Education and Behavior Contract American History

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Education and Behavior Contract American History

Education and Behavior Contract American History TEAM 8-3 I. Introduction In order to facilitate the American History course objectives, it is crucial that each student performs to his/her best ability. To ensure this, each student is asked to read and sign the Education and Behavior contract and return it before the start of the second (2nd) week of class. The following is a binding contract between ______Student Name and Mr. Adan A. Perales and pertains to the 8th grade American History course. The contract sets forth my expectations for each of my students as well as my promise as a teacher. Please read the provisions set forth in this contract and read the below educational and behavioral expectations.

II. Classroom Rules

1. Treat other as you would like to be treated 2. Be on time, in your seat, and prepared to learn 3. Classroom disruptions will not be tolerated 4. Follow directions and complete all assignments 5. Allow Mr. Perales to teach and others to learn

III. Pyramid of Consequences

Verbal Warning “Time Out”

Problem-Solving essay

Seat Change

Lunch Detention

First Parent Notice

In-Class Suspension

After School Detention--Cleaning Duties

Second Parent Notice

Parent-Teacher Conference

Office Referral and possible suspension

IV. Rewards

1. Praise (daily) 2. Issue Continental Bucks 3. Use of computer/games after completion of assignments (random) 4. Exemplary student certificate (random) 5. Whole-class radio time or free time (weekly) 6. Snacks (Random) Education and Behavior Contract American History TEAM 8-3 V. Terms of Agreement a. Teacher Section As your teacher, I hereby promise that I will try to my best ability to:

 Treat you with respect and care as an individual  Provide you an orderly classroom environment  Provide the necessary discipline  Provide the appropriate motivation  Teach you the required content

b. Student Section

I, ______, hereby promise that I will try to my best ability to: Print Name

 Respect others and care for them as individuals  Attend class regularly and participate  Be cooperative and not disruptive  Study and do my work  Learn and master the required content

b. Parent Section

I, ______,Print Name have read and understand the Education and Behavior contract and hereby certify that I will assist Mr. A Perales to the best of my ability to meet the expectations and requirements for my child as set forth by the contract. Furthermore, I will be willing to schedule and attend teacher-parent conferences, if necessary.

Yo, ______, he leído y comprendido el contrato de comportamiento y educación y certificó que ayudaré al Sr. A. Perales con lo que pueda para llevar acabo los requerimientos del contrato para mi hijo(a). Ademas estoy dispuesto a sugerir y asistir a una conferencia de padre y maestro, si es necesario.

______Parents Signature Date

______Student Signature Date

Adan A. Perales American History Instructor

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