Quiz 1 is on the contributions that the following people made to microbiology:

Robert Hooke

Anton van Leeuwenhoek

Francesco Redi

John Needham

Lazzaro Spallanzani

Louis Pasteur

Rudolf Virchow

Joseph Lister

Robert Koch

Edward Jenner

Rather than memorize a list of characteristics, I suggest that you try to connect these people’s ideas together. The arrows below show influences of one investigator’s ideas on the ideas of others. The people are organized by their major contributions to microbiology: related to cells, spontaneous generation, or disease.

For example, Spallanzani learned the scientific method from Redi’s writings. Spallanzani’s experiments on sealed flasks were then modified by Pasteur to show that microorganisms traveled in the air.

There are multiple good ways to make these connections!

Cells Spontaneous generation Disease

Hooke Redi Time



Spallanzani Jenner

Virchow Pasteur Lister
