Spring Hill Public School P & C Meeting Minutes
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Spring Hill Public School P & C Meeting Minutes
2nd March, 2017, 5:45PM. The Railway Hotel, Spring St, Spring Hill, NSW.
Chairperson: Kaye Stevenson Minute taker: Haidee Nelson Attendees: Ann Marie McAnulty, Deina Hines, Christine Whybrow, Amanda Wiegold, Sam Wiegold, Bronte Murrey, Jess Tink, Sam Nelson Apologies: Kerrie Carr, Louise Ryan, Jenny Hastedt
Meeting opened 5:55pm
Haidee Nelson moved to accept previous minutes from 2016 Annual General Meeting, seconded Kaye Stevenson.
2017 Membership Paid:
Jess Tink Haidee Nelson Sam Nelson Kaye Stevenson Garry Stevenson Amanda Wiegold Andrew Wiegold Deina Hines Bronte Murray Ann Marie McAnulty Christine Whybrow Louise Ryan Jenny Hastedt Kerrie Carr
ACTION: Kerrie Carr to send home more membership forms to parents.
Principals Report: Thank you to the P&C members for all hard work and thank you to all the volunteers at the school.
Ann Marie McAnulty has registered interest for catering for the Term 2 Principal's luncheon as a fundraiser for the P&C. It would be approximately 25-30 attendees at $30 a head.
Jack May Cup is on Tuesday the 14th of March.
Paul Stafford is developing a film with the students and will have 5 visits to the school.
At the recent swimming carnival OSSA were overall champions and Joseph Stewart was senior boys champion, coming first in all 5 races he swam in. Qualifying students will participate in the regional carnival on the 10th March.
Spring Hill had a visit from a vision impaired man and his guide dog and learnt that the cost of training these dogs was $35,000. The students will organise a fundraising day to donate money this cause. Parent Teacher Interview are next week and notes have gone home.
The Book Fair has started.
President's Report: Attached.
Secretary’s Report: No report.
Treasurer’s Report: Attached. Christine Whybrow moved to accept the treasurer's report, seconded Kaye Stevenson.
All positions declared vacant.
President: Kaye Stevenson nominated by Christine Whybrow, seconded Haidee Nelson, nomination accepted, elected unopposed. Vice President: Amanda Wiegold nominated by Deina Hines, seconded Kaye Stevenson, Jess Tink nominated by Ann Marie McAnulty, seconded Haidee Nelson, both accepted position, elected unopposed. Treasurer: Christine Whybrow nominated by Ann Marie McAnulty, seconded Amanda Wiegold, nomination accepted, elected unopposed. Secretary: Haidee Nelson nominated by Ann Marie McAnulty, seconded Deina Hines, nomination accepted, elected unopposed. Uniform Officer: ACTION: Ann Marie McAnulty to check with Karen Howarth if she is willing to continue.
General Business:
Fundraising goal/s are need for the P&C. This could include school programs or infrastructure. At this stage the Music Program is a continuous requirement to be subsidised by the P&C, requiring $2000 per year. The school may need more funds to purchase equipment for the tennis courts. ACTION: Ann Marie McAnulty to get quotes or figures for this equipment.
Christine Whybrow moved the motion that we donate $2000 towards music program, seconded Jess Tink. ACTION: Kaye Stevenson to present cheque at the Easter Hat Parade, 4th April, 2017.
Easter Raffle- ACTION: Haidee Nelson to write a letter requesting a donation of Easter eggs from Big W. Haidee Nelson to write a school stream alert asking students to bring in something to contribute to the Easter Egg raffle. Organise raffle books for students to take home and sell, and to be left at the post office, Railway Hotel and at the Tandy's shop. Tickets to be sent home by the 17th of March and returned by 9am Monday the 3rd of April.
HWS in the kids kitchen- ACTION: Garry Stevenson to call a plumber to organise the installation of the HWS.
Jack May Cup lunch order. Ensure it is organised in a way that all orders and money are received this year. ACTION: Kerrie Carr to send lunch order notes home and email it to the other schools. Jess Tink to get ice blocks, Ann Marie McAnulty to get apples donated, Amanda Wiegold to check with sister about bread, Haidee Nelson to ask for donations for sausages.
Fundraising calender of events to be developed and sent home to notify parents of upcoming fundraising opportunities. Mother's Day Raffle May- seek donations for this. ACTION: Haidee Nelson to write letters so that donations can be requested. Make a spreadsheet of who is asking what business.
2016 Christmas Raffle ACTION: Haidee Nelson to write thank you letters for all Christmas donations. The contributions from all businesses allowed $843.30 to be raised.
Movie Fundraiser- Keep an eye out for a suitable movie for a fundraising event.
Trivia Night could be held in winter.
ACTION: Haidee Nelson to make a poster for meeting notifications with contact numbers and email.
Meat Raffles to be held each Thursday night. First one held on AGM night with a $50 meat tray as a prize. $145 was received from tickets sold, Jess Tink was reimbursed $50, and kept $80 for next week ($40 meat tray for first prize and 2x$20 for second and third). $15 remaining was given to Christine Whybrow to be banked.
Meeting Closed 7:10PM.
Next Meeting to be held Thursday, 6th April 2017, 5:30pm for a 5:45pm start.
Summary of Actions: Action Who Date raised Progress Deina Hines to give Christine Whybrow a list of Deina Hines 21.10.15 In Progress outstanding payments for pavers, $120 outstanding. Awaiting $90. Jess Tink will investigate and organise meat raffles Jess Tink 24.08.16 Ongoing at the Railway Hotel. -Andrew Wiegold to sell the tickets Make uniform guide for the school. Kaye Stevenson Kaye 12.10.2016 In Progress to get girls photo and Sarah Devenish to get a boys Stevenson, photo of both Winter, Summer and Eisteddfod Sarah uniform examples. Haidee Nelson is to put it Devenish, together. Haidee Nelson Christine Whybrow to write a cheque to Karen Christine 30.11.2016 Completed Howarth to subsidise Liam's State representation. Whybrow. Haidee Nelson to write letter to accompany it. Haidee Nelson Haidee to write letters seeking donations for Jack Haidee Nelson 16.02.2017 May Cup. Kerrie to email lunch form to Mullion Creek and Euchareena. Kerrie Carr Christine Whybrow to confirm sleeper donation or Christine 16.02.2017 P&C to buy them. Whybrow Deina Hines to research year 6 T-shirts for 2017 Deina Hines 16.02.2017 Kerrie to email membership forms for P&C. Ann Kerrie Carr 16.02.2017 Marie to make poster with Liam and cattle prodder. Ann Marie McAnulty Haidee to write Thank you letter to be sent to Jay Haidee Nelson 16.02.2017 and Nicole Parkes for the sausages donated for the Christmas Carols. Check with Karen Howarth regarding continuing as Ann Marie 2.03.2017 Uniform Officer. McAnulty Get quotes or figures for tennis equipment needed. Ann Marie 2.03.2017 McAnulty Present cheque to school for the music program at Kaye 2.03.2017 the Easter Hat Parade, 4th April, 2017. Stevenson Write a letter requesting a donation of easter eggs Haidee Nelson 2.03.2017 from Big W to give to Jess Tink. Write a school stream alert asking students to bring in something to contribute to the Easter Egg raffle. Organise raffle books for students to take home and sell, and to be left at the post office, Railway Hotel and at the Tandy's shop. Tickets to be sent home by the 17th of March and returned by 9am Monday the 3rd of April. Call a plumber to organise the installation of the Garry 2.03.2017 HWS. Stevenson Send lunch order notes home and email it to the Kerrie Carr 2.03.2017 other schools. Organise ice blocks. Jess Tink Organise apples to be donated, Ann Marie Amanda Wiegold to check with sister about bread. McAnulty Haidee Nelson to ask for donations for sausages. Amanda Volunteers needed for cooking and serving. Wiegold Write letters so that donations can be requested. Haidee Nelson 2.03.2017 Make a spreadsheet of who is asking what business. Write thank you letters for all Christmas donations. Haidee Nelson 2.03.2017 Make a poster for meeting notifications with contact Haidee Nelson 2.03.2017 numbers and email.