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Gray S School of Art



GRAY’S SCHOOL OF ART Chris Brown November 2007



1. Why, when and how to reference

1.1 Why reference? ...... 8

1.2 When to reference ...... 8

1.3 How to reference ......

1.3.1 A summary ...... 9 1.3.2 Citation number ...... 10 1.3.3 Footnote ...... 11 1.3.4 Bibliography ...... 12 1.3.5 Illustration numbers ...... 12 1.3.6 List of illustrations ...... 13 1.3.7 Inserting your footnotes using Microsoft Word ...... 13 1.3.8 Page references ...... 14 1.3.9 Secondary referencing ...... 14

2. Sample citation numbers and footnotes ...... 17

3. Sample formats for footnotes and bibliography

3.1 Authored books

3.1.1 One author ...... 20 3.1.2 Between 2 and 6 authors ...... 20 3.1.3 More than 6 authors ...... 21 3.1.4 Online book ...... 21 3.1.5 Organisation as author ...... 22 3.1.6 Government department as author ..... 22

3.2 Edited books

3.2.1 One editor ...... 23 3.2.2 Between 2 and 6 editors ...... 23 3.2.3 More than 6 editors ...... 24 3.2.4 One chapter in an edited book ...... 24

2 3.3 Journal and newspaper articles

3.3.1 Journal article with one author ...... 25 3.3.2 Journal article with between 2 and 6 authors ...... 25 3.3.3 Journal article with more than 6 authors ...... 26 3.3.4 Journal article with an organisation as the author ...... 26 3.3.5 Journal article with personal author(s) and an organisation as the authors ...... 27 3.3.6 Journal article where there is no author given ...... 27 3.3.7 Journal article printed in a supplement to a volume ...... 28 3.3.8 Journal article printed in a supplement to an issue ...... 28 3.3.9 Journal article printed in a journal which has issue numbers but no volume numbers ... 29 3.3.10 Journal article published in a journal in which the pagination is in Roman numerals ... 29 3.3.11 Electronic journal article ...... 30 3.3.12 Newspaper article ...... 30 3.3.13 Newspaper article with no author 31 given ......

3.4 Web pages ...... 32

3.5 Exhibition catalogues

3.5.1 Single artist ...... 33 3.5.2 Several artists ...... 34 3.5.3 Explicitly credited author ...... 35

3.6 Original art works

3.6.1 Original art work ...... 36 3.6.2 Original art work where the artist is not normally known by his or her full real name, eg El Greco or Rembrandt ...... 37 3.6.3 Original art work where the year of first exhibition is uncertain ...... 37

3.7 Theses and dissertations

3.7.1 Thesis or dissertation ...... 38

3 3.7.2 Electronic thesis or dissertation ...... 39

3.8 Conference papers and proceedings

3.8.1 Set of conference proceedings as a whole ...... 40 3.8.2 One conference paper from a set of conference proceedings ...... 41

3.9 Audio-visual materials

3.9.1 CD-ROM ...... 42 3.9.2 Video ...... 42 3.9.3 Film ...... 42 3.9.4 Film on DVD or video ...... 43 3.9.5 Radio or television series ...... 43 3.9.6 Individual episode of radio or television series ...... 44 3.9.7 Individual contribution to radio or television programme ...... 44

3.10 Committee reports ...... 45

3.11 Patents ...... 45

3.12 Personal communications ...... 46

4. Sample bibliography ...... 48

5. Sample illustration numbering ...... 53

6. Sample formats for list of illustrations

6.1 Illustrations of works of art

6.1.1 Taken from a book and reproduced in your work ...... 56 6.1.2 Taken from a journal article and reproduced in your work ...... 57 6.1.3 Taken from a web page and reproduced in your work ...... 57 6.1.4 Taken from a catalogue of an exhibition by a single artist and reproduced in your work ...... 58 6.1.5 Taken from a catalogue of an exhibition by several artists and reproduced in your work ...... 59

4 6.1.6 Taken from a catalogue of an exhibition where there is an explicitly credited author and 60 reproduced in your work ...... 6.1.7 Taken from a newspaper article and reproduced in your work ...... 61

6.2 Other types of illustrations

6.2.1 Where the illustration is the work of the author of the book from which you have taken it ...... 62 6.2.2 Where the illustration is the work of the author of the journal article from which you have taken it ...... 63 6.2.3 Where the illustration is the work of the author of the web page from which you have taken it ...... 63 6.2.4 Where an author has reproduced an illustration by someone else and you have used this in your work ...... 63

6.3 Maps

6.3.1 Maps contained within a larger work ... 64 6.3.2 Maps published in their own right ...... 64

7. Sample list of illustrations ...... 67


7 1.1 Why reference?

 To give credit to other authors whose work you have quoted, or to whose work you have referred, in order to avoid a charge of plagiarism

 To allow the reader of your work to find the books, journal articles, web pages etc which you have read and thereby access further information on the subject

 To demonstrate that you understand the conventions of academic writing

1.2 When to reference

You must provide a reference:

1. Every time you quote directly from the work of someone else.

2. Every time you refer indirectly to the work of someone else, eg if you:

 Paraphrase (put into your own words) what they have said,

 Summarise their arguments or ideas,

 Quote case studies, statistical data, known phrases, definitions etc, or

 Use information which you have obtained from their work.

3. Where you wish to provide sources of further information, clarification on points you have made in your text, or additional evidence to support your arguments.

8 1.3 How to reference

1.3.1 A summary

Element Description

Citation number Inserted in your text where you have quoted or referred to someone else’s work

Footnote Full reference details, at the bottom of the page, for works from which you have quoted or to which you have referred

Bibliography At the end of your work listing the full reference for everything for which you have provided a footnote as well as any additional background reading you have done but to which you have not specifically referred in your text

Illustration numbers Allocated in your text to images of works of art, graphs, maps etc which you have reproduced

List of illustrations Follows the bibliography and provides full references for all illustrations used in your text

Detailed guides to each element are given below

9 1.3.2 Citation number

Where you have quoted from, or referred to, someone else’s work you must insert a number in your text which will guide the reader to the footnote at the bottom of the page where they can find a full reference for the item you have used.

The citation number can be in:

 Round brackets (1)  Square brackets [1]  Superscript 1

However, see section 1.3.7 below for how Microsoft Word can be used to quickly insert citation numbers and footnotes for you.

The numbers must run consecutively throughout your work.

However, if you refer to the same work on more than once on the same page you should use the same number each time.

A page reference can be included with the citation number but only if you have referred to the work more than once on the same page.

See the separate section 1.3.8 below regarding page references.

Sample citation numbers are at section 2.

10 1.3.3 Footnote

The citation number directs the reader to a footnote at the bottom of the page.

Here you provide the detailed reference to the work (book, journal article, web page etc) from which you have quoted or to which you have referred.

The footnote should include a page or chapter reference unless you have quoted from or referred to the same item more than once on the same page.

Sample footnotes are at section 2.

See also section 1.3.7 below for how Microsoft Word can be used to quickly insert numbers and footnotes for you.

NB. Footnotes do not include references for illustrations which you have reproduced in your work. These are numbered separately and included in the separate list of illustrations at the end of your work.

11 1.3.4 Bibliography

You must also provide a bibliography at the end of your work.

This is a list of the detailed references for all the works from which you have quoted or to which you have referred in your text.

It may also include items to which you have not made specific reference in your text but which you have used as background reading.

The bibliography does not include page or chapter references.

The bibliography is divided into sections according to the type of item being referenced, ie book, journal article, web site etc.

Within each section the items are arranged alphabetically by author.

A sample bibliography is at section 4.

NB. The bibliography does not include references for illustrations which you have reproduced in your work. These are included in the separate list of illustrations at the end of your work.

1.3.5 Illustration numbers

Illustrations may be works of art, graphs, tables, maps etc the images of which you have taken from other places and reproduced in your work.

Each illustration should be numbered appropriately in your text, eg

III. 1 (meaning chapter 3, illustration 1), or

IV. 6 (meaning chapter 4, illustration 6)

Sample illustrations with numbers are at section 5.

12 1.3.6 List of illustrations

This separate list, at the end of your work, provides detailed references for the images and illustrations which you have included in your text.

It is arranged numerically and, where appropriate, by chapter.

A sample list of illustrations is at section 7.

1.3.7 Inserting your footnotes using Microsoft Word

To insert your citation numbers and create footnotes using Microsoft Word:

 Position you cursor at the point in your text where you wish to insert a citation number

 In the top toolbar click on Insert > Reference > Footnote

 In the grey box which appears click on Insert

A superscript number will be inserted into your text and a box will appear at the bottom of the screen into which you can type the full reference.

If you insert new numbers as your work progresses Microsoft Word will automatically renumber the citations and the footnotes for you.

13 1.3.8 Page references

Page or chapter numbers are usually included in footnotes eg:

1) Gorbachev M. Perestroika. expanded ed. London: Fontana/Collins; 1987. p. 84.

However, if you have referred to the same item more than once on the same page you should insert the page or chapter reference in your text along with the citation number, eg:

Gorbachev 1 p. 84 states that ...

1.3.9 Secondary referencing (referring to a source which is referred to in another source)

You may read a book or journal article etc in which the author has made reference to or quoted from another work which you have not read but to which you, in your turn, wish to refer.

This is called secondary referencing.

You must make the situation clear in your text, eg:

Chandler, in a letter quoted by Hiney, claimed that most people could do without literature “far more easily than they could do without coffee or whisky”.14

You only reference the work which you have read. In this case the reference which would appear in your footnote would be:

14) Hiney T. Raymond Chandler: a biography. London: Vintage; 1998. p. 19.


15 16 Gorbachev describes his concept of economic reform as “of an all embracing comprehensive character”.1

The description of Glover’s education is based on several sources.2

Art meets science in the growing genre of virtual reality art.3

Sargent’s work Lady Agnew of Lochnaw was commissioned by the subject’s husband Andrew Noel Agnew, a barrister.4

The family is in the small, or Japanese, drawing room of their mansion. Marguerite is with her three-year-old son, Paul, whose godfather was Emile Zola, celebrated French writer, and her six-year-old daughter, Georgette, who sits on a big Newfoundland dog.5

1 Gorbachev M. Perestroika. expanded ed. London: Fontana/Collins; 1987. p. 27. 2 McKay A. Scottish samurai: Thomas Blake Glover. Edinburgh: Canongate; 1993. p. 108. 3 Cavazza A, Lugrin J-L, Hartley S, Le Renard M, Nandi A, Jacobson J, et al. Intelligent virtual environments for virtual reality art. Computers & Graphics. 2005; 29(6): 852-861. p. 858 4 Sargent JS. Lady Agnew of Lochnaw [oil on canvas]. Edinburgh: National Gallery of Scotland; 1907. 5 Renoir P-A. Madame Charpentier and her Children [oil on canvas]. Reproduced in: Brown M, editor. Picturing children. Aldershot: Ashgate; 2002. p. 29.


19 3.1 Authored books

Authored books are written by one or more people who are NOT personally responsible for individual chapters

3.1.1 One author

Element Example, including punctuation 1 Author Grushkin P. 2 Title of the book The art of rock: posters from Presley to punk. (italics) 3 Edition 2nd ed. 4 City of publication New York (NY): 5 Publisher Artabras; 6 Year of publication 1991.

Grushkin P. The art of rock: posters from Presley to punk. 2nd ed. New York (NY): Artabras; 1991.

3.1.2 Between 2 and 6 authors (list them all)

Element Example, including punctuation 1 Authors Brewster F, Fenton H, Morris M. 2 Title of the book Shock! Horror!: astounding artwork from the (italics) video nasty era. 3 Edition 4 City of publication Guildford: 5 Publisher FAB; 6 Year of publication 2005.

Brewster F, Fenton H, Morris M. Shock! Horror!: astounding artwork from the video nasty era. Guildford: FAB; 2005.

20 3.1.3 More than 6 authors (list the first 6 et al.)

Element Example, including punctuation 1 Authors Roeder K, Howdeshell J, Fulton L, Lochhead M, Craig K, Peterson L, et al. 2 Title of the book Nerve cells and insect behavior. (italics) 3 Edition 4 City of publication Cambridge (MA): 5 Publisher Harvard University Press; 6 Year of publication 1967.

Roeder K, Howdeshell J, Fulton L, Lochhead M, Craig K, Peterson L, et al. Nerve cells and insect behavior. Cambridge (MA): Harvard University Press; 1967.

3.1.4 Online book (use only if the book is only available online and cannot be obtained on paper)

Element Example, including punctuation 1 Author(s) Frazer J. 2 Title of the book The golden bough (italics) 3 Edition 4 [monograph on the Internet]. 5 City of publication New York (NY): 6 Publisher Macmillan; 7 Year of publication 1922 8 Date you looked at [cited 2003 Aug 28] the book online 9 URL Available from:

Frazer J. The golden bough [monograph on the Internet]. New York (NY): Macmillan; 1992 [cited 2003 Aug 28] Available from

21 3.1.5 Organisation as author

Element Example, including punctuation 1 Author Royal Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain. 2 Title of the book Medicines, ethics & practice: a guide for (italics) pharmacists & pharmacy technicians. 3 Edition 30th ed. 4 City of Publication London: 5 Publisher Royal Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain; 6 Year of publication 2006.

Royal Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain. Medicines, ethics & practice: a guide for pharmacists & pharmacy technicians. 30th ed. London: Royal Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain; 2006.

3.1.6 Government department as author (begin with the country of the government)

Element Example, including punctuation 1 Author Great Britain. Health and Safety Executive. 2 Title of the book Health and safety in care homes. (italics) 3 Edition 4 City of publication Sudbury: 5 Publisher Health and Safety Executive; 6 Year of publication 2001.

Great Britain. Health and Safety Executive. Health and safety in care homes. Sudbury: Health and Safety Executive; 2001.

22 3.2 Edited books

Books in which different authors are responsible for individual chapters but one or more editors has compiled the book

3.2.1 One editor

Element Example, including punctuation 1 Editor Stangos N, editor. 2 Title of the book Concepts of modern art. (italics) 3 Edition revised ed. 4 City of publication London: 5 Publisher Thames and Hudson; 6 Year of publication 1981.

Stangos N, editor. Concepts of modern art. revised ed. London: Thames and Hudson; 1981.

3.2.2 Between 2 and 6 editors (list them all)

Element Example, including punctuation 1 Editors Alfrey N, Daniels S, Postle M, editors. 2 Title of the book Art of the garden: the garden in British art, (italics) 1800 to the present day. 3 Edition 4 City of publication London: 5 Publisher Tate; 6 Year of publication 2004.

Alfrey N, Daniels S, Postle M, editors. Art of the garden: the garden in British art, 1800 to the present day. London: Tate; 2004.

23 3.2.3 More than 6 editors (list the first 6 et al.)

Element Example, including punctuation 1 Editors Edwards T, George W, Kuffner A, Jones D, Joy T, Dudley T, et al., editors. 2 Title of the book The poetry of Edgar Allen Poe. (italics) 3 Edition 4 City of publication New York (NY): 5 Publisher Newcastle Press; 6 Year of publication 2004.

Edwards T, George W, Kuffner A, Jones D, Joy T, Dudley T, et al., editors. The poetry of Edgar Allen Poe. New York (NY): Newcastle Press; 2004.

3.2.4 One chapter in an edited book

Element Example, including punctuation 1 Author(s) of the Golding J. chapter 2 Title of the chapter Cubism 3 In: 4 Editor(s) of the book Stangos N, editor. 5 Title of the book Concepts of modern art. (italics) 6 Edition 7 City of publication London: 8 Publisher Thames and Hudson; 9 Year of publication 1981.

Golding J. Cubism. In: Stangos N, editor. Concepts of modern art. London: Thames and Hudson; 1981.


3.3.1 Journal article with one author

Element Example, including punctuation 1 Author Christiansen K. 2 Title of the article Going for baroque: bringing 17th-century masters to the Met. 3 Title of the journal in Metropolitan Museum of Art Bulletin. which the article was published (italics) 4 Year of publication 2005; 5 Volume number 62 6 Issue number (3): 7 Page reference 3-48.

Christiansen K. Going for Baroque: bringing 17th-century masters to the Met. Metropolitan Museum of Art Bulletin. 2005; 62(3): 3-48.

3.3.2 Journal article with between 2 and 6 authors (list them all)

Element Example, including punctuation 1 Authors Obrist H-U, Allora J, Calzadilla G. 2 Title of the article A thousand words: Allora and Calzadilla talk about three pieces in Vieques. 3 Title of the journal in Artforum International. which the article was published (italics) 4 Year of publication 2005; 5 Volume number 43 6 Issue number (3): 7 Page reference 205.

Obrist H-U, Allora J, Calzadilla G. A thousand words: Allora and Calzadilla talk about three pieces in Vieques. Artforum International. 2005; 43(3): 205.

25 3.3.3 Journal article with more than 6 authors (list the first 6 et al.)

Element Example, including punctuation 1 Authors Cavazza A, Lugrin J-L, Hartley S, Le Renard M, Nandi A, Jacobson J, et al. 2 Title of the article Intelligent virtual environments for virtual reality art. 3 Title of the journal in Computers & Graphics. which the article was published (italics) 4 Year of publication 2005; 5 Volume number 29 6 Issue number (6): 7 Page reference 852-861.

Cavazza A, Lugrin J-L, Hartley S, Le Renard M, Nandi A, Jacobson J, et al. Intelligent virtual environments for virtual reality art. Computers & Graphics. 2005; 29(6): 852-861.

3.3.4 Journal article with an organisation as the author

Element Example, including punctuation 1 Author(s) Diabetes Prevention Program Research Group. 2 Title of the article Hypertension, insulin, and proinsulin in participants with impaired glucose tolerance. 3 Title of the journal in Hypertension. which the article was published (italics) 4 Year of publication 2002; 5 Volume number 40 6 Issue number (5): 7 Page reference 679-686.

Diabetes Prevention Program Research Group. Hypertension, insulin, and proinsulin in participants with impaired glucose tolerance. Hypertension. 2002; 40(5): 679-686.

26 3.3.5 Journal article with both personal author(s) and an organisation as the authors

Element Example, including punctuation 1 Authors Vallencien G, Emberton M, Harving N, van Moorselaar RJ; Alf-One Study Group. 2 Title of the article Sexual dysfunction in 1,274 European men suffering from lower urinary tract symptoms. 3 Title of the journal in Journal of Urology. which the article was published (italics) 4 Year of publication 2003; 5 Volume number 169 6 Issue number (6): 7 Page reference 2257-2261.

Vallencien G, Emberton M, Harving N, van Moorselaar RJ; Alf-One Study Group. Sexual dysfunction in 1,274 European men suffering from lower urinary tract symptoms. Journal of Urology. 2003; 169(6): 2257-2261.

3.3.6 Journal article where there is no author given

Element Example, including punctuation 1 Title of the article 21st century heart solution may have a sting in the tail. 2 Title of the journal in British Medical Journal. which the article was published (italics) 3 Year of publication 2002; 4 Volume number 325 5 Issue number (7357): 6 Page reference 184.

21st century heart solution may have a sting in the tail. British Medical Journal. 2002; 325(7357): 184.

27 3.3.7 Journal article printed in a supplement to a volume

Element Example, including punctuation 1 Author(s) Geraud G, Spierings EL, Keywood C. 2 Title of the article Tolerability and safety of frovatriptan with short- and long-term use for treatment of migraine and in comparison with sumatriptan. 3 Title of the journal in Headache. which the article was published (italics) 4 Year of publication 2002; 5 Volume number 42 6 Supplement number Suppl 2: 7 Page reference S93-99.

Geraud G, Spierings EL, Keywood C. Tolerability and safety of frovatriptan with short- and long-term use for treatment of migraine and in comparison with sumatriptan. Headache. 2002; 42 Suppl 2: S93-99.

3.3.8 Journal article printed in a supplement to an issue

Element 1 Author(s) Glauser TA. 2 Title of the article Integrating clinical trial data into clinical practice. 3 Title of the journal in Neurology. which the article was published (italics) 4 Year of publication 2002; 5 Volume number 58 6 Issue and (12 Suppl 7): supplement numbers 7 Page reference S6-12.

Glauser TA. Integrating clinical trial data into clinical practice. Neurology. 2002; 58(12 Suppl 7): S6-12.

28 3.3.9 Journal article printed in a journal which has issue numbers but no volume numbers

Element 1 Author(s) Banit DM, Kaufer H, Hartford JM. 2 Title of the article Intraoperative frozen section analysis in revision total joint arthroplasty. 3 Title of the journal in Clinical Orthopaedics. which the article was published (italics) 4 Year of publication 2002; 5 Issue number (401): 7 Page reference 230-238.

Banit DM, Kaufer H, Hartford JM. Intraoperative frozen section analysis in revision total joint arthroplasty. Clinical Orthopaedics. 2002; (401): 230-238.

3.3.10 Journal article published in a journal in which the pagination is in Roman numerals

Element Example, including punctuation 1 Author(s) Chadwick R, Schuklenk U. 2 Title of the article The politics of ethical consensus finding. 3 Title of the journal in Bioethics. which the article was published (italics) 4 Year of publication 2002; 5 Volume number 16 6 Issue number (2): 7 Page reference iii-v.

Chadwick R, Schuklenk U. The politics of ethical consensus finding. Bioethics. 2002; 16(2): iii-v.

29 3.3.11 Electronic journal article (use only if the journal is only available online and cannot be obtained on paper)

Element Example, including punctuation 1 Author(s) Gsteu M. 2 Title of the article The tree: a symbol of life. 3 Title of the journal PSA Journal in which the article was published (italics) 4 [serial on the Internet] 5 Year of publication 2003 6 Date that you [cited 2003 Aug 28]; looked at the journal article online 7 Volume number 69 8 Issue number (1). 9 Page reference p. 32. 10 URL Available from:

Gsteu M. The tree: a symbol of life. PSA Journal [serial on the Internet]. 2003 [cited 2003 Aug 28]; 69(1). P. 32. Available from:

3.3.12 Newspaper article

Element Example, including punctuation 1 Name of author(s) Reid R. 2 Title of article Dons fan threatens legal action: disappointed student claims to have spent three hours on phone trying to buy a ticket. 3 Name of newspaper The Press and Journal. (italics) 4 Date of publication 2007 October 24: 5 Page reference 6.

Reid R. Dons fan threatens legal action: disappointed student claims to have spent three hours on phone trying to buy ticket. The Press and Journal. 2007 October 24: 6.

30 3.3.13 Newspaper article with no author given

Element Example, including punctuation 1 Title of article Flu risk to ducks. 2 Name of newspaper The Times. (italics) 3 Date of publication 2007 October 24: 4 Page reference 4.

Flu risk to ducks. The Times. 2007 October 24: 4.

31 3.4 Web pages

Gray’s School of Art requires only the URL and a brief description of the subject matter of the web page. NB. The URL you give should take the reader directly to the exact page you have referred to, not the home page of the web site. Crafts Council website including references to all forthcoming exhibitions and events.


NOT everything which appears on the Internet constitutes a web site or web page for the purposes of referencing.

A book or journal article made available on the Internet is NOT a web site and should be fully referenced using the appropriate format as laid out in these guidelines.

32 3.5 Exhibition catalogues

3.5.1 Single artist

Element Example, including punctuation 1 Name of artist McFadyean J. 2 Title of the Exhibition of paintings and sculptures. catalogue including Catalogue of an exhibition at Forum; details of gallery where exhibition took place (italics) 3 Exhibition dates 1989 Sep 13-18; (italics) 4 City and country Hamburg, Germany. where the exhibition was held (italics) 5 Place of publication London: of the catalogue 6 Publisher of the The Scottish Gallery; catalogue 7 Year of publication 1989. of the catalogue

McFadyean J. Exhibition of paintings and sculptures. Catalogue of an exhibition at Forum; 1989 Sep 13-18; Hamburg, Germany. London: The Scottish Gallery; 1989.

33 3.5.2 Several artists

Element Example, including punctuation 1 Name of gallery or Tate Gallery. sponsor of the exhibition 2 Title of the Art from Europe. Catalogue of an exhibition at catalogue including the Tate Gallery; details of gallery where exhibition took place (italics) 3 Exhibition dates 1987 Apr 15-Jun 21; (italics) 4 City and country London, UK. where the exhibition was held (italics) 5 Place of publication London: of the catalogue 6 Publisher of the Tate Gallery; catalogue 7 Year of publication 1987. of the catalogue

Tate Gallery. Art from Europe. Catalogue of an exhibition at the Tate Gallery; 1987 Apr 15-Jun 21; London, UK. London: Tate Gallery; 1987.

34 3.5.3 Explicitly credited author (eg a historical or retrospective exhibition)

Element Example, including punctuation 1 Author(s) House J, Hopkin D. 2 Title of the Impressionists by the sea. Catalogue of an catalogue including exhibition held at the Royal Academy of Arts; details of gallery where exhibition took place (italics) 3 Exhibition dates 2007 Jul 7-2008 Sep 30; (italics) 4 City and country London, UK. where the exhibition was held (italics) 5 Place of publication London: of the catalogue 6 Publisher of the Royal Academy of Arts; catalogue 7 Year of publication 2007. of the catalogue

House J, Hopkin D. Impressionists by the sea. Catalogue of an exhibition held at the Royal Academy of Arts; 2007 Jul 7-2008 Sep 30; London, UK. London: Royal Academy of Arts; 2007.

35 3.6 Original art works

NB. Use only if you have referred to a work of art but have not actually reproduced an image of the artwork.

If you have included the image of a work of art in your work this should be numbered as an illustration and the full reference given in the separate list of illustrations.

3.6.1 Original art work (use only if you have referred to a work but have NOT reproduced its image in your work)

Element Example, including punctuation 1 Artist(s) Sargent JS. 2 Title of artwork Lady Agnew of Lochnaw (italics) 3 Format [oil on canvas]. 4 City where artwork Edinburgh: can be seen 5 Institution in which National Gallery of Scotland; the artwork can be seen 6 Year in which the 1907. artwork was first exhibited

Sargent JS. Lady Agnew of Lochnaw [oil on canvas]. Edinburgh: National Gallery of Scotland; 1907.

36 3.6.2 Original art work where the artist is not normally known by his or her full real name, eg El Greco or Rembrandt (use only if you have referred to a work but have NOT reproduced its image in your work)

Element Example, including punctuation 1 Artist(s) Rembrandt. 2 Title of artwork The nightwatch (italics) 3 Format [oil on canvas]. 4 City where artwork Amsterdam: can be seen 5 Institution in which Rijksmuseum; the artwork can be seen 6 Year in which the 1642. artwork was first exhibited

Rembrandt. The nightwatch [oil on canvas]. Amsterdam: Rijksmuseum; 1642.

3.6.3 Original artwork where the year of first exhibition is uncertain (use only if you have referred to a work but have NOT reproduced its image in your work)

Element Example, including punctuation 1 Artist(s) El Greco. 2 Title of artwork View of Toledo (italics) 3 Format [oil on canvas]. 4 City where artwork New York (NY): can be seen 5 Institution in which Metropolitan Museum of Art; the artwork can be seen 6 Year in which the c. 1596-1600. artwork was first exhibited

El Greco. View of Toledo [oil on canvas]. New York (NY): Metropolitan Museum of Art; c. 1596-1600.

37 3.7 Theses and dissertations

3.7.1 Thesis or dissertation

Element Example, including punctuation 1 Author Rencken D. 2 Title of the thesis or A quantitative model for adaptive task dissertation (italics) allocation in human-computer interfaces 3 [thesis]. or [dissertation]. 4 City in which the Oxford: degree awarding institution is situated 5 Name of the degree University of Oxford; awarding institution 6 Year of approval of 1991. the degree by the awarding institution

Rencken D. A quantitative model for adaptive task allocation in human- computer interfaces [dissertation]. Oxford: University of Oxford; 1991.

38 3.7.2 Electronic thesis or dissertation

Element Example, including punctuation 1 Author Setterstein L. 2 Title of the thesis or Critical thinking and participation in health dissertation (italics) behaviors 3 [thesis on the Internet]. or [dissertation on the Internet]. 4 City in which the Madison (WI): degree awarding institution is situated 5 Name of the degree University of Wisconsin; awarding institution 6 Year of approval of 1999 the degree by the awarding institution 7 Date that you looked [cited 2004 Oct 26] at the dissertation or thesis online 8 The URL Available from: connect/dissertations.html

Setterstein L. Critical thinking and participation in health behaviors [dissertation on the Internet]. Madison (WI): University of Wisconsin; 1999 [cited 2004 Oct 26] Available from:

39 3.8 Conference papers and proceedings

3.8.1 Set of conference proceedings as a whole

Element Example, including punctuation 1 Editor(s) Bennett R, editor. 2 Theme name of the New challenges for corporate and marketing conference (italics) communications. 3 (italics) Proceedings of the 4 Name of conference Eighth International Conference on Corporate (italics) and Marketing Communications; 5 Dates on which the 2003 Apr 7-8; conference was held (italics) 6 City and country in London, UK. which the conference was held (italics) 7 City of publication of London: the conference proceedings 8 Publisher London Metropolitan University; 9 Year of publication 2003.

Bennett R, editor. New challenges for corporate and marketing communications. Proceedings of the Eighth International Conference on Corporate and Marketing Communications; 2003 Apr 7-8; London, UK. London: London Metropolitan University; 2003.

40 3.8.2 One conference paper from a set of conference proceedings

Element Example, including punctuation 1 Author(s) of the Doukakis I, Proctor T, Proctor S. conference paper 2 Title of the Creativity and advertising. conference paper 3 In: 4 Editor(s) Bennett R, editor. 5 Theme name of the New challenges for corporate and marketing conference (italics) communications. 6 (italics) Proceedings of the 7 Name of conference Eighth International Conference on Corporate (italics) and Marketing Communications; 8 Dates on which the 2003 Apr 7-8; conference was held (italics) 9 City and country in London, UK. which the conference was held (italics) 10 City of publication of London: the conference proceedings 11 Publisher London Metropolitan University; 12 Year of publication 2003. 13 Page reference p. 54-63.

Doukakis I, Proctor T, Proctor S. Creativity and advertising. In: Bennett R, editor. New challenges for corporate and marketing communications. Proceedings of the Eighth International Conference on Corporate and Marketing Communications; 2003 Apr 7-8; London, UK. London: London Metropolitan University; 2003. p. 54-63.

41 3.9 Audio-visual materials

3.9.1 CD-ROM

Element Example, including punctuation 1 Author(s) The Robert Gordon University. 2 Title (italics) Aberdeen City and Shire 3 [CD-ROM]. 4 City of publication Aberdeen: 5 Publisher Cinecosse; 6 Year of publication 2007.

The Robert Gordon University. Aberdeen City and Shire [CD-ROM]. Aberdeen: Cinecosse; 2007.

3.9.2 Video

Element Example, including punctuation 1 Title of the video Stephen Fry: the secret life of the manic (italics) depressive 2 Format [videocassette]. 3 City of publication London: 4 Publisher British Broadcasting Corporation; 5 Year of publication 2006.

Stephen Fry: the secret life of the manic depressive [videocassette]. London: British Broadcasting Corporation; 2006.

3.9.3 Film

Element Example, including punctuation 1 Title of the film Macbeth. (italics) 2 [film] 3 Country of USA: publication 4 Publisher Republic Pictures; 5 Year of release 1948.

Macbeth [film]. USA: Republic Pictures; 1948.

42 3.9.4 Film on DVD or video

Element Example, including punctuation 1 Title of the film Throne of blood (italics) 2 [film]. 3 Country of Japan: publication 4 Publisher Toho; 5 Year of release 1957 6 Format [videocassette]. or [DVD]. 7 City in which the London: video/DVD company is based 8 Video/DVD company Argos Films/British Film Institute; 9 Year of publication 1983. of the video/DVD

Throne of blood. [film]. Japan: Toho; 1957 [DVD]. London: Argos Films/British Film Institute; 1983.

3.9.5 Radio or television series

Element Example, including punctuation 1 Title of the series The Archers (italics) 2 [radio series]. or [television series]. 3 City of publication London: 4 Publisher (radio or BBC Radio 4. television channel)

The Archers [radio series]. London: BBC Radio 4.

43 3.9.6 Individual episode of radio or television series

Element Example, including punctuation 1 Title of the series Yes, minister (italics) 2 [episode in radio series]. or [episode in television series]. 3 Episode number Episode 1, The ministerial broadcast. and/or title 4 City of publication London: 5 Publisher (radio or BBC 2; television channel) 6 Date of first 1986 Jan 16. broadcast

Yes, minister [episode in television series]. Episode 1, The ministerial broadcast. London: BBC2; 1986 Jan 16.

3.9.7 Individual contribution to radio or television programme (eg an interview)

Element Example, including punctuation 1 Name of contributor Brown G. 2 Description of Interview. contribution 3 In: 4 Title of programme Newsnight (italics) 5 [radio programme]. or [television programme]. 6 City of publication London: 7 Publisher (radio or BBC2; television channel) 8 Date of first 2002 Mar 28. broadcast

Brown G. Interview. In: Newsnight [television programme]. London: BBC2; 2002 Mar 28.

44 3.10 Committee reports

Element Example, including punctuation 1 Name of the National Committee of Enquiry into Higher committee Education 2 Chairman of the [Chairman: Sir Ron Dearing]. committee 3 Title of the Higher education in the learning society. committee report (italics) 4 City of publication London: 5 Publisher The Stationery Office; 6 Year of publication 1997.

National Committee of Enquiry into Higher Education [Chairman: Sir Ron Dearing]. Higher education in the learning society. London: The Stationery Office; 1997.

3.11 Patents

Element Example, including punctuation 1 Inventor(s) Clarke J, McDermott R, Pines A, Trabesinger AH, inventors. 2 Applicant or University of California, assignee. assignee, if different from the inventors 3 Title of the patent SQUID detected NMR and MRI at ultralow (italics) fields. 4 Country or region of European patent patent 5 Patent number 1474707. (without region abbreviation or date) 6 Date of patent 2004 Nov 10.

Clarke J, McDermott R, Pines A, Trabesinger AH, inventors. University of California, assignee. SQUID detected NMR and MRI at ultralow fields. European patent 1474707. 2004 Nov 10.

45 3.12 Personal communications (conversations, letters, e-mails etc)

Element Example, including punctuation 1 Name of person Scott L 2 [personal communication]. 3 Date of the 2007 Aug 12. conversation, letter, e-mail etc

Scott L [personal communication]. 2007 Aug 12.


47 Bibliography


Adorno T. Aesthetic theory. Minneapolis (MN): University of Minnesota Press; 1997.

Bourdieu P. Distinction: a social critique of the judgement of taste. London: Routledge & Keegan Paul; 1984.

Danto AC. The abuse of beauty: aesthetics and the concept of art. Chicago (IL): Open Court; 2003.

De Bolla P. Art matters. Cambridge (MA): Harvard University Press; 2003.

Eco U, editor. On beauty: a history of a western idea. London: Secker & Warburg; 2004.

Foster H, editor. The anti-aesthetic: essays on postmodern culture. Seattle (WA): Bay Press; 1983.

Freeland C. But is it art?: an introduction to art theory. Oxford: Oxford University Press; 2001.

Gaut B, Lopes DM, editors. The Routledge companion to aesthetics. 2nd ed. London: Routledge; 2005.

Harrison C, Wood P, editors. Art in theory, 1900-90: an anthology of changing ideas. Oxford: Blackwell; 1992.

Kant I. The critique of pure reason; the critique of practical reason: and other ethical treatises; the critique of judgement. Chicago (IL): William Benton; 1952.

Pacteau F. The symptom of beauty. London: Reaktion; 1994.

Prettejohn E. Beauty and art, 1750-2000. Oxford: Oxford University Press; 2005.

Schefer D. What is beauty?: new definitions from the fashion vanguard. London: Thames & Hudson; 1997.

48 Exhibition catalogues

Benezra N, Viso OM. Regarding beauty: a view of the late twentieth century. Catalogue of an exhibition held at the Hirshhorn Museum and Sculpture Garden, Smithsonian Institution; 1999 Oct 7-2000 Jan 17; Washington (DC), USA. Washington (DC): Hirshhorn Museum and Sculpture Garden, Smithsonian Institution; 1999.

Rosenthal N. Apocalypse: beauty and horror in contemporary art. Catalogue of an exhibition held at the Royal Academy of Arts; 2000 Sep 23-Dec 15; London, UK. London: Royal Academy of Arts; 2000.

Journal articles

Charlesworth JJ. Art & beauty. Art Monthly. 2004; (279): 7-10.

Danto AC. A future for aesthetics. Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism. 1993; 51(2): 271-7.

Hudson SP. Beauty and the status of contemporary criticism. October. 2003; (104): 115-30.

Jackson L. Beauty and the beast. Crafts. 2004; (191): 32-9.

Wilsher M. Judgement call. Art Monthly. 2004; (280): 7-10.

Yarowsky M. The beauty fallacy: Dave Hickey’s aesthetic revisionism. Art Criticism. 2001; 16(1): 7-11.

Web pages Full text of the first part of Kant’s Critique of Judgement, including the ‘analytics’ of aesthetic judgement, of the beautiful and of the sublime. From the Dictionary of the History of Ideas, a broad overview of theories of beauty to the mid-nineteenth century. A useful overview of Kant’s theory of aesthetics (section 3) from the Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy. The Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy. Index to key philosophers.


51 52 CHAPTER 3





55 6.1 Illustrations of works of art (including artistic photographs)

6.1.1 Taken from a book and reproduced in your work

Element Example, including punctuation 1 Name of artist Renoir P-A. 2 Title of the artwork Madame Charpentier and her children 3 Format of the [oil on canvas]. artwork 4 Reproduced in: 5 Author(s) or Brown M, editor. editor(s) of the book 6 Title of the book Picturing children. (italics) 7 City of publication Aldershot: 8 Publisher Ashgate; 9 Year of publication 2002. 10 Page reference p. 29.

Renoir P-A. Madame Charpentier and her children [oil on canvas]. Reproduced in: Brown M, editor. Picturing children. Aldershot: Ashgate; 2002. p. 29.

56 6.1.2 Taken from a journal article and reproduced in your work

Element Example, including punctuation 1 Name of artist Walker K. 2 Title of the artwork Darkytown rebellion 3 Format of the [cut paper and projection on wall]. artwork 4 Reproduced in: 5 Author of the Heartney E. journal article 6 Title of the article The long shadows of slavery. 7 Title of the journal Art in America. in which the article was published (italics) 8 Year of publication 2007; 9 Volume number 10 Issue number (9): 11 Page reference 173.

Walker K. Darkytown Rebellion [cut paper and projection on wall]. In: Heartney E. The long shadows of slavery. Art in America. 2007; (9): 173.

6.1.3 Taken from a web page and reproduced in your work

Element Example, including punctuation 1 Name of artist Dali S. 2 Title of the Soft construction with boiled beans (premonition artwork (italics) of civil war) 3 Format of the [oil on canvas]. artwork 4 Reproduced in: 5 URL 6 Brief description Metropolitan Museum of Art online catalogue of the of the web page exhibition Barcelona and Modernity held from 7 Mar to Jun 3 2007.

Dali S. Soft construction with boiled beans (premonition of civil war) [oil on canvas]. Reproduced in: Metropolitan Museum of Art online catalogue of the exhibition Barcelona and Modernity held from 7 Mar to 3 Jun 2007.

57 6.1.4 Taken from a catalogue of an exhibition by a single artist and reproduced in your work

Element Example, including punctuation 1 Name of artist Deacon R. 2 Title of the artwork Siamese pink 3 Format of the [ceramic sculpture]. artwork 4 Reproduced in: 5 Name of the artist Deacon R. 6 Title of the Richard Deacon: personals. Catalogue of an catalogue including exhibition held at the Ikon Gallery; details of gallery where exhibition took place (italics) 7 Exhibition dates 2007 Jan 31-Mar 18; (italics) 8 City and country Birmingham, UK. where the exhibition was held (italics) 9 Place of publication Birmingham: of the catalogue 10 Publisher Ikon Gallery; 11 Year of publication 2007. 12 Page reference p. 31.

Deacon R. Siamese Pink [ceramic sculpture]. Reproduced in: Deacon R. Richard Deacon: personals. Catalogue of an exhibition held at the Ikon Gallery; 2007 Jan 31-Mar 18; Birmingham, UK. Birmingham: Ikon Gallery; 2007. p. 31.

58 6.1.5 Taken from a catalogue of an exhibition by several artists and reproduced in your work

Element Example, including punctuation 1 Name of artist Hunter L. 2 Title of the artwork Cornfield, Fife 3 Format of the [oil on canvas]. artwork 4 Reproduced in: 5 Name of gallery or Scottish Arts Council. sponsor of the exhibition 6 Title of the Three Scottish colourists: Cadell, Hunter, catalogue including Peploe. Catalogue of an exhibition at the details of gallery Scottish Arts Council Gallery; where exhibition took place (italics) 7 Exhibition dates 1970 May 9-Jun 6; (italics) 8 City and country Glasgow, UK. where the exhibition was held (italics) 9 Place of publication Edinburgh: of the catalogue 10 Publisher Scottish Arts Council; 11 Year of publication 1970. 12 Page reference p. 40.

Hunter L. Cornfield, Fife [oil on canvas]. Reproduced in: Scottish Arts Council. Three Scottish colourists: Cadell, Hunter, Peploe. Catalogue of an exhibition at the Scottish Arts Council Gallery; 1970 May 9-Jun 6; Glasgow, UK. Edinburgh: Scottish Arts Council; 1970. p. 40.

59 6.1.6 Taken from a catalogue of an exhibition where there is an explicitly credited author and reproduced in your work

Element Example, including punctuation 1 Name of artist Hogarth W. 2 Title of the artwork Hogarth painting the comic muse 3 Format of the [oil on canvas]. artwork 4 Reproduced in: 5 Author(s) Hallett M, Riding C. 6 Title of the Hogarth. Catalogue of an exhibition held at catalogue including the Musee de Louvre; details of gallery where exhibition took place (italics) 7 Exhibition dates 2006 Oct 18-2007 Jan 7; (italics) 8 City and country Paris, France. where the exhibition was held (italics) 9 Place of publication London: of the catalogue 10 Publisher Tate; 11 Year of publication 2006. 12 Page reference p. 47.

Hogarth W. Hogarth painting the comic muse [oil on canvas]. Reproduced in: Hallett M, Riding C. Hogarth. Catalogue of an exhibition held at the Musee de Louvre; 2006 Oct 18-2007 Jan 7; Paris, France. London: Tate; 2006. p. 47.

60 6.1.7 Taken from a newspaper article and reproduced in your work

Element Example, including punctuation 1 Name of artist Munch E. 2 Title of the artwork The scream 3 Format of the [oil, tempera and pastel on cardboard]. artwork 4 Reproduced in: 5 Name of the Fouche G, Bowcott O. author(s) of the article 6 Title of the article Tourists see Munch’s Scream stolen. 7 Name of newspaper The Guardian. (italics) 8 Date of publication 2004 August 23: 9 Page reference 1.

Munch E. The scream [oil, tempera and pastel on cardboard]. Reproduced in: Fouche G, Bowcott O. Tourists see Munch’s Scream stolen. The Guardian. 2004 August 23: 1.

61 6.2 Other types of illustrations (eg figures, graphs, tables, non-artistic photographs etc)

6.2.1 Where the illustration is the work of the author of the book from which you have taken it

Element Example, including punctuation 1 Author(s) or Lawlor DW. editor(s) 2 Title of the book Photosynthesis: metabolism, control and (italics) physiology. 3 Edition 4 City of publication New York (NY): 5 Publisher John Wiley & Sons Inc; 6 Year of publication 1987. 7 Page reference p. 58 8 Figure, table etc Table 4.1. number

Lawlor DW. Photosynthesis: metabolism, control and physiology. New York (NY): John Wiley & Sons Inc; 1987. p. 58 Table 4.1.

62 6.2.2 Where the illustration is the work of the author of the journal article from which you have taken it

Element Example, including punctuation 1 Name of author(s) McSherry D. 2 Title of the article Retrieval failure and recovery in recommender systems. 3 Title of the journal in Artificial Intelligence Review. which the article was published (italics) 4 Year of publication 2005; 5 Volume number 24 6 Issue number (3-4): 7 Page reference for 319-338. the article 8 Page reference for p. 325 the illustration 9 Figure, table etc Fig 2. number

McSherry D. Retrieval failure and recovery in recommender systems. Artificial Intelligence Review. 2005; 24(3-4): 319-338. p 325 Fig 2.

6.2.3 Where the illustration is the work of the author of the web page from which you have taken it

Gray’s School of Art requires only the URL and a brief description of the subject matter of the web page. NB. The URL you give should take the reader directly to the exact page you have referred to, not the home page of the web site. Homepage of the Double Helix Ranch which gives details of individual longhorn cows and of the ranch’s breeding programme.

6.2.4 Where an author has reproduced an illustration by someone else and you have used this in your work

In this case follow the rules for the referencing of illustrations of works of art at section 2.6 above.

63 6.3 MAPS

6.3.1 Maps contained within a larger work (eg a book, journal article or web page)

Simply treat as an illustration and follow the rules at section g above.

6.3.2 Maps published in their own right

Element Example, including punctuation 1 Name of Ordnance Survey, cartographer. cartographer (usually a company or corporate body) 2 Title of the map Ballater, Glen Clova and surrounding area (italics) [map]. 4 City of publication Southampton: 5 Publisher Ordnance Survey; 6 Year of publication 1990.

Ordnance Survey, cartographer. Ballater, Glen Clova and surrounding area. [map] Southampton: Ordnance Survey; 1990.


65 66 List of illustrations

Chapter 1

1.1 Renoir P-A. Madame Charpentier and her children [oil on canvas]. Reproduced in: Brown M, editor. Picturing children. Aldershot: Ashgate; 2002. p. 29.

1.2 Walker K. Darkytown rebellion [cut paper and projection on wall]. In: Heartney E. The long shadows of slavery. Art in America. 2007; (9): 173.

Chapter 2

2.1 Dali S. Soft construction with boiled beans (premonition of civil war) [oil on canvas]. Reproduced in: Metropolitan Museum of Art online catalogue on the exhibition Barcelona and Modernity held from 7 Mar to 3 Jun 2007.

2.2 Deacon R. Siamese pink [ceramic sculpture]. Reproduced in: Deacon R. Richard Deacon: personals. Catalogue of an exhibition held at the Ikon Gallery; 2007 Jan 31-Mar 18; Birmingham, UK. Birmingham: Ikon Gallery; 2007. p. 31.

Chapter 3

3.1 Hunter L. Cornfield, Fife [oil on canvas]. Reproduced in: Scottish Arts Council. Three Scottish colourists: Cadell, Hunter, Peploe. Catalogue of an exhibition at the Scottish Arts Council Gallery; 1970 May 9-Jun 6; Glasgow, UK. Edinburgh: Scottish Arts Council; 1970. p. 40.

3.2 Hogarth W. Hogarth painting the comic muse [oil on canvas]. Reproduced in: Hallett M, Riding C. Hogarth. Catalogue of an exhibition held at the Musee de Louvre; 2006 Oct 18-2007 Jan 7; Paris, France. London: Tate; 2006. p. 47.

3.3 Munch E. The scream [oil, tempera and pastel on cardboard]. Reproduced in: Fouche G, Bowcott O. Tourists see Munch’s Scream stolen. The Guardian. 2004 August 23: 1.


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