Michigan Baptist Scholarship Society (Mbss)

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Michigan Baptist Scholarship Society (Mbss)



Introduction. MBSS seeks to raise money to award Decisions about scholarships are made by the MBSS scholarships to men and women who are active members governing board (which is chosen by ABC-MI). The amount of churches affiliated with American Baptist Churches of of scholarship per applicant depends on several factors. In Michigan and are studying to become professional church past years, the biggest emphasis has been on helping leaders with an evangelical Christian focus. Usually that people in seminary, and even more when the seminary is means a pastor, missionary, or chaplain. The scholarships affiliated with American Baptist Churches/USA. For are not designed for what are commonly called secular undergraduates, the level of support starts off rather small fields, such as teaching in a public school or becoming a in one’s freshman year and normally increases in the business person. following years. Then if one continues to seminary, the amount of funding increases significantly more. Regular undergraduate or seminary scholarships may be for full-time or part-time study. However, it is expected The finances are handled by the ABC-MI bookkeeper. that part-time students will take at least half of what their Scholarship money goes to schools of MBSS recipients to school considers as a full time program to be eligible. The be deposited in their accounts. amount of scholarship help is proportional. Most seminary students have undergraduate debts and MBSS recipients can now be in three categories: (1) an usually are not eligible for as much financial assistance undergraduate at a college or university accredited by the from sources outside of the faith community as compared North Central Association (or similar accrediting agency if with undergraduates. Likewise, the farther along a person not in this area of the country); (2) a seminarian in a goes in his or her education, the more likely is the seminary accredited by the Association of Theological commitment towards professional church leadership. Schools (ATS); or (3) a student in the American Baptist Churches of Michigan Ministry Leadership Institute. Another factor is the range of undergraduate and seminary costs. It is more expensive to go away to school than to This last program is scheduled to be launched by ABC-MI attend one within commuting distance, and online for 25 students in October of 2015 under the direction of learning is often cheaper than being in classes. MBSS Rev. Dr. John Landis. It recognizes the fact that many tries to take these matters into consideration when people who are called by the Holy Spirit to become pastors considering applications and to be as fair as possible in within the ABC-MI context cannot afford a traditional determining financial need. As you might expect, the seminary education, and many small churches cannot amount of scholarship assistance that one recipient gets afford to pay a pastor having large college and seminary may not be the same as for another person. debts. The Certified Lay Pastor program is a two-year program designed to help people who do not have a You can apply for support at various stages in your seminary education prepare for more effective church undergraduate or seminary studies. Unfortunately, MBSS leadership in smaller churches. Much of the instruction does not have funds to help with doctoral programs. will be online. Some of the dialogue will take place in person between students, instructors, and mentors. The MBSS hopes to begin funding scholarships for students in courses are expected to cost $99 each – or approximately the new Ministry Leadership Institute soon after details for $3,000 for the two years (including books). Only it are published. participants in the Certified Lay Pastor track are eligible for MBSS support. MBSS will try to assist as many of the Finally, please remember our first point: the need to raise twenty-five people as possible who can qualify but cannot money to award scholarships. The amount MBSS can give afford this program by providing up to half of the tuition in a specific year depends on what we have available and costs. The specific amount of scholarship per individual the number of applicants. We ask our recipients to be our would mostly depend on that person’s financial needs and “ambassadors” by helping to spread the word about what the number of applicants—as well as the amount of money MBSS is doing. A simple goal is to encourage each ABC-MI MBSS has available. church to contribute one dollar per member per year to MBSS. 2

All applicants must complete and sign this application and provide the following:

1. Letter from your pastor or the governing body of your church indicating your active membership in an ABC-MI church, together with a recommendation stating the reasons you merit MBSS Scholarship support.

2. Copy of an official transcript from the most recent school you attended.

3. Letter of reference from a teacher, professor, or other official from a current or recent school. (If it has been over five years, MBSS realizes that might not be feasible.)

4. Typed or computer-printed autobiographical essay (usually two or three pages long) describing your Christian experiences, call to professional church leadership, and career goals as best you understand them now.

5. A recent photograph of yourself for MBSS publicity purposes. A five to ten minute video presentation about yourself or personal interview with the MBSS Board or a Board member is encouraged but not mandatory.

6. For undergraduates, a copy of your acceptance to your school (accredited as described above).

7. For seminary students, a letter of your acceptance to an ATS-accredited school. If it is not affiliated with ABCUSA, please include a copy of its theological values and mission statement (usually found in its catalogue or on its website. MBSS will review them to assure compatibility with ABCUSA core beliefs and practices. If you have any questions about this point # 7, contact Rev. Ronald Cary, Sr. He is Chair of the ABC-MI Commission on Ordination and Standing. His e-mail is: [email protected] and his phone is 989-798-7062.

8. For seminary and Ministry Leadership Institute students): a letter of recommendation from Rev. Dr. Michael A. Williams, ABC-MI Executive Minister, indicating that you contacted him in person, by letter, e-mail, or by phone about your present plans and circumstances. His e-mail is: [email protected] and his phone is 800-632-2953.

Type or print clearly. Feel free to add attachments if you wish.

Name (circle Mr. or Ms.) ______D.O.B.______

Address: ______City/State/Zip______

Home or cell phone ______E-mail address:______

Home church: ______City/State______

Year you joined there ______Church involvement______


Circle the kind of school you plan to attend: (undergraduate, seminary, Ministry Leadership Institute). The next segment (above financial information) does not apply to Ministry Leadership Institute applicants.

Address (of your anticipate school ______


Phone: ( ) ______Fax (______) ______

Website: ______

Major (or degree program) ______Expected date of completion______

I am a (circle which applies) full-time or part- time student and seeking (circle full year/half year) of support starting

(month)______(year)______. For the segment of the school year for which I am applying, I expect

to be a (circle one) an undergraduate: freshman, sophomore, junior, senior, or a seminary freshman, middler, 3

senior. Explain below if these terms to not apply to you. ______


How many credits do you expect to earn in the next academic term, quarter, or semester?______How many credits

does your school require to meet its definition of a full-time student in that time frame? ______

Applicants for the Ministry Leadership Institute do not need to indicate its address or other contact information. However, you will need a letter of acceptance into the Institute and a recommendation from the Director of the Ministry Leadership Institute. In addition, two courses (one from each track) and a covenant of intent to complete the Certified Lay Pastor program must be completed before your application is submitted. Please indicate the month and year you hope to begin and include a statement about how you expect to use what you learn in the program. You can e-mail Rev. Dr. Landis at [email protected] and call him at 734-635-1444. As indicated above you will also need a recommendation from Rev. Dr. Michael Williams.

Every applicant for any of the programs supported by MBSS must provide the following financial information (which will be kept in confidence and used to help make decisions about scholarships). This applies to the time during which you are seeking MBSS support.

Number of people you claim as dependents on income tax forms (not including yourself) ______

Your estimated expenses Your assets and anticipated income

Tuition and fees______Savings account ______

Room and board (if you are going away to school) From parents/spouse/others______


Books ______

Travel to and from school ______Employment ______

Other expenses related to your education?

______List scholarships/grants & amounts

Insurance/medical ______

Tithe/contributions ______


Total expenses ______Total income ______

Current amount of indebtedness related to your education and reason(s) for it ______

Are there any other concerns about your personal finances that you want MBSS to consider? 4

(If you need more space, attach a separate sheet.)

Agreement: After prayer and consultation with others, I believe that I qualify for a MBSS Scholarship because I meet all MBSS criteria. If chosen for support, I realize that I must maintain at least a 2.5 grade point average based on a 4.0 scale and earn the amount of credit that I explained above. If I receive an MBSS Scholarship but do not complete my education as planned, I promise to contact MBSS as soon as possible to describe my situation. Unless there are extenuating circumstances beyond my control that keep me from completing my academic program, I accept moral responsibility to repay my MBSS Scholarship to help others going into professional church vocations.

I also agree to help publicize MBSS insofar as possible. Unless I submit a written statement requesting otherwise, I authorize MBSS to use my picture and brief autobiographical highlights (along with those from other recipients) as part of a display and other fund-raising efforts.

Your signature ______Date ______

Deadlines for complete application and all supporting documents (for both undergraduates and seminarians): July 1 for MBSS support for beginning in the fall semester/quarter/term and October 1 for MBSS support beginning in the second semester/quarter/term.

For students in the Ministry Leadership Institute, the deadlines will be determined after it is fully established.

Mail this application and supporting documents to:

H. Bruce Carr, President, Michigan Baptist Scholarship Society 23436 North Stockton Drive Farmington Hills, MI 48336

If you have any questions, call him at 248-474-8916 (day or evening) or e-mail him at [email protected]

As an alternative, you can handle most of this by e-mail (except for academic transcripts).

The MBSS governing board tries to meet as soon as possible after application deadlines to review applications and make funding decisions. After that is done, we will try and let you know the results (by phone and/or e-mail) within a week.

This application was revised on August 5, 2015.

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