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backs Responsible Business Week 2014

will be showing its support for Responsible Business Week, the only week dedicated to responsible business, which takes place 31 March – 4 April across the UK and is run by the charity Business in the Community.

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are expected to participate, including , joining thousands of people across the country participating in the week.

Responsible Business Week aims to inspire, equip and challenge businesses to do more to meet the world’s most pressing needs.

Businesses of all sizes are using the week to run their own activity or take part in events across the country. They are also encouraged to shout about their responsible business to different audiences – their customers, employees, supply chain, community and partner organisations, and the media. Last year more than 1,500 people across the country took part in the first Responsible Business Week.

Commenting , , , said

137 Shepherdess Walk. London N1 7RQ T: 020 7566 8650 | www.bitc.org.uk President HRH The Prince of Wales | Chairman Mark Price | Chief Executive Stephen Howard Business in the Community is registered in England and Wales. Charity No 297716. Company No 1619253 getting involved in Responsible Business Week and what responsible business means to your organisation and the UK as we emerge from recession.>

Commenting Stephen Howard, Chief Executive, Business in the Community, said: “We know that all year round, businesses of all sizes are engaged in responsible business activity that tackles societal, environmental and economic issues, and unlocks innovation and opportunity for their business in the process. But as the world emerges from recession there is a powerful new opportunity for business to do even more, and in doing so contribute to a recovery that is inclusive and sustainable. Business is a powerful movement for change and we are excited to give it the platform it needs through this week.”

To find out more about Responsible Business Week visit www.bitc.org.uk /rbweek or search for the hashtag #RBWeek.

Responsible Business Week is convened by Business in the Community, in partnership with Veolia Environnement and the Telegraph Media Group.

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For more information about contact

For more about Business in the Community or Responsible Business Week contact: Ochuko Adekoya, Head of Media, Business in the Community, +44 (0)207 566 8758 [email protected] Rebecca Gregory, PR Manager, Business in the Community, +44 (0)207 566 6670 E: [email protected]

About Responsible Business Week Society is facing unprecedented challenges as social, economic, and environmental forces converge in unexpected ways. As the world emerges from recession towards growth, business has a powerful new opportunity to shape a strong recovery that is inclusive and sustainable. Responsible Business Week aims to inspire, equip and challenge businesses to do more to meet the world’s most pressing needs. In doing so, they will unlock innovation and opportunity and demonstrate the positive impact of business in society.

The week brings together businesses and innovators from around the world through events, debates and online activity. It enables businesses to explore new possibilities for collaboration and develop the bold new ideas, practical action and behaviours necessary to build a fairer society and a more sustainable, prosperous future.

Responsible Business Week is convened by Business in the Community in partnership with Veolia and Telegraph Media Group with support from, EDF Energy, Goldman Sachs, Nationwide, PwC, Santander, Tata and Waitrose. www.bitc.org.uk/rbweek #RBweek

About Business in the Community Business in the Community is a business-led charity committed to shaping a new contract between business and society. We have over 30 years experience forging better relationships between business and society, driven by a unique collaboration of business leaders. We stimulate action by challenging and supporting thousands of businesses to create a fairer society and a more sustainable future - through our local, national and international campaigns.

Business in the Community is one of The Prince’s Charities, a group of not-for-profit organisations of which The Prince of Wales is president. www.bitc.org.uk