Whitewater Student Government s1

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Whitewater Student Government s1

Whitewater Student Government Senate Meeting Minutes – 2/18/13

I. Call to Order at 7:00pm II. Pledge of Allegiance-Sen. Klay led those present in the Pledge of Allegiance. III. Roll Call Senator Roll Call Carp, Daniel (O) Present Dudley, Katelynn (O) Present Gaudet, Joe (O) Present Goodrum, Justin (O) Absent - Excused Goreta, Hannah (O) Present Grassnickle, Adam (D) Present Hagan, Shannon (O) Present Heck, Michael (E) Present Holthaus, Jordan (D) Absent - Excused Kats, Lauren (E) Present Klay, Johanna (O) Present McDarison, Taylor (O) Present Morris, Mary (E) Present Patterson, Connell III (O) Present Peterson, Jeremy (O) Present Rajsich, Michael (D) Present Runyard, Tim (O) Absent - Unexcused Strasser, Mike (O) Present Tomachek, Lucas (D) Present Waldhuetter, Dylan (O) Present Zamecnik, Alex (E) Present Ziolkowski, Thomas (O) Present

IV. Approval of Agenda and Minutes A. Minutes 1. Move to approve the Minutes of 2/11/2013 by Sen. McDarison, 2nd by Sen. Kats a. Voice Vote – Motion Passes B. Agenda 1. Move to approve the Agenda by Sen. Grassnickle, 2nd by Sen. Rajsich a. Voice Vote – Motion Passes V. Special Orders A. Appointment to Off-Campus Seat (1 Open Seat) B. Oath of Office – New Senators 1. Sen. Klay gives the Oath of Office to Sen. Richards and Sen. Perry VI. Student Issues and Concerns Under this section no formal action will be taken, although issues raised may become a part of a future agenda. Participants will be allotted a 3 minute speaking period. Topics

Individuals in need of accommodations should contact Johanna at [email protected] as soon as possible. on this agenda may not be discussed in this section; however, participants are welcome to speak to agenda items as they appear in subsequent sections. VII. Speakers VIII. Reports A. Internal Committee Reports B. External Committee Reports 1. LGBT Taskforce – Sen. Morris 2. Special Event Policy Review – Sen. Runyard C. Officer Reports 1. President Jensen 2. Vice President Jordan 3. WSG Adviser – Ms. Jan Bilgen 4. E-Board Reports a. Student Affairs Director – Ms. Limerick b. Academic Affairs Director – Mr. Brady c. Public Relations Director – Mr. Bristow d. Financial and Business Services Director – Mr. Murphy e. Intergovernmental Affairs Director – Mr. Schoate 5. WSG Clerk – Ms. Genrich 6. Deputy Speaker – Sen. Kats 7. Parliamentarian – Sen. Goreta 8. Speaker – Sen. Klay IX. Unfinished Business X. New Business XI. Issues XII. Committee Appointments XIII. Announcements XIV. Adjournment A. Move to Adjourn by Sen. Carp, 2nd by Sen. Gaudet 1. Voice Vote-Motion Passes B. Meeting Adjourned at 7:33 pm

Respectfully Submitted,

Gretchen Genrich

Whitewater Student Government-Clerk

Individuals in need of accommodations should contact Johanna at [email protected] as soon as possible. Executive Reports:

President John Jensen- Hello Ladies and Gentlemen of Whitewater Student Government. This last week the Student Savings Club was in Whitewater recruiting local businesses to be a part of the program. I am happy to announce that it was extremely successful and the businesses are all now discussing what discounts are going to be offered with the program. We will have a more full report on this in the very near future. Last week I also sat in on Non-Allocable Budget Presentations for Rec Sports, UHCS, and the Children’s Center. There should not be a significant increase in non-allocable segregated fees for next year. During our Executive Board meeting we discussed finalizing several projects including the City Clean Up Project which Mr. Murphy, Ms. Limerick, and Ms. Bilgen will be working on setting up! As a reminder, this would be a program that student organizations could do for a fundraising opportunity in exchange for cleaning up downtown Whitewater on Friday mornings. Vice-President Jordan and I will (hopefully) be heading up to Student Reps this weekend at UW-Madison to hear about what is going on at UW-System and at the state level. Vice-President Jordan and I also announced that we are not seeking re-election. We wish the contenders the best of luck and are willing to offer any advice that we can! I hope you all have a great week! [Hours Last Week: 10 hours]

Vice-President Danielle Jordan- Hello everyone, I hope you all had a fabulous weekend. Last week, I worked on a few things. First off, I changed the time of the banquet for May 4th, I moved it from 2-5pm to 4-6pm. Next week, I will be passing out a sheet that will have your name on it and I will just need you to check if you are coming and how many guests you will be inviting. It will also asks for an address so I can mail out invites to your guest(s). Secondly, I attended two meetings on Friday. My first meeting was with Bob Barry about the Alcohol policy. He explained to me that he is willing to hold one more committee meeting with the Alcohol Policy committee in order to have student representation of what is going on and if WSG wants things changed. We can either do a discussion next week on this or I can leave the policy in the office and students can stop by and examine it and let me know if there is something you'd like changed. I also would like to say, the reason we did not hear about this much last semester is because the senator that was on this committee was not attending the meetings and therefore we did not have representation on the body. The Second meeting I attended on Friday was with Lucretia about Parking hours. After the meeting I reviewed with Jan what she thought would be best to do, and so Lucretia and I will be rewriting a revised form this parking legislation and will have it for next week (hopefully). I am also a week behind in creating new binders for our senators who were appointed last week, so that will be another project I work on this week. I hope everyone has a great week and if you have any further questions about anything please let me know! [Hours Last Week: 10.5 hours]

Student Affairs Director, Ms. Lucretia Limerick- Hey guys, hope your weekend was fabulous. I met with Bob Brecklin to discuss legislation S10-11: 16 “Parking Lot 12 Ticketing Hours” on Friday. I also want to get a team started for Make a Difference Day. I know some of you may be involved with other organizations who participate, but if you’re not already participating I would appreciate it if you would join the WSG team. Please let me know by Monday March 18, 2013. Reminder to my committee we will be meeting this week Thursday February 21, 2013 at 1 PM outside the WSG office. If you have any questions, comments, or suggestions on any of the activities my committee will be focused on this semester feel free to contact me at [email protected] [Hours Last Week: 10 hours]

Academic Affairs Director, Mr. James Brady- Hi all! I hope you all had a great weekend! Not a whole lot going on my end of things. After talking with Joan Schrank, I will be serving on the McGraw Award for Student Excellence Committee. The McGraw Award is the university's top student award. It was created in 1985 and it honors outstanding student achievement. In order to be eligible a student must have completed 60 credits from UW-Whitewater, a minimum GPA of 3.5 in their major, and be actively involved in the university and community. If you are interested in the award feel free to contact me and I can give you more info. Happy President's Day everyone!! [Hours Last Week: 10.75 hours]

Individuals in need of accommodations should contact Johanna at [email protected] as soon as possible. Public Relations Director, Mr. Dan Bristow- Good evening WSG! Not too much going on for me, aside from trying to get the word out about the upcoming elections. I will spend this week working on fliers to spread awareness for the elections. PR committee, my bad. If anyone has any questions please let me know, otherwise, have a fantastic week! [Hours Last Week: 10 hours]

Business and Financial Director- Mr. Justin Murphy - Hello everyone. Last week we introduced two new members into the Student Chamber of Commerce, Fort Community Credit Union and Associated Bank. This week we will be working on getting further businesses to come and present to the committee. The utilization binders I have given out to our current members has been working exactly as I thought they would. Businesses are now utilizing our digital signage and newsletter service, services that went unused last semester. I also spoke with Julann from WWBIC and she helped gain a focus on our micro loan goal. She recommended that we build funds before pursuing micro loans, so that is the main focus for us this semester. Any questions please let me know. [email protected] [Hours Last Week: 12.25 hours]

Intergovernmental Affairs Director- Mr. Spencer Schoate – Good evening, I hope everyone enjoyed All Star Weekend and got to cheer for Kevin Durant and Russell Westbrook in the All Star Game. I finished the Legislators packets and they should be on the website soon. I will be meeting with Jon and Jan to discuss their expectations for the Shared Governance plan, so if you are on my committee be on the look out for an email from me. I will be contacting Mary Beth Mackin to set up a time to meet to discuss the new city ordinance. Chapter 36 University of Wisconsin System Update: 36.01 Statement of purpose and mission. 36.03 System. 36.05 Definitions. 36.07 Corporate title, officers, meetings, records. 36.09 Responsibilities. 36.11 Powers and duties of the board of regents. [Hours Last Week: 6 hours]

WSG Clerk, Ms. Gretchen Genrich- Hello all, this week I put out the Presidential Candidate Packets! I, personally, am very excited to see all of our candidates and have an exciting election! Some important dates: February 27th there's a mandatory candidate information session at 5:15 pm that will take place outside of the WSG office, March 1st packets are due! Don't forget to read up on the standing rules to check how many signatures you need in total/from each district. Good luck to those of you! Also, congrats to Nathan Perry and Kelly Richards, your signature packets have been confirmed! Other than election business, I have a few projects on my horizon that you'll be hearing about in later meetings. Have a great week everyone! [Hours Last Week: 10.25 hours]

Speaker- Senator Johanna Klay – Hello everyone! I hope everyone is being extra safe in washing their hands and drinking plenty of vitamin C to stay healthy during the cold season. Congratulations again to our new senators! On Friday, I talked with Mr. Pat Moriarty and he wished for me to share with you that everyone he has met with in regards to the Student Savers Club has been more than positive with participating. He estimates that this will be running within 7-10 days as of Friday, so now it’s approximately 4-7 days til completion. I have recently rearranged certain committee appointments due to the new senators and few time conflicts, so make sure to check the office for the most updated list if need be. [Hours Last Week: At least 1 hour]

Individuals in need of accommodations should contact Johanna at [email protected] as soon as possible.

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