Instruction for Authors
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¶(11 pt) ¶(11 pt) ¶(11 pt) ¶(11 pt) INSTRUCTIONS FOR AUTHORS AND A SAMPLE PAPER (14 pt Bold) WITH CAPITAL LETTERS, TWO LINES MAX.) ¶(11 pt) Bâlc, N.; [email protected] Gyenge, Cs.; [email protected] ( 12pt Bold) Lăzărescu, L.; [email protected] (12 pt Bold) ¶(11 pt) ¶(11 pt) Abstract: Abstract of 50-120 words (10 pt italic)xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xx (max. five lines) xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Key words: List 4-5 keywords (10 pt italic). ¶(11 pt) 1. INTRODUCTION (11 PT, CAPITALS, top of the next page/column. Use extra spacing BOLD) (between earlier figures or sections) to push the ¶ (11 pt) headings up to the top of the same column as its (11 pt , normal) The paper may be written in text. In view of the tight page constrains, English. It shall contain and be structured in the however, do please make the fullest possible use following way: problem statements, application of the text area. area, research course, methods used, status, Paragraphs should be justified, using single results, further research, references. spacing. Each paper must give the clear answers to the ¶ (11 pt) questions: what is the problem ? what is done by 2.2 Language, Stile Spelling other people ? what have I done ? what is new ? Use common technical terms. what is my contribution ? Spelling: Follow Merriam Webster’s ¶ (11 pt) Collegiate Dictionary, Longman or Oxford 2. INFORMATIONS Dictionaries ¶ (11 pt) 2.3 Mail 2.1 Layout (11 pt, bold) - Conference address: - Use DIN A4 Format (297 x 210 mm). WORD Nicolae BÂLC format. International Conference MTeM’2013 - Margins: top, bottom, left and right 25 mm Technical University of Cluj-Napoca each. Use the whole space! Faculty of Machine Building - 2 columns, column distance 7 mm. B-dul Muncii 103-105 - The text should be written on one side of the RO-400641Cluj-Napoca page only. Romania - The paper has to be written in WINWORD xx x xx xxx xxxx xxxxx xxxx xxx xxx xx x xx format. xxx xxxx xxxxx xxxx xxx xx x xx xxx xxxx - Use Times New Roman fonts, line spacing xxxxx xxxx xxx xxx xx x xx xxx xxxx xxxxx single. The font formats are: paper title: 14 pt 2.4 E-mail bold, capital letters; author's name(s) + e-mail: An electronic copy of the paper (as an MSWord 12 pt bold; abstract 10 pt italic; key words: 10 file or PDF file) should be sent to the following pt, italic; chapter titles: 11 pt bold, capital e-mail address: letters; subtitles: 11 pt bold italic, numbered, [email protected] left justified, upper and lower case; text: 11 pt 2.5 Visual Aids at Conference - The paper must have four or six A4 pages; Visual Aids: Standard slides, overhead projector - Use the printer with 600 dpi or more only. and video recorder (VHS-format) Avoid leaving a heading at the bottom of a ¶ (11 pt) column, with the subsequent text starting at the 3. FIGURES ¶ (11 pt) xxx xx x xx xxx xxxx xxxxx xxxx xxx xx x xx Figures have to be made in high quality, which xxx xxxx xxxxx xxxx xxx xxx xx x xx. is suitable for reproduction and print. Don't 7. CONCLUSION include photos or colour prints. Place figure at ¶ (11 pt) the top or bottom of a column whenever Please read this instruction carefully. Prepare possible, as close as possible to the first your paper exactly according to the instructions. reference to them in the paper. That is the easiest and the most efficient way to ¶ (11 pt) have a good published paper, a clear x presentation and successful symposium. We are x looking forward to meet you in Cluj-Napoca in October 2013 x ¶ (11 pt) Figures 8. KEY DATES AND MY CHECKLIST x ¶ (11 pt) Fig. 1. Title of figure (11 pt) xxx xx x xx xxx Date: Subject Check xxxx xxxxx xxxx xxx June 30 Submission of the papers (four ¶ (11 pt) pages, A4 format, including tables 4. TABLES (11 pt) and figures) ¶ (11 pt) July 30 Scientific Reviewing and sending the Place table at the top or bottom of a column observations of review committee st whenever possible, as close as possible to the 1 Sept. Sending the camera ready papers first reference to it in the paper ¶ (11 pt) ¶ (11 pt) 9. REFERENCES (11 pt) Table 1. Title of table, left justified, subsequent ¶ (11 pt) text indented. (11 pt) References have to include at least 5 items and have not to be self-centred. The list of references has to be arranged alphabetically according to the first author, subsequent lines indented. Do ¶ (11 pt) not number references. Publications by the same 5. EQUATIONS (11 pt) author(s) should be listed in order of year of ¶ (11pt) publication. If there are more than one paper by Equations are centered and numbered the same author(s) and with the same date, label consecutively, from 1 upward (1) them a, b, etc. Please note that all references ¶ (11 pt) listed here must be directly cited in the body of 6. REFERRING (11 pt) the text. ¶ (11pt) ►Bâlc, N. & Gyenge, Cs. (2005). Name of Book When publication is referred to in the text, in Italics, Publisher, ISBN, Place of Publication enclose the author’s name and the date of ►Gyenge, Cs. (2006). Name of paper. Name of publication within the brackets. For one author, Journal in Italics, Vol., No., (month and year of use author’s surname and the date (Gyenge, the edition) page numbers (first-last), ISSN 2006). For two authors, give both names & the ► Gyenge, Cs.; Bâlc, N. & Costea, A. (2004). date (Bâlc & Gyenge, 2010). For three or more Title of conference paper, Proceedings of xxx authors, use the first author, plus „et al.", and xxx, Gyenge, Cs. (Ed.), pp. 14-17, ISBN, the date (Gyenge et al., 2009). If giving a list of conference location, month and year, Publisher, reference, separate them using semicolons. xxx City xx x xx xxx xxxx xxxxx xxxx xxx xxx xx x xx ► Gyenge, Cs. & Berce, P. (1999). Name of xxx xxxx xxxxx xxxx xxx xx x xx xxx xxxx paper, In: Name of Book in Italics, Name(s) of xxxxx xxxx xxx xxx xx x xx xxx xxxx xxxxx Editor(s), (Ed.), page numbers (first-last), xxxx xxx xx x xx xxx xxxx xxxxx xxxx xxx Publisher, ISBN, Place of publication xxx xx x xx xxx xxxx xxxxx xxxx xxx xx x xx ¶ (11 pt) xxx xxxx xxxxx xxxx xxx xxx xx x xx xxx xxx xx x xx xxx xxxx xxxxx xxxx xxx xxx xx xxxx xxxxx xxxx xxx xxx xx x xx xxx xxxx x xx xxx xxxx xxxxx xxxx xxx xx x xx xxx xxxxx xxxx xxx xx x xx xxx xxxx xxxxx xxxx xxxx xxxxx xxxx xxx xxx xx x xx xxx xxxx xxx xxx xx x xx xxx xxxx xxxxx xxxx xxx xxxxx xxxx xxx xx x xx xxx xxxx xxxxx xxxx xxx xxx xx x xx xxx xxxx xxxxx xxxx xxx xx x xx xxx xxxx xxxxx xxxx xxx xxx xx x xx xxx xxxx xxxxx xxxx.