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Sign up for Our Newsletter on the Site

*We are looking for sponsors for southern CA, Austin, TX, Hawaiian Islands, NYC-Boston-Maine area, South Carolina, San Diego, CA and Florida

**Portland, OR, Edmonton, Alberta, CAN, Tucson, AZ and Santa Fe, NM are possibilities for 2012-13 . Sponsorship applications available for the above areas and other places.

Sign up for our Newsletter on the site.

Radio Show purchasers info on attunements and video:

Here are some suggestions on how to listen to the attunements and watching the 5 hr video:

Please note: the audio and video products are Copyright 2012 Kenji Kumara and duplication/reproduction is prohibited.

Listen to the attunements and watch the video with family and in groups-makes for more powerful experiences-more is good in this case. Pets welcome. The attunements are from the trainings so you receive the same activations and initiations (and healing of core patterns) as the students did so you can offer the work to others. Suggest you listen in order from Product #1 foward. The video can be viewed at any time in the sequence. The video is a Master Series 1 Intensive 5 hour review so you can see how the work is offered. It is the protocol for giving the work to others, including pets. You may ask for donations for the work as needed. The PDF Power Point presentation is an outline for Master Series 1 and gives an outline of the training. Take notes. The Student Agreement should be sent back to me so I know you understand the QL guidelines. The Disclaimer should also be sent back. You may make an edited version for yourself and have your clients fill out . It is good legal protection. The Client In Take form is FYI and you may edit to fit the needs of your clientele if you choose to go this route. It looks professional. Please fill out, sign and date the Disclaimer and QL Student Legal Agreement. Hosts/Sponsorships are available. You may attend the Intensives in person to deepen your understanding of the work. Feel free to keep me informed of your progress and if you have questions, please do get in touch. Do not listen to the attunements while driving or operating heavy machinery. All forms can be downloaded from the website.

Suggest you listen to one track per day, mulitple times, or one Intensive per day, or as needed. Then go to the next track the following day. Then the whole Intensive Series during one sitting. You may listen to go to sleep, for your meditation and prayer practice or sitting out in Nature. You can run on continuous play as needed. Create the storage area in your brain to house the data that you are receiving that cannot integrate into the brain. It will download when needed by you. After you listen to all the tracks on any Attunement Series (example: Product Bundle #1), you now can listen to all the tracks at once. Each training has a different focus for that particular group. The 5 file video review will allow you to begin to offer the work to others. Watch in one hour segments. You do not have to catch them. In a chair, on a low setting massage table, laying on a couch or their bed will do.

You may not have a reference for this work, since it is being brought to people from a new level of the quantum and is being established in the Earth Matrix as we initiate students into the work through Intensives, Healing Waves intros and personal sessions. Let's just say, we are teaching people to integrate and embody the levels of the I AM Presence, their Divine Self and this has no English wording, but can be felt and experienced in the body and brain and heart. One needs to trust and have faith and be willing to simply receive the work in the best way they can. It is given according to your trust and belief (in yourself and in Prime Source).

The changes will be on-going and many will appear and manifest without your conscious awareness of such, but your friends will notice before you do, especially those you haven't seen in months. We work with the Christos energy that come through the Great Central Sun. Before meditation or prayer, invoke the 4 pillars of Light, the emerald magnetic grid and the star gate of unlimited potential, then call in the Light Beings associated with this work, the Council of 14, the Council of Clarity and my Healing Team for assistance.

The activations, the initiations will continue to work over time, as you allow and stay open to the energy. It may bring up a brief healing crisis, or it may not depending. All is good. Your life is shifting naturally and un-noticed most of the time with this work. Drink water after listening. Do not listen while driving your auto or operating machinery.

Hope this helps with everything. Thank you for sharing ......

New Phone Session Client info:

If you sent in payment and want a phone session, please call to book. You may send back the Client In Take (optional) and Disclaimer forms and review the rest of the Word docs. Preparation: My healing team starts to work on you 3 days before your appt date. Prepare by journaling your thoughts. Leave time after your session for integration. The work continues until complete as you stay open to the changes. Your phone session is 60+ minutes. Questions to: Please indicate which radio show you purchased from or their coupon code. Payment via site (Shop page) through Pay Pal or mail check / M.O. to my address.

Skype is available for overseas clients: lightweaver2013, Kenji Kumara,, 425-337-3354 USA. Send me an Invitation to connect. Skype call can be recorded. You may pay via Pay Pal from my site (Shop) or go to PP directly and pay (Kenji Kumara, Pay Pal non account users instructions are on the website. For non radio show purchasers, the phone session is $150 for 60 minutes.

You can also mail a check or money order to:

Kenji Kumara 15320 Mill Creek Blvd #Z-202 Mill Creek, WA 98012-1550 425-337-3354 Home (business email)

If you want to have the session recorded, we can do a CC:

Free Conference Call: 218-844-8230 Dial In 103240# Access Code (If the line is stratchy, hang up and re-dial for better connection - use land line phone if possible)

Playback: 218-844-8799 Dial In 103240# Access Code Hit _ # when asked for the Reference # (your recording) or ......

I will copy recording to MP3 file (on 877-482-5838 or and send you the link via email or right after the call. Save and Download to your computer/smart phone.

Instructions for saving and downloading your session:

Via e-mail: "Right click the e-mail attachment and click "Save Link As" or "Save Target As" and it will bring up a window for you to download it to your computer."

Via "Left click the YouSendIt link and it will bring you to the download page. Left click the download button and it will bring up a window for you to download it to your computer."

Blessings, Kenji - Kenji on Salma and Karen Show April 17 - Kenji on Darius Show March 15 - Kenji on Sheila Show special event March 12, 14 and April 4th -March 14 Contact Radio with Nancy Battye - Kenji's own show (Begins March 8 & 22) http://www - New Show w/ Gabbi March 11 - Jeneth - Darius - Adoley

425-337-3354 Appointments Business email: (Sign up for Newsletter) (radio show classes)

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