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Do Not Alter the Questions Or Question Numbering

Questionnaire Instructions to OFFERORS:


 Please complete all appropriate sections of the questionnaire.

 Provide answers to the questionnaires in Word format.

 Provide an answer to each question even if the answer is “not applicable” or “unknown.”

 Answer the question as directly as possible.  If the question asks, “How many…” provide a number  If the question asks, “Do you…” indicate Yes or No followed by any additional brief narrative explanation to clarify.

 IMPORTANT: Be concise in your response. Use bullet points as appropriate. Reconsider how to word any response that exceeds 200 words in length so that the response contains the most important points you want displayed. Referring the reader to an attachment for further information should be avoided or used on a limited basis. Any response that does not directly address the question, but only contains marketing information will be considered non-responsive.

 OFFERORS will be held accountable for accuracy/validity of all answers.

 Remember, RFP responses will become part of the contract between the successful OFFEROR and the EUTF.

 The submission of a proposal will be deemed a certification that the OFFEROR will comply with all requirements set forth in this RFP. If a multiple option plan is being requested, it will be assumed that all answers apply equally to all options. If this is not the case, separate answers should be provided for each option.

NOTE: Answers to the questions must be provided in hard copy and WORD format on CD DO NOT PDF or otherwise protect the CD LIFE QUESTIONNAIRE



1. Do you agree that if this proposal results in Yes  your company being awarded a contract and No  (Please explain in Attachment 5, if there are inconsistencies between what Exceptions) was requested in the RFP and what is contained in your proposal response that any controversy arising over such discrepancy will be resolved in favor of the language contained in the RFP, unless specifically modified by the contract? 2. Do you agree to perform all of the services Yes  contained in this RFP? If there are any No  (Please list all exceptions in Attachment 5, exceptions to these requirements, please Exceptions) specify in Attachment 5 as a separate section to your proposal, a complete explanation of each exception, titled, Exceptions. Failure to agree to perform the services required in this RFP may result in your proposal being deemed incomplete. 3. Do you agree to all the terms and conditions Yes  in Section I of this RFP? No  (Please list all exceptions in Attachment 5, Exceptions) 4. Verify that all deviations from the requested Yes  plan design and coverage are included in No  (Please explain in Attachment 5, the tables in Section V. Exceptions) 5. Is your organization currently or in the near Yes  (Please explain) future undertaking any mergers, No  acquisitions, sell-offs, change of ownership, etc? 6. The EUTF requires written notification of Yes  renewal actions 240 days preceding the No  (Please explain in Attachment 5, expiration of the contract. Confirm your Exceptions) agreement to this requirement. 7. What are the most recent ratings for your company by the following: Standard and Poor's - Rating Standard and Poor’s - Date GENERAL INFORMATION


Duff and Phelps - Rating Duff and Phelps - Date A.M. Best - Rating A.M. Best - Date Moody’s - Rating Moody’s - Date Has there been any downgrade in your Yes  (Please explain) ratings in the last 2 years? No  If your firm is not rated, submit documentation of a similar nature which attests to your firm’s financial stability. 8. Confirm that you will provide the following Yes  minimum reporting requirements: No  (Please explain in Attachment 5, a) Monthly Enrollment Reports Exceptions) b) Monthly Claim Reports c) Quarterly Utilization Reports d) Semi-Annual Utilization Reports e) Annual Utilization Reports 9. Does your company, including any affiliates, Yes  (Please explain) subsidiaries, or principals of the company, No  have any pending or has had any legal actions against the State of Hawaii, the EUTF Board, or any EUTF Trustee within the last five years? If yes, describe in detail. A. ORGANIZATIONAL EXPERIENCE AND STABILITY Network Ownership and Background 1. Name of Parent Company, if any: 2. Identify service team: 10.a) Day to day contact 10.b) Underwriting 10.c) Billing 10.d) Local overall account management 10.e) Location of your local telephone service office and number of staff f) Location of your walk-in customer service office and number of staff GENERAL INFORMATION


3. What is the location of the office that would handle the general servicing of this account? Provide a brief biography and location of the senior officials responsible for the overall service of the account and for the day-to-day operations. 4. Is your firm anticipating restructuring or reorganization in the next year? If yes, please explain. (Include any major staff relocations or office closings.) 5. In the past 12 months has your organization closed/consolidated or relocated any customer service or claims offices? If yes, please list the offices? 6. Has your organization acquired, been acquired by, or merged with another organization in the past 24 months? If yes, please explain. Financial Condition Of Organization Hawaii Membership Profile/Client Base 7. Please provide annual Membership counts for three years for covered Group Term Life and the total Volume of Insurance. National  2017  2016  2015 Hawaii  2017  2016  2015 8. Please provide the percentage client retention rates requested below (Group Accounts Only): Client Retention Rates  1 year  2 years GENERAL INFORMATION


 3 years Termination Rates  1 year  2 years  3 years B. ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES Account Service 1. Are there any Special Conditions outlined in Yes  (Please explain in Attachment 5, Section I that you cannot meet? Exceptions) No  2. Payment Options: EUTF to Vendor (Choose only one) a) Electronic Fund Transfer b) Manual Invoicing c) Both options available 3. Will you transfer claim information, and other Yes  administrative records to any carrier/TPA that No  (Please explain in Attachment 5, would replace you in the event of termination Exceptions) of this contract and at no charge? 4. a) What on-line services/functions will be made available to the EUTF administrative staff via the Internet? (List all that apply)  Claims Summary  Billing History  Premium Rates  Eligibility Summary  Enrollment Counts  Plan Details  Address Changes  Other b) What on-line services/functions will be made available to the EUTF members via the Internet? (List all that apply)  Claims Summary  Plan Details GENERAL INFORMATION


 Address Changes  Other c) Provide name of website and sample password, if applicable: 5. For each of the services listed below, please indicate if the service is available and if the cost is included in the basic fee. If not, please provide any additional fee that may apply. a) SPDs  Included in basic fee  Not available  Indicate additional cost b) Claims Forms  Included in basic fee  Not available  Indicate additional cost c) Other, please describe  Included in basic fee  Not available  Indicate additional cost Audit Requirements 6. a) Do you agree to allow the EUTF the right Yes  to audit the performance of the plan and No  (Please explain in Attachment 5, services provided? Exceptions) b) Indicate what services, records and access will be made available to the EUTF at no additional charge. c) Indicate frequency and notice requirements that are part of the right to audit provision and all other limitations or restrictions on the conduct of an audit. 7. Will you agree to an independent annual Yes  audit that measures performance through No  (Please explain in Attachment 5, random sampling? Please include a copy of Exceptions) your audit policy. GENERAL INFORMATION


8. Will you agree to provide a comprehensive Yes  data file to the auditor that will facilitate No  (Please explain in Attachment 5, electronic analysis with target samples Exceptions) validated through the auditor’s review of supporting documentation of sufficient sample size to meet the auditor’s requirements to achieve the level of confidence determined by the auditor? 9. Confirm your understanding that results from Yes  an independent random claims sample will No  (Please explain in Attachment 5, determine compliance with processing Exceptions) guarantees. 10. Confirm your understanding that non- Yes  processing performance guarantees may be No  (Please explain in Attachment 5, validated through an independent audit with Exceptions) such results determining the amount of any penalty due. Member Service (i.e., Customer Service, Internet Access, etc.) 11. a) Will dedicated customer service a) Yes  No  representatives be assigned to this account? b) Yes  No  c) Yes  No  b) Are customer service reps separated from d) Yes  No  the claim processing unit, or do claim processors have customer service responsibilities? (If NO, please explain in Attachment 5, Exceptions)

c) Do customer service reps have on-line access to up to date claim processing information?

d) Do customer service reps have authority to approve claims? GENERAL INFORMATION


12. a) Confirm the cost of providing a toll-free a) Yes  No  number to be made available to participants b) Yes  No  (Please explain in Attachment 5, to handle claims or other service issues is Exceptions) included in your quotation.

b) If not, would you agree to establish toll free 800 telephone lines for this group?

c) How many telephone lines do you expect to use?

d) What days and hours will the telephone lines be manned? 13. Indicate the ways in which your organization is able to accommodate the special needs of enrollees. (List all that apply) a) No special accommodations b) Have a TDD (Telecommunications Device for the Deaf) or other voice capability for the hearing impaired c) We accommodate non-English special enrollees by contracting with an independent translation company d) We maintain customer service staff with the ability to translate multiple languages, if so which languages? 14. Do you agree to receive and timely and Yes  accurately process as indicated in this RFP No  (Please explain in Attachment 5, all of the enrollment and eligibility information Exceptions) in the format as provided by EUTF, without the EUTF making changes to its file format? (See Exhibit F) 15. Describe the grievance protocols in place for plan participants. Do you have a response time goal for which to respond to claim and other questions and complaints? Claims Processing 16. With regard to the claim offices that will be used, provide the following: GENERAL INFORMATION


a) Location: ______b) Average Claims/Processor/Day: ______c) Annual Claim Volume: ______d) Provide number of:  Processors  Supervisors  Managers e) Average years of claims administration experience for:  Processors  Supervisors  Managers f) Annual turnover percent (%):  Processors  Supervisors  Managers 17. Based upon the latest 12-month period: (Please answer all parts of this question) a) Average number of business days to process a claim from date received to date check issued:______b) What percent of all claims submitted (regardless of information provided on claim) are processed (from date received to date check issued) within 10 business days? % c) What percent of all claims submitted (regardless of information provided on claim) are processed (from date received to date check issued) within 30 business days? % GENERAL INFORMATION


18. Have you been penalized by any state for failing to meet state average claim turnaround requirements? a) Yes. List state where you were sanctioned in the last 12 months: ______b) No 19. For the claim office proposed, please provide the following data for the latest 12 months: a) Financial accuracy as a percent of total claims dollars paid (include over/underpayments) b) Coding accuracy (claims without error) as a percent of total claims submitted 20. a) What are your procedures for recovery of the overpayments or duplicate payments? b) Do you agree to return all recovered monies from overpayments or duplicate payments to client? (Choose only one)  Yes, 100% of recovery  Yes, less _____ recovery collection fee  No, do not agree 21. Please provide, at a minimum, a description of the program, if there is a formal written program, and the total number of events per 1,000 covered lives on fraud detection programs for: a) Ineligible Claimant b) Assure that service billed is actually rendered c) Over billings d) Is there a written program? Please include a full description of the program and the total number of cases of fraud per 1,000 covered lives. C. UNDERWRITING ISSUES – FULLY INSURED PLANS GENERAL INFORMATION


1. Explain your methodology for establishing Incurred But Not Reported reserve. 2. Explain any other required reserves other than for IBNR. Indicate amounts, reason for reserve, is interest credited and whether reserves are refunded to the client upon policy termination. 3. Detail any underwriting provisions, if any (rules), you will impose on the EUTF. D. COVERAGE AND CONTRACT ISSUES General Contract Provisions 1. Will you agree to be bound by the terms of Yes  the RFP and your proposal until a final No  (Please explain in Attachment 5, contract is executed? Exceptions) 2. Please confirm that your proposal, and plan Yes  design offered is in compliance with all No  (Please explain in Attachment 5, federal and state laws and regulations that Exceptions) pertain to employee benefit programs, relevant state insurance regulations and other related laws 3. For each of the coverages being requested, Yes  you must agree to remove any and all pre- No  (Please explain in Attachment 5, existing and actively-at-work restrictions or Exceptions) any other provisions that might limit or eliminate benefits to current and future employees and retirees. Please confirm your agreement. 4. Please confirm that your proposal does not Yes  include any waiver of premium provisions. No  (Please explain in Attachment 5, Exceptions) 5. a. Does your contract include a conversion option? b. What is your charge per thousand to the policyholder for life insurance conversions? c. What provisions apply to the conversion option if the master contract is terminated? E. PLAN ADMINISTRATION AND SERVICES GENERAL INFORMATION


1. Indicate any enhanced services (financial planning, EAP, funeral services) included in your proposal. Include marketing materials you feel would further explain these services. 2. a. Are you able to match the current accelerated death benefit exactly for all plans as listed in each benefit plan? b. If not, list all deviations. References to attached plan designs may be provided in addition to listing deviations, but all deviations must be summarized. 3. Does the accelerated death benefit apply to active employees only or also to retirees? 4. a. Please describe the process a beneficiary would go through in order to make a claim. b. Please provide information on what type of customer service support they would receive. 5. Please describe how an employee would contact you (via phone, or web, etc.) for assistance. 6. a. Please confirm that you will provide a copy of the life benefit. b. Include a copy of the type of information (i.e., life insurance certificate, confirmation statement) the participant will receive confirming the level of insurance coverage. 7. What benefit improvements are you willing to provide for the life benefit? 8. Do you agree to provide a complete financial accounting report for the group? Please attach a sample of an actual report (naturally, omitting any means of identifying the policyholder). 9. How will you establish what are to be considered paid claims on the policy anniversary date (e.g., paid and incurred within the policy year, less any pooled amounts)?

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