Willamette Valley Youth Ministry Tentative Calendar * June 2011 May 2012

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Willamette Valley Youth Ministry Tentative Calendar * June 2011 May 2012

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Willamette Valley Youth Ministry Calendar * May 2016 – August 2017

May 2016 4: Men’s Holy League – St. Joseph’s Parish 5: First Thursday Theology – Young Adult event 6: Willamette Valley Peeps mtg 10:30am at St. Joes 11: Salem-Keizer Vicariate mtg 12: Mercy Night at St. Paul’s 14: St. Edward Auction 21: Deaconate Ordination – St. Mary’s Cathedral Vocations event Hundredfold presentation by author Rhonda Grueewald at St. Anthony 27-30: OSU Newman – Walk to Grotto 31: Life Line at FBYC June 2016 1: Men’s Holy League – St. Joseph’s Parish 2: First Thursday Theology – Young Adult event 3: Blanchet Baccalaureate Mass World Day for Priets 4: Archdiocese of Portland Priestly Ordinations Blanchet Graduation 5-8: Lifeteen Youth Ministry Convention - Arizona 9: Willamette Valley Peeps mtg 10:30am 9 and 10: Salem-Keizer Graduations 9: Willamette Valley Peeps mtg 10:30am 20-24: HS CLI and Quo Vadis Days 26: Open House at Camp Howard July 2016 6: Men’s Holy League – St. Joseph’s Parish 6-8: Young People’s Beginning Experience – Bismarck ND 7: First Thursday Theology – Young Adult event – Q and A 9: St. Benedict Festival, Mt. Angel 19-31: World Youth Day Pilgrimage 27-31: Summer Conference 28-31: HS Steubenville Northwest (can arrive early for trip to Silverwood or stay after for service immersion) August 2016 1-5: Mid-High and HS Higher Calling 3: Men’s Holy League – St. Joseph’s Parish 4: First Thursday Theology – Young Adult event - Bryce 5-7: Family Camp – Camp Howard 4-7: HS Ignite Your Torch NW (http://ignitenw.org/) 11-16: HS Nun Run 23-24: Annual Youth Minister Gathering/DRE in-service – FBYC Mount Angel 28: Empower Training – Powell Butte Oregon September 2016 *FBYC will be hosting Divine Mercy every Thursday September – May at 4:30pm* Page 2 4/9/2018 3: First Thursday Theology – Young Adult event – Fr. Theo 8: Willamette Valley Peeps/Dinner with SSMOs 14: Salem-Keizer Vicariate mtg 15-18: Oktoberfest, Mt. Angel 24: Oregon Right to Life Auction October 2016 1: Rosary Bowl 6: First Thursday Theology – Young Adult event – Fr. Thomas OCD 13: Willamette Valley Peeps mtg 10:30am 15: Archdiocesan Catechetical Conference Blanchet Auction 23: Fall Kick Off – St. Edward’s will host 25: FBYC hosts CYM Day of Reflection (tent) 30: Priesthood Sunday November 2016 3: First Thursday Theology – Young Adult event – Fr. Scott 6: Seminary Benefit Dinner – Portland Oregon 6-11: National Vocation Awareness Week 9: Salem-Keizer Vicariate mtg 10: Willamette Valley Peeps mtg 10:30am TBD: Queen of Peace Auction 18-20: Archdiocese of Portland Youth Conference FBYC Hosted Confirmation Retreat 27-1: St. Joseph Parish Mission – Fr. Theo December 2016 1: First Thursday Theology – Young Adult event – cancelled – encouraged to attend parish mission at St. Joseph with Fr. Theo 1-3: NCCYM – San Jose CA 8: Willamette Valley Peeps mtg 10:30am 10: Mid-High Called Rally – Portland 9-11: FBYC Hosted Confirmation Retreat TBD: Bosco High School Auction 16-17: Vocation’s Office Called to Greatness Retreat 17: Men’s Conference – St. Joseph Parish January 2017 5: First Thursday Theology – Young Adult event 7: Discernment Day 11: Salem-Keizer Vicariate mtg 12: Willamette Valley Peeps mtg 10:30am 20-22: Archbishop’s Retreat (tent) 24: FBYC hosts CYM Day of Reflection (tent) 27-29: Young Adult Retreat (tent) February 2017 2: All Schools Mass – Blanchet High School First Thursday Theology – Young Adult event – Fr. Edwin 4: St. Joseph’s Art and Dessert Auction 5: World Day for the Consecrated Life 9: Willamette Valley Peeps mtg 10:30pm 11: 80th Birthday Celebration for Archbishop Vlazny 17-18: Mid-High Net Retreat hosted by St. Pius Page 3 4/9/2018 18: Holy Family Auction TBD: FBYC Hosting Marriage Prep Course 20: Ski Trip

March 2017 1: Ash Wednesday 2: First Thursday Theology – Young Adult event – Chrysten C TBD: Northwest Family Services Benefit Dinner TBD: St. V’s Auction 8: Salem-Keizer Vicariate mtg 9: Willamette Valley Peeps mtg 10:30am 10: Revival NW 11: Rise Up FBYC Auction 15 and 16: Vocation Committee 6th grade vocation rallies 27-29: ORTL Camp Joshua TBD: FBYC Hosts Natural Family Planning Course April 2017 1: YLI Tea 6: First Thursday Theology – Young Adult event 10: Chrism Mass TBD: Oregon Right to Life Conference TBD: Sacred Heart Auction TBD: Pastoral Ministries Conference 14-16: Easter High 23: Divine Mercy – Walk – St. Joseph’s 29: St. Joseph’s School Auction May 2017 4: First Thursday Theology – Young Adult event 7: World Day of Prayer for Vocations 10: Salem-Keizer Vicariate mtg 11: Willamette Valley Peeps mtg 10:30am 16: FBYC hosts CYM Day of Reflection (Tent) 17: FBYC hosts XLT (tent) TBD: St. Edward’s Auction 6: St. Philip’s Auction 6: Discernment Day 31: FBYC hosts CYM Day of Reflection June 2017 2: First Thursday Theology – Young Adult event 8-10: Salem-Keizer Graduations 13: Willamette Valley Peeps mtg 10:30am CLI and Quo Vadis Days July 2017 Young Neighbors in Action HS Steubenville Northwest August 2017 Mid-High and HS Higher Calling HS Ignite Your Torch NW HS Nun Run Page 4 4/9/2018 DRE In-Service/YM Gathering at FBYC

Thursday June 2, 2016 Opening Prayer Reminders/updates - Discernment Days, Called, Rise Up, Strength and Beauty (Called to Greatness), Easter High – dates have been set – please check your calendar TBD –Pascua Juvenil, Event with Sister Helena Burns – May 2017, dinner with SSMOs (9/8/16) – once the details have been set for these events I will be sure to pass it along.

Contact Information: Chrysten Copley - St. Mary’s, Mount Angel – Mid High and High School Ministry – [email protected]

Betty Sledge – St. Philip’s, Dallas –High School Ministry – [email protected]

Judith Holtzinger – Family Life contact – [email protected] Cheri Posedel – Queen of Peace, Salem – Mid High and High School Ministry – [email protected] Christina Kosiewicz – St. Edward’s, Salem – Mid High and High School Ministry – [email protected] office 503.393.5323 ext 304 Karen Orton – Sacred Heart-St. Louis, Gervais – High School Ministry – [email protected] office 503.792.4231 TBD - St. Paul’s, Silverton –High School Ministry – [email protected] Louis Mohr – Mid High Ministry – [email protected] Lisa Mangers – St. Vincent’s, Salem – High School and Young Adult Ministry – [email protected] office 503.363.4589 ext 216 Patricia – Regis campus Ministry [email protected] Michal Horace – Archdiocese of Portland Youth and Young Adult Ministry- [email protected] office 503.233.8310 www.facebook.com/pdxym TBD – St. Joseph’s, Salem – 7th – Young Adult Ministry St. Patrick’s Independence – [email protected] St. Patrick’s Canby – [email protected]

St. Jame’s Mollala – Carol - [email protected] Page 5 4/9/2018

St. Luke’s Woodburn – tbd (Jesuit volunteer)

Santiam Vicariate –Janna Adams – [email protected]

Emma Seiler – FBYC, Mt. Angel - [email protected]

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