The Real Game: Performance Review

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The Real Game: Performance Review

Performance Review

Student Name ...... Job Title...... 0 not done 1 poor job; lack of participation; little or no understanding of the session objectives 2 fair job; an honest effort; participation; basic understanding of the session objectives 3 good job; full participation and cooperation; good understanding of the session objectives 4 excellent job; extra effort with enthusiastic participation; good teamwork; comprehensive understanding of the session objectives The following is a session-by-session checklist or evaluation sheet of your participation in The Real Game. Make sure that your materials are complete, and kept in your Student Kit.


Session 1  Complete the What I Know about the World of Work survey ………… FOUNDATIONS  Define the terms: job, occupation, career …………

 Discuss the High Five guiding principles …………

 Use new key words in class discussion …………

Session 2  Participate in a group response to The Spin Game questions ………… THE SPIN GAME  Use new key words …………


Session 1  Choose ideal housing, accommodation and other items from ………… THE DREAM the Wish List

 Discuss the necessities of life for an adult worker …………

 Use new key words in class discussion …………

Session 2  Complete A Day in the Life exercise ………… WHAT’S MY LINE?  Identify key information about a particular job …………

 Use new key words in class discussion …………

 Create individual business card (optional activity) …………

Session 3  Transfer key information from Job Profile to Activity Poster ………… WHO AM I?  Graph gross monthly income on Activity Poster ………… WHO ARE YOU?  Complete the Who Am I? Who Are You? activity sheet …………

The Real Game 2001 © Bill Barry. The Real Game Inc. All rights reserved Session 4  Calculate expenses on Monthly Expenses sheet ………… REALITY CHECK  Make final affordable lifestyle choices from the Wish List …………

 Complete balanced Monthly Budget …………

 Include Chance Card effects in Monthly Budget …………

 Use new key words in class discussion …………

Session Five  Graph monthly expenses and deductions on the Activity Poster ………… BUILDING BLOCKS  Select affordable items from their Dream Cloud and Wish List ………… to attach to Activity Poster

 Attach revised Dream Cloud above Activity posters …………

 In the community group, name street and create street sign …………

 Participate in nomination and vote for town name …………

 Help create town signs for classroom …………

 Visit other students’ Activity Posters to compare choices …………

 Use new key words in class discussion …………


Session 1  Complete the Where Does All the Time Go? sheet to calculate ………… AFTER WORK available leisure time

 Review leisure time choices on the So Much to Do worksheet …………

 Complete the Time for Me! worksheet …………

 Attach representations of leisure activities to Activity Poster …………

 Visit other students’ Activity Posters to compare leisure time ………… choices

 Use new key words in class discussions …………

Session 2  Create a holiday plan with group members ………… GETTING AWAY  Adjust budget as required …………

 Research information about holiday destination …………

 Complete the Holiday Portfolio activity sheet …………

 Report orally to class with group members, using researched ………… information

 Create visual display of researched information (optional) …………

 Use new key words in class discussions …………

Session 3  Participate in a group response to The Spin Game questions ………… SPIN IT AGAIN!  Use new key words …………

The Real Game 2001 © Bill Barry. The Real Game Inc. All rights reserved UNIT FOUR CHANGES AND CHOICES

Session 1  Complete the Man’s Work or Woman’s Work? worksheet ………… FAIR PLAY  Complete the Reflecting on Gender Facts worksheet …………

 Sign the Gender Equity Proclamation …………

 Use new key words in class discussions …………

Session 2  Complete the 5 steps of the Thing Again! worksheet ………… THINK AGAIN!  Attach list of preferred occupations to Dream Cloud …………

 Use new key words in class discussions …………

Session 3  Help make a plan to cope with job loss ………… THE REDUNDANCY NOTICE  Help create a resumé with group members …………  Help create an event poster with community group …………

 Create individual resumé …………

 Use new key words in class discussions …………

 Complete the Case History Worksheet (optional activity) …………

Session 4  Identify employment opportunities for self and others ………… TRANSITIONS  Help assign personnel to work projects …………

 Use new key words in class discussions …………


Session 1  Complete the Circle of Life or Time Line worksheet ………… THE BIG PICTURE  Participate in class discussion …………

Session 2  Complete the My Ideal Job Profile exercise ………… FOLLOW YOUR HEART  Participate in class discussion …………

Session 3  Help plan Career Day activities ………… CAREERS DAY  Participate in Career Day activities and discussions …………

Session 4  Participate in a group response to The Spin Game questions ………… WRAP-UP  Use new key words …………

The Real Game 2001 © Bill Barry. The Real Game Inc. All rights reserved

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