WRITING COMPOSITIONS 2 An opinion composition

When we write an opinion essay, we express our personal opinion on a particular topic. We want to convince our reader that our view is the best.


STATE THE BODY TOPIC EXPRESS YOUR OPINION CLEARLY OPENING see it / I personally believe that / With this, I mean / There are other reasons why I disagree with this statement. I think …/ From my point of view / - In my opinion, __ is one of the most important issues today.

BODY EXPRESSIONS - I believe / think / feel that ______- In my opinion / view ___ FOR GI-

VING OPINIONS - It seems / appears to me that ______- My opinion is that ____

In fact, in my opinion / It is clear - As far as I am concerned, ______to me that / As I

Support your opinion CONNECTORS TO LIST /Furthermore, / with facts, examples AND Besides, / Finally, Because / Since / As / and reasons. Include a ADD POINTS Seeing that / Due to / new idea in each because of /Owing to / paragraph. On account of In the first place, / CONNECTORS TO Secondly, /Thirdly / In INTRODUCE addition to this / Moreover, CAUSE CONNECTORS TO Consequently / For this reason, …/ INTRODUCE RESULT As a result, …/ Therefore / As a consequence / CONCLUSION

Therefore, in conclusion, it it clear that this topic is food for thought but I have some reasons to believe that ______

In conclusion, the issue of _____ should be regarded as an important topic.


STATE YOUR In conclusion / In short / To sum up / In brief / Lastly / Finally / All things considered, OPINION AGAIN / On the whole / Taking everything into account, / As was previously stated, /

Offer a solution or a warning.