Course Outline and Policies for Honors Chemistry Ii

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Course Outline and Policies for Honors Chemistry Ii


What is AP Chemistry? This is an advanced placement course designed to prepare the student for AP Chemistry Research and Design and to take the AP Chemistry exam. The course covers the equivalent of one full year of college level General Chemistry, comparable to a first year course at a college or university. The course is a rigorous math-based course, with a strong laboratory component. It is intended for students who have demonstrated a willingness to commit considerable time to studying and completing assignments outside of class, and who have successfully completed a prior course in chemistry during high school.

The course will develop the student's ability to incorporate mathematical skills in the solution of chemistry problems, both through the use of textbook problems and laboratory activities. Significant emphasis will be placed on developing the student's ability to solve problems through dimensional analysis and estimation. Students will be required to do extensive writing, and to keep a thorough and accurate ongoing laboratory notebook.

Since passing the AP exam may qualify the student to by-pass a first-year college chemistry course, AP Chemistry should not be considered "college prep." Rather, this is a college class, with college level expectations for behavior, participation and effort.

PLEASE READ THIS!!! AP Chemistry is not for those who just barely made it in Chemistry CP. If you made a D in Chemistry CP, you’re probably not going to do well in AP Chemistry. If you made a C in Chemistry CP, you’re going to have to work diligently to get up to speed and hang with us in this class. If you don’t remember anything from Chemistry CP (or “we didn’t learn anything in Chemistry CP”), you’ve no business being in this class. I am serious about your commitment level in this class. I would venture to say that this is one of the most difficult classes offered at MGM. If you are not willing to give 200% and study EVERY night, you may need to seriously think about taking another class. I strive to teach this class like a college level class & do not tolerate any excuses like “this is too hard. We are just in high school. We’re not college students.” You are being warned now. For those of you planning to attend college, you may hate me over the course to this semester, but I promise that you will be eternally grateful that you stuck through it when you go to take college chemistry. The choice is yours…work hard now while your education of free, or work hard when you have to pay for your education.

A Word About Calculators You will be bringing your calculator to class every day; this isn’t an option. The preferred type of calculator for AP Chemistry is the Texas Instruments® TI-30. It’s inexpensive (about $10 at Wal-Mart or Office Max/Depot), yet powerful enough to handle anything you’ll encounter in AP Chemistry or Physics. Beware of the so-called “algebraic” calculators like the two-line TI-34 and larger Casio® calculators; they require a different problem-solving approach. Whichever calculator you use, it should be able to handle scientific notation (look for the EE or EXP key) and logarithms (look for the log key). A $3 credit-card-sized “four-banger” simply won’t handle everything you’re going to have to do in this course.

Brief Course Outline We will be using the text Steven S. Zumdahl and Susan A. Zumdahl, Chemistry, Seventh Ed., Houghton Mifflin Co., Boston, 2000. These books are new and you will be held responsible for any damage incurred during the semester the book is assigned to you. Because of the fluidity of the school schedule – holidays, club schedules, assemblies, pep rallies, testing, etc. – it’s impossible to give specific dates on which we’ll address specific topics. I can, however, give you a rough outline of the topics we will cover and how we’ll cover them.

Introduction, Safety, Intro Inquiry Activity, etc. Gas Laws WEE  COS - 1 WEEK  COS – 9 K 1  Topics: Significant digits, Lab Safety &  Topics: pressure, volume, temperature, and number Equipment, Scientific Method, Data Analysis, of particles in ideal gases using the kinetic theory to Dimensional Analysis explain Boyle’s, Charles’s, Avogadro’s, Gay-Lussac’s, Dalton’s and the Ideal Gas Law.  Recommended AP Lab – Determination of molar mass by vapor density  Recommended AP Lab – Determination of the molar volume of a gas Atomic Theory & Classification of Matter Acids & Bases WEE  COS –2, 3 WEEK  COS – 11 K 2  Topics: Calculate the number of protons, neutrons, 12  Topics: the nature and interactions of acids and bases electrons, and mass number of isotopes, identify the using the Arrhenius, Bronsted-Lowry and Lewis benchmark discoveries of the history of the atom, theories, coordination complexes (amphoterism), + - chemical/physical, heterogeneous/homogeneous, calculate Ka, Kb, pH, pOH, pK, [H ], [OH ], common ion intensive/extensive, element/mixture/compound/pure effect, buffers, and hydrolysis. substance, solid/liquid/gas, kinetic theory  Recommended AP Lab – Standardization of a  Recommended AP Lab – Separation by solution using a primary standard chromatography  Recommended AP Lab – Determination of concentration by acid=base titration, including a weak acid or a weak base  Recommended AP Lab – Determination of appropriate indicators for various acid-base titrations: pH determination  Recommended AP Lab – Preparation and properties pf buffer solutions Electrons Equilibrium WEE  COS – 4, 5, 12 WEEK  COS – 14 K 3  Topics: Electromagnetic radiation, Quantum 13  Topics: concepts of dynamic equilibria using the

Mechanical Theory, electron configuration, periodic equilibrium constant (Keq, Kp, Kc), LeChatelier’s trends, VSEPR, shapes, bond angles, bond types Principle (sigma & pi), polarity, hybridization, dipole moments,  Recommended AP Lab – determination of the structural isomerism, and resonance structures of equilibrium constant for a chemical reaction molecules and polyatomic ions  Recommended AP Lab – Colorimetric or Spectrophotometric analysis Nomenclature & Reactions Thermodynamics WEE  COS – 6, 7, 16 WEEK  COS – 13 K 4  Topics: Nomenclature & formula writing, writing 14  Topics: endothermic/exothermic, energy calculations, reactions, balancing chemical equations, classification specific heat, entropy, enthalpy, 1st Law of of reactions, net ionic equations, solubility rules, Thermodynamics, the 2nd Law of Thermodynamics, activity series, bonding types: ionic, covalent, calorimetry, Hess’s Law, and the relationship of metallic, hydrogen bonding, van der Waals (including change in free energy to equilibrium constants and London dispersion forces) and relate bonding to electrode potentials. states, structure, and properties of matter.  Recommended AP Lab – Determination of enthalpy  Recommended AP Lab – Determination of the change associated with a reaction formula of a compound  Recommended AP Lab – Determination of percentage of water in a hydrate The Mole & Stoichiometry Kinetics WEE  COS – 7 WEEK  COS – 15 K 5  Topics: The mole, stoichiometry, limiting reactants, 15  Topics: Factors affecting reaction rates, concept of percent yield, theoretical yield, empirical formulas, the rates of chemical reactions, use of experimental molecular formulas, percent composition data and graphical analysis to determine reactant  Recommended AP Lab – Determination of mass and order, rate constants, and reaction rate laws, the mole relationship in a chemical reaction effect of temperature change on rates, energy of  Recommended AP Lab – Synthesis of a coordination activation (the role of a catalyst), and the relationship compound and its chemical analysis between the rate determine step and the mechanism.  Recommended AP Lab – Determination of the rate of a reaction and its order Solutions Oxidation / Reduction WEE  COS – 10 WEEK  COS – 7, 18 K 6  Topics: preparation and properties of solutions 16  Topics: Balancing oxidation/reduction reactions by including the solution preparation process, factors oxidation number method, half reaction method acidic, affecting solubility, concentration calculations, and half reaction method basic, assigning oxidation

solubility, colligative properties, Raoult’s law, Ksp numbers expressions, and nonideal behavior.  Recommended AP Lab – Determination of  Recommended AP Lab – Determination of molar concentration by oxidation reduction titration mass by freezing point depression Solids, Liquids, Gases Electrochemistry WEE  COS – 17 WEEK  COS – 18 K 7  Topics: the motion of particles in liquids and solids 17  Topics: electrolytic and galvanic cells, Faraday’s laws, from the kinetic-molecular theory using phase standard half-cell potentials, and the Nernst equation. diagrams of one-component systems, changes of  Recommended AP Lab – Determination of state, including critical points and triple points, and electrochemical series structure of solids with lattice energies.  Recommended AP Lab – Measurements using  Recommended AP Lab – Separation and qualitative electrochemical cells and electroplating analysis of cations and anions Nuclear Chemistry Organic WEE  COS – 8 WEEK  COS – 6 K 8  Topics: Types & properties of radiation, 18  Topics: nomenclature, basic atomic structure, basic transmutation equations, half life, half life functional groups calculations, & chemical applications  Recommended AP Lab – Synthesis, purification, and  Recommended AP Lab – Analytical gravimetric analysis of an organic compounds determination Midterms Finals WEE WEEK K 9 19

Topic Outline The following list of topics for an AP course is intended to be a guide to the level and breadth of treatment expected rather than to be a syllabus. The percentage after each major topic indicates the approximate proportion of multiple-choice questions on the examination that pertain to the topic.

I. Structure of Matter (20%) A. Atomic theory and atomic structure 1. Evidence for the atomic theory 2. Atomic masses; determination by chemical and physical means 3. Atomic number and mass number; isotopes 4. Electron energy levels: atomic spectra, quantum numbers, atomic orbitals 5. Periodic relationships including, for example, atomic radii, ionization energies, electron affinities, oxidation states

B. Chemical bonding 1. Binding forces a. Types: ionic, covalent, metallic, hydrogen bonding, van der Waals (including London dispersion forces) b. Relationships to states, structure, and properties of matter c. Polarity of bonds, electronegativities 2. Molecular models a. Lewis structures b. Valence bond: hybridization of orbitals, resonance, sigma and pi bonds c. VSEPR 3. Geometry of molecules and ions, structural isomerism of simple organic molecules and coordination complexes; dipole moments of molecules; relation of properties to structure

C. Nuclear chemistry: nuclear equations, half-lives, and radioactivity; chemical applications

II. States of Matter (20%) A. Gases 1. Laws of ideal gases a. Equation of state for an ideal gas b. Partial pressures 2. Kinetic-molecular theory a. Interpretation of ideal gas laws on the basis of this theory b. Avogadro's hypothesis and the mole concept c. Dependence of kinetic energy of molecules on temperature d. Deviations from ideal gas laws

B. Liquids and solids 1. Liquids and solids from the kinetic-molecular viewpoint 2. Phase diagrams of one-component systems 3. Changes of state, including critical points and triple points 4. Structure of solids; lattice energies

C. Solutions 1. Types of solutions and factors affecting solubility 2. Methods of expressing concentration (The use of normalities is not tested.) 3. Raoult's law and colligative properties (nonvolatile solutes); osmosis 4. Non-ideal behavior (qualitative aspects)

III. Reactions (35-40%) A. Reaction types 1. Acid-base reactions; concepts of Arrhenius, Brønsted-Lowry, and Lewis; coordination complexes; amphoterism 2. Precipitation reactions 3. Oxidation-reduction reactions a. Oxidation number b. The role of the electron in oxidation-reduction c. Electrochemistry: electrolytic and galvanic cells; Faraday's laws; standard half-cell potentials; Nernst equation; prediction of the direction of redox reactions

B. Stoichiometry 1. Ionic and molecular species present in chemical systems: net ionic equations 2. Balancing of equations including those for redox reactions 3. Mass and volume relations with emphasis on the mole concept, including empirical formulas and limiting reactants

C. Equilibrium 1. Concept of dynamic equilibrium, physical and chemical; Le Chatelier's principle; equilibrium constants 2. Quantitative treatment a. Equilibrium constants for gaseous reactions: Kp , Kc b. Equilibrium constants for reactions in solution (1) Constants for acids and bases; pK; pH (2) Solubility product constants and their application to precipitation and the dissolution of slightly soluble compounds (3) Common ion effect; buffers; hydrolysis

D. Kinetics 1. Concept of rate of reaction 2. Use of experimental data and graphical analysis to determine reactant order, rate constants, and reaction rate laws 3. Effect of temperature change on rates 4. Energy of activation; the role of catalysts 5. The relationship between the rate-determining step and a mechanism

E. Thermodynamics 1. State functions 2. First law: change in enthalpy; heat of formation; heat of reaction; Hess's law; heats of vaporization and fusion; calorimetry 3. Second law: entropy; free energy of formation; free energy of reaction; dependence of change in free energy on enthalpy and entropy changes 4. Relationship of change in free energy to equilibrium constants and electrode potentials

IV. Descriptive Chemistry (10-15%) Knowledge of specific facts of chemistry is essential for an understanding of principles and concepts. These descriptive facts, including the chemistry involved in environmental and societal issues, should not be isolated from the principles being studied but should be taught throughout the course to illustrate and illuminate the principles. The following areas should be covered:

1. Chemical reactivity and products of chemical reactions 2. Relationships in the periodic table: horizontal, vertical, and diagonal with examples from alkali metals, alkaline earth metals, halogens, and the first series of transition elements 3. Introduction to organic chemistry: hydrocarbons and functional groups (structure, nomenclature, chemical properties).

V. Laboratory (5-10%) The differences between college chemistry and the usual secondary school chemistry course are especially evident in the laboratory work. The AP Chemistry Examination includes some questions based on experiences and skills students acquire in the laboratory:  making observations of chemical reactions and substances  recording data  calculating and interpreting results based on the quantitative data obtained  communicating effectively the results of experimental work

Labs and Lab Fees The AP Chemistry Examination includes some questions based on experiences and skills students acquire in the laboratory: making observations of chemical reactions and substances; recording data; calculating and interpreting results based on the quantitative data obtained; and communicating effectively the results of experimental work.

Meaningful laboratory work is important in fulfilling the requirements of a college-level course of a laboratory science and in preparing a student for sophomore-level chemistry courses in college. Because chemistry professors at some institutions ask to see a record of the laboratory work done by an AP student before making a decision about granting credit, placement, or both, in the chemistry program, students need to keep reports of their laboratory work that can be readily reviewed. In this class this will take the form of a permanent, bound laboratory notebook that will be turned in each time that a lab write up is due. More to come on the correct lab write up procedure. We’ll be doing about as more labs in AP Chemistry than we did in Chemistry CP – and they’re frequently more involved than the ones in Chemistry CP. The lab activities will correlate with the topic(s) we’re covering at the moment and, as I said earlier, have a nasty way of showing up on tests and exams.

Yes, there is a lab fee for AP Chemistry – it’s $10 per student. This money goes toward purchasing materials that are used up during the course, usually chemicals and glassware. Any excess money is used for lab equipment maintenance and purchase (a single digital balance runs about $225, so it goes fast). Checks may be made payable to Mary G. Montgomery High School.

Yes, I am still an absolute tyrant in lab – more so than in Chemistry CP – and especially where safety is concerned. If a student is misbehaving in lab, disregarding the procedure, or otherwise endangering himself or others, I will not hesitate to remove him from the lab area. Depending on the severity of the infraction, I may or may not allow him back into the lab, at least for a while. More about lab safety in another handout …

We have a state-of-the-art chemistry classroom and lab, with excellent furniture, fixtures, and safety equipment. These facilities are there to be used, and we’re going to use them in the ways they were intended to be used. Students who abuse the facilities – and I have a very broad definition of what constitutes “abuse” – will be sent to the office on a discipline referral. Period. End of discussion.

Assignments and Grading Grades will be assigned according to the formula

Percentage = (points earned  points possible)  100 on the standard “90 – 100 = A” grading scale. Rounding is done according to standard rules.

Generally speaking, there are about the same number of grades in AP Chemistry as Chemistry CP, and most of your grade will come from tests which will make up 60% of your grade. We’ll still have daily quizzes (particularly on naming and reactions). These will make up 10% of your grade. Labs will make up 20% of your grade. Your homework grade is determined by how completely and accurately you do the assignment. You don’t automatically get full points for simply having turned in a paper. Not too much has changed there. Home work will be the remaining 10% of your grade. One other thing hasn’t changed, and seniors should pay special attention:

There will be no extra-credit assignments. The grades will not be scaled. You will get the grade you earn.

Make-Up Work If you miss a test, quiz, or class work, you will be assigned a grade of zero. If the work is not made up within 1 week, the grade of zero will become final. It is YOUR responsibility to find out what you missed when you return. I will not track you down to give you your assignments. You must get notes and assignments from a classmate; after a valid attempt at completing the work, I will be available after school to help you. You have three school days after your absence to schedule which day you will be making up your test or quiz. Failure to make arrangements will result in the forfeiture of your one-week time period, and the zero will stand. All class work and homework that must be made up is due within three school days. The time limit for make up tests is 2:38 on the following Friday. I will NOT stay after on Friday afternoons for you to make up a test.

I reserve the right to make make-up tests and quizzes different from the regularly scheduled test/quiz. While I will endeavor to make the degree of difficulty comparable to the original test/quiz, I am under no obligation to do so. It is to your benefit to take the tests and quizzes on the scheduled days.

If you are absent you may go to and get your assignments for the day. The lecture, homework, and any worksheets or handouts can be found there. Therefore, there is NO excuse for falling behind! If you have any problems with your homework, there is a link for a live chemistry tutor. You can access them Monday – Friday 3:00 pm to midnight.

Expectations Besides yourself, there are a few things that you will be required to bring to class each and every day. These things include: your chemistry notebook, loose-leaf paper, a pencil, black pen, your lab notebook, your calculator, and your book. Failure to bring any of these items may result in a reduced grade for the day. ALL class work must be done in pencil. Absolutely NO class work will be accepted in pen. All lab notebooks must be done in black pen.

Parent Conferences Parent conferences may be scheduled through the school office at 221-3153, or at the midterm PTO meeting; impromptu conferences are strongly discouraged. However, I am available for conferences during my planning period. I may also be contacted through my e-mail address at [email protected]. Your parents may also contact me through school email, but please let them know that many emails are thrown out of the MCPSS email system. If you want to ensure that the email gets to me, use the yahoo email address. Because of privacy concerns, I will not discuss a student’s performance via E-mail; this address will be strictly for scheduling conferences and answering any questions that you may have. Class Rules

I have quite a few classroom rules. They are very simple and follow the guidelines in your student handbook. These rules are made to create an environment that will aid student learning. They are not intended to be restrictive of one’s character or personality, but rather each student will develop his/her greatest potential.

1. When you enter the room, turn in your homework from the previous day and begin your early work without talking.

2. If you have parent notes, doctor’s notes, or admit slips place them in the signature box. I will get them back to you sometime during the class.

3. You must bring your notebook, book, pencil, paper, and calculator everyday. Failure to bring even one of these items may result in a reduced grade.

4. You may NOT share calculators during a test. If I see you I will assume that you are cheating and you will receive a grade of zero.5. With the exception of turning in your work, do not leave your seat without permission.

6. You may bring a bottle of water to class; however, you will not be allowed to leave the classroom to go get water.

7. You may NOT leave my classroom to go anywhere else (another teacher, guidance, the office…) unless you are requested either in writing or called over the intercom and then, your work must be completed in order for you to leave. This is AP Chemistry. You need to be in this class!

8. Please refrain from any disrespectful gestures or remarks in this class. This includes eye rolling and any improper language.

9. When in lab, if I start talking you are to immediately become silent. I am probably trying to tell you something important about the lab that involves either your safety or your grade.

10. Do not be even one second late for this class. You are to be in your seats when the bell rings.

11. You will come to class in proper uniform. This includes the appropriate shoes, backpack, shirt tails tucked in, and NO cell phones.

12. You are not to get out of you seat until you are dismissed. I will not hold you late, but I will also not let you congregate around the door or the desks. I may have some important closing information that I need you to hear.

13. Once you are done with you class work, you are to remain quiet at your desk. Do not start talking to those around you. Be respectful of the fact that others may not be done with their work.

14. You may NOT eat anything or chew gum in this class. Gum has a nasty way of ending up under the desks & food tends to attract roaches.

Consequences There will be consequences for violating the school policies and procedures. Remember, it is your responsibility to know these policies and procedures, and when you violate them I presume it is a choice that you have made knowing that there are consequences that will follow. The basic consequences are outlined below; these pertain to all class A offences. Any offences of class B or C nature will result in a written disciplinary referral and the student will be sent to the office.

1st offense – T/S conference / verbal warning 2nd offense – T/S conference / written behavioral essay, returned and signed by parents 3rd offense – referral to guidance with explanation of infractions 4th offence – disciplinary referral, student is sent to office with documentation of prior offenses

Note: Failure to return an essay with a parent signature is classified as “deliberate disobedience” a class B offense. Please refer to the student handbook for other possible consequences.

Survival Tips . Keeping up with class notes and assignments is crucial. . AP Chemistry is a cumulative course; that is, if you get lost at any point, chances are your grades will suffer from that point onward. . This course is designed for college-bound students and is an honors course, and I strive to teach it that way as much as possible. If you think I’m moving too fast or boring you to tears, wait ‘til you get to college! . Don’t be afraid to ask questions – that’s why I’m here. On the other hand, don’t expect me to give you an answer – I’ll ask leading questions that will help you figure out the answer for yourself. AP Chemistry syllabus signature form

Both you and your parents should read this syllabus and sign it. Return this page to me no later than August 17th, and place the rest in your notebook.

Student Name ______

I/we have read the above syllabus and understand the expectations of the class. I will keep this syllabus in the front of my notebook and use it as a guide throughout the semester. A parent and I have signed this syllabus as a statement of accepting the challenges and responsibilities of this class in order to achieve my greatest academic potential.

Student signature ______Date ______

Parent signature ______Date ______

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