American Indian Advisory Council Minutes from July 18, 2007

Welcome and Introductions and Introduction- Sarah Asbury. The meeting was held at the Candelaria American Indian Council, Ventura. Thank you to Ernestine Lopez, Candelaria Executive Director, and her staff, Maria Reyes-Sanchez and Sarah Asbury, Department of Rehabilitation.

Guest Speaker Shawna Clay First Americans in the Arts

Shawna is on the Board of Candelaria and also serves as Secretary to the Board of Trustees for the First Americans in the Arts:  Founded by American Indians in the Hollywood community in 1991.  Recognize, honor, and promote Native Americans in the entertainment industry.  Create positive images of Native Americans.  Special interest in writing, directing, and performances that bring dignity and sensitivity to the portrayal of Native Americans.  Membership dues, after party events, and Silent Auctions, fund scholarships for Native Americans pursuing careers in film, television, theater, and music.

ABC Entertainment and The Walt Disney Studios distribute financial scholarships / grants.  Pair students with a mentor for 10 months.  Sponsor a workshop series at the ABC and Walt Disney studios.  Individuals are awarded grants of $20,000.00.  Organizations are awarded grants of $10,000.00.  To date, 30 scholarships have been awarded. The Awards ceremony is held each year at the Beverly Hilton, Beverly Hills, Ca. For more information on this event: or email [email protected]

Guest Speaker Scott Andrews, Ph.D. California State University, Northridge

Professor of North American Indian literature, Dr. Andrews is the Associate Chair of the Department of English, Faculty member of the CSUN American Indian Studies program, and Faculty Advisor to the American Indian Students Association.  Average age of American Indian college student is 28.  Commute long distances to attend courses.  CSUN offers a minor in American Indian Studies.  UC Riverside offers the major, MA, and Ph.D.  CSUN enrollment around 35,000 only 10 students with a minor in AI studies.

AIS staff working with CSUN Admissions to correct process for collecting demographics on American Indian students. Increasing AI student enrollment needed – more students = more money = more power to make changes:  Developing courses focused on the American Indian child.  Creating on-line courses in AIS.  Develop AIS into a Major.  Important for the CSUN American Indian Studies to build bridges with other organizations as they now have with AIAC

2 American Indian Student Association sponsored 2nd annual Pow Wow and students are available for speaking events, such as our Summit. Dr. Andrews read the poem, “Indian Education” by Sherman Alexie that describes the treatment of American Indians and their cultures as “irrelevant”. This and other poems can be found in:  Old Shirts New Skins, by Sherman Alixie.  Nothing But The Truth, edited by John Purdy and James Ruppert.

Guest Speaker Beverly Taylor, Health Specialist St. John’s Pleasant Valley Hospital

Beverly has a degree in Nutrition and Diet Therapy, has worked in the Diabetes and Arthritis healthcare over 40 years:  St. John’s PVH Education Department the past 3 years, teaching classes on Diabetes.  Vice President of the Arthritis foundation, 1989-2004.  Writes the “Heath Watch” column for the Ventura Star newspaper.

Beverly answered questions and provided handouts:  35 million people in the US have Diabetes.  8000 people in Ventura County have Diabetes.  4100 people are diagnosed with Diabetes each day.  Having a fasting blood sugar level of 126 or greater indicates Diabetes.

Handouts (If you’d like a copy let Sarah know):  Symptoms of Diabetes – English and Spanish  Diabetes Support Groups  Free His and Hers Health Screenings – English and Spanish  Healthwise Magazine

3  Complete blood lipid profile  Blood Pressure Range Guidelines AIAC Updates Welcome to new members from Dept. of Rehabilitation, Araceli Gonzalez, San Joaquin Valley District, Bakersfield office, and Kate Ingalls, Santa Barbara District Office.

Summit Workgroup Update Due to other commitments, several of our workgroup members were unable to attend.  Flyers – are being distributed – Bryan Brightcloud is mailing them out along with the Santa Fe Springs Pow Wow flyers and as handouts at other Pow Wows and events in Indian Country.  Banners – Sarah got the help of a graphic designer, Brad McMahon, to create the AIAC logo in Adobe illustrator. It can now be enlarged to Banner and Poster size. Deadline for having the deposit to the Printer is August 31st.  Posters – Sarah created a layout of a poster (in Word) and obtained a price quote for printing an 11”x17” paper - $4.00 ea. The agencies logos used on the flyer are too pixilated to enlarge to poster size. Suggestion was made to type the agencies names on the poster – this will be done  Funding – Sarah obtained a donation from Granite Investment Group for $250.00. Grace has contacted Countrywide, former sponsor of the DES Cinco de Mayo Job Fair, and will be meeting with them in early August.  Tables and Chairs – pending funds from Registration.  Speakers – pending funding. Sarah has notified both speakers of the situation. Jim Warne forwarded a contact with Social Security in AZ, who works on the AZ Summit and is interest in speaking at the Summit. Sarah is following up.

4  Exhibitor Registration – Grace completed the Registration form and Sarah has emailed it via the AIAC distribution list.  Next workgroup meeting will be announced in early August.

Next AIAC Meeting Wednesday November 14, 2007 Location to be determined – If interested in hosting, contact Grace - [email protected] or Sarah – [email protected]