The Homebuyer S Team

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The Homebuyer S Team

The Homebuyer’s Team Program Information

For loan closings in St. Louis City, St. Louis County, City of Florissant, unincorporated St. Charles County, O’Fallon, the City of St. Charles, and Jefferson County

4156 Manchester Avenue, St. Louis, MO 63110 Phone (314) 533-0600 Fax (314) 665-3041

® The staff of Beyond Housing’s Neighbor Works Homeownership Center is excited to work with you as a part of The Homebuyer’s Team. The Homebuyer’s team works together to make the dream of homeownership a reality for low- to moderate-income households in St. Louis and the surrounding region. We also work to make homeownership an asset-building and wealth-creating experience.

As a team, we collectively strive to help each Homebuyer complete the home purchasing process in a timely manner and as stress-free as possible.

This information is intended to assist eligible homebuyers in obtaining funds for closing and down payment costs.

The step by step process:

1. Complete 8 hours of education class. (Your certificate is good for two years) 2. Complete a one-on-one counseling session and achieve “Homeownership Ready Status”. During your counseling session let your counselor know you are interested in one of the down-payment assistance programs. Please note counselors do not approve you for down-payment assistance. 3. Obtain a Realtor and Lender 4. Have your Lender and Realtor send all information requested from File checklist to Lending Department Attn: Stacey Preston 314-533-0600 ext. 26, spreston @ b e y ondhou s ing . or g . or fax 314-665-3041 5. Work with the Lending Department for loan approval to complete your file and close on your new home.

Beyond Housing’s Lending Department issues a commitment letter for down- payment and closing cost funds after verifying required documents. Do not assume you are qualified until you have received an approval letter. Beyond Housing NeighborWorks Homeownership Center

Catch the Dream – Keep the Dream 2016 Home Buyer Education Training Schedule

January 23, 2016: St. Charles Library – Spencer Rd February 20, 2016: CU Excel Center - Pagedale March 19, 2016: St. Charles Library – Spencer Rd April 16, 2016: CU Excel Center - Pagedale May 21, 2016: St. Charles Library – Spencer Rd June 25, 2016: CU Excel Center - Pagedale July 23, 2016: St. Charles Library – Spencer Rd August 20, 2016: To Be Determined September 17, 2016: St. Charles Library – Spencer Rd October 15, 2016: To Be Determined November 12, 2016: St. Charles Library – Spencer Rd December 6, 2016: To Be Determined

Dates & Locations Subject to Change – Please Call Ahead to Confirm

Class Tuition - $95.00 (Includes materials and lunch)

Online Class Tuition - $125.00 Register online at www.b eyo ndho using .o rg WE N O W H AVE O N LI NE C L ASS E S AV A IL A B L E AT WWW.B EY O N D H O US I N G . O RG Program Overview This overview is for informational purposes only and not to be used for underwriting.

These guidelines are established by HUD and are subject to change annually. Beyond Housing’s Lending Department issues a commitment letter for down- payment and closing cost funds after verifying required documents. Do not assume you are qualified until you have received an approval letter. st 1 Home Program: Catch the Dream - Keep the Dream Funds are released annually. Funds are limited and are on a first come first served basis. Funds are reserved upon receipt of a fully executed sales contract. Please forward sales contract to spreston@ b e y ondh o u si n g . o r g. Please visit ww w .b e y o n dhou s i ng . o r g under the program tab >Homeownership Center>Down Payment Assistance for the latest information on the availability of funds.

The 1st Home Program offers a limited number of loans to homebuyers within St Louis County, City of Florissant, Jefferson County, City of St Charles and St Charles County*. St Charles County includes Cottleville, Dardenne Prairie, Lake St. Louis, St Peters, Weldon Spring, Wentzville and all of unincorporated St Charles County. Funds can be used for down payment and closing costs. Overview and requirements: • Must be a first time home buyer- a first time homebuyer, having not owned a home in the past three years or having lost a home due to divorce and have custody of children from the divorce. (Unincorporated St. Charles County does NOT have this restriction). • Homebuyers must complete homebuyer education and one-on-one counseling. To register for the Homebuyer Education Class please visit the website and look under the Program tab for Homeownership Center/Education and Counseling. • Forgivable Loan information: 0% interest 5 year forgivable: $3,500.00 for the City of Florissant, $3,500.00 in the City of St Louis and $5,000.00 for Jefferson County. This loan requires NO monthly payments and is forgiven a f t e r five years. If at any time during the five year term, the Homebuyer decides to move or sell the property, the total loan amount will have to be paid back to the jurisdiction. • Deferred Loan information: 0% interest deferred loan $3,000.00 for St Louis County, $5,000.00 for *St Charles County, $5,000.00 for the City of St Charles and $5,000.00 for the City of O’Fallon. *St Charles County includes Cottleville, Dardenne Prairie, Lake St. Louis, St Peters, Weldon Spring, Wentzville and all of unincorporated St Charles County. This loan requires NO monthly payments and upon sale, transfer of title or refinance, the total loan amount will have to be paid back to the jurisdiction. • Both the homebuyer and the house itself must qualify to be eligible for down payment and closing cost assistance. • Property must not have been tenant occupied within the last 90 days. • Must have at least $1,000.00 of your own funds within the transaction. Funds must be listed on Settlement statement at time of closing. • Gross Household (before taxes) income from all sources (including wages, SSI, disability, retirement, pension, etc.) must not exceed 80% of HUD median income. *For income guideline purposes, a household includes all people residing in the home. • Debt to Income (DTI) can not exceed 36% of housing payment and 42% including all other debts listed on credit report • The Homebuyer must qualify for a fixed-rate FHA, VA, MHDC, Fannie Mae or Freddie Mac loan or an approved portfolio product. It should be fixed-rate, of A or A- quality. Total CLTV cannot exceed 105%. • Contact your Lender and Realtor to forward File items needed (see page 8). • Funds from Beyond Housing CANNOT be used to pay the agents commission, r epa i r s, or p ay do w n d ebt ne e ded to qu a li f y f or t he loan. • The home being purchased with the funds must pass occupancy inspection for the applicable jurisdiction as well as other required inspections listed in the File items needed (see page 8) • The Homebuyer will sign a separate set of loan documents and a lien will be placed against the property for the down payment and closing cost assistance. • Beyond Housing does not allow a ‘broker fee’, “brokerage commission’ etc. • The exact amount of funds received will reflect on the final settlement statement minus title service charges and recording fees. Two-Hundred and Twenty Five dollars ($225) is the maximum amount allowed. • Approved Title Agents (see page 19)

Total household* income of Homebuyer must be 80% or below the St. Louis Area Median Income (AMI) as established by the Department of Housing and Urban Development

FY 2015 Income Limits for 80% of HUD Area Median Gross Income 1 person - $39,400 5 persons - $60,750

2 persons - $45,000 6 persons - $65,250

3 persons - $50,650 7 persons - $69,750

4 persons - $56,250 8 persons - $74,250 Neighborhood Stabilization Program

The Neighborhood Stabilization Program is offering a limited number of loans for certified NSP homes. You can find a list of the St Louis County or City of Florissant NSP homes at the St. Louis County website: h t t p: // www. s tl o ui s c o . c o m / Pr op e r t y a n d R o a d s / C o m m unit y D e v e l op m e n t / N e i g hb o r h o o d S t a b i l i za ti on P r og ra m / Pr op e r t i e s f o rS a le

Overview and requirements:

• Must be purchasing an NSP Certified Home. • Homebuyers must complete homebuyer education and one-on-one counseling. To register for Homebuyer Education class, please visit the Beyond Housing website and look under the Program tab for Homeownership Center, then Education and Counseling. • Loan information: 0% interest 5 year forgivable loan. If over $14,999.00 the loan is a 0% interest 10 year forgivable loan. This loan requires NO monthly payments and is forgiven a ft e r five years or ten years. If at any time during the term of the loan, the Homebuyer decides to move or sell the property, the total loan amount will have to be paid back to the jurisdiction. • Must have at least $1,000.00 of your own funds within the transaction. Funds must be listed on Settlement statement at time of closing. • Household income must not exceed 120% HUD area median gross income. Chart is provided below. *For income guideline purposes, a household includes all people residing in the home. • The Homebuyer must qualify for a fixed-rate FHA, VA, MHDC, Fannie Mae or Freddie Mac loan or an approved portfolio product. It should be fixed-rate, of A or A- quality. Total CLTV cannot exceed 105%. • The home being purchased with the funds must pass occupancy inspection for the applicable jurisdiction as well as other required inspections listed in the File checklist on page 9. • Contact your Lender and Realtor to forward File items needed (see page 8). • Funds from Beyond Housing CANNOT be used to pay the agents commission o r to p ay do w n debt n e e d ed t o q ua l i f y f or t he l o a n. • An approval letter issued from Beyond Housing’s Lending Department will be furnished to the Lender and Realtor upon approval of the loan. This booklet is for information purposes only and should not be considered as underwriting guidelines for Lenders or Realtors. • The Homebuyer will sign a separate set of loan documents and a lien will be placed against the property for the down payment and closing cost assistance. • Beyond Housing does not allow a ‘broker fee’, “brokerage commission’ etc. • The exact amount of funds received will reflect on the final settlement statement minus title service charges and recording fees. Two Hundred and Twenty-Five ($225) dollars is the maximum amount allowed. • The house being purchased cannot be located in a 100-year flood plain. • St Louis County NSP can be combined with the 1st HOME $3,000 down-payment assistance program. FY 2015 Income Limits for 120% of HUD Area Median Income 1 person - $59,050 5 persons - $91,100

2 persons - $67,500 6 persons - $97,850

3 persons - $75,900 7 persons - $104,600

4 persons - $84,350 8 persons - $111,350 We work with the buyer’s real estate agent and loan officer to gather required documents for scheduled closings. This requires cooperation from the agents, their assistants, the loan officers and their processors. Thank you in advance!

Please forward all items listed below and forward Checklist to your Lender and Realtor

F ile Ch eck l i st

Items Required for Down Payment and Closing Cost Assistance

These highlighted items are needed prior to Beyond Housing qualifying a client and issuing an approval letter for down payment aand and closing cost assistance funds.

 Budget worksheet

 Intake form

 8 hours of education and one-on-one counseling with an approval from your assigned counselor indicating that you are ready for homeownership. Please note your counselor cannot approve or qualify you for down payment assistance.

 Loan Estimate with subject property listed

 Last two months bank statements

 Recent Credit Report

 Residential Sales Contract with all addendums

 Most recent consecutive pay stubs showing at least three months worth of income including other income such as self employment, social security, disability etc. for all household members 18 years or older and dated within 6 weeks of closing. (Married individuals that are legally separated must provide the legal separation agreement. If not legally separated the spouse’s income and credit will be included in the household and must be provided.)  Previous year’s W-2s

 Previous year’s tax return (unless self-employed, then we need two years)

 1003 Application from Lender

 Loan commitment letter showing final loan amount, rate and term

 Commitment for Title Insurance showing applicable jurisdiction as a lien holder, name and number of closing agent from Title company- This must be an approved title agent with Beyond Housing. All title agent approved with Beyond Housing have approval certificates.

 Residential Appraisal Report – Full URAR with the value no less than the contract sales price

 Survey at closing

 Flood Certification from Lender

 Homeowner’s Insurance Certificate showing coverage and contact information for insurance agent.

 Occupancy permit and visual lead from applicable jurisdiction based on their First-time Homebuyer’s Inspection *Please see attached booklet on instructions on how to order this inspection

 Occupancy Permit or a Code Compliance Letter from local municipality, if applicable

 Third-party building inspection performed by NASHI OR ASHI-Certified Building Inspector

 Inspection notice signed by seller and buyer

 Seller signed URA statement of occupancy

 Termite Inspection with any infestations treated


 St Louis City Occupancy permit – St Louis City Building Div. 314-622-3318

 Visual lead letter from third party building inspector

 12 month home warranty

 Standard FHA roof inspection performed by a licensed roofer

P l ease no te t he c li e nt i s not a pp r o v ed un t i l the l o an a p p r o v al is i ss u ed. I f t h e y m u s t h a v e t he as s i st a n ce to c l o se, we recommend N OT o r d e ri ng i n s p ect i o ns un t i l y o u h a v e r ec e i v ed an a pp r o v al l ett e r .

All items should be faxed to (314) 665-3041 Attn: Stacey Preston or emailed to spreston @ b e y ondh o u s or hand delivered as soon as possible.

Beyond Housing must be clear to close 5 days prior to closing. Please keep this in mind when scheduling the closing.

The guidelines for an AS IS Property: Some “as is” homes can not obtain occupancy permits prior to closing. Occupancy permits for the jurisdictions and the municipality are required for the program prior to closing. If the home you are buying cannot obtain the occupancy permits, the home would not be eligible for the program. If your client is willing to repair the home PRIOR to closing, Beyond Housing will need the documentation below to approve the property prior to the repairs being done. 1. Failed inspections 2. Contractor Bids on all items on the inspections 3. Appraisal 4. Client Bank statements The repairs plus the sales price cannot exceed the appraised value. The property condition must be approved by Beyond Housing prior to making any repairs. Beyond Housing’s L e nd i n g Department staff issues a commitment letter for down-payment and closing cost funds after verifying required documents. If the information changes or expires, a new approval letter will need to be issued.

The exact amount of funds received is reflected on the final settlement statement. Recording fees and title service fees will be deducted from the total amount received.

Please provide all Paid Outside of closing receipts to the title company agent. IN SPE C T I O N P R O C E DUR E S St. Louis County Public Works Department HOME Inspection


Buyer must call or visit appropriate Public Works Office and request a “First Time Homebuyer Inspection”.

Inspection will be scheduled within 1 to 2 days. Buyer must specify who will meet inspector at the home. Inspection will take 1 ½ hours to complete.

Buyer will receive a copy of the checklist and if no violations occur will receive an Occupancy Permit* and Visual Lead Clearance in the mail, or may pick it up within 1-2 days. (You must get this to Beyond Housing at least 5 business days prior to your closing)

If violations are present, buyer must notify Public Works when violations have been repaired and schedule re-inspection.


$95.35 for initial inspection plus one re-inspect. $44.00 per hour for additional inspections. No checks accepted, only money order, cash or cashier checks. Offices:

North of Hwy 40 North County Government Center 21 Village Square Hazelwood MO 63042 314/615-7346

South of Hwy 40 South County Government Center 4558 Lemay Ferry Road St. Louis MO 63125 314/615-4142

*All occupants of the house MUST be listed on the permit* IN SPE C T I O N P R O C E DUR E S City of Florissant Down-payment Assistance Program


FLORI S S A NT M INI M UM HOU S ING IN SP E CTION • Must be arranged and paid for by the seller • Initial inspection and all re-inspections must be completed at least 2 weeks prior to closing V I S U A L L E A D IN PSE CTION • Visual Lead Assessment conducted by Community Development Office • Visual Lead Clearance Letter issued by CD Director when approved P ROCE DURE S Once Community Development Office has received the reservation form and determined that the property is within the city limits:

The City of Florissant Community Development Office will verify that a housing inspection has been scheduled & paid for by the seller. • The buyer ca nnot schedule this housing inspection • They will determine the status of this inspection and inform Beyond Housing of that status. • All code violations associated with this housing inspection must be completed, re-inspected & approved at least 2 weeks prior to closing. • Approval for occupancy must be obtained 2 weeks prior to closing. • No “conditional” occupancy permits will be accepted.

Once the final inspection has been approved, the Community Development Office will conduct the Visual Lead Assessment and if approved, issue a Visual Lead Clearance Letter to Beyond Housing.

* All occupants of the house MUST be listed on the permit* IN SPE C T I O N P R O C E DUR E S St. Charles County HOME Inspection Process International Code Council, Property Maintenance Code 2009 HUD requires that all properties purchased with the assistance of HOME funds will be inspected to ensure that the property is code compliant. For properties in the unincorporated area of St. Charles County, City of St. Peters and City of Weldon Spring the inspections are through the Building Code Enforcement Division of St. Charles County.

C on t ac t I n f o rma t i o n : 636-949-7345 St Charles County Building Division 201 North Seconds St., Rm. 412 St. Charles, MO 63301


Inspection Cost:

$80 for initial inspection and one follow-up, additional inspection will be $30 per

Bviusiyt.e rP mroucestdu cares:ll or visit the Building Code Enforcement Division, state th at th ey are a ho me bu y er u s in g H O M E f u nd s, and would like to request an inspection. The inspection application form and payment must be received by the Building Division 48 hours in advance of the inspection.

The buyer must specify who will meet the inspector and plan 1½ hours for the inspection.

If no violations occur, the buyer will receive a Certificate of Compliance that includes a visual lead clearance.

If violations are present, the buyer must notify the Building Code Enforcement Division when the violations have been repaired to schedule a re-inspection.

If the property passes, the Certificate of Compliance will be issued. If the property fails, additional inspection fees will be charged for subsequent inspections The St. Charles County Building Division only does HOME inspections for the unincorporated area of St. Charles County, City of Weldon Spring and City of St. Peters. All properties within Cottleville, Dardenne Prairie, Lake St. Louis, St. Paul and Wentzville must get their inspection from their city building department. IN SPE C T I O N P R O C E DUR E S City of St. Charles 1st HOME Inspection Process

PrIntoperenrattyio Mnalai nCotednea nCceoun Cocdile 2003

HUD now requires the City to contract with inspectors to perform code compliances, or have City staff complete the inspection. The City of St. Charles has opted to perform the inspections through its Community Services, Code Enforcement Division, on all property for clients requesting assistance through the Homeownership Assistance Program.

City of St. Charles Department of Community Development 200 N. Second Street, STE 303 St. Charles, MO 63301 636/949-3224 Anita Telkamp


Buyer or Realtor must call 24 hours in advance to receive an inspection the following day, (inspections must be called in prior to 3:30 p.m. to be scheduled for the following day) It is t he Ci t y ’s pr e f e r e n ce t o h a v e t he b u y er pr ese nt for the inspection so that the buyer understands what needs to be repaired if there are violations.

To schedule inspections call Anita Telkamp 636-949-3224.

Inspection usually lasts about ½ hour to 45 minutes. You need to allow some extra time in case the inspector runs late due to previous days inspections.

If t h e re a r e v iol a t ions t he b u y er w ill r e c e i v e a c o p y of t he “Fi e ld Corr ec t ion No t i ce”. If t he b u y er is not pr ese nt t h en t h e f i e ld c orr ec t ion no t i ce m ay be pr o v id e d t o t he h ou s ing coun se ling a g e n c y. City will provide buyer or agency (not both) with a field correction notice. It will be the responsibility of the housing counseling agency to provide the buyer with the field correction notice if the buyer is not present.

If violations are present, buyer must notify Community Development when violations have been repaired and schedule re-inspection. If property passes, Occupancy Permit will be issued as above. There will be no charge for the inspection. The Occupancy Permit is good for 90 days. st 1 Time Home Buyer HOME Certificate of Occupancy includes the Visual Lead Assessment: After approval of the inspection the Certificate is email or faxed to the housing counseling agency not t he H o m e b u y e r or R ea l t or. If the Buyer or Realtor wants a copy they will request one form the housing counseling agency.

* All occupants of the house MUST be listed on the permit* IN SPE C T I O N P R O C E DUR E S O’Fallon, MO Inspection Procedures

The United States Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) requires an inspection performed by a building inspector from the City of O’Fallon. The City of O’Fallon will perform the inspection based on the 2009 International Property Maintenance Code.

To schedule an inspection, agents/buyers in the First-Time Home Buyer Down Payment Assistance program need to contact Stacey Preston [email protected] 314-533-0600 ext. 26.

Please note that: Inspection requests received by 4:00 p.m. will be on the next day’s schedule. Inspections are done Monday through Friday from approximately 9:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. with a break for lunch from 11:30 – 12:30.

The buyer or agent must be present during the inspection.

The buyer will receive an inspection sheet indicating whether or not the property passed the inspection. If the property passes, then the buying process may continue. If the property does not pass the inspection then the items listed must be repaired followed by another inspection that must pass before the buyer can close on the home.

The C i ty of O’ F a llo n w i ll s end B e y o nd H o u si n g al l d o c u m ents nee d ed to c o m p l ete the s a l e.

* All occupants of the house MUST be listed on the permit* IN SPE C T I O N P R O C E DUR E S

Jeffersonst County Building Division 1 Home Inspection Program HUD now requires that the County contract with inspectors to perform code compliances, or have County staff inspect. Jefferson County has opted to perform the inspections through our Jefferson County Building sDt ivision, on all property for clients requesting assistance through the Jefferson County 1 Time Homebuyer Program.

Jefferson County Building Division Cost: $90 for initial inspection P.O. Box 100 and one follow up, additional 725 Maple Street inspections approximately $40.00 per Hillsboro, MO 63050 hour. No checks, only money orders, 636-797-5310 cash or cashiers checks.

st 1 Home Inspection Admin: Permit length is 90 days. 636-797-5310

Lead Inspector: Dennis Rogers

P ro ce dur e s :

Buyer must call or visit the Jefferson County Building Division and request “First Time Homebuyer Inspection”.

Inspection will be scheduled within 1 to 2 days. Buyer must specify who will meet the inspector. Plan 2 hours for inspection.

If no violations occur, buyer will receive a copy of the inspection report, checklist and visual lead clearance indicating compliance with the standards. Copy will be mailed to address identified by buyer, or buyer may pick up within 1-2 days.

If violations are present, buyer must notify the Building Division when violations have been corrected and schedule the re-inspection. If property passes, compliance will be issued as above. If fails, additional inspection fee will be charged. IN SPE C T I O N P R O C E DUR E S

City of St. Louis St Louis City Occupancy Permit Inspection OR St. Louis City Housing Conservation Inspection 98% of property in St. Louis is located in a Housing Conservation District As required by Ordinance #69202 [], the City Housing Conservation District Inspection is a basic code inspection designed to check for minimal interior building code violations, and meet minimum exterior standards under the International Property Maintenance Code. It is not intended to imply a guarantee or warranty as to the overall condition of the building and/or its systems. For residential sales, a Certificate of Inspection shall be obtained before occupancy of the unit is permitted. Units must be inspected before you rent or sell! When a structure contains a dwelling unit and is located in a Housing Conservation District, a Certificate of Inspection is required before:

 A vacant residential unit is occupied.

 A sale of an occupied structure and a Certificate of Inspection has not been issued within the last 12 months. A Certificate of Inspection is valid for a period of 12 months, therefore, those units which have been inspected and have received a valid certificate are not required to be reinspected. Units are only required to be inspected when there is a change of occupancy.  You may apply online at You may apply in person at City Hall- Rm 425.

As a part of the application process, you will be scheduling the inspection at the conclusion. The earliest your inspection may be scheduled is 3 business days from today. The latest your inspection may be scheduled is 15 days from today. If your property will not be ready for inspection within this time frame please apply when you are ready. The cost of an application is $90.00. If a resident is found to be occupying a dwelling that does not have a current certificate of inspection then the application fee is $150.00 Property managers may apply for multiple inspections at the same address at a discounted rate. The initial application is $90.00 or $150.00; each additional application at the same address is $50.00 each. Currently, the Housing Conservation Office accepts cash and checks only. forms of payment accepted on are:Visa, MasterCard, Discover or Electronic Check. Water and electric must be operable at the time of inspection. Inspectors examine a building's exterior, interior, interior common areas and set a dwelling's occupancy load. If a Certificate of Inspection is issued with violations, the property owner has 30 days to make the necessary repairs. Extensions may be granted due to weather or other specific causes. Online 314-622-4800 City Hall 1200 Market Street St Louis MO 63103

TITLE COMPANY PARTNERS: PLEASE ASK THE CLOSER IF SHE/HE IS A CERTIFIED TITLE CLOSER WITH BEYOND HOUSING PRIOR TO ORDERING TITLE. PLEASE HAVE THE TITLE AGENT CONTACT US TO BECOME A CERTIFIED CLOSER. A representative from Beyond Housing will attend each closing, bring all necessary documents and wire the down payment assistance funds. This is a second lien on property and a title policy is required.

To become a title partner with Beyond Housing the title company closer must have a certificate. In order to receive a certificate the title company closer must have attended training by our Beyond Housing staff. The certificate is per closer not title company. Not all title company locations can be approved to be a closing partner with Beyond Housing.

The process of becoming a Title partner can take up to 30 days.

This certificate is good for (1) one year. Each year the title company closer will need to be renewed to receive an updated certificate.

Please contact Stacey Preston, Lending Manager at 314-533-0600 ext. 26 or spreston @ b e y o ndhou s i ng . o r g to become a title partner.

When ordering your title work, please note on the order form that your client is using funds from Beyond Housing.

We hope that this guidebook provides helpful information. Be aware that the information contained in this guidebook is subject to change due to changing program guidelines. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us at any time during the home buying transaction.

The Homebuyer’s Team! ww w . b e y ondh o u si n g .org

L e nding D e p a r t m e nt For questions regarding contracts, inspections, loan approval, and closing procedures: Stacey Preston Homeownership Lending Manager (314) 533-0600 ext. 26 s p r e st o n @ b e y ond h o u si n g . o r g June Peters Homeownership Lending Admin (314) 533-0600 ext. 27

E du ca t ion/Coun se l ing D e p a r t m e nt For pre-purchase questions regarding education workshops, credit items, and budgeting plans:

Gloria Brainsby Financial Advising Manager (314)533-0600 ext. 41 [email protected] Camille Branch Homeownership Education Coordinator (314)533-0600 ext. 46 c boe v e r @be y o n dh o u s i n g . o r g Kyra Bland Homeownership Education Advisor (314)533-0600 ext. 37 kbland @be y o n dh o u s i n g . o r g

Eric Zegel - Financial Advising Director (314)533-0600 ext. 50 e z e g e l @be y ondh o u si ng . o r g

P o s t P ur c h a s e Housing Services: For post-purchase budget counseling and foreclosure prevention: (314) 533-0600

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