Essential Repairs Grant Scheme

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Essential Repairs Grant Scheme

Essential Repairs Grant Scheme 2006

The Essential Repairs Grant Scheme Housing Options explained

The Essential Repairs Grant scheme enables people in accommodation which cannot be made fit in all respects at a reasonable cost to have basic repairs carried out to their houses so that they can continue to provide an acceptable standard of accommodation for the occupants. The scheme is primarily intended to secure essential repairs to dwellings occupied by elderly people.

The purpose of the Grant is to prolong the life of an unfit house for the duration of the lifetime of its elderly occupants. Houses, which are in need of repair but are habitable, will not qualify for this Grant. This Grant is not suitable for a house occupied by a family.

The following works will be considered under the Essential Repairs Grant Scheme: (a) Repairs to roof, replacement will only be considered in exceptional circumstances where the Council is satisfied that repairs cannot be adequately carried out. (b) Repair or provision of new windows. (c) Repair or provision of external doors. (d) Wall repairs, drylining or plastering in occupied rooms only. (e) Floor repairs or replacement in occupied rooms only. (f) Chimney repairs. (g) Rewiring. (h) Provision of mains powered Smoke Alarms. (i) Provision of Insulation. (j) Repairs to Ceilings. (k) Provision of new septic tank/water supply where none previously existed. (l) Such other works as the Council consider necessary to prolong the life of the house.

Mayo County Council operates the Essential Repairs Grant scheme in conjunction with the Department of the Environment and Local Government.

The Department of the Environment and Local Government provides financial 2 1 assistance to the Council of /3 of the Grant assistance paid out. The remaining /3 is paid out of the Council’s own resources. No administration costs are chargeable against the Grant. Financial resources for the scheme are subject to a capital allocation from the Department of the Environment, Heritage and Local Government.

1 Regulations

1. The applicant(s) must be aged 65 or over and living in uninhabitable conditions.

2. Works must not commence until the grant has been approved in writing.

3. A grant application cannot be considered where the works has commenced prior to approval by the Council of the application for a grant.

4. The Council may pay a grant in one or more installments.

5. The Council reserves the right to refuse a grant in any particular case.

6. The elderly person must occupy the house as his/her normal place of residence.

7. Essential Repairs Grants are not available for the following works: (a) Extensions of any kind (b) Central Heating or bathroom conversion or construction, stair lifts etc. (c) Repairs to unoccupied rooms i.e. bedrooms

8. No other grant must be claimed for the work

9. When work is complete the applicant shall contact the Housing Unit so that a final inspection can be carried out.

10. Approval of grants will be made subject to the necessary finances being available to the Council

11. Approval for grant applications under the Scheme will extend for a period of twelve months from date of issue during which time the Council must be notified of commencement of works. In the event of the works not commencing within the twelve month period the Applicant must re-apply to the Council for grant assistance.

12. The Council will have regard to the assets and means of the applicant in arriving at a decision on a grant application. Documentary evidence of income must be included with the application.

2 Tax Clearance Measures

An Essential Repairs Grant shall not be paid unless the applicant for the grant furnishes to Mayo County Council his/her tax reference number, the details of his/her tax district and a statement to the best of his/her knowledge that his/her affairs are in order.

It is a condition for payment of the grant that the contractor engaged by the applicant to carry out the work must have a current C2 or Tax Clearance Certificate. The necessary certificate specified above must be presented for inspection at this office before work commences.

Conditions of Payment

Payment of an Essential Repairs Grant will be made by Mayo County Council on confirmation by the applicant that:

. They are satisfied that the payment does not imply any warranty on the part of the Council in relation to the state of repair or condition of the house or it’s fitness for human habitation.

. They are satisfied that payment does not indicate that the works have been supervised by the Council or that they may rely on the decision to pay a grant to satisfy themselves as to the quality of the workmanship or to subsequently pursue a claim for any defects that may become apparent in the future.

. They are satisfied that no liability whatsoever shall attach to the Council in respect of any claim which may arise and which may be either directly or indirectly attributable to the works in respect of which the grant is paid.

. All the works as set out in the letter of grant approval have been carried out entirely to their satisfaction.

3 Funding

In determining the level of funding, the following will apply:

Category Maximum DOE Matching Amount Granted Contribution Contribution

1) Windows €330 per window €1,320 € 660 to max €1,980

2) External Doors €880 or €440 per € 587 € 293 door

3) Re-Wiring € 880 € 587 € 293

4) Gutters, Fascia, € 660 € 440 € 220 Soffit

5) Chimney € 880 € 587 € 293

6) Drylining €1,100 € 733 € 367

7) Floor repairs € 550 € 367 € 183

8) Roof Replacement €4,810 €3,207 €1,603

9) Roof Repair €2,000 €1,333 € 667

10) Repairs to Ceilings € 550 € 367 € 183

11) Provision of Insulation € 550 € 367 € 183

12) Provision of mains € 100 € 67 € 33 powered Smoke Alarms

13) Provision of Septic Tank/ Water Supply €5,000 €3,333 €1,667

4 . Where the elderly person is not the owner of the accommodation, which is being repaired, it will be a requirement that the person intended to benefit must have a Legally Enforceable Right of residence in the subject property.


(Mayo County Council)



. Please write clearly and complete all parts of the application form (the application form will not be considered if all sections are not fully completed)

1. Applicant’s Name ______

2. Address: ______

3. Telephone No ______

4. Name of Owner of dwelling ______

5. Address of Owner: ______

6. Number and description of rooms in house: Terraced/Semi-Detached/Detached

Bedrooms Living Rooms Dining Bathroom/ Kitchen Rooms wc Upstairs Downstairs

7. Details of all persons living in house at present including Applicant

Name Date of Birth Relationship Income Occupation to Applicant

8. Did the Council originally provide this House? Yes  No  6 9. List of Repairs Required: ______

10. Income for Tax Year Ended 5th April ___: ______

PLEASE SUBMIT DOCUMENTARY EVIDENCE OF INCOME If Income is from Social Welfare, please state Pension Book No. or submit Certificate of Weekly Income from your Social Welfare Office: ______

11. Particulars of Land Owned/Occupied by Applicant:

Townland in which situated Area of Land (Hectares as on Area Aid Form) ______

No. of Cattle No. of Sheep ______

Description of additional Property/Assets owned by Occupants of House: ______

12. Details of Previous Grant Assistance for Works to the House: Details as to whether or not you previously received local authority or other assistance for the repair or improvement of the house and if so, provide details of:

1. The amount of grant received: ______

2. The work for which the grant was received: ______

3. When the grant was received: ______

7 Description of Grant and from whom it was paid:

Type of work Date Grant Paid Amount of Grant € ______

13. Have you applied for any other grant for the works proposed?

Yes  No 

If yes give details: ______

14. Have you applied to any of the below for grants within the last 5 years?

Western Health Board 

Department of the Environment & Local Government  Roinn Ealaíon, Oidhreachta, Gaeltachta agus Oileán  Other 

If yes give details: ______

15. Applicant(s) Tax Reference No(s):______

16. Applicant(s) Tax District: ______

17. Draw a map/sketch showing how to get to your house from the nearest town or village. Please show the nearest prominent landmarks e.g. School, Church, Shop etc. Please indicate the approximate distance etc.



Please note if all sections are not completed this application will not be considered.

I hereby certify that all the particulars set out in this application are correct to the best of my knowledge and belief.

Applicants signature: ______Date:______

COMPLETED FORMS SHOULD BE RETURNED TO: Aras an Chontae, The Mall, Castlebar, Co. Mayo


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