Statistical, Economic and Social Research s2

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Statistical, Economic and Social Research s2


مركز البحاث الحصائية والقتصادية والجتماعية والتدريب للدول السلمية (مركز أنقرة/سيسريك)

Questionnaire on Agricultural Capacity Building


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Subjects / Areas / Subjects Training Needed Training Offer Can

Agronomy Studies Agronomy

4. Crop Cultivation Crop 4.

Molecular Genetics Molecular

Resistance to Diseases and Abiotic Stress in the Improvement of Grain of Improvement the in Stress Abiotic and Diseases to Resistance

Biotechnology Studies Biotechnology

Improvement and Registration and Improvement

Legislation of the Seed Growing and Organisations and Growing Seed the of Legislation

Laboratory Tests and Certificates and Tests Laboratory

Authorisation and Supervision of the Seed Producers Seed the of Supervision and Authorisation

Breeder’s Rights Breeder’s

Seed Certification, Production and Marketing and Production Certification, Seed

3. Seed Development Seed 3.

Water Constructions (Dam-Pond-Reservoir) Constructions Water

Water Analysis and Pollution and Analysis Water

Water Harvesting Water

Irrigation Methods, Systems and Management and Systems Methods, Irrigation

Using Modern Irrigation Facilities Irrigation Modern Using

2. Water Management Water 2.

Integrated Land Use and Planning and Use Land Integrated

Plowless Farming and Other Cropping Methods Cropping Other and Farming Plowless

Sustainable Soil Management Soil Sustainable

Land Improvement Land

Land Consolidation Land

Soil Analysis and Mapping and Analysis Soil

1. Land Management Land 1.


Need Need



Subjects / Areas / Subjects

Can Offer Can

Training Needed Training

 specify the priorities by using a 1-to-4 scale (1 for the most urgent, 4 for the least urgent) least the for 4 urgent, most the for (1 scale 1-to-4 a using by priorities the specify

 ’). Needed Training ‘ under ’ Need ‘ box the (check training needs institution your if

 ’) or ’) Training Offer Can ‘ box the (check training offer can institution your if For each of the subjects / areas given below, please indicate please below, given areas / subjects the of each For


Impact of Climate Change in Agriculture Agriculture in Change Climate of Impact


Need Need

Training Priority

Subjects / Areas / Subjects

Can Offer Can

Training Needed Training

Risk Analysis of Agricultural Production Production Agricultural of Analysis Risk

Value Chain and Supply Chain of Agricultural Products Agricultural of Chain Supply and Chain Value

Global Commodity Chain Analysis Chain Commodity Global

Agro Business Development Business Agro

Impact Analysis in Agricultural Support Policies Support Agricultural in Analysis Impact

Product Standards Product

Product Purchase Standards Purchase Product

Farmer Organizations Farmer

Commodity Exchange Markets Exchange Commodity

Cold Chain Cold

7. Transport and Marketing and Transport 7.

Agricultural Mechanisation Agricultural

Reducing the Losses Arising From Harvest From Arising Losses the Reducing

6. Crop Harvesting Crop 6.

Grain Diseases Grain

Pest Control in Stored Yield Stored in Control Pest

General Phytopathology General

Olive Diseases and Pests and Diseases Olive

Plant Diseases, Pests and Weed Control Weed and Pests Diseases, Plant

Bee Diseases and Pests and Diseases Bee

5. Agricultural Combat Agricultural 5.

Breeding Studies on Agricultural Products Agricultural on Studies Breeding

Greenhouse Cultivation Greenhouse

Good Agricultural Practices Agricultural Good

Organic Farming Organic

Cultivation of Vineyard and Horticultural Crops Horticultural and Vineyard of Cultivation

Cultivation of Arable Crops Arable of Cultivation

Medicinal Plants (such as opium poppy) opium as (such Plants Medicinal



Training Need Need Priority


Layer Hen and Broiler Breeding and Improvement and Breeding Broiler and Hen Layer

Wild Birds and Animals Breeding Animals and Birds Wild


Need Need

Training Priority

Subjects / Areas / Subjects

Can Offer Can

Training Needed Training

Rabbits Breeding and Improvement and Breeding Rabbits

Ostrich Breeding and Improvement and Breeding Ostrich

Camel Breeding and Improvement and Breeding Camel

Breeding Sheep and Goat Raising and Improvement and Raising Goat and Sheep Breeding

Breeding Cattle Raising and Improvement and Raising Cattle Breeding

Artificial Insemination and Embryo Transfer Transfer Embryo and Insemination Artificial

11. Livestock Management Livestock 11.

Analysis of Food Quality Lab. Techniques Techniques Lab. Quality Food of Analysis

Analysis of Additives, Residue and Contaminant in Milk Products Milk in Contaminant and Residue Additives, of Analysis

Auditor Training Auditor


Training of the Household Economists Household the of Training


Food Hygiene and Control and Hygiene Food

Antibiotic Analysis in Bee Products Bee in Analysis Antibiotic

Residue Analysis in Bee Products Bee in Analysis Residue

Analysis of Genetically Modified Organisms Modified Genetically of Analysis

Food Safety Analysis Safety Food

10. Food Safety Food 10.


Project Development Project

Training (such as establishment, management, and accounting) and management, establishment, as (such Training

Extension and Publicity (for awareness raising) awareness (for Publicity and Extension

Producer Organization Producer 9.

Cold Storage Cold

Storage Methods Storage

Storing and Maintenance of the Agricultural Products Agricultural the of Maintenance and Storing 8. Storage Facilities Storage 8.


Production of Live Bait Live of Production

Production of the Aquarium Fishes Aquarium the of Production

Production of the Saltwater Fish Saltwater the of Production

Production of the Freshwater fish Freshwater the of Production


Need Need

Training Priority

Subjects / Areas / Subjects

Can Offer Can

Training Needed Training

Fauna Determination with Genetic Methods Genetic with Determination Fauna

Water Resources Management (breeding) Management Resources Water


Utilisation of the Fish Stock Fish the of Utilisation

Fish Diseases Fish

Environmental Friendly Aquaculture Systems Aquaculture Friendly Environmental

Fisheries and Hatchery Management Hatchery and Fisheries

Aquaculture Information System Information Aquaculture

Aquaculture (Trout-Sea bream-Sea bass) bream-Sea (Trout-Sea Aquaculture

Data Collection and Utilisation and Collection Data

12. Fisheries and Aquaculture and Fisheries 12.

Biotechnology in Poultry Husbandry Poultry in Biotechnology

Layer Hen Improvement Hen Layer

Layer Hen Feeding Hen Layer

Poultry Husbandry (Layer Hen) (Layer Husbandry Poultry

Bee Biology Bee

Packaged Beekeeping Packaged

Queen Breeding and Artificial Insemination Practices Insemination Artificial and Breeding Queen

Raising and Improvement of Breeding Buffalo Buffalo Breeding of Improvement and Raising

Animal Health and Welfare and Health Animal

Training on the Use of Experimental Animals Animals Experimental of Use the on Training

Farm Management Farm

Biotechnology Practices in Animal Husbandry Animal in Practices Biotechnology

Animal Diseases and Combat with Animal Diseases Animal with Combat and Diseases Animal

Animal Feeding and Feed Evaluation Feed and Feeding Animal

Herd Management in Animal Husbandry Animal in Management Herd Beekeeping and Silk Worm Rearing Worm Silk and Beekeeping


Use of Spectroscopy and Determination of Plant Indexes Plant of Determination and Spectroscopy of Use

Product Applications Product

Spatial Analysis Spatial

Data Collecting and Representation and Collecting Data

13. Use of Geographical Information Systems in Agriculture in Systems Information Geographical of Use 13.


Need Need

Training Priority

Subjects / Areas / Subjects

Can Offer Can

Training Needed Training

Fish Production Fish

Spawn Management in Sturgeon Fish Fish Sturgeon in Management Spawn

Trout Culture Trout

Fishery Method Fishery

Packaged Software for Calculation of the Fish Stock Estimations Estimations Stock Fish the of Calculation for Software Packaged

Molecular Methods Used in determination of Fish Diseases Fish of determination in Used Methods Molecular

Toxicological Studies on Fishes and lethal dose Determination Methods Determination dose lethal and Fishes on Studies Toxicological

Technological Improvements in Aquaculture in Improvements Technological

Determination Of Fauna with Genetical Methods Methods Genetical with Fauna Of Determination

General Information on Leeches and Their Economic Importance Importance Economic Their and Leeches on Information General

Water Quality, Land and Laboratory Methods Methods Laboratory and Land Quality, Water

Marking Methods in Fishery Researches Fishery in Methods Marking

Determination of the Fish Fauna in Metric, Meristic Measurements Meristic Metric, in Fauna Fish the of Determination

Trout Farming in Inland Waters Inland in Farming Trout

Acoustic Survey Acoustic

Crustaceans (shrimps etc.) (shrimps Crustaceans

Utilisation of Fish Stocks Fish of Utilisation

Grouper Breeding (White Grouper, Blacktip Grouper) Blacktip Grouper, (White Breeding Grouper

Freshwater Zooplankton Taxonomy (Cladocera, Copepoda etc.) Copepoda (Cladocera, Taxonomy Zooplankton Freshwater

Fish Feeding Fish

Histological Studies on Fishes on Studies Histological

Fish Diseases: Bacterial, Viral and Parasitic Parasitic and Viral Bacterial, Diseases: Fish

Environmental Management of Aquaculture of Management Environmental Water Quality in Aquaculture in Quality Water


17. Others (please specify below) specify (please Others 17.

Rural Development Projects Payment Process and Accounting Process Accounting and Process Payment Projects Development Rural

Project Applications Project

Rural Development Projects on-the-Spot Controls and Monitoring of of Monitoring and Controls on-the-Spot Projects Development Rural

Cycle Management Cycle

Rural Development Project Preparation, Project Evaluation, Project Project Evaluation, Project Preparation, Project Development Rural

Rural Development Current Application Systems Systems Application Current Development Rural

Agriculture and Rural Development Policies Development Rural and Agriculture

16. Agriculture and Rural Development Rural and Agriculture 16.

Legumes Quality and Evaluation and Quality Legumes

Buckwheat Quality and Evaluation and Quality Buckwheat

Pasta Making and Evaluation and Making Pasta

Cereal Quality and Evaluation and Quality Cereal

Wheat and Barley Breeding Breeding Barley and Wheat

15. Quality Analyses and Evaluation and Analyses Quality 15.

Natural Disasters Natural

Agricultural Insurances Agricultural

Combat with Desertification and Drought and Desertification with Combat 14. Environment and Climate Changes Climate and Environment 14.

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