Questions 4 and 5 Services Covered by the MA / Slas

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Questions 4 and 5 Services Covered by the MA / Slas

Questions 4 and 5 –Services covered by the MA / SLAs

Local Authority Question 4 Question 5 What services provided by the If the ALMO is diversifying, are there any new services covered by SLAs? council to the ALMO are covered by the MA and / or SLA? Ashfield DC The Council provides the following None services through an SLA to the ALMO: * Internal Audit. * IT * Performance (nominal amount for share of software licence) as the ALMO has own Performance staff. * Operational Services (Street Cleansing) * Telephony (including cost of 'out of hours service' specifically used by ALMO) * Fleet Management * Rent of Offices (all council owned).

Some grounds maintenance and operating premises expenses for shared sites are charged directly to the HRA rather than the ALMO.

Barnet LB SLAs are in place for : New build and Homeless services are covered in the Annual Delivery Plan. *Office Accommodation * ICT Currently working with the ALMO to identify other potential services such as * HR Development Agency, Private Rental Management. This is part of the review * Payroll which will lead to a new specified Management Agreement. *Cashiers *Property *Legal services.

Blackpool BC Services provided by the council: Newish Services provided by Blackpool Coastal Housing: *Scrutiny *Care and Repair *legal *Hostels (x2) *Audit *Support and Care *Housing Options *Aspirations to offer general public repairs service *Application processing and Waiting list *Estates *Drains*Occupational Health *CCTV* *Corporate Procurement *Advice Link

Cheltenham DC *Housing strategy and enabling Housing Options Service: statutory homelessness, housing register and functions as part the new build homelessness prevention functions. programme.

1 *The council has entered into a number of shared service arrangements with other districts, and the ALMO has (or is entering into) SLA arrangements around Legal Services and ICT.

Local Authority Question 4 Question 5 What services provided by the If the ALMO is diversifying, are there any new services covered by SLAs? council to the ALMO are covered by the MA and / or SLA? Colchester DC Services provided by the Council to The ALMO has recently taken on the Facilities Management function of the the ALMO include: Council – this includes Corporate Facilities Management and Engineering *Provision of contact point and Services and these are covered by a SLA’s reception service and Customer Contact Centre The ALMO is currently looking to diversify - offering repairs services to others – *ICT and telephony this may need additional SLA to cover ICT facilities *Legal Services *Communications and Marketing Business Partner *Out of hours *Helpline/Community Alarms *Grounds Maintenance Client Officer *Payroll and Personnel *Former tenant debt recovery *Street Care *Utilities Management for Sheltered Housing *Corporate Finance *Messenger Service All of the above operate under service level agreements.

Cornwall CC The majority of services provided by the ALMO on behalf of the Council are covered in the delegation agreement appended to the management agreement. The ALMO delivers landlord and tenant services and also a range of general fund services: *Homelessness and housing advice, *Housing register *Gypsy and traveller site management * The Council also awards direct contracts to the ALMO such as support services for people with an eligible care need, this is dealt with via separate contracts and is not part of the management agreement. Gateshead MBC *ICT *Legal and Corporate *Financial Services *Corporate Finance * Audit (tendered) *Energy Management *Occupational Health *Health and Safety *Payroll *Exchequer Services

2 *Debt Charges *Facilities Management (overheads), *Management & Administration Local Authority Question 4 Question 5 What services provided by the If the ALMO is diversifying, are there any new services covered by SLAs? council to the ALMO are covered by the MA and / or SLA? Lambeth LB The Council provides a range of services to the ALMO under a number of SLAs.

All of the functions that the ALMO carries out are specified in the Management Agreement

Lewisham LB *RTB plans and valuations *Allocations – tenant medicals *Legal strategic advice *Arbitration and mediation services *Lumber collection *Pest Control –forced entry and planned * Audit of leaseholder accounts *HR systems *Occupational Health *Payroll and Pensions * ICT *Cashiering *Treasury management *Insurance and Risk Management * Internal Audit

Manchester CC The Council provides a range of services to the ALMO under a number of SLAs.

All of the functions that the ALMO carries out are specified in the Management Agreement

Newark and Sherwood DC *Information Technology No significant diversification at present though ALMO has recently purchased 3 *CCTV properties and looking at land acquisition *Health and Safety *Energy Efficiency *Planning Services *Finance: – Accounting – Payroll – Creditors – Internal Audit

3 *Vehicles *Legal & Democratic Services *Printing and stationery

North East Derbyshire DC MA – management of council housing ALMO now has RP status stock provided by Rykneld Homes SLA – Legal / HR & Payroll

Local Authority Question 4 Question 5 What services provided by the If the ALMO is diversifying, are there any new services covered by SLAs? council to the ALMO are covered by the MA and / or SLA? Nottingham CC SLAs for The ALMO is diversifying mainly in terms of delivering new housing in different *Grounds maintenance tenures. It is doing this as a separate subsidiary however, not as the main *IT ALMO, so no SLA needed. *Payroll

Poole BC *Community Lifeline alarm *Delivery of affordable homes *Legal services – Not all. *Photovoltaic Project *CCTV monitoring *Energy Project – ALMO looking at setting up ESCO *Procurement *Out of hours call handling/ repairs reporting *Grounds maintenance Sedgemoor DC The following SLAs are in place: N/A *Community Services *Customer Services *Design & Print *Environmental Health *Estates & Valuation *Finance *Facilities *Grounds Maintenance *Housing Benefit *Human Resources *Information Technology *Legal *Payroll *Performance *Procurement *Strategic Housing *Training Shropshire CC *Commissioning and procurement advice NA – but this is likely to change as additional *Communications and marketing services develop *Customer services *Employment services *Estate services *Financial systems *Financial transaction team *Health and safety advice

4 *HR and organisational development *ICT services *Internal audit *Legal services *Occupational health *Office accommodation *Treasury services These are all attached as an appendix to the MA. Most have a contract period lasting 1 year and run to 31st March each year.

Local Authority Question 4 Question 5 What services provided by the If the ALMO is diversifying, are there any new services covered by SLAs? council to the ALMO are covered by the MA and / or SLA? South Tyneside MBC *Allocations and Lettings *Homelessness Service *Repairs and Maintenance *Area and Estate Management *Income Collection *Tenancy Enforcement *Older People’s Housing *Investment and Asset Management

The ALMO has a DLO which provides the Repairs & Maintenance contract.

The HRA management moved back to the Council from the ALMO in 2011.

Waltham Forest LB Management agreement covers all ALMO to provide much of the Council’s Private Rented Sector Licensing Scheme core housing services, in addition to Service – go live date March 2015. The management agreement will be Housing Solutions Service amended to reflect this new delegated service. (homelessness, advice, temporary accommodation and hostels management). SLAs are in place for support services provided by the Council, including services for IT, Legal, Facilities Management and Payroll.

Welwyn Hatfield BC The ALMO also has various SLAs with the Council and vice versa including Housing Needs, ASB, Legal etc. some of which are GF related while others are HRA related

Wolverhampton CC *Payroll *Private Sector Leasing *Sundry debt and debt management *Looked After Children (support in tenancy) *Banking and cashiers *ASB *Insurance *Legal *ICT

5 *Property *Fleet management and vehicle maintenance *Out of hours (repairs etc.) *Building cleaning


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