MVCAC Planning Session

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MVCAC Planning Session

MVCAC Planning Session Sacramento-Yolo MVCD December 3-4, 2009

Attendees: Kenneth Bayless Kenn Fujioka Bborie Park David Brown Robert Gay Brian Passaro Joel Buettner Gary Goodman Chindi Peavey Dennis Candido Lyn Hawkins William Reisen Michael Cavanagh Ralph Heim John Rusmisel Jack Cavier Michael Kimball Jamesina Scott Becky Cline Susanne Kluh Richard Shanahan Jerry Davis Vicki Kramer Catherine Smith Tamara Davis Jonathan Kwan Charlie Smith Trucmai Dever Ron McBride John Stroh Craig Downs Steve Mulligan Fiona Young Heather Forshey Luke Niblack

President-Elect Jerry Davis welcomed the group and explained that the planning session format would be very similar to last year’s.

President John Rusmisel provided an overview of tasks and goals that were set at the 2008 planning session and accomplished over the past year. In particular, the group concurred that they appreciated the draft yearbook being sent to members for review prior to going to print. Tamara Davis mentioned that she would like to see better communication with trustees, who are interested in many issues, especially legislative updates. She requested that trustee members be included in emails sent to the corporate membership.

I. Financial Planning 2009/2010 Budget Director Bob Gay reported that the Finance Committee met recently and made comments on the 2009-2010 budget. So far, the association has generated 70% of the revenue budgeted for this fiscal year. Committee members expressed concern with the 100% increase in the cost of intranet, and alternatives are currently being explored by the Technology and Training & Certification Committees. The quarterly newsletter was under budgeted for, and its cost is currently over budget by 147%, but we are hoping to make up this cost with additional newsletter advertisements. The summer quarterly meeting came in under budget by 30%, and the fall quarterly meeting was under budget by 47%. Holding quarterly meetings at districts saves money for the association, but the Board will consider a suggestion to hold future quarterly meetings at hotels. Reserves/Investment Portfolio Becky Cline, Tony Willert and Catherine Smith have been working on managing MVCAC’s reserves; funds were reinvested into CDs with UBS and an updated investment matrix was reviewed at this year’s fall quarterly meeting Director Gay recommended that the Board consider revising the Manual of Administrative Policies to reflect a more realistic interest rate than 5% for reserve fund investments.

Membership Dues Director Gay reported that some changes were made to membership dues in the Administrative Policy Manual this year: Affiliate member dues increased to $100 and Associate member dues were also increased slightly. At this time, there are no further increases in dues projected. A reduction in dues may be considered in the future, depending on the results of the Performance Based Budget (PBB).

CMVCA-RF Restructuring The Finance Committee recommended an additional line item, 1000.05 “CMVCA Research Foundation” be added to the 2010-2011 budget with an amount of $25,000. These are the estimated costs of setting up the new foundation, based on administrative costs, audit, travel, etc. The committee is hopeful that when the surveillance fees are removed from the foundation financial statements, there will be some remaining funds which can augment the $25,000 restructuring cost provided by MVCAC. Director Davis requested that the line item for Chicken Blood Income be removed from the CMVCA-RF budget, as CDPH will be taking this on.

ACTION ITEM: Approval of funds for the restructuring and administration of the CMVCA-RF, and the addition of line item 1000.05, “CMVCA Research Foundation” on the MVCAC Budget.

Director Gay provided a summary of Finance Committee recommendations regarding the restructuring of the CMVCA-RF. The committee recommended not having a CDPH representative, a “hostile health industry representative” or the MVCAC President (necessarily) on the new foundation Board of Directors. Overall, the committee viewed the restructuring very positively.

Executive Director Smith provided an overview of the foundation restructuring memo and clarified the vision of the research foundation functioning primarily as a fundraising entity, generating unrestricted research funds for the benefit of the vector control community. The foundation would hopefully be run by individuals with a vested interest in vector control, as well as the desire and connections to effectively fundraise. Director John Stroh concurred with this analysis, and added that the association has considered partnering with public health officials, environmental groups and members of the building industry for the purpose of broadening the foundation’s research potential and from a marketing standpoint. To potential donors, having a Board comprised completely of members of the mosquito and vector control industry could be a turn-off. President Rusmisel asked how members of the foundation’s Board of Directors would be selected; Legal Counsel Shanahan explained that as a non-profit organization with no members, the current Board of Directors would appoint the subsequent Board. If the foundation became a corporation with members, the entire membership could select the Board of Directors. However, this may require a change to the Articles of Incorporation and Bylaws, to be approved by the current foundation Board.

Director Gay suggested that Trustees from across the state with foundation experience could serve as members of the CMVCA-RF Board. Ken Bayless suggested that the MVCAC Board of Directors establish parameters for research projects, and have the research foundation generate funds for these projects. CMVCA-RF Board members will look to the “experts” (i.e., mosquito and vector control professionals) to lead with research ideas.

ACTION ITEM: CMVCA-RF Restructuring Committee will prepare a draft Bylaws change and restructure plan by January 15, 2010 for discussion and consideration of the Board of Directors at its February 10 meeting. The Restructuring Committee will consist of Dave Brown, John Stroh, Catherine Smith, Ken Bayless and Dick Shanahan.

URS Gary Goodman gave a brief status report on the progress of NPDES permit revisions. MVCAC supports a combined adulticide/larvicide permit, and the URS is currently working on a monitoring program which will hopefully be drafted by the end of 2009. Once we see a URS contract we should have a better idea of the costs to MVCAC. Chindi Peavey and Suzanne Kluh will oversee a NPDES survey to compile data on mosquito and vector monitoring and application. The survey deadline is in two weeks, and is very time-sensitive. Goodman requested that districts send any comments on the draft NPDES permit to him to be compiled and presented to the State Water Resources Control Board, so we can work with a single voice. A discussion ensued about what types of research would be helpful to undertake for the sake of the NPDES permit edits; the NPDES ad hoc committee will discuss this and bring recommendations to the February 10, 2010 Board meeting for discussion and approval.

ACTION ITEM: Staff will send out a reminder to corporate members to complete the NPDES survey. Reminder will be sent out twice a week for the next two weeks.

ACTION ITEM: The ad hoc NPDES Committee will bring a recommendation on research projects to assist with NPDES permit edits to the February 10, 2010 Board meeting.

Intranet The Continuing Education and IT Committees will be working to decide the future of the intranet programs. Jonathan Kwan addressed the group and requested keeping the intranet system until a replacement system can be developed and implemented, hopefully by summer 2010. ACTION ITEM: Keep intranet line item through the 2009-10 Fiscal Year, and through the first three months of the 2010-11 Fiscal Year.

ACTION ITEM: Continuing Education Committee will submit a recommendation for the budget needed to run the new CE System through the CDPH.

2011 AMCA Annual Conference in Anaheim Steve Mulligan reported that a local arrangements committee has been formed to assist the AMCA with its 2011 Annual Conference at Disneyland. Up to 20 volunteers will receive complimentary conference registration for assisting with registration. The local arrangements committee will also give input regarding programs – i.e., a local field day, educational day, etc. AMCA will be holding a conference planning session in about a year at the Disneyland Hotel to finalize conference details. All members of the local arrangements committee need to coordinate with AMCA to attend that meeting. MVCAC also needs to have a booth set up at the 2010 AMCA conference in Lexington, KY. MVCAC members can use this exhibit to advertise the 2011 conference and hand out marketing materials to attendees.

ACTION ITEM: Executive Committee will authorize an expense of $4,000 for 2010 AMCA Conference booth materials and shipping costs for the promotion of the 2011 AMCA Annual Conference in Anaheim.

II. 2010 Legislative Planning MVCAC Legislative Day Ralph Heim suggested that we schedule the MVCAC Legislative Day for sometime after bills are released in late February. However, as the MVCAC Annual Conference is being held in Sacramento this year, we may draw more attendees by pushing the event later in 2010. Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday are the best days, as legislators often leave the office on Thursday and Friday. Executive Director Smith shared the results of the Legislative Day survey – attendees enjoyed both the Legislative Day and Day in the District, but in the future she would recommend sending out legislative packets for the Day in the District, and allowing each district to choose their own date for the event. President Rusmisel suggested that we consider having a small legislative event during the Annual Conference on Wednesday, February 10.

ACTION ITEM: Staff will work with Ralph Heim to prepare a “Day in the District” informational packet, including recommended talking points and information on MVCAC- sponsored legislation.

Mosquito Awareness Week Heim will once again submit a resolution to the State Assembly for the Mosquito Awareness Week, which generally occurs at the end of April.

MVCAC-Sponsored Legislation for 2010 ACTION ITEM: MVCAC will introduce a bill on state-owned land and mosquito abatement.

ACTION ITEM: MVCAC will work to meet with the Rice Commission and the Farm Bureau regarding the summary abatement bill.

ACTION ITEM: MVCAC will officially thank and recognize Senator Wolk at the Annual Conference for her work with the MRP.

III. Committees Director Davis indicated that we need a Trustee appointed to each committee by January 15. Also, Heather Forshey’s name was misspelled on the draft committee roster and needs to be corrected.

Training & Certification Jim Wanderscheid was appointed as the committee’s Board liaison; no changes to the proposed committee members and charges.

Finance Committee Bob Gay was appointed as the committee’s Board liaison; no changes to the proposed committee members and charges.

IT Committee Greg Hebard was appointed as the committee’s Board liaison; further changes to the committee charges will be submitted to Jerry Davis and Catherine Smith.

IPM Joel Buettner was appointed as the committee’s Board liaison. The committee drafted the following charges:

Standing charges of the IPM Committee:  Report on environmental issues that may affect the members of the MVCAC.  In coordination with the Executive Director, act as liaison between the Association and local, state, and federal agencies responsible for wildlife management and protection.  Develop information on the availability, use and impact of biological control organisms.  Develop recommendations on pesticides and their use, and on their registration status and related issues.  Report on the prevention of vector sources by means of planning, public education and interagency cooperation.  Work with organizations involved with organic farming to establish standards for using bio-rational pesticides.  Administer the PESP survey for MVCAC. Specific charges for 2010:  Evaluate merits of Integrated Vector Management (IVM) and Integrated Mosquito Management (IMM) versus IPM nomenclature for this committee and in MVCAC documents, and make recommendations to Board regarding their use by MVCAC.  Develop a set of statewide best management practices (BMPs) for property owners to reduce mosquito and vector habitat.  Monitor issues at the State Water Board that are likely to impact mosquito and vector control (e.g., the proposed wetland and riparian policy).  Establish clearinghouse of CEQA compliance information.  Continue working to add vector control to the CEQA checklist.  Work with the IT Committee on the online pesticide reporting and resistance testing modules for Gateway 2.0

ACTION ITEM: The Board of Directors will discuss a possible change of the name of the IPM Committee to either “Integrated Mosquito Management “(IMM) or “Integrated Vector Management” (IVM).

ACTION ITEM: The ad hoc NPDES Committee and Shanahan will prepare a timeline of the required CEQA documentation/NPDES permit process by February 2010; staff will notify membership to prepare for this process.

ACTION ITEM: Staff will establish an online clearinghouse of CEQA-related documents, negative decisions, NOE relating to NPDES, and memo from Shanahan by February 2010.

Legislative Bob Gay was appointed as the committee’s Board liaison; no changes to the proposed committee members and charges.

Nominating Committee John Stroh was appointed as the committee’s Board liaison who will work with Past President John Rusmisel; no changes to the proposed committee charges.

Public Relations Ken Bayless was appointed as the committee’s Board liaison; the following items were added to the proposed committee charges:  Work on Trustee Spotlight article for the MVCAC Newsletter  Assist in promoting the IPM Committee’s name change (if applicable)

Vector & Vectorborne Disease Steve West was appointed to serve as the committee’s Board liaison; Jim Tucker was removed from the committee and Branka Lothrop was replaced by Jeremy Wittie of Coachella Valley MVCD. There is one open committee seat, and Mike Cavanagh will look for a member from the Southern San Joaquin Valley to serve. The following charges for 2010 were added:  Work on CalOSHA regulations relating to viruses/airborne policies  Potential collaboration with VCJPA

Vector Control Research John Stroh may add some committee members, but needs to contact them first and ensure they are interested before making changes to the roster. Vicki Kramer will see if anyone from the CDPH is interested and will submit their names to Stroh for consideration. One additional committee charge for 2010 was added:  Develop research evaluation criteria

ACTION ITEM: Add research criteria, conflict of interest and code of ethics section to the CMVCA-RF organizational documents.

Ad hoc NPDES Becky Cline will work to find a member from the Southern San Joaquin region to serve on the committee; no further changes to the committee charges and roster.

Technical Subcommittee A correction was made to the spelling of a member’s name: Mary Sorensen of Placer MAD is the correct spelling.

Trustee Advisory Council The group discussed possibly replacing Check Balch on the council. The following standing committee charges were added:  Improve communication with Trustees  Hold a Trustee Training Seminar at the MVCAC Annual Conference  Get Trustees more involved in the association and committees

ACTION: Trustees will send a list of Trustee Committee members to Jerry Davis.

CSDA Representative: Mike Cavanagh

CCLHLO Representative: Bob Gay

IV. MVCAC Administration Items MVCAC Website Executive Director Smith reported that the website is running smoothly following its redesign and the changeover of the MVCAC membership database. Brandon Smith of our IT Staff can get documents and notices posted the website as quickly as possible, so please contact the office with any requests. Jamesina Scott requested that the meeting minutes and agendas from Board meetings be posted differently, in a way that is more intuitive to find. She will provide staff with more detailed suggestions. ACTION ITEM: Staff will ensure all past Board meeting minutes are posted to the website.

Quarterly Newsletter The newsletter has been produced with our in-house communications assistant, Ashley Zepernick. She will be replaced this month by another highly qualified Ashley, Ashley Bradley. We have been working on increasing our advertisers for the newsletter in order to offset its cost.

Affiniscape Everything on our website and in our membership database has been rolled into Affiniscape, which also includes useful email distribution lists broken down by districts and membership types. This allows staff to more effectively communicate with the MVCAC membership.

Salary Survey This year’s salary survey went back to a full survey, as was done prior to 2008. However, the survey was online-only, with results distributed online to members who participated. Our IT Manager Justin Lewis should have distributed results to every participant, but please contact the office if you did not receive communication from him about this.

Proceedings This year’s proceedings were recently printed and distributed on time. Jamesina Scott mentioned that the quality of graphs and photos was not good, and she was dismayed to see that these components of papers were not integrated into the text but rather lumped in at the end of each paper. She will submit more detailed suggestions to staff.

Yearbook The yearbook is on track to be printed and distributed by the end of March 2010. Jamesina Scott requested that staff consider including cell phone numbers in the directory portion of the yearbook. She also would like to see a full list of honorary members and past presidents to be listed in the yearbook and on the website, rather than truncated lists.

ACTION ITEM: Staff will include a full list of honorary members and past presidents in the MVCAC yearbook and on the MVCAC website.

Manual of Administrative Policies The Executive Committee will be working on changes to the Manual of Administrative Policies. Draft changes will be brought to the Spring Quarterly Meeting in May to be voted on by the full Board of Directors. Members should bring suggested changes to the Executive Committee for consideration.

ACTION ITEM: Executive Committee will work to expand the benefits of Honorary Membership, and bring suggested changes for the Manual of Administrative Policies to the Spring Quarterly Meeting for approval by the Board of Directors. ACTION ITEM: Members will submit any proposed changes to the Administrative Policy Manual by April 1, 2010 in order to be discussed by the Executive Committee and brought the the 2010 Spring Quarterly Meeting for Board approval.

ACTION ITEM: Staff will send Jerry Davis a Word version (rather than PDF) of the Manual of Administrative Policy document.

V. Other Items of Concern Vicki Kramer announced that the CDPH 2010 Vector Control Advisory Committee Meeting will be held on Wednesday, February 10 from 12:30 – 4:00 p.m. This is the last day of the MVCAC Annual Conference. Kramer will send Executive Director Smith an agenda and further information to be relayed to the membership.

VI. Board Meeting Sites and Workshops 2010 Meeting Dates and Locations The group discussed extending the Summer Quarterly Meeting to two days, but it was decided that districts can not afford to lose staff for two days in the height of the summer season. A session on the NPDES permit process will be needed in the summer of 2010, so Gary Goodman will look into holding a webinar session or something similar.

John Stroh addressed the group regarding moving quarterly meetings out of district offices and into hotel meeting rooms. Holding these meetings at districts presents logistical problems for members traveling from out of town to the meeting. The group came to a consensus that the 2010 Summer Quarterly Meeting would be held at a hotel near the Oakland or San Francisco airport, and the 2010 Planning Session would also be held at a hotel.

ACTION ITEM: Staff will solicit proposals for meeting space at hotels near the Oakland and San Francisco airports for both the 2010 Spring Quarterly Meeting and the 2010 Planning Session.

ACTION ITEM: Staff will solicit proposals for meeting space for 2011 Spring and Summer Quarterly Meetings.

2010 Conference Update Jerry Davis provided the group with a brief overview of conference highlights, and mentioned that he will be asking meeting planner Jennifer Roth if we can extend the room block. There will be a poster session where poster authors can present their posters and answer attendees’ questions. Jamesina Scott would like the association to encourage presenters to bring paper copies of posters to hand out to attendees at the session, or at least business cards with contact information. Scott also mentioned that in the past it has been troublesome for poster presenters traveling to the meeting to bring their own easel, and suggested the association consider purchasing easels and providing them for poster presenters. We would need two sets, one to be stored in northern California and one in southern California. After some discussion, it was decided that staff can volunteer to provide easels to those who need them for this year, as the Annual Conference is next door to the MVCAC headquarters. In the future we can discuss easel options at greater length.

ACTION ITEM: Staff will email all poster presenters and ask who needs an easel provided. Staff will provide easels to all who request them.

Bob Gay noted that the $70 charge for Technicians to attend one day of the Annual Conference seems slightly high, as the only costs the fee needs to cover are nametag, coffee, program and other materials. He suggested considering $35 or $40 fee in the future.

2011 Annual Conference Bob Gay provided a brief overview of some proposed program highlights, including: a major workshop on NPDES permits and CEQA guidelines, major Trustee training session, and a golf tournament. We are expecting a strong attendance of 400+. Catherine Smith suggested the conference have a California focus, as the governor election and ballot measure elections will be just prior.

Workshops The Guidelines on Legal Abatement for private/government-owned property workshop will probably be scheduled at the Spring Quarterly Meeting in 2010. There was a suggestion to provide sexual harassment training to Trustees, possibly by Shanahan.

VII. Professional Service Agreements Both Public Policy Advocates and Smith Moore & Associates contracts will be up for renewal as of December 30, 2010, so will need approval at the Fall Meeting in 2010. The Executive Committee needs to review and suggest any changes to these contracts prior to that time.

ACTION ITEM: Executive Committee will review and edit PSAs prior to the Fall Quarterly Meeting in 2010, for final Board approval at that meeting.

VIII. Other Discussion ACTION ITEM: Staff will have a Legislative Day survey ready for distribution immediately following Legislative Day for maximum participation.

ACTION ITEM: The Legislative Committee will work to identify regions or districts who are not represented at Legislative Day and bring this information back the membership in the form of a map of underrepresented regions.

ACTION ITEM: Staff will share other associations’ Code of Ethics policies in the process of drafting a Code of Ethics for MVCAC. ACTION ITEM: Draft Code of Ethics policy will be sent to regions, and regions will bring back comments and suggestions for the Board’s consideration.

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