Grade 5 Writing Rubric Teacher Rubric

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Grade 5 Writing Rubric Teacher Rubric

GRADE 5 NARRATIVE WRITING SCORING GUIDE GRANDE PRAIRIE AND DISTRICT CATHOLIC SCHOOLS Student Name: School: Date 1: Date 2: IDEAS ORGANIZATION VOICE WORD CHOICE SENTENCE FLUENCY CONVENTIONS Focus When marking IDEAS appropriate for Grade 5 When marking ORGANIZATION When marking VOICE appropriate for Grade When marking WORD CHOICE appropriate for When marking SENTENCE FLUENCY appropriate for When marking CONVENTIONS appropriate for writing, the marker should consider how appropriate for Grade 5 writing, the 5 writing, the marker should consider how Grade 5 writing, the marker should consider Grade 5 writing, the marker should consider how Grade 5 writing, the marker should consider the effectively the writer marker should consider how effectively effectively the writer how effectively the writer uses effectively the writer extent to which the writer has control of the writer •displays clarity of main idea •connects the writing to the reader •words accurately •uses sentence patterns •punctuation •addresses topic with theme development •displays beginning, middle and end •communicates the speaker’s identify (first •literary devices (figurative language, sensory •uses sentence variations •grammar •uses specific details •includes sequential information person, third person, narrator) imaging, etc.) •uses sentence length •spelling •restricts writing to focus topic •logically connects ideas and details to •words to create visual images main theme •words to enhance meaning

Note: Ideas and Organization are weighted to Note: Ideas and Organization are The length and complexity of response must The length and complexity of response must be Proportion of error to length and complexity of be worth twice as much as each of the other weighted to be worth twice as much as be considered. considered. response must be considered. categories. each of the other categories. 5 •main idea is clear and consistent •the beginning portion of writing clearly •voice is engaging and clearly identifiable •words and expressions are strong and well •sentences are used effectively to enhance writing •writing is virtually error free •understanding of topic is thorough and well establishes context, characters, and •voice is perfect for writing purpose chosen for writing purpose •sentences consistently vary in length and structure •grammar is used accurately and enhances writing Meets the represented setting •writer uses voice to enhance topic or theme •vocabulary clearly enriches writing purpose •sentence length provides interest and flow of writing •clarity compliments the writing piece Standard •details enhance the quality of the writing •organizational pattern (such as •words are used to create a vivid representation of chronological order, cause and effect, of topic etc.) is clearly applied Excellence •conclusion provides clear reconciliation of events

4 •main idea of the paper is clear •beginning portion of writing is fairly •voice is sufficient and generally accurate •words and expressions are specific and •sentences are smooth and controlled •minor errors in punctuation are present •writer shows knowledge of the topic; more would standard but functional •voice is appropriate for writing purpose appropriate •some sentences show variation and differentiation •grammar is used correctly Approaches enrich the writing •organizational pattern may display only •writer uses voice to add some interest to •vocabulary supports writing purpose •sentence length provides an ease of reading •writer maintains clarity the •selects well chosen details to convey main idea minor deviations topic or theme •words are used to lead the reader to an Standard •conclusion displays an appropriate closure understanding of the topic of Excellence 3 •main idea can be identified but needs clearer •the beginning may provide only basic •voice is appropriate but may lack •words and expressions are occasionally used to •sentences are basic and structurally correct •punctuation is generally accurate focus information consistency enhance writing purpose •few sentence variations are noticeable •grammar is not consistently applied Clearly •topic is addressed but consistency and more •organizational relationships lack •voice is predictable yet functional •vocabulary is appropriate yet limited •sentences are generally the same length •reader can discern main ideas of writing though Meets the information is needed consistency •writer uses voice without clear distinction •words are used with few descriptive editing is necessary Acceptable •details are general and need supportive •conclusion is general or predictable applications information Standard

2 •main idea is difficult to determine •the beginning is confusing or lacks details •voice is confusing or vague •words and expressions are basic and may •sentences are choppy, run-on or inaccurate •punctuation usage is inconsistent or inaccurate •writer lacks understanding of the topic •organization is distracting to main idea •voice is not matching writer’s purpose detract from writing •writing displays simple sentencing for majority of •grammar usage interferes with understanding of Does Not •details are insufficient to support message •conclusion is not clearly recognized •writer uses voice inappropriately •vocabulary is somewhat confusing and makes piece written piece Clearly clearly topic indistinct •sentences show little variation in length •errors consistently impair readability Meet the •words can be unclear or vague in usage Acceptable Standard 1 •main idea is not clearly evident •the beginning is not evident •voice is not easily recognized •words and expressions are limited, confusing •sentences are incomplete, confusing or problematic •punctuation usage is confusing or absent •information is limited or unclear •organization lacks relationships • voice is not appropriate to writing purpose and/or inaccurate •little to no understanding of sentence structure •grammar usage follows no established norms Clearly •details are non-supportive or absent •conclusion is not evident •writer does not display a clear use of voice •vocabulary is basic, uninteresting or being •extensive editing is required Below the developed Acceptable •words do not enhance or clarify writing Standard

Adapted from The Write Traits Classroom Kit – Gr. 5 Houghton Mifflin Publishing, 6+1 Traits of Writing Grades 3 and up Ruth Culham, PAT Rubric Alberta Learning

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