(1) Description of Program
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(1) General Software Review. In this activity you will be reviewing software that you would find useful in your roll as a teacher. Note, this is a review of software, not websites. Websites can be used only if they have a high level of interactivity and animation such as those at ExploreLearning.com. Although we have software on our local servers, much of it is antiquated, and students are best served by downloading freeware and shareware.
Review five or more pieces of educational software. You are free to choose any piece of software that is of value either for instructional, administrative, or professional purposes. You must have hands-on experience with the software... watching someone's software review is not sufficient.
Write a paragraph describing each program and your professional opinion of its usefulness in education.
At least one of your titles should be freeware or shareware that you have downloaded from the Internet.
Include a screen capture from the software.
Choose the best one from among these 5 for the formal software review/presentation. e l t i
T Review Screen Capture
s One of the best music software for writing, playing,
1 u i printing and publishing music. It is designed for l
e every kind of musician, from students and b
i teachers to professional composers. Sibelius
S helps children learn how to read music from a young age. It is important that reading notation be taught in music classes and Sibelius is essential for this. It reinforces the learning process and makes it easier to learn tunes on musical instruments.
1700 ready-made worksheets & resources Put teaching materials on the web Teach notation, theory, and composition
Educational discounts & site licenses
n Teaching Music with Reason focuses on o
s learning about and making music using a
e technology. It is designed for use in R
secondary and high school music classes, h t
i and the package includes material for 21
w complete lessons and turns each individual
i classroom computer into a self-contained, s easy-to-use music studio. u
M Read more
g Improvising and recording ideas; n 2 i building rhythm, bass, harmony and h
c melody tracks a
e Exploring sounds and textures, using T a range of supplied sounds Creating form and structure Musical “editing” to create contrast and variation Creative work with loops Using effects for composing and productio d FREE downloadable notation software
3 a e l P Is used to Compose, edit, arrange, listen to, a e n t
i and print music with stunning, professional- o F
N quality results. Powerful tools, robust productivity features and incredible speed make Finale the ultimate composing and score-writing tool.
Can be used to create up to 8 staves Can open a Finale file from the same version. Can even read the most complex Finale family file, edit notes, or type in text Create an assignment or test in Finale, Have the students take the test with Finale NotePad. Share your music with anyone on the Internet. y
r Music Mastery is a comprehensive music c e i
t learning and composition system for s s u
a beginning students to professionals. M
M Gives teachers flexibility and complete control over music lessons and activities they create. The methods of creating lessons and activities were designed by musicians and music education professionals. Using these methods the educator 4 can help students quickly master the important aspects of music. For example, MusicMastery separates melody learning into two parts: pitch learning and rhythm learning. It separates melody creation into a two step process: rhythm creation and melody creation. MusicMastery plays music through the MIDI
c i
5 e Provides a fun and comprehensive s c
u introduction to music fundamentals A
M for beginning music students, of any age. Following the friendly guidance and directions of 'Maestro Max' animated teacher, and his animated friends, the 'Singing Notes', students participate in 24 truly engaging lessons and challenging games, plus compose and perform to their own original music using our innovative Music Doodle Pad. Music Ace focuses on the basics of pitch recognition, learning key signatures, basic ear training, the single staff and Grand staff, sharps and flats, and much more.
(2) Formal Software Review. In this activity you will be reviewing software that you would find useful in your rfoll as a teacher. Note, this is a review of software, not websites. Websites can be used only if they have a high level of interactivity and animation such as those at ExploreLearning.com. Although we have software on our local servers, much of it is antiquated, and students are best served by downloading freeware and shareware.
Select one software product for formal review and presentation to the class. Write reviews for each according to the format guidelines provided on the following page. Post you selection.
Title: Mibac Music Lessons 2
(1) Description of Program Music Lessons 2 is a comprehensive Chords and Harmony software. Music Lessons 2 develops all four areas of cognitive skills essential to the study of music: Visual Recognition, Written Notation, Keyboard Skills, and Ear Training
(2) Basic Information SIX AREAS OF STUDY
* Chord Elements * Triads * Triads Ear Training * Seventh Chords * Seventh Chords Ear Training * Roman Numeral Chord Identification (3) Target Population MUSIC LESSONS 2 is recommended for intermediate to advanced musicians, ages 12 and up.
(4) Content. Students like Music Lessons software because it's fun, it's interactive, and they can work at their own pace. Educators like the program because it's such an easy to use, complete teaching tool. Music Lessons is already being used in over a thousand schools from third grade through college.
(5) Process Goals You get immediate feedback with on screen scores, and you can work at your own pace. If you don't know the answer, the program will show you. If you don't understand the answer, the built in Help screens clearly and completely explain every musical term and concept used in the program.
(6) Lesson Plan
(7) Summary
MUSIC LESSONS II develops all four areas of music perception essential to the study of music:
* Visual Recognition * Written Notation * Keyboard Skills * Ear Training (3) Formal Presentation of Software: One or two sessions will be scheduled for formal software review. During these sessions you will present your software in small groups or to the class using network sharing software such as Apple Remote Desktop. Once you have decided on software to review, post your decision on the newsgroup as specified in class or on the web-page. first-come, first-served.
Make a presentation of your software using the following guidelines Each presentation must be limited to 15 minutes.
Your presentations should stress how this software can be used effectively in the curriculum.
Do not spend time discussing mechanics (menu structure, etc.) nor shortcomings
Illustrate how the software can be used to enhance instruction.
Provide your peers with a "hands-on experiences" lesson if at all possible.