Name: ______P a g e | 1 Exam 2: World Regional Geography Fall 2014 Google Earth/Ch. 4,5,6,7 in Book EXAM = 50 points

1. Discuss the processes driving tropical deforestation in Latin America and how they compare with deforestation in Sub-Saharan Africa. (5 points)

2. Contrast the African Diaspora to the current Caribbean migration pattern: Using two colors show the pattern of movement from Africa to the Caribbean, then from the Caribbean to the current outmigration locations. (5 points ) Name: ______P a g e | 2 Exam 2: World Regional Geography Fall 2014 Google Earth/Ch. 4,5,6,7 in Book EXAM = 50 points 3. Color in this map according to the colonizing countries:

(10 Points)

Blue: England

Green: Spain

Orange: Dutch

Red: German

Purple: French

Yellow: Italian



White: Independent Name: ______P a g e | 3 Exam 2: World Regional Geography Fall 2014 Google Earth/Ch. 4,5,6,7 in Book EXAM = 50 points

4. Compare and contrast the role of tribalism in Sub-Saharan Africa with the role of nationalism in Europe. What was the “Scramble for Africa”? (5 points) Name: ______P a g e | 4 Exam 2: World Regional Geography Fall 2014 Google Earth/Ch. 4,5,6,7 in Book EXAM = 50 points

5. Slave Trade in Africa: what regions were impacted most greatly? Discuss where these peoples were transported in greatest number and how these people changed the societies in which they were moved. Is there a Pan African cultural pattern that has spread worldwide? (5 points) Name: ______P a g e | 5 Exam 2: World Regional Geography Fall 2014 Google Earth/Ch. 4,5,6,7 in Book EXAM = 50 points 6. Climate change threatens the Caribbean more than other regions we have studied so far. Discuss specifically ONE of these topics: hurricanes, population change, or deforestation. How they are working to cope with these changes? (5 points)

7. Draw the Latin American City (Primate City) Model, including the CBD, Spine, Market, Industrial, Zone of maturity, Zone of in situ accretion, Disamenity zone, Elite residential sector, gentrification area, and middle class residential track. (5 points) Name: ______P a g e | 6 Exam 2: World Regional Geography Fall 2014 Google Earth/Ch. 4,5,6,7 in Book EXAM = 50 points 8. Using Google Earth or Google Maps, go to Tikal, Guatamala; Manuel Antonio Park, Costa Rica; and Majete Wildlife Reserve,Kenya. What concept do these places demonstrate? Is this a sustainable or unsustainable way to make money for these places? Why? (5 points)

9. What is the difference between the policies of Brazil and those of Kenya for tourism? Is one more sustainable than the other? Discuss the issues of deforestation, endangered species and the role of local poverty in your answer. (5 points)