Department of Civil Engineering Kfupm

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Department of Civil Engineering Kfupm

DEPARTMENT OF CIVIL & ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING – KFUPM NUMERICAL & STATISTICAL METHODS IN CIVIL ENGINEERING CE 318 (2-3-3) Course Material:  Textbook: Numerical Methods for Engineers; 6th Edition; Chapara, S.C. & Canale, R.P. - 2010.  Extra Notes: supplied in class.

Instructor: Dr. Saeid A. Alghamdi; Office: 16-150; Phone: 2570; e-mail: [email protected] COURSE OUTLINE: 2013-20124(Academic Term 131)

Dates Week(s) Lectures; Subject Matter (Labs.) [Relevant textbook-sections] Sept. 02 – 11, 2013 1; 2 1-4 General Introduction & Programming Fundamentals: analytical vs. numerical methods; storage of numbers and characters; use of subscripts; Taylor series and analysis of computational errors; subroutines; flow- charts; computer methods (direct; iterative; logical); aspects of good programming; example-problems: [PT1.1- PT1.3.2; 1.1; 2.3; 2.4-2.6; 3.1-3.4; 4.1].

(1; 2) Basics of Programming Tools (e.g.: FORTRAN; MATLAB; Mathematica) ; Computing Applications: Machine Epsilon, Errors and Precision. Sept. 16 – 25 3; 4 5-7 Interpolation and Extrapolation: introduction; array [National Day: Sept. 23, 2013] manipulation (matrix coefficients and operations); interpolation and method of spline functions; the curve fitting using least squares; numerical integration; Newton-Cotes Formulas; Gauss quadrature; Richardson Extrapolation; example-problems: [18.1; 18.3-18.6; 17.1; 17.2; 19.8.1-19.8.3; 20.1; 20.2; 21.1-21.2.2; 22.1-22.4; 23.5; 24.2; 24.4].

(3; 4) Subtractive Errors; DO-Loops; Cubic Spline Interpolation; Curve Fitting. Sept. 30 – Oct. 09 5; 6 8-11 Series Approximations and Roots of Equations: series solutions; study of convergence; iterative substitutions; roots of equations; interpolation methods (bisection); extrapolation methods (Newton-Raphson method); solution of nonlinear equations; acceleration of convergence; example-problems:[4.1.2; 4.1.3; PT2.1; 5.1; 5.2; 5.4; 6.1- 6.2.3; 6.5; 7.7.1-7.7.3; 8.2].

(5; 6) Numerical Integration; Roots of Equations. Oct. 10-20, 2013 - - Id Al-Adhad Vacation Oct. 21 – 23 7 12; 13 Solution of Algebraic Equations: Gaussian elimination; LU-factorization; Cholesky’s method; banded equations; iterative methods; example-problems: [PT3.1; PT3.2.1- PT3.2.3; 9.1-9.4].

(7) Matrix Algebra; Solution of a System of Linear Equations. Tues, Oct. 22, 2013 - - First Major Examination Oct. 28 – 30 8 14; 15 Solution of Algebraic Equations (cont'd): Iterative methods (Gauss-Seidel method); pivoting; ill- conditioning; example-problems: [10.1-10.3.2; 11.1-11.2; 11.3.1-11.3.3; 12.2].

(8) Matrix Algebra; Solution of a System of Linear Equations (cont'd). COURSE OUTLINE_111: 2011-2012 "cont'd" 1/2 COURSE OUTLINE: 2010-2011 "cont'd" Nov. 04 – 13, 2013 9, 10 16-19 Methods of Finite Differences: introduction; first and second order equations; finite difference discretizations in 1D; boundary conditions; solution of time- independent problems; stability analysis of finite differences; example case studies (e.g.: Laplace’s equation; Diffusion equation in 1D); example-problems: [4.1.3; 11.3.1- 11.3.3; 27.1; 27.2.3-27.2.4; 27.3-1-27.3.4; 29.1; 29.2; 30.1- 30.3; 31.4; 31.4.2].

(9) Solution a Diffusion Equation. Nov. 18 – 27 11, 12 20-23 Statistical and Probability Analysis: basic concepts of probabilities; mathematical background; simple measures of statistical analysis; data distribution; normal distribution; confidence interval: [PT5.2.1- PT.5.2.3; Reference notes "handout'].

Tues. Nov. 26, 2013 - - Second Major Examination (10) Statistical analysis (mean; variance); data analysis and normal distribution. Dec. 02 – 04, 2013 13 24; 25 Methods of Optimal Design: introduction to linear programming; the Simplex Method; applications to civil engineering design problems; example- problems: [PT4.1-PT4.1.2; 15.1-15.3.3; 16.2].

(11) Linear Programming Using Excel. Dec. 09 – 18, 2013 14, 15 26-29 Design Applications: computer applications to typical problems selected from one of the four specialties of civil engineering (depending on a student’s interest).

(12) Engineering Analysis; Design Optimization. Dec. 23, 2013 15 (cont'd) 30 Over-all Review & Presentations of Projects. (13)

Grading Policy for the Course$:

1. Attendance^ 04% 2. Homework & Lab. Assignments 15% 3. Four Quizzes (two quizzes before each major exam.) 06% 4. Exam 1 [Tuesday, Oct. 22, 2013]* 15% 5. Exam 2 [Tuesday, Nov. 26, 2013] 20% 6. Lab. Project [TO BE ASSIGNED]@ 10% 7. Final Exam [TO BE SCHEDULED] 30% TOTAL …………..……………………………… ……………… 100%

$ Notes: ^ Due to critical importance of timely class-attendance, the regulations set by KFUPM are enforced and it will affect other grade segments [for: class lectures & Comp. Lab. sessions]. * Major exams are conducted within the computer-laboratory session. @ Each student must arrange for a meeting to select the project for the course.


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