Industrial Polished Concrete Floor Slabs (With Shake) ME- Building Group

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Industrial Polished Concrete Floor Slabs (With Shake) ME- Building Group

Industrial Polished Concrete Floor Slabs (with shake) ME- Building Group




A. Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and Division 1 Specification Sections, apply to this Section


A. This Section specifies concrete floor slab work, which includes, but not limited to: 1. Steel fiber reinforcing. 2. Cast-in-place concrete. 3. Concrete slab poured and finished to be Diamond Ground and Polished 4. Diamond Grind and Polish i.e. Polished Concrete Process applied to slab surface.

B. Related Work Specified In Other Sections: 1. Division 3 Section "Cast-In-Place Concrete" for basic concrete work. 2. Division 3 Section “Architectural Concrete Floors” for office floor slabs 3. Division 3 Section “Industrial And Polished Concrete Floor Slabs With Shake” for floor slabs with shake 4. Division 3 Section “Elevated Industrial and Polished Concrete Floor Slabs” for elevated floor slabs 5. Division 5 Section “Metal Fabrications” for items cast in to floor slabs. 6. Division 7 Section “Joint Sealants” for elastomeric joint sealants in contraction and other joints in cast-in-place concrete.


A. Engineering Responsibility: Engage a qualified professional engineer to prepare or supervise the preparation of mix designs data for steel fiber reinforced concrete. 1. Professional Engineer Qualifications: A professional engineer who is legally qualified to practice in the jurisdiction where Project is located and who has not less than ten years experience in providing engineering services for steel fiber reinforced concrete floor slabs, and who is normally engaged in this type of work. Engineering services are defined as those performed for design of industrial floor slabs-on-grade that are similar to those indicated for this Project in material, design, execution and extent.

B. Performance design of floor slabs shall be prepared by the Contractor's engineer in accordance with the following criteria. Base Bid Design: Use stipulated design loads and furnish required fiber quantity for the most economical slab design. 1. Minimum 28 Days Flexural Strength: 700 psi unless otherwise indicated. 2. Minimum 28 Days Compressive Strength: 4000 psi unless otherwise indicated. 3. Minimum Slab Thickness: 8 inches 4. Minimum Modulus Of Subgrade Reaction: K= 100 pci 5. Minimum Re,3 Value of 60 percent. 6. Minimum Uniformly Distributed Loads: 1200 psf

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Industrial Polished Concrete Floor Slabs (with shake) ME- Building Group

7. Minimum Concentrated Loads: a. Forklift Truck Loads: Wheel Spacing Axle Loads Capacity Single wheel solid tire 35”-37” 25 kips 12 kips Single pneumatic tire 35”-37” 25 kips 12 kips Dual wheel pneumatic tire 41”/10” 27 kips 13 kips b. Post Loads: Base Plate 8”x8” Base Plate 12”x12” Spacing Max point loads-2 loads 25 kips 25 kips 24” Max point loads-3 loads 25 kips 25 kips 36”- 36” Max point loads-4 loads 25 kips 27 kips 36”-24”-36”


A. Installation of polished concrete floor system for interior concrete floor by dry grinding and polishing with various size grit metal-bonded and resin-bonded diamonds and application of concrete densifier.

B. Slabs to receive Diamond Grind and Polish Process must have a minimum 1/8” of cream and fines at surface. Proof of cream and fines will be required via core samples taken at random perimeter locations at 2’ from edge of any pour by testing agency. Locations of cores will be determined by Owner or Owners Representative. Visual inspection and approval by testing agency, Owner or Owners Representative will validate required deliverable.

C. Definition: Polished Concrete Process is “cracking the cap” by diamond grinding the concrete surface, removing imperfections left by concrete installer, spraying on deep penetrating lithium chemistry densifier per manufactures instructions, grinding off any densifier residue from surface of slab, begin diamond polishing to desired gloss meter reading requirements, spraying on final deep penetrating lithium poly silicate concrete sealer per manufacturers instructions and finish cleaning the polished slab with common scrubber, soft white nylon heads and neutral PH soap specifically designed to clean Polished Concrete surfaces. The result is a polished concrete floor that will not dust, is resistant to penetration from oils, provides an additional 35 percent or more reflected light and slip coefficients that surpass standard code requirements/ recommendations. 1. Process may be either a proprietary system from specialty contractor or use specified products with acceptable detailed process in compliance with definition above and approved by Owner and Owners Representative. 2. Acceptable Diamond Grinding Methods: Equipment and techniques defined above that .produce documented results of concrete finishes meeting or exceeding the following: Required FF, FL, Gloss Meter readings, light reflected percentages as measured with a specular gloss measurement device, and slip coefficient minimums as defined in this specification. Specifically, a min diamond grind of not less then 1/64 ”; or as required, will be removed from the slab surface to eliminate imperfections left from the concrete finishing process i.e.: float ridges and trowel marks including swirl patterns and black scorch marks from concrete finishing.

D. Specular Gloss/Reflectance, ASTM D 523: Specular gloss/reflectance to be measured and recorded in a consistent 25 foot grid pattern between each grit series. Final reflectance per Concrete Polishing Association of America (CPAA) and International Polished Concrete Institute (IPCI) Level 4 Gloss Shine – 3000 grit. Gloss Meter reading of local min. 30 with an overall Page 2 of 21 Revision Date: 01/21/14 Project & Bid Package File name: 091ac296e4aff705fc464e09b80d5b75.doc

Industrial Polished Concrete Floor Slabs (with shake) ME- Building Group

average of 40 measured at a 60 deg angle at floor surface as measured by Horida IG-320 High- resolution digital gloss meter.

E. Polished Concrete Process shall be dry diamond method utilizing direct connect HEPA filtration system, Metal bonded diamond heads for grind w/ resin and or epoxy bonded diamond heads for polishing on a multi-orbital planetary action opposing rotational head machine(s) acceptable to Owner or Owner’s Representative.

F. Coordination: Contractor shall coordinate the following: 1. Concrete placement, floating, vibrating, panning, pure wet curing, location of cores and review of cores providing evidence of 1/8” cream and fines at slab surface will be coordinated with the polisher, Owner and Owners Representative for approval prior to beginning grind and polish procedure. 2. Schedule of slab pour sequence in conjunction with Polished Concrete Process (grind, densifier, polish, sealer and cleaning) sequence as well as detailed specific grind, polish, application of densifier/sealer and cleaning procedures, means and methods will be placed in writing and provided to Owner and Owners Representative for approval prior to beginning work. 3. Grind and Polishing Process can begin at 7 to 10 days after wet cure when slab has attained sufficient strength so not to displace aggregate or fiber reinforcing as determined by the Polishing provider after field inspection. 4. Scheduling of joint sealant installation will be provided to Owner and Owners Representative for approval. Joints will be places at specified time after polish completion. 5. Cleaning of concrete surface prior to and after of Polished Concrete Process will be preformed by concrete installer. Cleaning completion procedures and materials pre and post polish will comply with Polishing contractor’s recommendations to maintain finished polish floor surface. 6. Polishing contractor will clean finished Polished Concrete Floors at min three (3) times as part of Polished Concrete Process prior to requesting final inspection by Owner and Owners representative.

G. Slip Resistance: Static coefficient of friction shall be 0.6 for level floors and 0.8 for ramped surfaces as recommended by the ADA Accessibility Guidelines (ADAAG). 1. Testing shall be in accordance with ASTM C 1028 or use of similar devices recognized by ADAAG.


A. Source of ready-mixed concrete for approval.

B. LEED Submittals: 1. Product Data for Credit MR 4: For products having recycled content, documentation indicating percentages by weight of postconsumer and pre-consumer recycled content. a. Include documentation from product manufacturer indicating costs for each product having recycled content. 2. Product Data for Credit MR 5: For products and materials to comply with requirements for regional materials, provide documentation indicating location of product or material manufacturing location and the point of extraction, harvest, or recovery for each raw material. Page 3 of 21 Revision Date: 01/21/14 Project & Bid Package File name: 091ac296e4aff705fc464e09b80d5b75.doc

Industrial Polished Concrete Floor Slabs (with shake) ME- Building Group

a. Include documentation on distance to project, contractor cost for each regional material, and percent by weight that is considered regional. 3. Product Data for IEQ 4.3 for liquid floor treatments and curing and sealing compounds, documentation including printed statement of VOC content. 4. Design Mixtures for Credit ID 1.1: For each concrete mixture containing a replacement for Portland Cement, and for equivalent concrete mixtures that do not contain Portland Cement replacements.

C. With the Bid, submit the following: 1. Name of trade to perform diamond grind & polish 2. Synopsis of concrete polishing process and description of equipment intended to be used. 3. Qualification data for those to perform concrete polishing.

D. Manufacturer's product data, performance criteria and other documentation for each material specified in this Section that is proposed for use, including: 1. Admixtures. 2. Liquid curing/sealing compound. a. If products have not been reviewed and accepted by Chrysler Health or Environmental groups, include MSDS information as a separate submittal directed to the Owner for review. 3. Premolded joint filler. 4. Reinforcing fibers. 5. Bonding agent. 6. Joint sealants.

E. Shop drawings including the following: 1. Locations of drains, trenches, manholes, and other items. 2. Floor joint layout indicating: a. Number and sequence of placements. b. Sizes and shapes of placements (shapes shall be square or rectangular only). c. Types (construction or control) and spacing of joints. 3. Shop drawings for reinforcement detailing fabricating, bending, and placing concrete reinforcement. Comply with ACI 315.99 "Manual of Engineering and Placing Drawings for Reinforced Concrete Structures" showing bar schedules, stirrup spacing, bent bar diagrams, and arrangement of concrete reinforcement.

F. Include the following: 1. Proposed method for bulkheads and formwork. 2. Proposed placement equipment. 3. Schedule of events and casting plan regarding placement operations, and records of concrete casts. 4. Mill test certification for steel fiber reinforcement in accordance with ASTM A 820. 5. Certification of chloride ion content from admixture suppliers. 6. Fiber supplier to include steel fiber Identity Chart with submittal to support the proposed dosage rate to meet a Re,3 value of 60 percent.

G. Concrete Mix Design: Submit concrete supplier's concrete mix design information based on requirements specified in "Concrete Mix Proportions".

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Industrial Polished Concrete Floor Slabs (with shake) ME- Building Group

1. Submit a concrete mix design prepared by either the “laboratory trial batch” or the field experience” method as specified in the latest issue of ACI 318, Section 5.3 or CSA A 23.1 for approval. Provide proportions of cement, fine aggregate, coarse aggregate, and water. 2. Submit Steel Fiber Reinforced Concrete (SFRC) design to meet the performance criteria listed in the specification indicating the dosage rate per cubic yard of concrete. a. Include product data sheet including ASTM fiber type, wire tensile strength, fiber dimensions, aspect ratio, number of fibers per pound, and shape of the steel fiber. 3. Mix design shall be sealed by a professional engineered registered in the State of [Insert project location]. 4. Submit concrete mix design approval from the steel fiber manufacturer.

H. Samples of aggregates shall be furnished by the Contractor as required, together with tests for hardness, durability, density, absorption, etc., referenced in the latest issue of ASTM C 33.

I. Certificates: Each load of ready mixed concrete shall be accompanied by triplicate certificates (batch tickets) submitted for approval for each batch discharged indicating project identification name and number, mix type, and listing ingredients, including quantities and types of admixtures, total water, time when water was introduced into the mix, place and date of delivery, amount of concrete in cubic yards, mix time, reading of revolution counter at first addition of water, etc. Identify separately amounts of water added at batch plant and water added on site. To be submitted to Owner after each pour.

J. Completed pre-pour sign-off cards.

K. Survey of slab base prior to pour and signed off by Owner or Owner’s representative.

L. Schedule: Submit schedule of pour sequence including slab pour duration, slab polishing, and joint sealant installation on plan drawings.

M. Qualification Data: For those performing concrete polishing.

N. Polishing Process: Contractor to submit detailed means and methods for slab polishing process including step by step polishing procedures to be used on the project. This includes identification of machines for grinding process being used, diamond pad grits through the process, application of densifier/sealer, and cleaning procedure.

O. Field quality-control reports: 1. Material Test Reports: For the following, from a qualified testing agency, indicating compliance with requirements: a. Aggregates. Include service data indicating absence of deleterious expansion of concrete due to alkali aggregate reactivity. 2. Floor surface flatness and levelness measurements including compliance with specified tolerances.

P. Minutes of pre-installation conference.


A. Comply with applicable provisions of Division 3 Section "Cast-In-Place Concrete".

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Industrial Polished Concrete Floor Slabs (with shake) ME- Building Group

B. Codes and Standards: Comply with provisions of the following codes, specifications, and standards, except where more stringent requirements are shown or specified: 1. American Concrete Institute Latest Issue of ACI 301, "Specifications for Structural Concrete for Buildings." 2. Latest Issue of ACI 318, "Building Code Requirements for Reinforced Concrete." 3. Concrete Reinforcing Steel Institute (CRSI) "Manual of Standard Practice."

C. Installer Qualifications: A qualified installer who employs on Project personnel qualified as ACI- certified Flatwork Technician and Finisher and a supervisor who is an ACI-certified Concrete Flatwork Technician.

D. Manufacturer Qualifications: A firm experienced in manufacturing ready-mixed concrete products and that complies with the latest issue of ASTM C 94/C 94M requirements for production facilities and equipment. 1. Manufacturer certified according to NRMCA's "Certification of Ready Mixed Concrete Production Facilities."

E. Testing Agency Qualifications: An independent agency, acceptable to authorities having jurisdiction, qualified according to the latest issues of ASTM C 1077 and ASTM E 329 for testing indicated. 1. Personnel conducting field tests shall be qualified as ACI Concrete Field Testing Technician, Grade 1, according to ACI CP-1 or an equivalent certification program. 2. Personnel performing laboratory tests shall be ACI-certified Concrete Strength Testing Technician and Concrete Laboratory Testing Technician - Grade I. Testing Agency laboratory supervisor shall be an ACI-certified Concrete Laboratory Testing Technician - Grade II.

F. Source Limitations: Obtain each type or class of cementitious material of the same brand from the same manufacturer's plant, obtain aggregate from single source, and obtain admixtures from single source from single manufacturer.

G. Welding Qualifications: Qualify procedures and personnel according to AWS D1.4/D 1.4M, "Structural Welding Code - Reinforcing Steel."

H. ACI Publications: Comply with the following unless modified by requirements in the Contract Documents: 1. The latest issue of ACI 301, "Specifications for Structural Concrete," Sections 1 through 5. 2. The latest issue of ACI 117, "Specifications for Tolerances for Concrete Construction and Materials."

I. Ready Mix Plant Qualifications: Plant experienced in furnishing ready mixed concrete similar to that indicated for this Project and with a record of successful in-service performance as well as sufficient production capacity to produce required quantity without delaying the Work. Plant shall have adequate storage and handling facilities for material and shall be equipped for accurate weighing, measuring, and control of materials, quantities, mixing, and delivery of concrete meeting specified requirements. 1. Concrete Testing Service: Engage a qualified independent testing agency to perform material evaluation tests and to design concrete mixtures.

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Industrial Polished Concrete Floor Slabs (with shake) ME- Building Group

J. Materials and installed work may require testing and retesting at any time during progress of Work. Tests, including retesting of rejected materials for installed Work, shall be done at Contractor's expense.

K. Institute a "Concrete Pour Sign-Off Card" for the placement of concrete floor slabs on grade. 1. Sign-Off Card shall, at a minimum, consist of a checklist for verification of the following items: a. Compaction of sub grade and sub base materials and sub grade elevation. b. Installation of underground utilities. c. Installation of required reinforcing steel. d. Installation of miscellaneous steel embeds. e. Locations of shallow utilities have been reviewed by firm placing concrete. f. Floor drains, cleanouts, handholds, etc. have been set to required top elevations. g. Concrete forms have been set to specified elevation and level tolerances, and have received form release agent application. h. Saw cutting equipment, additional lighting (if necessary) and wiring materials are present on site. i. Base is installed to correct elevation and is not less than specified tolerance in any circumstance. 2. Assign a superintendent who is designated to supervise concrete slab-on-grade operations. 3. Prior to placing each section of concrete slab-on-grade the Contractor's superintendent shall obtain signatures from the various trade subcontractors involved in the checklist items mentioned above. After signatures are obtained, the Contractor's superintendent shall sign the card as well. 4. Submit the original card to the Owner's Representative with copies to the Architect/Engineer, concrete flooring installer, and other signatories to the cards.

L. Preinstallation Conference: Prior to start of work, conduct conference at Project site with all parties associated with work of this Section. Notify participants at least 5 working days before conference. 1. Meet with representatives of the Owner; Architect/Engineer; testing and inspecting agency; concrete producer; concrete slab installer/finisher; steel fiber manufacturer; admixture manufacturer; concrete polishing contractor and others whose work interfaces with or directly affects floor slab placement. 2. Review methods and procedures related to work of this Section. 3. Examine subgrade conditions for compliance with requirements, including flatness and modulus of subgrade reaction. 4. Discuss plans to execute the work, scheduling, equipment, assignments, and storage procedures. 5. Discuss the following as a minimum: a. Concrete mix design and control of same. b. Trial batching. c. Subgrade and subbase preparation. d. Placement procedures for: 1) Form work 2) Reinforcing 3) Concrete placement methods 4) Concrete finishing/polishing procedures 5) Saw cut methods and timing Page 7 of 21 Revision Date: 01/21/14 Project & Bid Package File name: 091ac296e4aff705fc464e09b80d5b75.doc

Industrial Polished Concrete Floor Slabs (with shake) ME- Building Group

6) Curing procedures 7) Joint sealing 8) Slab protection e. Sample pour area. 6. Document proceedings, including corrective measures or actions required, and furnish copy of record to each participant.

M. Concrete Polisher Qualifications: A Polished Concrete Process installer who has documented experience and proven techniques and/or processes of diamond grinding and polishing concrete. When a system is used, installer shall also be certified or licensed by the system manufacturer. 1. Only the following are acceptable; others will be considered on experience and other similar-sized projects. a. Titan Industrial Flooring: Contact Steve Buchanan 248-433-8178 b. Hoover Wells Contact Dan Simon 419-466-3521 c. Perfect Polish: Contact Brad Padgett 865-494-7257 2. Submit the following with project bid quotation for review and confirmation prior to contract award by the Construction Manager: a. Certificate of training from an Owner acceptable source. b. List of Diamond ground and polished concrete projects completed including: 1) Company name, address, phone number, specific description of work procedures, means and methods as preformed including cut sheets of specific grinding and polishing equipment including diamond pad types/grits as well as cut sheets and SDS sheets of specific densifier and sealer/stain blocker to be used, define existing conditions of concrete pre grind and polish, define age of slab when diamond grind and polish process was started, total sq. ft. ground and polished, post polish Gloss Meter readings, slip coefficient measurements, reflected light percent data and photos of finished surface from a distance and close up, to show aggregate exposure c. Must prove 3 years minimum experience applying dry polishing system d. Must have successfully completed at minimum 1,000,000 sq. ft cured exposed aggregate dry polished concrete work to date as defined in this specification. e. Must provide the maximum sq.ft of Polished Concrete able to complete in one 8 hr shift. f. Polishing Process: Contractor to submit detailed means and methods for slab polishing process including step by step polishing procedures to be used on the project. This includes identification of machines for grinding process being used, diamond pad grits through the process, application of densifier/sealer, and cleaning procedure.

N. Polished Concrete Sample Areas: Build a sample slab of minimum 500 square feet by full thickness following all defined concrete requirements for Polished Concrete in this specification in an area directed by the Owner or Owner’s representative. 1. The slab installation methods for the sample area are to be the same installation methods for pouring the entire project slab without deviation. 2. Acceptable sample area of concrete; pre grind and polish process, may be incorporated into the Work. However, if the concrete finish is not acceptable to the polisher, the sample shall be removed or incorporated as directed by the Owners representative at no expense to the Owner.

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Industrial Polished Concrete Floor Slabs (with shake) ME- Building Group

3. Acceptable sample area of Polished Concrete may be incorporated into the Work. However, if the polished finish is not acceptable to the Owner, the sample shall be removed or incorporated as directed by the Owner at no expense to the Owner. 4. Sample area will be used to demonstrate and set quality standards for the execution and workmanship of concrete placement, concrete finishing procedures, concrete curing procedures, slab protection, polished Concrete process (diamond grind and polish process) including level of polish achieved, percent of reflected light measurements and slip coefficient measurements of the phased work. 5. Contractor to coordinate sample slab work accordingly to achieve proper slab cure time and completion of polishing process and acceptance prior to proceeding on any additional project slab pours.


A. Protection. 1. Forms and steel shall be entirely free of frost, snow or ice before placing concrete. 2. Protect concrete work from damage by frost or freezing or from any other cause. Aggregate and mixing water shall be heated before mixing concrete when the outside temperature is 40 deg F or lower and falling and shall have a temperature at placing of 50 deg F minimum and 85 deg F maximum. 3. Placed concrete shall be fully protected from frost and freezing by approved means in accordance with the applicable requirements of the latest issue of ACI 306. Only the specified non-chloride accelerator may be used. The use of "anti-freeze" additives or admixtures is prohibited. Concrete shall be provided with curing protection for a period of seven days against outside temperatures of 50 deg F and lower. 4. In hot weather concrete shall be placed in accordance with the applicable requirements of the latest issue of ACI 305. 5. Remove protection when directed or no longer required. Damaged concrete shall be removed and replaced at no additional cost to the Owner. 6. Size, extent, and details of concrete pours shall be reviewed and approved by the Owner’s Representative before concrete is placed.



A. Forms shall be constructed in accordance with the requirements of the latest issue of ACI 347. 1. Form coating shall be an approved nonstaining type.

B. Recycled Content of Steel Products: Provide products with an average recycled content of steel products so postconsumer recycled content plus one-half of pre-consumer recycled content is not less than 60 percent.

C. Reinforcement 1. Fibers: Steel fibers conforming to ASTM A 820, Type I, deformed, cold drawn steel wire with a minimum tensile strength of 130,000 psi; minimum aspect ratio of 65; minimum length 2 inches, nominal diameter 0.0351 inches. a. Basis-of-Design Product: The design is based on Bekaert; Dramix 3D 65/60_BN steel fiber. Subject to compliance with requirements, provide either the named

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Industrial Polished Concrete Floor Slabs (with shake) ME- Building Group

product or a comparable substitute acceptable to the Owner and meeting equivalent performance criteria listed in Section 1, Part 1.3 – “Slab Design Requirements”. 2. Reinforcing steel and dowels shall be new billet steel conforming to the latest issue of ASTM A 615 grade 60. 3. The details of reinforcing steel shall conform to the latest issue of ACI 315. Furnish required metal accessories, including spacers, chairs, ties, etc. Cut and bend reinforcement in accordance with the approved shop drawings and bar lists.

D. Steel Dowels: ASTM A 615, Grade 60. Furnish smooth dowels at floor slab construction joints.

E. Plate Dowels: ASTM A108 (3/4” dowels). Furnish diamond dowels at floor slab construction joints. Size and spacing as shown on drawings. Unless otherwise directed by the Owner, provide one of the following: 1. Diamond Dowel, PNA. 2. Speed Plate, Sika Greenstreak.

F. Chairs and Spacers: Rigid type, of sufficient strength to rigidly support weight of reinforcement and construction loads. Use non-corrosive type over metal deck. Use precast concrete chairs with embedded tie wires for support of bottom and top reinforcing steel bar in slabs on grade. 1. General Technologies, Inc. 2. Dayton Superior. 3. Meadow Burke. 4. Acrow Richmond 5. Superior Concrete Accessories Ltd.

G. Regional Materials: Concrete products shall be manufactured within 500 miles of Project site from materials that have been extracted, harvested, or recovered, as well as manufactured, within 500 miles of Project site.

H. Cementitious Materials: Use ground granulated blast-furnace slag as needed to reduce the total amount of Portland Cement, which would otherwise be used. 1. Ground Granulated Blast-Furnace Slag Cement: ASTM C 989, Grade 120. 2. Ground Granulated Blast-Furnace Slag: Minimum 25 percent, Maximum 40 percent.

I. Portland Cement: ASTM C 150, Type I.

J. Aggregates shall conform to ASTM C 33 and having a petrographic number no greater than 125. 1. Fine aggregate shall be natural sand, sharp and clean, 43-47 percent of total aggregate weight. 2. Coarse aggregate shall be crushed, hard, dense, durable natural stone or crushed and processed air cooled blast furnace slag, free of any mud, clay, loam, silt or organic matter graded to 4-6 percent of total aggregate weight of 1-1/2 inch size and balance of aggregate weight having the following gradation: 1-1/2 inch sieve – 100 percent passing; 1 inch – 95 to 100 percent; 1/2 inch – 25 to 60 percent; No. 4 sieve – 0 to 10 percent; No. 8 sieve – 0 to 5 percent.

K. Water shall be clean and free from injurious amounts of oil, alkali, acids, organic matter and other deleterious substances. Page 10 of 21 Revision Date: 01/21/14 Project & Bid Package File name: 091ac296e4aff705fc464e09b80d5b75.doc

Industrial Polished Concrete Floor Slabs (with shake) ME- Building Group

L. Use mid-range water reducing admixtures to achieve acceptable final product regarding Concrete workability; entrained air content; handling; and design strength criteria. Admixtures shall conform to ASTM C 494. Admixtures which may cause increased concrete shrinkage shall not be permitted. Additional criteria is as follows: 1. Superplasticizer: Unless otherwise directed by the Owner, provide one of the following: a. Euclid Chemical Co.: Eucon MR; or Plastol Series. b. BASF: MasterPolyheed or MasterRheobuild 555. c. Sika Chemical Corp.: Sikament Series or Sikaplast Series. 2. Water Reducing Agents: The type of water reducing agent shall be dependent upon the conditions encountered and shall be in accordance with manufacturer's recommendations. Mid-range water reducers shall not be used. Unless otherwise directed by the Owner, provide one of the following: a. Sika Chemical Corp.: Sikament 686. b. Euclid Chemical Co.: Eucon MR. c. Owner approved substitute. 3. Admixtures shall be liquid-type premixed by the manufacturer and used directly from containers bearing the label of the Manufacturer. The quantity shall be only that amount required to conform to the approved requirements as shown by the final approved design mix. The addition of admixture shall be made by accurate dispenser for positive control of the quantity as approved. 4. Fly ash admixtures, chloride-based admixtures, and calcium chloride thiocyanates shall not be used. Admixtures containing more than 0.05 percent chloride ions shall not be used. Products which individually or collectively contribute more than 5 ppm by weight of chloride ions to concrete shall not be used.

M. Premolded expansion joint fillers at interior joints. Unless otherwise directed by the Owner, provide one of the following: 1. W.R. Meadows Sealtight: Ceramar. 2. Approved substitute.

N. Isolation materials: Material specifically designed and manufactured to provide isolation from ambient and induced shock and vibration. Unless otherwise directed by the Owner, provide one of the following: 1. Fabreeka International: FABSORB Foundation Isolation Material. 2. Approved substitute.

O. Floor Sealer/Hardener/Densifier for polished floors: Clear deep penetrating lithium chemistry solutions specifically designed to penetrate, harden and densify concrete without contributing to or triggering damaging alkali-silica reactions protecting concrete floors against abrasion, dusting, and absorption of liquids may be used. No sodium chemistry sealers/hardners or densifiers may be used. Products containing silicone are prohibited. Unless otherwise directed by the Owner, provide one of the following: 1. Euclid Chemical Ultra-Sil. 2. CPS Armor Densifiers. 3. CPS Armor Concrete Sealers 4. CCT Pentra-Sil (244+) Densifier 5. CCT Pentra Guard (EXT) Concrete Sealer.

P. Floor Sealer/Hardener/Densifier for non polished concrete: 1. Dayton Superior Sure Hard Densifier J17 Page 11 of 21 Revision Date: 01/21/14 Project & Bid Package File name: 091ac296e4aff705fc464e09b80d5b75.doc

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2. Sika Chemical Corp: Sikafloor 3S. 3. Euclid Chemical Co.: Diamond Hard.

Q. Epoxy bonding agent for bonding freshly mixed concrete to hardened or existing concrete. Unless otherwise directed by the Owner, provide one of the following: 1. Sika Chemical Corp.: Armatec 110. 2. Euclid Chemical Co.: Duralprep AC.

R. Epoxy Floor Fill: Trowel applied epoxy mortar system designed to surface and fill floor slabs up to 2 inches thickness. 1. Products: Unless otherwise directed by the Owner, provide Euco No.456 Mortar, Euclid Chemical Co , or similar product by one of the following: a. Euclid Chemical Co. b. BASF. c. Sika Chemical Corp.: Sikadur 43 Patch Pak.

S. Gravity Feed Epoxy for pin and crack fill: Topically applied epoxy to gravity feed cracks in floor slabs and fill small imperfections. Provide the following or equivalent products: 1. National Polymers, Inc. NP 380 Seamless Epoxy Binder. 2. Approved substitute.

T. Joint Filler: Multicomponent Flexible polyurethane or polyurea joint filler. Sample colors to be provided to Owner and selected on project site. Unless otherwise directed by the Owner, provide one of the following: 1. Flexible joints at column isolation joints and slab intersections with walls: a. BASF: MasterSeal NP2. 2. For all areas not otherwise specified: a. BASF MasterSeal CR 100. b. Euclid Chemical: Euco 700 or 700 Special.

U. Light Reflective Mineral Dry-Shake Floor Hardener: Factory-packaged, dry combination of Portland cement, graded natural mineral aggregate, and surface hardener. 1. Color: White, as selected by Architect from manufacturer's full range. 2. Basis-of-Design Product: The design is based on MBT Protection and Repair, Div. of ChemRex; Mastercron. Subject to compliance with requirements, provide either the named product or one of the following: a. Conspec Marketing and Manufacturing Co., Inc., a Dayton Superior Company; Conshake 700. b. Euclid Chemical Company; Surflex Light Reflective. c. MBT Protection and Repair, Div. of ChemRex; Mastercron.


A. Design mix shall be prepared and sealed by the Contractor's professional engineer for each type of concrete specified. The design mix shall consist of admixture(s), aggregate gradation, proportion of materials per cubic yard, slump at pour, compressive strength cylinders of test batch concrete tested at three days, seven days and 28 days, and any other data pertinent to the material proportions and mixing to obtain and control the quality of the concrete throughout the job. The design mix shall show the percentage of air required and the quantity of water reducing agent permissible for each section of the work. Page 12 of 21 Revision Date: 01/21/14 Project & Bid Package File name: 091ac296e4aff705fc464e09b80d5b75.doc

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1. The materials shall be selected and mixed in proportions as required, conforming to the latest issues of ACI 301 and ACI 302 to develop concrete with a minimum compressive strength at the end of 28 days and slump at pour as follows, unless specifically otherwise noted: a. Slab on Grade: 4,000 psi, minimum compressive strength when tested per ASTM C 39. b. Water Slump shall range from 2 inches to 3 inches, unless otherwise noted, as measured before any superplasticizer is added. 2. Type I cement, ground granulated blast furnace slag, and approved water reducing agents may be used in the mix design. 3. Fly ash admixtures, chloride-based admixtures, and calcium chloride thiocyanates shall not be used. Mid-range water reducers shall not be used. Admixtures containing more than 0.05 percent chloride ions shall not be used. 4. Maximum sizes of coarse aggregate shall conform to ASTM C 33. 5. The water-cement ratio and strength shall not exceed 0.54. 6. Verify strength, slump and other design values in accordance with the latest issue of ACI 211. If during placement, slump or other field sampled tests produce questionable results, the Contractor shall have additional testing performed to satisfy the on-site testing representative. Any material not in conformance with approved values shall be removed from site at Contractors expense. 7. Slump at arrival on site prior to addition of steel fibers and superplasticizer shall be 2- 1/2 inches plus or minus 1/2 inch, except as specified otherwise. 8. Add steel fiber reinforcement into the slab mix at a rate of not less than 47 lb of steel fiber/cu yd unless directed otherwise. Add super-plasticizer or mid-range water reducer as required prior to or concurrently with loading and mixing steel fibers. 9. Durability: a. Minimum Re,3 equivalent residual strength ratio of steel fiber reinforced concrete in accordance with TR No.34 shall be 60.


A. Ready mixed concrete shall be in accordance with Contract requirements and meeting applicable requirements of ASTM C 94. 1. The ready mix trucks shall be in good condition, kept clean of hardened concrete and other foreign materials in injurious amounts. Schedule delivery of the concrete to avoid delays in placing after mixing or holding dry mixed materials too long in the mixer prior to adding mix water at location of pour. The correct quantity of water shall be contained in the mixer and adding additional water at the pour location shall not be permitted. 2. No water from the truck water system or elsewhere shall be added after the initial introduction of mixing water for the batch except when on arrival at the job site the slump of the concrete is less than specified. If additional water is added the drum shall be turned an additional 30 revolutions, minimum. 3. In cold weather below 40 deg F, discharge of the concrete shall be completed within 90 minutes, or before the drum has revolved 300 revolutions, whichever comes first after the introduction of the mixing water to the cement and aggregates. In hot weather above 70 deg F, or under conditions contributing to quick stiffening of the concrete this time limit shall be 70 minutes. 4. Concrete delivered in cold weather shall have applicable minimum temperatures as follows: Minimum Concrete Temp. Deg F Page 13 of 21 Revision Date: 01/21/14 Project & Bid Package File name: 091ac296e4aff705fc464e09b80d5b75.doc

Industrial Polished Concrete Floor Slabs (with shake) ME- Building Group

0 to 32 65 56 Below 0 70 61 5. In hot weather the producer shall deliver the ready mixed concrete at concrete temperatures as low as practicable, subject to approval by the Owner’s Representative. 6. The adding of water reducing agents shall be performed as required and with the control and record data as specified. Reduction in cement content shall not be allowed because of higher strengths attained due to admixtures. 7. After checking slump, add steel fibers at equal temperature to mixed concrete, and/or superplasticizer must be placed into mix at jobsite, with one additional adjustment to mix, before any other quality assurance tests are performed. 8. Add steel fibers to the mixer after other ingredients, including water, have been added and mixed at a maximum rate of 100 pounds per minute and in a clump free state. 9. Reduce mixer to the recommended speed, as determined by the steel fiber manufacturer, and allow at least 5 minutes mixing time with a minimum of 40 revolutions.



A. Place a 1/2 inch choker course of limestone screenings over top of granular fill sub-base. Prepare and grade choker course ahead of slab pour.

B. Roll choker course with heavy steel wheeled rollers.

C. Rake choker course smooth of any truck tire marks and lightly dampen subbase immediately prior to concrete placement.

D. Verify that asphaltic paint has been applied to steel columns at locations indicated.

E. Perform a pre-pour survey of the choker course and base in a 10 foot by 10 foot grid to ensure the elevation of the base will result in the specified floor thickness.


A. Place reinforcement and accessories per requirements of CRSI “Placing Reinforcing Bars.” Reinforcing shall be rust free and cleaned of dirt, ice, snow and any other surface contaminates. Heat bending shall not be permitted.

B. Unless otherwise shown on the Drawings, concrete covering over reinforcement steel shall be as specified in Division 3 Section "Cast-In-Place Concrete."

C. Place chairs, ties, bolsters and spacers required to properly install the reinforcement. 1. The use of bricks, stones, etc. for the support of reinforcing is prohibited.

D. Except as otherwise noted, steel fibers shall be the reinforcement for the main floor slab-on- grade.


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Industrial Polished Concrete Floor Slabs (with shake) ME- Building Group

A. Forms shall be erected to the exact lines and elevations, and shall be carefully checked immediately prior to the placing of concrete. Forms shall be constructed in accordance with the requirements of ASTM A 347. Form coating (release agent) shall be applied prior to installation of reinforcing steel.

B. Conduit, anchors, pipe sleeves, embedments, and other built-in materials shown or specified to be set in concrete shall be accurately located in accordance with approved shop drawings. Templates.

C. Clean forms of debris and secure approval of Owner's Representative before concrete is placed. Formwork acceptable for placing of concrete shall be protected until concrete is poured.

D. After removing formwork, install joint-filler strips at slab junctions with vertical surfaces, such as column pedestals, foundation walls, grade beams, and other locations, as indicated or directed. 1. Extend joint-filler strips full width and depth of joint, terminating not less than 1/2 inch or more than 1 inch below finished concrete surface. 2. Install joint-filler strips in lengths as long as practicable. Where more than one length is required, lace or clip sections together.


A. Forms shall be thoroughly clean, reinforcing steel in position, sleeves, anchor bolts, embedments, miscellaneous metals and other built-in items shall be securely positioned in final location, safe against displacement, prior to placing any concrete in the forms. Forms shall be thoroughly wetted before placing concrete.

B. Before concrete is placed wet down subbase leaving it damp but without standing water. If any anchor bolts are placed, base plate template and anchor bolts shall be set in place and optically aligned; recheck after completion of pour.

C. Concrete shall be conveyed from the mixer to the forms and in final position as rapidly as possible by inclined chutes, buggies or other approved methods to prevent segregation or loss of the materials. Concrete shall be worked along the forms, along and around reinforcing steel, into corners and continuously spaded and tamped during placing to prevent voids forming in the mass.

D. The concrete shall be vibrated by conscientious and well trained operators with approved internal mechanical vibrators sufficient to work concrete around embedded items, steel, additional reinforcement, and into corners but with care to avoid vibration to the extent of causing separation or segregation of the concrete materials and who understand when concrete is adequately consolidated. 1. Use concrete vibrator around perimeter forms, stub-ups, dowels, floor drains, columns and around reinforcement and other embedded items and into corners to consolidate concrete during placement operations so concrete is thoroughly worked. 2. Use vibratory screed in large areas where concrete is to receive polished Concrete process. a. Screed slab surfaces with a 20 foot straightedge and strike off to correct elevations. It is recommended to Screed in 2 directions, 90 degrees perpendicular to each other.

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Industrial Polished Concrete Floor Slabs (with shake) ME- Building Group

b. Begin initial floating using bull floats or derbies to form a uniform and open- textured surface plane before excess bleed water appears on the surface. Do not further disturb slab surfaces before starting finishing operations.

E. Do not allow foot traffic or miscellaneous debris on slab.

F. After a level surface has been attained the vibrator should be inserted vertically at uniform spacing over the entire area of placement. The distance between insertions shall be about 1- 1/2 times the radius of action, or such that the area visibly affected by the vibrator overlaps the adjacent just-vibrated area by a few inches.

G. Laser Screed: To achieve rigid tolerances for scheduled areas, utilize a laser guided concrete placing and screeding machine having proven capabilities to place concrete within the specified tolerances and be acceptable to the Owner.


A. Concrete slabs shall be brought to proper lines of level or pitch by tamping, screeding, power floating, or minimal toweling; remove humps and hollows to produce true, even surfaces. Concrete floor slabs to remain exposed or receive resilient tile or carpeted finish shall have steel trowel finish.

B. Slabs to receive Polished Concrete Process, hard tile, liquid or trowel applied flooring shall be floated level. 1. Float Finish: Consolidate surface with floats. Level, cut down high spots, and fill low spots with cream and fines only. Repeat float passes and leveling until surface is left with a uniform, smooth texture of cream and fines. 2. Use a “Jitterbug Roller” to depress exposed steel fibers below the surface of the concrete. 3. Trowel Finish: After applying float finish, apply first toweling and consolidate concrete by hand or power-driven trowel. a. Minimize pan trowling to flatten slabs receiving Polished Concrete process. b. Do not over trowel surface of slab to receive Polished Concrete process. c. Surface of slab is expected to be a hard troweled finish so that it does not exhibit “burning” of finish. d. Use hand mag trowels or similar hand tools at edges, cold joints, forms, embeds, etc. to ensure proper surface consolidation. e. Do not smooth edges of slabs with trowel in areas to receive Polished Concrete Process. f. Do not allow foot traffic or miscellaneous debris on slabs receiving Polished Concrete Process. g. Do not leave trowel marks or indentations in the concrete surface. h. Concrete finisher to coordinate and involve polished concrete contractor in establishing the final trowel finish requirements.

C. Tolerance adherence: Final work which is found to exceed tolerance limits as specified shall be removed and replaced at no additional cost to Owner.

D. Control joints at slab-on-grade shall be sawcut to 1/3 the thickness of the slab with a "Husqvarna Soffcut G2000" saw at locations indicated on the Drawings, as soon as slab surface

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Industrial Polished Concrete Floor Slabs (with shake) ME- Building Group

will bear the sawcut equipment and operator without damage (generally within 8 to 10 hours of pour). 1. Minimize pin pulling while saw cutting by using appropriate speeds and correct blades.

E. Saw cut construction joints to 1/3 the thickness of the slab using wet diamond blades. Begin sawcutting prior to time initial shrinkage crackes develop but not more than 8 hours after placement. Completely remove concrete and slurry resulting from sawcutting operations from groove and from slab surfaces. Repair raveling and spalling along joint as directed by Architect/Engineer. 1. Minimize pin pulling while saw cutting by using appropriate speeds and correct blades.

F. Joint Filler: After a minimum of 120 days, remove debris from joints by vacuum. Clean and fill all control joints and construction joints with semi-rigid joint filler. Joints are to be taped to prevent staining of concrete substrate.

G. Place epoxy floor fill in slab voids where indicated. Strike fill area smooth to adjacent surfaces and steel trowel finish. Protect and cure as recommend by system manufacturer.

H. Dry-Shake Floor Hardener Finish: After initial floating, apply dry-shake floor hardener to surfaces according to manufacturer's written instructions and as follows: 1. Uniformly apply dry-shake floor hardener at a rate of 100 lb/100 sq. ft. unless greater amount is recommended by manufacturer. 2. Uniformly distribute approximately two-thirds of dry-shake floor hardener over surface with mechanical spreader, and embed by power floating. Follow with minimal power floating with a second dry-shake floor hardener application, uniformly distributing remainder of material, and embed by minimal power floating. Hand distribution is not acceptable. 3. After final floating, apply a trowel finish except to area to be polished. Cure concrete with curing compound recommended by dry-shake floor hardener manufacturer and apply immediately after final finishing.


A. Concrete in place shall be plumb, level and true to linear building lines. Maximum variations (not accumulative) shall conform to the latest ACI Standards.

B. Slab Thickness: Completed slab shall not have thickness less than that specified, and not greater than 1/4 inch.

C. Slab Flatness and Levelness: Finish surfaces to the following tolerances, measured within 24 hours according to ASTM E 1155/E 1155M for a randomly trafficked floor surface: 1. Float w/ minimum toweled Finish: Overall values of flatness, F (F) 50; and levelness, F (L) 30; with minimum local values of flatness, F (F) 35; and levelness, F (L) 20. a. For areas to receive Polished Concrete Process: from edge of pour to edge of pour and between different pours, finish and measure surface so gap at any point between concrete surface and an unleveled, freestanding, 10-foot-long straightedge resting on 2 high spots and placed anywhere on the surface does not exceed 1/16” inch.

D. Tolerances for placing embedded items shall conform to AISC Code of Standard Practices.

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Industrial Polished Concrete Floor Slabs (with shake) ME- Building Group

E. A permitted variation in any part of the construction or in any Section of Specification shall not be construed as permitting violation of more stringent requirements for any other part of construction or in any other Specification Section.


A. Thoroughly and completely cure and seal as specified. Fully protect freshly placed concrete from the elements including drying by the sun and wind, and wash by rain.

B. Start initial curing as soon as free water has disappeared from concrete surface after placing and finishing. Weather permitting; keep continuously moist for not less than 7 days.

C. Slabs-on-grade shall be wet cured by use of water fogging covered by burlap cloth made from jute or kenaf, weighing approximately 9 oz. /sq yd dry, white burlap-polyethylene sheet or other type of moisture retaining blanket approved by the Owner's Representative. 1. Blanket to be placed at widest possible width with sides and ends overlapped. 2. Immediately repair any holes or tears during curing period using cover material and waterproof tape. 3. Cover is to be pulled completely flat and must remain flat with no wrinkles during curing to protect from staining. Cover to be inspected daily for deficiencies and corrected as necessary.

D. Curing methods during hot weather shall be accordance with the provisions of the latest issue of ACI 305.

E. Curing methods during cold weather: Protect concrete from freezing and cure in accordance with the latest issue of ACI 306 requirements.

F. No curing and sealing compound or method shall be used which will impair bond or penetration of subsequently applied finishes or materials. Coordinate with material manufacturers.

G. Prohibit pedestrian traffic from newly placed slabs for a minimum of 24 hours. Prohibit vehicular and other construction traffic from newly placed slabs for a minimum of 7 days and until after joints have been filled with loose, fine sand.

H. Do not leave equipment, tools, cribbing, or other materials on slab during cure to ensure concrete does not stain.


A. Exposed surfaces of floors and vertical surfaces not receiving Polished Concrete Process i.e. pits and trenches shall receive a liquid sealer/hardener/densifier applied in accordance with manufacturer's instructions unless otherwise directed by the Owner. 1. On surfaces not receiving polish concrete process, such as pits and trenches, apply second coat after 7 day cure. Do not apply second coat to concrete that is less than 7 days old.

B. Concrete Polishing: Contractor shall be responsible for protecting polished concrete from stains or physical damage during construction.

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Industrial Polished Concrete Floor Slabs (with shake) ME- Building Group

1. Conventional Mechanical Polishing: Multi-step operation of mechanically grinding and polishing a concrete floor surface with bonded abrasives to cut and refine the surface to achieve specified Gloss Levels. Grinding and polishing shall begin when concrete has attained sufficient strength so not to displace aggregate or fiber reinforcing as determined by Polisher. a. Examination: Polishing Trades and Contractor with the Owner’s Representative and Owner shall inspect the areas to be polished. 1) Verify flatness and levelness, and inspect for voids, holes, gouges or other imperfections that would be detrimental to achieving a polished finish. a) Polishing Trades shall not proceed until detrimental conditions have been corrected by the Contractor. 2) Polishing Trades shall evaluate slab surface to confirm appropriate grinding grit and equipment that must be initially used. b. Grinding: Process is intended to begin with a diamond grind using metal bonded pads removing 1/64” of concrete surface resulting in a ‘Cream’ aggregate exposure surface finish. 1) Polishing trades shall evaluate slab surface to confirm appropriate grinding grit that must initially be used, but typically no greater than 80 grit 2) Achieve maximum refinement with each sequential pass before proceeding to the next step 3) Clean floor thoroughly after each pass before proceeding to finer grit tools 4) After initial grinding step, apply grout coat with stiff metal blade or repair pin- pulls as required 5) Remove grout coat/pin repair with metal bonded pad in the next step of grinding process 6) Apply densifier after grinding processes are complete c. Polishing: Diamond grind using resin-bonded pads starting at no higher than 100 grit and ending with a 3000 grit resin pad achieving specified floor Gloss Levels. 1) Begin with resin pad that is required in sequential steps to achieve Gloss Level appearance, typically no higher than 100 grit 2) Achieve maximum refinement with each sequential step before proceeding to the next step and document through Gloss Level readings. 3) Clean floor thoroughly after each pass before proceeding to finer grit tools 4) Prior to 3000 grit resin pad, apply first coat of concrete sealer 5) Complete polishing process with a 3000 grit resin pad 6) Prior to applying final coat of concrete sealer, clean polished area a minimum of 3 times and take final gloss level readings. Gloss levels to be achieved prior to application of final coat of sealer. 7) Apply final coat of sealer and burnish as necessary to obtain uniform reflective sheen d. Hand grind/polish around columns, bollards, curbs, walls, and other obstructions where large grinding/polishing equipment use is not possible. Finish at hand- ground/polished areas to match adjacent ground/polished finishes. e. Diamond grits specified are for purposes of establishing boundaries. Should lower grits be required for grinding due to conditions of the slab, this shall be performed at no additional cost to the Owner. f. All stains, trowel marks, and imperfections caused from the slab pour process shall be removed in grinding and polishing process.

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Industrial Polished Concrete Floor Slabs (with shake) ME- Building Group

g. Final Polished Concrete Floor Finish: Cream finish resulting in little or no aggregate exposure and high gloss appearance meeting specified Gloss Level values, free of scratches from the polishing process. h. Final Inspection: Polisher and Concrete contractor shall verify acceptance of polishing area with Owner prior to turnover and use by other trades. 2. Light Polishing (post-construction repair): Provide a separate cost per square foot price for performing this process after completion of construction to concrete that is fully cured. i. Examination: Polishing Trade and Contractor with Representatives of the Owner and Owner’s Representative shall inspect the areas to be polished. 1) Inspect for voids, holes, gouges or other imperfections that would be detrimental to achieving a polished finish. a) Holes and voids shall be filled with epoxy compound to match (or blend with) the adjacent surface. 2) Should areas be stained and require additional grinding, this shall be performed at no additional cost to the Owner. j. Polishing: Process is intended to begin with polishing using a 100 grit resin bond pad and ending with a minimum 3000 grit resin bond pad or equal to achieve specified gloss levels.


A. General Contractor to employ an independent testing agency to perform tests and to submit test reports.

B. Test each continuous pour with not less than one test per day or not less than one test for each 150 cubic yards of concrete, except as otherwise required and approved. Each test shall consist of three specimen cylinders, with specimen cylinders cured at the laboratory. One of the cured specimen cylinders shall be tested at seven days and two at 28 days, and the 28 day test shall show not less than specified strength. Each 28 day cylinder shall show not less than the designed strength and the average of the cylinders shall show not less than 115 percent of the design strength. Provide casual labor and extend full cooperation as required.

C. Sampling, molding, curing and testing of cylinders shall conform to ASTM C 31.

D. Water and W/Cm ratio shall be verified by the microwave test (AASHTO T318). Slump tests shall be made at the jobsite in accordance with ASTM C143. Written results shall be sent to all firms on the distribution list within two (2) days.

E. Where concrete does not conform to these requirements the Contractor may be required to provide the following at his own expense: 1. Complete plant inspection by testing agency. 2. Test of hardened concrete.

F. Testing for Flatness and Levelness shall be performed in conformance with ASTM E 1155 and a written report submitted to the Owner’s Representative within two (2) days. 1. Testing for Flatness and Levelness in areas to receive Polished Concrete Process shall be in conformance with ASTM E 1155 and be preformed and applied from edge of pour to edge of pour with written report submitted to the Owners Representative.

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Industrial Polished Concrete Floor Slabs (with shake) ME- Building Group

G. Concrete Polishing Test Reports: 1. Finished Gloss Level 4 – 3000 grit - Very High Gloss Appearance: a. Procedure: Not less than 4 steps with full refinement of each diamond tool with a minimum of one application of densifier. b. Gloss Measurement: Determine the specular gloss by incorporating the following: 1) Reflective Clarity Reading: Not less than 85 according to ASTM D5767 prior to the application of sealers. 2) Reflective Sheen Reading: Not less than 50 according to the ASTM D523 prior to the application of sealers.

H. Testing for Slip Resistance shall be performed in accordance with ASTM C 1028 or use of similar devices recognized by ADAAG

I. Non-Compliant Test Reports: Test reports indicating non-compliance shall be e-mailed immediately to all parties on the test report distribution list. Follow with mailed, colored hard copies.


A. Fill in holes and openings left in concrete for steel, piping, sleeves and other work. Such parts shall be filled with concrete after the work of others is in place. Fillings shall be neat and flush with adjacent surfaces.

B. After placing and setting of concrete, clean exposed portion of anchor bolts with a wire brush.

C. Provide other miscellaneous concrete filling as required to complete the work.

D. Set anchor bolts accurately to template and optically check; recheck anchor bolts after setting and correct errors which exist in this work.


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