Mind and Life Francisco J. Varela Research Awards

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Mind and Life Francisco J. Varela Research Awards



Enter all responses in the grey boxes (fields will expand as you add more text). Please be sure to fill out all fields that apply to your project—missing data may result in your proposal not being reviewed. When complete, save as a PDF and upload to the online application form at http://www.mindandlife- europe.org/what-we-do/mle-varela-awards-2016/. For questions about this form, please email [email protected].

Principal Investigator

Surame: Forename: Email address: Phone: Current Position/Post: Affiliation/Institution: Advisor: Advisor email:


To be eligible, the applicant (PI and any Co-Is) must have attended the Mind and Life European Summer Research Institute (ESRI) within the last five years. Varela Awards are open to graduate students and post-doctoral fellows currently affiliated with a research institution, and junior faculty up to their third year of appointment. Please list the Summer Research Institute(s) you attended, and confirm your career status to ensure eligibility.

ESRI attended (list all that apply): I am currently a: Graduate Student Postdoctoral Fellow Junior Faculty (list start date of appointment): Other (please explain):

Publications (list your publications most relevant to the proposed project; maximum of five)





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Note: Co-Investigators share project development/management with the Principal Investigator, and may not receive salary from Varela funds. Co-Investigators must also meet all Varela Award eligibility criteria. Collaborators are other unpaid team members who contribute significantly to the project. Consultants are brought in for specific expertise, and may be paid from Varela funds for project-related work (please include in budget section).

Co-Investigator (1)

Surame: Forename: Email address: Current Position: Graduate Student Postdoctoral Fellow Junior Faculty (list start date of appointment): Other (please explain): Affiliation/Institution: ESRI attended (list all that apply):

Co-Investigator (2)

Surame: Forename: Email address: Current Position: Graduate Student Postdoctoral Fellow Junior Faculty (list start date of appointment): Other (please explain): Affiliation/Institution: ESRI attended (list all that apply):

Collaborator/Consultant (1)

Surame: Forename: Email address: Current Position: Affiliation/Institution:

Collaborator/Consultant (2)

Surame: Forename: Email address: Current Position: Affiliation/Institution:

Collaborator/Consultant (3) 3 2016 European Varela Application: Error: Reference source not found Surame: Forename: Email address: Current Position: Affiliation/Institution:

Role of Study Team Members (please briefly outline team members’ input to the proposed research)


Total amount requested: EUR (€15,000 maximum)

Funds may only be used for research costs; they may not be used for PI (or Co-I) salary or indirect costs including overhead and administration. Please see FAQ at the bottom of the Varela Awards webpage for more details.


Participant payment €

Experimental costs € (e.g., fMRI fees, etc.)

Equipment/Supplies € Services (consultant, teacher, research € assistant, transcription, etc.) Travel/Field Work (must be necessary to carry € out project)

Training (for PI or Co-I) €

Other (please describe) €

Total €

Additional Budget Justification

Please use the space below if you would like to add any other information or description about your budget (optional).

4 Other Support

Has any other funding been obtained or applied for to support the proposed research? Yes No

If yes, please complete the information below:

Name of funder: Amount applied for: Amount obtained:

Larger Project

Is the proposed research part of a larger project? Yes No

If yes, please complete the information below:

Start date of larger project: End date of larger project: Existing funding for larger project: Brief description of larger project, including PI and affiliation of that work:

5 2016 European Varela Application: Error: Reference source not found PROPOSAL

Project Title:

Summary/Abstract (maximum 2000 characters with spaces)

Please provide a summary of the background, aims & objectives, methods & design, and significance/impact.

Aims and Objectives (maximum 1000 characters with spaces)

Please provide a clear and succinct statement of the project’s scientific or research goal.

Background and Significance (maximum 5000 characters with spaces)

Please provide a succinct review of the background literature and/or previous research that led to the formulation of the current research question and the proposed project.

Methods and Design (maximum 10,000 characters with spaces)

Please clearly and succinctly describe the methodology to be employed, including: participants; study design; first-, second- and/or third-person methods/techniques; procedures; and analysis.

Hypotheses or Thesis (maximum 1000 characters with spaces)

If applicable, please provide a clear and succinct statement of hypotheses to be tested in reference to the aims & objectives and the methods employed. Projects based on a broader thesis without specific hypotheses (e.g., humanities or social sciences projects) should state the relevant thesis. Finally, exploratory or descriptive projects, or those with a goal of developing methodology, may not lend themselves to specific hypotheses or theses; in this case, please briefly explain.


Please provide a bibliography of all cited sources in the background and methods sections of the application.

6 7 2016 European Varela Application: Error: Reference source not found ADDITIONAL PROJECT INFORMATION


Please outline the overall timeframe of the project (funded work should be completed within 2 years).


What is the intended primary product of your research? (check one or more as appropriate) Journal article(s) Monograph or critical edition Conference presentation (specify conference): Creation of a digital resource Other (please specify):

Please briefly describe the proposed output from the research, outline your plans for publication or other dissemination of the research for which you are seeking an award.

Project’s relevance to the overall goal of the Varela Awards (max 1000 characters with spaces)

Please see Request for Proposals for details of the program’s goals, and state how your proposed research meets those.

Impact (maximum 1000 characters with spaces)

Please provide a clear and succinct statement of how the proposed research presents a significant advance in the field of contemplative studies either conceptually or methodologically or both.

Innovation/Novelty (maximum 1000 characters with spaces)

Please provide a clear and succinct statement of how the proposed research provides a novel and distinct contribution to the field of contemplative studies either conceptually or methodologically or both.

Potential of the PI (maximum 1000 characters with spaces)

Please provide a clear and succinct statement of why you think you are in a good position in terms of

8 expertise and current position/employment to be able to carry out the proposed research. In addition, state how this work fits into your overall career goals and potential future program of research.

Research Environment and Resources (maximum 1000 characters with spaces)

Please provide a clear and succinct summary of the research facilities/resources at your host institution to enable the project, as well as any resources (e.g. existing database of participants, access to testing materials, etc.) that will make the proposed research feasible within the allowed timeframe.

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