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Table of Contents s50

Checklist for Assignment Five: Formal Recommendation Report Name: ______Section: ______

Professionalism of Formal Recommendation Report  Report is typed and organized in a folder (labeled with your name/section) in this order:  Checklist for Assignment Five with both sides filled out by you (one copy per group)  Assignment Five and Works Cited list  All sources cited in report (photocopies, computer print-outs, notes). Sources should be arranged in alphabetical order that matches your Works Cited list.  Assignment Five Work Log/Group Evaluation (pages 73-74) filled out (one per group member).  Report meets minimum requirements of 5-6 complete pages (not counting front and back matter).  Report is submitted on time. If not, sign if you want to use grace period ______.  Report is carefully edited for grammar, spelling, punctuation, mechanics, and typos.

Letter of Transmittal of Formal Recommendation Report  Letter of Transmittal and report are single-spaced within paragraphs, have one line of white space between paragraphs, and have no paragraph indentations.  Letter of Transmittal and report have Calibri 12-point font, one-inch margins and are left justified.  Letter of Transmittal provides the following details: your name/credentials, report’s complete title, report’s purpose, and what you want your audience to do with this information.  Letter of Transmittal is signed by each author in blue/black ink between closing line and name.  Letter of Transmittal has an Enclosure notification including the “Full Title of Report in Quotes.”  Letter of Transmittal does not include a page number.

Title Page of Formal Recommendation Report  Title Page includes report title which clearly establishes the report’s topic and recommendations.  Title Page includes name and credentials of a specific reader(s) and author(s) of report.  Title Page includes date report is submitted.  Title Page does not include page number.

Introduction of Formal Recommendation Report  Introduction provides appropriate background information to engage reader/provide context.  Introduction has a purpose statement stating report’s main topic and recommendations.  Introduction has an overview statement outlining the major body topics of the report in order.  Introduction lists the most significant findings of the report.  Introduction lists the specific recommendations of the report.  Introduction provides key terms by which this report could be indexed for search purposes.  Introduction begins page numbering with Arabic numerals (1).

Visuals of Formal Recommendation Report  Report has 1 unique visual that you created yourself (no more than two visuals total).  Each visual is 2 dimensions (not 3 dimensions) and follows all seven steps of visuals:  Each visual has a descriptive paragraph before the visual that accurately describes all numbers in the visual. This paragraph ends with Figure # illustrates these results.  Each visual has an appropriate Figure or Table/number designation.  Each visual has a descriptive title in bold that tells the who/what/where/when of the visual.  Each visual has an action caption that uses specific numbers to highlight a key finding.  Each visual is clearly and appropriately sized and labeled.  Each visual has a source citation written in the following format: Source: First and last names of all authors of survey. “Survey Title.” Date of survey. Figure created by ______. Research and Documentation of Formal Recommendation Reports  MLA documentation for interviews includes name and credentials of interviewee, personal (or telephone) interview and date. The credentials are omitted after this first citation.  MLA documentation for written sources includes document’s author, title, and page number. Article titles and first names of authors are omitted after first citations.  Report is approximately 50% research and 50% your own analysis/comments.  Paraphrases and summaries are written in your own words and sentence structures.  All summaries, paraphrases, and direct quotations are properly capitalized and punctuated.  Direct quotations, if used, are 100% accurate to original sources/notes.

Recommendations of Formal Recommendation Report  Recommendations section presents final judgments, insights, perceptions, or findings.  Recommendations section makes one or more specific suggestions for actions based on the research/audience needs. This step is really important!

Works Cited for Formal Recommendation Report  Works Cited list follows Recommendations section and lists only sources specifically cited in memo.  Works Cited list is double-spaced within and between entries and uses a hanging indent pattern.  Works Cited entries are alphabetized by the last names of interviewees and/or authors of articles. If articles/books have no authors, alphabetize sources using first major words of titles.  Works Cited entries follow templates exactly in terms of punctuation, capitalization, and format.  Dates are written in the following order: Day Month Year (example: 22 Dec. 2006).  All months other than May, June, and July are abbreviated.

Library of Research for the Formal Recommendation Report It is your responsibility to turn in a complete and organized Library of Research exactly as directed below. I will deduct ½ a letter grade per missing source. Further, any report that is submitted without any research at will automatically receive an “F.” This could be enough to fail the class. Please pay attention below – you don’t want to lose major points due to lack of sources. On this one point, I am not flexible, so please consider yourself forewarned. Please arrange all sources in the order they appear on the Works Cited list and follow these directions.

1. Print off or photocopy pages of all written sources you summarize, paraphrase, and directly quote in your report. Do not cut-and-paste information into Microsoft Word; print these documents directly from their original sites. For interviews and email messages, submit all notes/ messages. For media sources such as DVDs, submit notes you took while watching these sources.

2. Highlight or write out the source’s author, title, and date. You need to make sure I can match up your source to where you use it in your report and to your Works Cited list.

3. Draw a box around all information you directly quote, paraphrase, or summarize on the articles/notes themselves.

Grade Information for Assignment Five: Formal Recommendation Report Formal Recommendation Report grade/points (200 points) ______A = 180 - 200 Deduction for incomplete materials and/or lateness ______B = 160 - 179 Grace period used for this assignment ______D = 120 - 139 Final grade and points (200 points) ______F = 0 - 134 Checklist (5 points) ______Peer Workshop (10 points) ______

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