of age and over 24 years of age and under Gender Race/ethnicity Asian and Latino White College of major HSS S&E and BUS Geographic origin Local area Southern California Opportunity for interaction with students different from me:

Response % Very satisfied 21% Satisfied 46% Neutral 26% Dissatisfied 6% Very dissatisfied 2% N= 3133

Significantly greater satisfaction was reported by the groups of respondents in the middle column than was by those in the right-hand column below:

Demographic Category: Greater satisfaction: Greater dissatisfaction: Age group Gender Race/ethnicity College of major HSS S&E Geographic origin Academic advising from all sources:

Response % Very satisfied 12% Satisfied 40% Neutral 32% Dissatisfied 11% Very dissatisfied 5% N= 3135

Significantly greater satisfaction was reported by the groups of respondents in the middle column than was by those in the right-hand column below:

Demographic Category: Greater satisfaction: Greater dissatisfaction: Age group 25 years of age and over 24 years of age and under Gender Race/ethnicity African American, Asian, and Latino White College of major Geographic origin Local area Southern California and All other areas Friendships and social support on campus:

Response % Very satisfied 16% Satisfied 42% Neutral 34% Dissatisfied 6% Very dissatisfied 3% N= 3138

Significantly greater satisfaction was reported by the groups of respondents in the middle column than was by those in the right-hand column below:

Demographic Category: Greater satisfaction: Greater dissatisfaction: Age group Gender Race/ethnicity Latino and Asian White College of major HSS LCA Geographic origin Local area All other areas (non-SoCal) Medical and mental health support on campus:

Response % Very satisfied 17% Satisfied 38% Neutral 39% Dissatisfied 4% Very dissatisfied 2% N= 3137

Significantly greater satisfaction was reported by the groups of respondents in the middle column than was by those in the right-hand column below:

Demographic Category: Greater satisfaction: Greater dissatisfaction: Age group 24 years of age and under 25 years of age and over Gender Female Male Race/ethnicity Latino White and Asian College of major HSS LCA and BUS Geographic origin Southern California Local area Security and personal safety on campus:

Response % Very satisfied 16% Satisfied 45% Neutral 33% Dissatisfied 4% Very dissatisfied 2% N= 3132

Responses between groups of students did not differ on the basis of age, gender, race/ethnicity, college, or geographic origin. Computer and technology support:

Response % Very satisfied 20% Satisfied 47% Neutral 27% Dissatisfied 4% Very dissatisfied 2% N= 3131

Significantly greater satisfaction was reported by the groups of respondents in the middle column than was by those in the right-hand column below:

Demographic Category: Greater satisfaction: Greater dissatisfaction: Age group Gender Race/ethnicity Latino and Asian White College of major HSS, LCA, and BUS S&E Geographic origin Local area and All other areas (non-SoCal) Southern California Parking and transportation:

Response % Very satisfied 8% Satisfied 26% Neutral 33% Dissatisfied 20% Very dissatisfied 14% N= 3130

Significantly greater satisfaction was reported by the groups of respondents in the middle column than was by those in the right-hand column below:

Demographic Category: Greater satisfaction: Greater dissatisfaction: Age group 25 years of age and over 24 years of age and under Gender Race/ethnicity College of major Geographic origin Local area and All other areas (non-SoCal) Southern California

In this section of the survey on their campus experience, two thirds of respondents (67% to 68%) were satisfied with access to faculty, opportunities for interaction with students different from themselves, and computer and technology support. Smaller percentages of respondents, however, expressed satisfaction with the other aspects or features of campus experience included in this section, and the relatively large percentages of neutral responses (32% to 45%) suggest that many students did not use the services or participate in the activities or events. While six in ten respondents were satisfied with security and personal safety on campus, only one third were satisfied with parking and transportation. In both cases, one third of the respondents provided neutral responses. There were significant differences in responses by race/ethnicity in six out of ten questions, with Latino respondents reporting greater satisfaction and White respondents reporting greater dissatisfaction. There were also significant differences in responses by college in seven out of ten questions, with Health & Social Science respondents reporting greater satisfaction in six questions. Local area respondents expressed greater satisfaction in six of the ten questions than did other students, with those from Southern California reporting greater dissatisfaction in five of those questions. Skills and Competencies:

To what extent did your major program provide an education that…

Gave you a sense of competence in your field:

Response % To a very great extent 16% To a great extent 43% To some extent 35% To a slight extent 5% Not at all 2% N= 3138

The groups of respondents in the middle column reported that their major program accomplished this to a significantly greater extent than did those in the last column below:

Demographic Category: Done to a greater extent: Done to a smaller extent: Age group Gender Female Male Race/ethnicity African American Multiracial non-Latino, White, and Asian Latino White College of major HSS LCA, BUS, and S&E LCA BUS and S&E Geographic origin Helped you understand current issues and trends:

Response % To a very great extent 19% To a great extent 45% To some extent 29% To a slight extent 5% Not at all 2% N= 3137

The groups of respondents in the middle column reported that their major program accomplished this to a significantly greater extent than did those in the last column below:

Demographic Category: Done to a greater extent: Done to a smaller extent: Age group Gender Female Male Race/ethnicity African American Multiracial non-Latino, White, and Asian Latino White and multiracial non-Latino College of major HSS LCA, BUS, and S&E LCA and BUS S&E Geographic origin Applied theoretical knowledge to practical situations:

Response % To a very great extent 19% To a great extent 46% To some extent 29% To a slight extent 4% Not at all 2% N= 3133

The groups of respondents in the middle column reported that their major program accomplished this to a significantly greater extent than did those in the last column below:

Demographic Category: Done to a greater extent: Done to a smaller extent: Age group Gender Female Male Race/ethnicity Latino White and Asian African American White College of major HSS BUS and S&E LCA S&E Geographic origin Helped you understand human diversity:

Response % To a very great extent 26% To a great extent 44% To some extent 24% To a slight extent 5% Not at all 2% N= 3135

The groups of respondents in the middle column reported that their major program accomplished this to a significantly greater extent than did those in the last column below:

Demographic Category: Done to a greater extent: Done to a smaller extent: Age group 24 years of age and under 25 years of age and over Gender Female Male Race/ethnicity Latino Multiracial non-Latino, White, and Asian College of major HSS and LCA BUS and S&E Geographic origin Developed your critical thinking skills:

Response % To a very great extent 27% To a great extent 46% To some extent 23% To a slight extent 4% Not at all 2% N= 3131

The groups of respondents in the middle column reported that their major program accomplished this to a significantly greater extent than did those in the last column below:

Demographic Category: Done to a greater extent: Done to a smaller extent: Age group 24 years of age and under 25 years of age and over Gender Female Male Race/ethnicity African American and Latino Multiracial non-Latino, White, and Asian College of major HSS and LCA BUS and S&E Geographic origin Developed your written communication skills:

Response % To a very great extent 25% To a great extent 44% To some extent 25% To a slight extent 4% Not at all 2% N= 3139

The groups of respondents in the middle column reported that their major program accomplished this to a significantly greater extent than did those in the last column below:

Demographic Category: Done to a greater extent: Done to a smaller extent: Age group Gender Female Male Race/ethnicity African American and Latino Multiracial non-Latino and White College of major HSS and LCA BUS and S&E Geographic origin Developed your oral communication skills:

Response % To a very great extent 23% To a great extent 43% To some extent 26% To a slight extent 5% Not at all 2% N= 3136

The groups of respondents in the middle column reported that their major program accomplished this to a significantly greater extent than did those in the last column below:

Demographic Category: Done to a greater extent: Done to a smaller extent: Age group 24 years of age and under 25 years of age and over Gender Female Male Race/ethnicity African American and Latino Multiracial non-Latino and White College of major HSS, LCA, and BUS S&E Geographic origin Helped you define clear ethical standards for decision making:

Response % To a very great extent 22% To a great extent 45% To some extent 26% To a slight extent 4% Not at all 3% N= 3136

The groups of respondents in the middle column reported that their major program accomplished this to a significantly greater extent than did those in the last column below:

Demographic Category: Done to a greater extent: Done to a smaller extent: Age group 24 years of age and under 25 years of age and over Gender Female Male Race/ethnicity African American, Latino, and Asian White College of major HSS LCA, BUS, and S&E LCA and BUS S&E Geographic origin Helped you present yourself as a credible professional:

Response % To a very great extent 21% To a great extent 44% To some extent 27% To a slight extent 5% Not at all 3% N= 3132

The groups of respondents in the middle column reported that their major program accomplished this to a significantly greater extent than did those in the last column below:

Demographic Category: Done to a greater extent: Done to a smaller extent: Age group Gender Female Male Race/ethnicity African American, Latino, and Asian White College of major HSS LCA, BUS, and S&E LCA and BUS S&E Geographic origin Encouraged your participation in research projects, internships, or service to the community:

Response % To a very great extent 22% To a great extent 39% To some extent 26% To a slight extent 9% Not at all 5% N= 3136

The groups of respondents in the middle column reported that their major program accomplished this to a significantly greater extent than did those in the last column below:

Demographic Category: Done to a greater extent: Done to a smaller extent: Age group Gender Female Male Race/ethnicity African American, Latino, and Asian White College of major HSS LCA, BUS, and S&E LCA S&E Geographic origin Incorporated practicum, internship, field experience, co-op experience, or clinical assignment:

Response % To a very great extent 18% To a great extent 34% To some extent 29% To a slight extent 11% Not at all 9% N= 3136

The groups of respondents in the middle column reported that their major program accomplished this to a significantly greater extent than did those in the last column below:

Demographic Category: Done to a greater extent: Done to a smaller extent: Age group Gender Female Male Race/ethnicity Latino and Asian White College of major HSS LCA, BUS, and S&E LCA S&E Geographic origin Encouraged work on a research project with a faculty member outside of a course or program:

Response % To a very great extent 13% To a great extent 29% To some extent 28% To a slight extent 15% Not at all 16% N= 3124

The groups of respondents in the middle column reported that their major program accomplished this to a significantly greater extent than did those in the last column below:

Demographic Category: Done to a greater extent: Done to a smaller extent: Age group Gender Race/ethnicity African American, Latino, and Asian White College of major HSS LCA, BUS, and S&E Geographic origin Local area Southern California

Responses in this section of the survey were mixed. Roughly two thirds of respondents (59% to 73%) indicated that to a great extent their major program provided an education that developed major-specific and broader skills and competencies. Fewer (42% to 52%), however, reported that to a great extent their major program incorporated various types of field experience or work on research with faculty outside of a course or program. Two or three out of ten respondents indicated that their major program did so to a slight extent or not at all. There were significant differences in responses by gender in 11 out of the 12 questions in this section, with female respondents reporting that, to a greater extent than was reported by males, the goals examined in this section were accomplished. There were also significant differences in responses by race/ethnicity in all 12 questions, with African American students responding more favorably in nine questions and Latino students doing so in 10 questions. White students responded less favorably in all 12 questions. Health & Social Science respondents provided more favorable responses to every question than did students in other colleges, while Liberal & Creative Arts respondents did so in 11 questions. Science & Engineering students consistently responded less favorably. Help in Achieving a Degree:

To what extent were the following helpful in achieving your degree?

Clarity of degree requirements:

Response % Very helpful 20% Helpful 43% Somewhat helpful 24% Slightly helpful 9% Not at all helpful 4% N= 3107

The groups of respondents in the middle column reported that this was helpful to a significantly greater extent than was reported by those in the right-hand column below:

Demographic Category: More helpful: Less helpful: Age group Gender Female Male Race/ethnicity African American, Latino, and Asian White College of major HSS S&E Geographic origin Local area Southern California Availability of required classes:

Response % Very helpful 12% Helpful 31% Somewhat helpful 25% Slightly helpful 16% Not at all helpful 16% N= 3105

The groups of respondents in the middle column reported that this was helpful to a significantly greater extent than was reported by those in the right-hand column below:

Demographic Category: More helpful: Less helpful: Age group 25 years of age and over 24 years of age and under Gender Race/ethnicity African American, Latino, and Asian White College of major HSS, LCA, and BUS S&E Geographic origin Local area Southern California Flexibility of course choices in your major:

Response % Very helpful 15% Helpful 32% Somewhat helpful 25% Slightly helpful 17% Not at all helpful 12% N= 3107

The groups of respondents in the middle column reported that this was helpful to a significantly greater extent than was reported by those in the right-hand column below:

Demographic Category: More helpful: Less helpful: Age group Gender Race/ethnicity Latino and Asian White College of major LCA HSS, BUS, and S&E Geographic origin Local area Southern California Course registration process:

Response % Very helpful 14% Helpful 33% Somewhat helpful 27% Slightly helpful 15% Not at all helpful 12% N= 3108

The groups of respondents in the middle column reported that this was helpful to a significantly greater extent than was reported by those in the right-hand column below:

Demographic Category: More helpful: Less helpful: Age group 25 years of age and over 24 years of age and under Gender Race/ethnicity African American, Latino, and Asian White College of major HSS and LCA S&E Geographic origin Local area Southern California and All other areas Financial aid:

Response % Very helpful 41% Helpful 29% Somewhat helpful 19% Slightly helpful 6% Not at all helpful 6% N= 2442

The groups of respondents in the middle column reported that this was helpful to a significantly greater extent than was reported by those in the right-hand column below:

Demographic Category: More helpful: Less helpful: Age group 25 years of age and over 24 years of age and under Gender Female Male Race/ethnicity African American White and Asian Latino White College of major Geographic origin Local area All other areas (non-SoCal) Social and emotional support from family and friends:

Response % Very helpful 38% Helpful 35% Somewhat helpful 18% Slightly helpful 6% Not at all helpful 3% N= 3121

The groups of respondents in the middle column reported that this was helpful to a significantly greater extent than was reported by those in the right-hand column below:

Demographic Category: More helpful: Less helpful: Age group Gender Female Male Race/ethnicity African American and Latino Asian Latino White College of major HSS LCA, BUS, and S&E Geographic origin Encouragement from faculty:

Response % Very helpful 20% Helpful 36% Somewhat helpful 26% Slightly helpful 12% Not at all helpful 6% N= 3118

The groups of respondents in the middle column reported that this was helpful to a significantly greater extent than was reported by those in the right-hand column below:

Demographic Category: More helpful: Less helpful: Age group 25 years of age and over 24 years of age and under Gender Female Male Race/ethnicity Latino White College of major HSS and LCA BUS and S&E Geographic origin Personal study skills and habits (e.g., time management, note taking):

Response % Very helpful 33% Helpful 42% Somewhat helpful 19% Slightly helpful 5% Not at all helpful 2% N= 3121

The groups of respondents in the middle column reported that this was helpful to a significantly greater extent than was reported by those in the right-hand column below:

Demographic Category: More helpful: Less helpful: Age group Gender Female Male Race/ethnicity Latino White, Asian, and multiracial non-Latino College of major HSS LCA, BUS, and S&E Geographic origin Encouragement from staff:

Response % Very helpful 15% Helpful 35% Somewhat helpful 29% Slightly helpful 13% Not at all helpful 8% N= 3119

The groups of respondents in the middle column reported that this was helpful to a significantly greater extent than was reported by those in the right-hand column below:

Demographic Category: More helpful: Less helpful: Age group Gender Female Male Race/ethnicity Latino, African American, and Asian White College of major HSS and LCA BUS and S&E Geographic origin Fellow support:

Response % Very helpful 26% Helpful 39% Somewhat helpful 24% Slightly helpful 7% Not at all helpful 5% N= 3114

The groups of respondents in the middle column reported that this was helpful to a significantly greater extent than was reported by those in the right-hand column below:

Demographic Category: More helpful: Less helpful: Age group 24 years of age and under 25 years of age and over Gender Female Male Race/ethnicity Latino White and multiracial non-Latino College of major HSS LCA, BUS, and S&E Geographic origin Family support:

Response % Very helpful 39% Helpful 35% Somewhat helpful 17% Slightly helpful 6% Not at all helpful 4% N= 3113

The groups of respondents in the middle column reported that this was helpful to a significantly greater extent than was reported by those in the right-hand column below:

Demographic Category: More helpful: Less helpful: Age group 24 years of age and under 25 years of age and over Gender Female Male Race/ethnicity Latino White, Asian, and multiracial non-Latino College of major HSS S&E Geographic origin

In this survey section on the helpfulness of various institutional and personal factors in achieving a degree, the clarity of degree requirements and financial aid were rated by, respectively, six and seven in ten respondents as helpful. In contrast, course registration, availability, and flexibility of choices were rated helpful by four in ten students, with availability of courses rated only slightly or not at all helpful by 32% (although that is an improvement of 10 percentage points over last semester). Ratings were high (65% to 74%) for personal sources of social support and encouragement such as family, friends, and peers, but lower for faculty (56%) or staff (50%) encouragement. There were significant differences between groups of students in their responses to many of the 11 questions in this section. Female students provided more favorable responses than did males in eight of the questions. Latino students responded more favorably than did those of other races/ethnicities in every question, as did Health & Social Science respondents. Conversely, White students and those in Science & Engineering consistently responded less favorably. Local area students rated the four five questions regarding degree requirements and course registration more helpful than did students from Southern California. Female students rated the last six questions pertaining to social support more helpful than did males. Did your participation in the following extracurricular activities help you achieve your degree?

Student organizations:

Response % Very helpful 9% Helpful 16% Somewhat helpful 13% Slightly helpful 13% Not at all helpful 7% Did not participate 41% N= 3146

The groups of responding participants in the middle column reported that this was helpful to a significantly greater extent than was reported by those in the right-hand column below:

Demographic Category: More helpful: Less helpful: Age group Gender Female Male Race/ethnicity African American, Latino, and Asian White and multiracial non-Latino College of major HSS and BUS LCA Local area and All other areas (non- Geographic origin SoCal) Southern California Student leadership opportunity:

Response % Very helpful 8% Helpful 14% Somewhat helpful 12% Slightly helpful 11% Not at all helpful 6% Did not participate 49% N= 3138

The groups of responding participants in the middle column reported that this was helpful to a significantly greater extent than was reported by those in the right-hand column below:

Demographic Category: More helpful: Less helpful: Age group Gender Female Male Race/ethnicity Asian and Latino White College of major HSS and BUS LCA Geographic origin Local area Southern California Campus recreation:

Response % Very helpful 7% Helpful 15% Somewhat helpful 14% Slightly helpful 14% Not at all helpful 8% Did not participate 43% N= 3136

The groups of responding participants in the middle column reported that this was helpful to a significantly greater extent than was reported by those in the right-hand column below:

Demographic Category: More helpful: Less helpful: Age group Gender Race/ethnicity Asian White College of major HSS and BUS LCA Local area and All other Geographic origin areas (non-SoCal) Southern California Residential life:

Response % Very helpful 6% Helpful 13% Somewhat helpful 11% Slightly helpful 11% Not at all helpful 8% Did not participate 51% N= 3132

The groups of responding participants in the middle column reported that this was helpful to a significantly greater extent than was reported by those in the right-hand column below:

Demographic Category: More helpful: Less helpful: Age group 25 years of age and over 24 years of age and under Gender Race/ethnicity Asian White College of major BUS LCA Local area and All other Geographic origin areas (non-SoCal) Southern California Community service or volunteer work:

Response % Very helpful 12% Helpful 19% Somewhat helpful 14% Slightly helpful 13% Not at all helpful 6% Did not participate 36% N= 3136

The groups of responding participants in the middle column reported that this was helpful to a significantly greater extent than was reported by those in the right-hand column below:

Demographic Category: More helpful: Less helpful: Age group Gender Female Male Race/ethnicity Latino and Asian White College of major HSS LCA, BUS, and S&E Geographic origin Study abroad:

Response % Very helpful 8% Helpful 9% Somewhat helpful 7% Slightly helpful 5% Not at all helpful 4% Did not participate 68% N= 3135

The groups of responding participants in the middle column reported that this was helpful to a significantly greater extent than was reported by those in the right-hand column below:

Demographic Category: More helpful: Less helpful: Age group 24 years of age and under 25 years of age and over Gender Race/ethnicity College of major LCA and BUS S&E Geographic origin Independent study:

Response % Very helpful 9% Helpful 14% Somewhat helpful 10% Slightly helpful 7% Not at all helpful 4% Did not participate 56% N= 3126

Responses did not differ significantly among groups of participants on the basis of age, gender, race/ethnicity, college, or geographic origin. Culminating senior experience (capstone course, senior project or thesis, comprehensive exam, etc.):

Response % Very helpful 11% Helpful 19% Somewhat helpful 14% Slightly helpful 11% Not at all helpful 5% Did not participate 40% N= 3127

The groups of responding participants in the middle column reported that this was helpful to a significantly greater extent than was reported by those in the right-hand column below:

Demographic Category: More helpful: Less helpful: Age group Gender Female Male Race/ethnicity College of major HSS LCA, BUS, and S&E Geographic origin Participation in a learning community:

Response % Very helpful 10% Helpful 20% Somewhat helpful 15% Slightly helpful 11% Not at all helpful 4% Did not participate 39% N= 3136

The groups of responding participants in the middle column reported that this was helpful to a significantly greater extent than was reported by those in the right-hand column below:

Demographic Category: More helpful: Less helpful: Age group Gender Female Male Race/ethnicity College of major HSS LCA, BUS, and S&E Geographic origin Athletics:

Response % Very helpful 5% Helpful 9% Somewhat helpful 8% Slightly helpful 7% Not at all helpful 5% Did not participate 66% N= 3133

The groups of responding participants in the middle column reported that this was helpful to a significantly greater extent than was reported by those in the right-hand column below:

Demographic Category: More helpful: Less helpful: Age group Gender Race/ethnicity College of major HSS LCA Geographic origin All other (non-local) areas Southern California Fraternities or sororities:

Response % Very helpful 5% Helpful 9% Somewhat helpful 7% Slightly helpful 6% Not at all helpful 4% Did not participate 70% N= 3124

The groups of responding participants in the middle column reported that this was helpful to a significantly greater extent than was reported by those in the right-hand column below:

Demographic Category: More helpful: Less helpful: Age group Gender Race/ethnicity College of major HSS and BUS LCA and S&E Local area and All other Geographic origin areas (non-SoCal) Southern California Campus employment or work study:

Response % Very helpful 7% Helpful 11% Somewhat helpful 9% Slightly helpful 6% Not at all helpful 4% Did not participate 63% N= 3133

Responses did not differ significantly among groups of participants on the basis of age, gender, race/ethnicity, college, or geographic origin.

Student government:

Response % Very helpful 4% Helpful 8% Somewhat helpful 7% Slightly helpful 6% Not at all helpful 5% Did not participate 70% N= 3138

The groups of responding participants in the middle column reported that this was helpful to a significantly greater extent than was reported by those in the right-hand column below:

Demographic Category: More helpful: Less helpful: Age group Gender Race/ethnicity College of major Geographic origin Southern California Local area

Other campus involvement: Response % Very helpful 7% Helpful 12% Somewhat helpful 11% Slightly helpful 10% Not at all helpful 4% Did not participate 56% N= 3126

The groups of responding participants in the middle column reported that this was helpful to a significantly greater extent than was reported by those in the right-hand column below:

Demographic Category: More helpful: Less helpful: Age group Gender Race/ethnicity Latino White College of major HSS BUS and LCA Geographic origin

Participation rates in non-academic and academic extracurricular activities ranged from 30% to 60%. Ratings of the helpfulness of participation in these activities, such as student government and organizations, campus recreation and athletics, residential life, and fraternities/sororities, were lower (38-45%) than were those of participation in study abroad or independent study programs, culminating senior experiences, or learning communities (49-54%). Among the 14 questions in this section, Health & Social Science respondents rated participation in nine of the extracurricular activities significantly more helpful than did students in other colleges. In contrast, White students and those in Science & Engineering consistently responded less favorably. Survey Respondent Characteristics

In a typical semester, how many units did you complete?

Response % 8 or fewer 3% 9-11 5% 12-14 51% 15-17 37% 18 or more 4% N= 3140

Students 25 years of age and over were significantly more likely to complete fewer units than were those 24 years of age and under. Students from Southern California were significantly more likely to complete more units than were local students.

During a typical semester, how many hours per week did you work for pay?

Response % None 22% 1-9 4% 10-19 15% 20-29 31% 30-39 18% 40 9% Over 40 2% N= 3120

Asian students were significantly more likely, and White and Latino students significantly less likely, to report not working for pay. Students 25 years of age and over were significantly more likely to indicate that they work 40 hours per week or more than were those 24 years of age and under. What is most likely to be your principle activity upon graduation?

Response % Employment 67% Starting or Raising a Family 1% Military 1% Volunteer Service 2% Undergraduate Study 2% Graduate Study 22% Other 5% N= 3151

Female respondents were significantly more likely than were male respondents to indicate that they plan to go to graduate school. Students 25 years of age and over were significantly more likely than were those 24 years of age and under to indicate that they were most likely to start or raise a family. Conversely, those 24 years of age and under were significantly more likely than were those 25 years of age and over to indicate that graduate study would most likely be their principle activity. Respondents in Business were significantly more likely than were respondents in other colleges to indicate that employment would be their principle activity upon graduation. Respondents in Science & Engineering were significantly more likely than were respondents in other colleges to indicate that graduate study would be their principle activity. Appendix A – Survey Responses by Age, Gender, Race/Ethnicity, College, and Geographic Origin

Please refer to the Excel version of the appendix available online. The link for Appendix A is directly below the link for this report.

Appendix B – SF State Senior Exit Survey

Q1. Student ID

Q2. To what extent do you agree with the following statements? (Strongly disagree, Disagree, Neither agree nor disagree, Agree, Strongly agree)

a) Required courses were offered frequently enough

b) Class size was appropriate to student learning

c) Faculty members were available when needed

d) Faculty members were genuinely interested in my academic success

e) Course content includes current issues and trends

f) Degree requirements were relevant to my professional goals

g) My education at SF State has helped prepare me for a career in my field

h) My education at SF State has helped prepare me for life in general

i) Overall quality of instruction

Q3. How satisfied do you feel about your campus experience? (Very dissatisfied, Dissatisfied, Neutral, Satisfied, Very satisfied)

a) Access to faculty

b) Student life events & activities

c) Opportunities for out-of-class learning experience

d) Opportunity for interaction with students different from me

e) Academic advising from all sources

f) Friendships and social support on campus

g) Medical and mental health support on campus

h) Security and personal safety on campus

i) Computer & technology support

j) Parking & transportation

Q4. To what extent did your major program provide an education that ... (Not at all, To a slight extent, To some extent, To a great extent, To a very great extent) a) Gave you a sense of competence in your field

b) Helped you understand current issues and trends

c) Applied theoretical knowledge to practical situations

d) Helped you understand human diversity

e) Developed your critical thinking skills

f) Developed your written communication skills

g) Developed your oral communication skills

h) Helped you define clear ethical standards for decision making

i) Helped you present yourself as a credible professional

j) Encouraged your participation in research projects, internships or service to the community

k) Incorporated practicum, internship, field experience, co-op experience, or clinical assignment

l) Encouraged work on a research project with a faculty member outside of course or program

Q5. To what extent were the following helpful in achieving your degree? (Not at all helpful, Slightly helpful, Somewhat helpful, Helpful, Very helpful)

a) Clarity of degree requirements

b) Availability of required courses

c) Flexibility of course choices in your major

d) Course registration process

e) Financial aid (If not applicable, skip to next question)

Q6. To what extent did the following factors help you achieve your degree? (Not at all helpful, Slightly helpful, Somewhat helpful, Helpful, Very helpful)

a) Social & emotional support from family and friends

b) Encouragement from faculty

c) Personal study skills and habits (e.g., time management, note taking)

d) Encouragement from staff

e) Fellow support

f) Family support

Q7. To what extent did the following factors help you achieve your degree? (Did not participate, Not at all helpful, Slightly helpful, Somewhat helpful, Helpful, Very helpful) a) Student organizations

b) Student leadership opportunity

c) Campus recreation

d) Residential life

e) Community service or volunteer work

f) Study abroad

g) Independent study

h) Culminating senior experience (capstone course, senior project or thesis, comprehensive exam, etc.)

i) Participation in a learning community

j) Athletics

k) Fraternities/sororities

l) Campus employment or work study

m) Student government

n) Other campus involvement

Q8. In a typical semester, how many units did you complete?

Q9. During a typical semester, how many hours per week did you work for pay?

Q10. What is most likely to be your principle activity upon graduation? (Select one of the following)

a) Employment

b) Starting or Raising a Family

c) Military

d) Volunteer Service

e) Undergraduate Study

f) Graduate Study

g) Other

Q11. Is there anything you would like to share with us?

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