Of Providing Freight Forwarding Services by Full Trucks (FTL)
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Contract № ______of providing Freight Forwarding Services by Full Trucks (FTL)
Balashikha city, Moscow Region /___/______/ 2014 г.
”Svetlana”-K, Ltd. hereinafter referred to as the “Forwarder”, represented by its Director General Kartashov G.A., acting on the basis of the Charter, on the one hand, and ______hereinafter referred to as the ‘Client”, represented by its Director General ______, acting on the basis of ______, on the other hand, hereinafter jointly referred to as the “Parties”, have concluded the present Contract as follows:
1. Subject of the Contract 1.1. The Client engages, and the Forwarder undertakes obligations to fulfill or to arrange the fulfillment of freight forwarding services of the Client’s freight for remuneration and at the Client’s expense on the territory of the RF, as well as to provide with other services in the procedure stipulated by the present Contract or its Appendixes, on behalf of the Client, on the terms and conditions determined by the present Contract, and the Client shall be obliged to pay for the services on the conditions provided by the present Contract. Routes and transportation prices are specified in the Appendixes, Addendums of the present Contract, and may be agreed in the Instruction to the Forwarder (hereinafter referred to as “Instruction”). 1.2. The Client’s freight transportation is arranged by motor transport to the points of destination, stipulated by the Client on the basis of the written Instruction (Appendix No3 of the present Contract).
2. Rights and obligations of Parties 2.1. The Forwarder shall be obliged and entitled: 2.1.1. In accordance with the confirmed Instruction, to arrange the Client’s freight transportation on the territory of the RF, in accordance with the Forwarder’s Rates (Appendix No1 of the present Contract). 2.1.2. To consult the Client on choosing the optimal route, type of vehicles for specific transportation, their loading standards depending on the type of a freight and route. 2.1.3. To provide the acceptance of freight for transportation, according to the number of Pieces (pallets), by visual inspection of pallet integrity without examination and counting of intratare enclosures, to exercise control under loading and placing of the Client’s freight in the body of a vehicle in strict accordance with the Rules of freight acceptance and delivery (Appendix No2 of the present Contract). 2.1.4. To provide with the conclusion of the contracts on armed escort of the Client’s freight within the whole route. The contracts shall be concluded by the Forwarder or involved forwarding organizations on their behalf but at the Client’s expense. The Client shall be entitled to give recommendations related to the involved security organizations. The Client’s freight armed escort is carried on the following conditions: - if the cost of freight in one vehicle is up to 10 000 000 (ten million) rubles – armed escort is not required; - if the cost of freight in one vehicle is from 10 000 000 (ten million) rubles up to 30 000 000 (thirty million) rubles – the freight is escorted by armed security in the amount of one person, when transportation, located in the cab of vehicle; - if the cost of freight in one vehicle is from 30 000 000 (thirty million) rubles up to 50 000 000 (fifty million) rubles – the freight is escorted by armed security, when transportation, located in escort vehicle; - if the cost of freight in one vehicle is over 50 000 000 (fifty million) rubles, preliminary written agreement of terms of the given freight transportation by the Forwarder is required. The Client shall be entitled to refuse armed escort, specifying this in the appropriate Instruction. In that case, the Client undertakes all the possible risks, connected with fraud, illegal acts of third parties and RTA, not caused by the Forwarder. Cost of armed escort services is specified in the Appendix No1 of the present Contract. 2.1.5. At the Client’s expense, to provide the Client with other services, related to the arrangement of the Client’s freight transportation and stipulated in the Instruction confirmed by the Forwarder. Optional services, not covered by the present Contract, shall be in accordance with the Addendum of the present Contract. 2.1.6. To immediately inform the Client of any delays on freight delivery, as well as of any cases of freight unsafety on transportation, its loss, seal damage, etc., with the following provision of the reports and other confirming documents. 2.1.7. Before 17:00 (Moscow time) of a working day preceding the day of shipment, to provide the Client and the Consignor, specified in the Instruction, with the information about the available vehicle, driver’s passport details in accordance with the Appendix No3 of the present Contract. 2.1.8. If the Forwarder is unable to execute the Client’s Instruction, the Forwarder shall be obliged to notify the Client before 17:00 (Moscow time) of the day of receiving the Instruction, by sending electronic message to the Client’s e-mail addresses, specified in the present Contract. To arrange delivery and release of freight to the Consignee at the address specified in waybill within the period agreed by the Parties. 2.1.9. The Forwarder shall be entitled to involve third parties, on the basis of the Contracts, concluded with them, to the performance of obligations, within the present Contract, and to independently choose freight haulers, to provide 2
them with the functions of a forwarder, to determine the conditions of freight forwarding contracts concluded with them. 2.1.10. Assignation of fulfilling obligations to third parties does not exempt the Forwarder from liability to perform the present Contract. The Forwarder is responsible for the actions of third parties involved in the performance of the present Contract. 2.1.11. The Forwarder shall be entitled to require timely and full Client’s payment of services rendered according to the conditions of the present Contract.
2.2. The Client shall be obliged and entitled: 2.2.1. In advance, at least at 12:00 (Moscow time) of the working day preceding the shipment date, to provide the Forwarder with the Instruction of transportation, signed and bearing a stamp of the Client. Dispatch of Instruction to the Forwarder shall be allowed my means of fax connection and/or electronic mail, followed by obligatory provision of the original. 2.2.2. To obligatory specify declared value of freight, handed to the Forwarder in accordance with the Instruction. 2.2.3. To pay for services of freight insurance according to the rates, specified in the Appendix No1 of the present Contract, if the cost of freight in one vehicle is 3 000 000 (three million) rub. and more. 2.2.4. In case of necessity for changing the route at the process of freight transportation, to coordinate the cost for address change and to direct the appropriate Instruction at the Forwarder’s address. 2.2.5. The Instruction form to the Forwarder, as well as Forwarding agent’s receipt, prepared and confirmed by the Ministry of Transport of the RF, shall be specified in the Appendix No3 of the present Contract. 2.2.6. The Client shall be entitled to refuse from ordered vehicle at least at 16:00 (Moscow time) of the day preceding the date of vehicle provision, on condition of execution of such a refusal in written form. In case the Client refuses from the ordered vehicle after 16:00 (Moscow time) of the day preceding the date of transportation, the Client shall pay the Forwarder penalty equal to 20% of the cost for transportation on international forwarding and minimum billable time of vehicle on intracity forwarding. 2.2.7. To provide timely and duly executed, according to established procedure, documents necessary for bearing transportation and rendering of agreed services, to present necessary certificates. 2.2.8. To present freight for transportation in accordance with the stock list and in the quantity specified in the appropriate Instruction, in packaging or package providing freight safety, as well as to present the documents necessary for freight transportation. 2.2.9. To provide strict observance of the requirements and instructions of the Forwarder’s representative, related to the procedures of freight loading into a vehicle and given by the Forwarder’s representative with the purpose of providing safety towards the freight and vehicle. In case of nonfulfillment of instructions given by the Forwarder’s representative, the Forwarder shall pause loading and shall not accept freight till fulfillment of the instructions, upon that the responsibility for vehicle demurrage shall be beard by the Client, including payment for additional expenses and penalties. 2.2.10. To provide freight receipt at the address specified in freight accompanying documents defined in a waybill by the Consignee entitled to freight receipt. 2.2.11. To provide a route sheet, with marks of vehicle’s arrival time at loading/unloading point, certified by signature and stamp of the consignor’s/consignee’s representative.
3. Terms of Payment 3.1. Fee payable to the Forwarder due to the services rendered within the Contract shall be calculated on the basis of the Forwarder’s Rates, Addendums of the present Contract and Instructions to the Forwarder which shall be an integral part of the present Contract. The Rates, specified in the Appendixes and Addendums of the present Contract, may be changed within the validity period of the present Contract. In case of Rate change, the Forwarder shall direct to the Client the notification of change in rates 20 calendar days before the date of supposed entry into effect of the new rates. New rates enter into effect exceptionally after signing of Addendum of the present Contract by the Parties. 3.2. The documents provided by the Forwarder to the Client for service payment: original of the Consignor’s shipping document (waybill), with the consignee’s mark of freight receipt, for each vehicle issued in a bill; original of the Consignor’s ТОРГ-12 in case it has been drawn up; original of the Consignee’s non-conformity report in case it has been drawn up; original of the register of complete transportations to the bill; original of the Forwarder’s bill; original of the Forwarder’s invoice; original of the Forwarder’s act of rendered services in duplicate. On the parties’ agreement, the Forwarder can present the copies of the stated documents. In case the Client loses originals of the documents presented before, the Forwarder presents the certificated copies. 3.3. The Client shall be obliged to sign the Act of rendered services within 5 (five) working days after receipt of correctly executed documents specified in the clause 3.2 of the present Contract, and to present the Forwarder the signed hard copy of the Act of rendered services within 10 (ten) working days. In case, upon the expiration of 3
this term, the Client has not directed reasonable refusal from signing the Act of rendered services, it shall be considered that the services had been fully and properly rendered by the Forwarder and accepted by the Client. 3.4. The Client shall pay for a bill within 5 (five) bank days from the date of receiving from the Forwarder a complete set of documents, concerned in the clause 3.2 of the present Contract. In case of non-payment of the Forwarder’s bills within the terms specified in the clause 3.4 of the present Contract, the Client shall pay penalty fee equal to 0,1% of unpaid sum of the bill for each day of delay according to the Forwarder’s written requirement. 3.5. The date of payment shall be the date of receiving monetary resources on the Forwarder’s current account. 3.6. The Forwarder provides the Client with the documents determined in the clause 3.2 of the present Contract within 14 working days on international forwarding and within 5 working days on intracity forwarding after handing the freight to the consignee specified in shipping document (waybill). 3.7. In case the Forwarder, fulfilling the Client’s Instruction, incurred additional expenses due to changes in the Instruction, made at the Client’s initiative, by the Client’s action (inaction), the Client, in order to compensate additional expenses, within 10 (ten) calendar days from the date of receiving the Forwarder’s bill, shall transfer monetary resources on the Forwarder’s current account. In addition to the above, the Forwarder shall notify the Client in written form of such additional expenses and support them documentary.
4. Liability of Parties 4.1. The Forwarder shall be responsible for compensation of real damage for loss, shortage or breakage of freight from the moment of its acceptance for transportation and before release to the Consignee, specified in shipping document (waybill) in accordance with the following amounts: - equal to the cost for lost or short freight in case of its loss or shortage; - equal to the sum, reduced as much as the freight cost, in case of its damage (breakage) or equal to its cost if it is impossible to rehabilitate damaged freight. Freight shall be evaluated on the basis of its cost specified in accompanying documents for freight. 4.2. In case, if in the vehicle provided for forwarding, the Client detected any disorders which may affect safety and quality of freight on transportation, the Client shall be entitled to require for changing provided vehicle which does not correspond to specified requirements and if the change is impossible – to refuse from the loading. The Client shall also be entitled to refuse if there are any disorders detected which may affect safety and quality of freight on transportation. Mentioned disorders shall be fixed in the Act of vehicle inspection. In this case the Instruction is concerned to be unfulfilled. 4.3. In case of claims, the Party willing to get compensation shall push a claim towards another party within 30 calendar days from the date of damage ascertaining. 4.4. The Party, being pushed with a claim, shall be obliged within 30 calendar days from the date of claim receipt to answer in written form, specifying agreement with or refusal from claim adjustment. In case of non-receipt of answer within specified terms, the claim shall be concerned to be confirmed and subject to adjustment within 15 (fifteen) calendar days from the date of its confirmation. 4.5. In case of freight non-delivery by unloading address, specified in freight accompanying documents, upon expiry of 30 days from the date of delivery, calculated as unloading date plus normative delivery period (Appendix No1), the freight shall be considered to be lost, and the Client shall push the claim to the Forwarder for compensation for the lost freight in accordance with the freight cost, specified in freight accompanying documents. The Forwarder shall be obliged to compensate the cost for the lost Client’s freight within 30 calendar days from the date of receipt of such a claim. 4.6. The Forwarder shall not be responsible to the Client for the losses caused by the Forwarder’s activity (inactivity), if the Forwarder relied on the Client’s instructions and reasonably considered them to be originated from the Client, as well as on the information which has lost its reliability due to its untimely distribution to the Forwarder by the Client. 4.7. The Forwarder shall be released from responsibility to recompense the cost of lost/damaged freight in case the Client receives insurance compensation, equal to the one specified in the present Contract, from insurance company. 4.8. The Forwarder shall not be responsible: for intratare shortage of piece contents, accepted and forwarded in intact packaging; for freight lose, shortage when there is intact locking seal or serviceable vehicle; for nonobservance of the terms of transportation in case of untimely provision of the Forwarder with complete set of documents or with information necessary for transportation, or in case of the Consignee’s refusal to accept freight on vehicle’s arrival within the terms concerted in the Client’s Instruction; for nonobservance of transportation terms due to inappropriate document execution by the Client or its representatives; for loss of expected gain of the Client or the Client’s third parties, among other things due to delay in freight dispatch/delivery; 4.9. The Client shall compensate the losses, inflicted to the Forwarder, among others in cases: if the Client specified invalid data about the freight, Consignee or another information necessary for the Forwarder to fulfill the obligations within the present Contract; if the Client or its counter party dispatched the freight forbidden for civil turnover within the territory of the RF; if the freight is not presented for transportation within the terms specified in the Client’s Instruction confirmed by the Forwarder; of vehicle overweight above the standards. Besides, in case hauler/consignee lays a claim/brings a suit related to breach of loading specifications, the Client compensates the Forwarder’s losses at the rate of the claims/suits; of activity/inactivity of the Client or involved third parties which has led to vehicle demurrage, failure of its dispatch, freight endamagement, etc. The cost for above-norm demurrage (usage) of vehicle shall be brought 4
into accord by the parties in the Client’s Instruction and/or Appendixes/Addendums of the present Contract and shall be additionally paid on the basis of issued bill; of vehicle unloaded ride due to the Client’s fault and vehicle redirection; of carriage of freight unconcerted and unconfirmed by the Forwarder; of inobservance of the Forwarder’s instruction by the Client or involved third parties, in case of presence of appropriate marks in waybill; of the Consignee’s refusal to accept freight or of non-receipt of freight by recipient within specified period not due to the Forwarder’s fault. 4.10. The Client shall be responsible for completeness and credibility of the information specified in the documents, provided by the Client in course of the Contact performance, and their conformance to the requirements placed by the current legislation of the RF, consignees and authorized state agencies and services. 4.11. The Client shall be responsible for the quality of freight package, and, therefore, all the Forwarder’s expenses related to the necessity of packing up or repacking during transportation shall be compensated by the Client. 4.12. The Forwarder shall be responsible for inappropriate fulfillment or nonfulfillment of the obligations undertaken within the present Contract, if it does not prove that inappropriate fulfillment or nonfulfillment of obligations occurred not due to the Forwarder’s fault. Excluding the following cases when the parties of the present Contract admit absence of the Forwarder’s guilt: unlawful acts of third parties; fire or RTA (road traffic accident) occurred not due to the Forwarder’s fault; loss (shortage, damage, breakage) of freight inside a pallet and box – in case of freight acceptance in pallets, or inside a box – in case of freight acceptance in boxes, with the presence of packing failure which could not be noticed outwardly when accepting freight for transportation, as well as without traces of package damage on way. Cases of complete or partial loss, as well as freight damage due to force-majeure specified in article 7 of the present Contract.
5. Terms of Services Provision 5.1. Acceptance of the Client’s Instructions shall be performed according to the procedure as follows: 5.1.1. The Instruction shall be drawn up according to the form, specified in the Appendix No3 of the present Contract, signed by authorized party, certified with the Client’s seal and directed scanned to the e-mail address [email protected] in EXEL or WORD form. 5.1.2. The Instruction shall be considered to be accepted for execution by the Forwarder after its signing by an authorized Forwarder’s employee, confirmation by the Forwarder’s seal and handing one signed copy to the Client by means of directing scanned copy to e-mail ______. The Forwarder shall be entitled to refuse from the Instruction accepted for execution, and shall inform the Client about this at least at 17:00 of the day preceding the date of loading. 5.1.3. The Instruction accepted for execution may be changed by the Client exceptionally with the written consent of the Forwarder. 5.2. Arrival time of a vehicle for loading/unloading shall start from the date of driver’s presenting a route sheet or shipping document (waybill) and power of attorney for receiving Freight in loading point and shipping document (waybill) – in unloading point. The Client shall fill in the time of vehicle arrival and departure at/from loading/unloading point in shipping document (waybill) and/or route sheet. 5.3. Performance of handling shall be provided by the Client. The Client shall be responsible for vehicle overweight in case incorrect data of freight weight is specified in shipping document (waybill). 5.4. The Forwarder’s representative (vehicle driver) shall accept the Client’s freight in exact accordance with the information specified in freight section of shipping document (waybill): package quality and piece quantity (pallets), if other is not specified in the Instruction. In this case the Client shall be obliged to provide vehicle driver with the opportunity to examine the piece quantity and package quality when loading/unloading. 5.5. In case of detection of visible freight defects when loading into vehicle, the Forwarder’s representative (vehicle driver) shall be entitled to require for change of damaged freight or to refuse from acceptance of freight for transportation. In this case, if the Consignor does not change damaged freight, the Forwarder’s representative (vehicle driver) shall make appropriate marks in shipping and/or freight accompanying documents. 5.6. The Client shall provide with sealing of vehicle body by numbered seal, making appropriate mark in shipping documents. The Client’s representative shall hand to the Forwarder all necessary shipping documents provided by the current legislation of the RF. 5.7. In case of detection, when unloading, of freight discrepancy in quantity and quality of package to freight accompanying documents, the Client shall draw up commercial document or act of common form. The act shall be signed by consignee’s and the Forwarder’s (vehicle driver) representative. In case of vehicle driver’s refusal from signing the act, there shall be made an appropriate mark in the act, which shall be confirmed by the signatures of two parties not otherwise involved. A mark of execution of commercial act or act of common form shall be made in shipping documents. 5.8. The Forwarder shall hand the Client the original of shipping documents (waybill) and act (in case it has been executed) with the Consignee’s marks of freight receipt in due time specified in the clause 3.6 of the present Contract. When requested the Forwarder, in support of freight delivery, shall send the copies of specified documents by fax or e-mail. 5.9. The Forwarder shall be entitled to refuse from transportation of the Client’s freight, if the present freight is not described in the Instruction, and on international forwarding – if the destination to a point different from the one specified in the Instruction. 5
5.10. With the purposes of accountancy, the date of rendered services shall be the date of practical service rendering reflected in the act of rendered services. In case of rendering services between tax periods, for the purposes of accountancy, the date of rendered services shall be the date of signing the act of rendered services.
6. Terms of Validity 6.1. The Contract shall enter into force from the moment of signing and shall be valid for one year. If neither of the Parties notified the other Party of the Contract termination in written form 30 days before the expiry of the validity period, it shall be annually prolonged for the following calendar year. 6.2. If the Parties have not fulfilled all obligations to the expiry date of the validity period, the present Contract shall automatically be prolonged till the moment of fulfillment of these obligations. 6.3. Each of the Parties shall be entitled to cancel the present Contract before the expiry, having notified the other Party in written form 30 days before the date of practical termination.
7. Force-Majeure 7.1. The Parties shall be released from responsibility for partial or complete nonfulfillment of obligations within the present Contract, if this nonfulfillment has been the result of force-majeure, having occurred after concluding of the present Contract and which has not been covered by the present Contract and insured by the Contractor, and which the Parties have not been able neither to foresee nor to reasonably prevent. Force-majeure includes: natural catastrophe, mass disorders, hostilities, acts of organs of Russian government, etc. 7.2. On occasions specified in the clause 7.1, the Party, which force-majeure occurred for, shall immediately and at least 7 days from the moment of its occurrence notify the other Party of the occasion in written form. Notification shall include the information about nature of circumstances, as well as the estimation of their influence on the opportunity to fulfill the obligations within the present Contract and the period of fulfillment, as well as confirmation of force-majeure by competent authority. Non-notification and untimely notification deprive appropriate party of a right to refer to any above-mentioned circumstance as on the basis which releases from responsibility for nonfulfillment of obligations. 7.3. The period of fulfillment of obligations, appropriate fulfillment of which appeared to be impossible due to force- majeure, shall be postponed to the appropriate period of time equal to validity of these circumstances. 7.4. In case of force-majeure continuation for over 60 (sixty) calendar days, the Parties shall be entitled to cancel the Contract with notification 10 (ten) calendar days before, having preliminary regulated material relationship.
8. Arbitration 8.1. All disputes, related to fulfillment of the obligations by the Parties within the present Contract, shall be settled by means of negotiations. 8.2. The Parties shall be obliged to observe complaint procedure of dispute settlement before forwarding disputable matter to the Arbitration Court of the Moscow Region. 8.3. In case if the agreement is not reached, disputes between parties shall be forwarded to the Arbitration Court of the Moscow Region and shall be settled in the procedure specified by the legislation of the Russian Federation.
9. Other Conditions 9.1. The present Contract may be changed or canceled by agreement of the Parties. This agreement shall be in written form, signed by authorized representatives of the Parties and become an integral part of the present Contract from the date of its signing by the Parties. 9.2. The present Contract is drawn up in duplicate, each for the Party, with equal legal force. 9.3. The Forwarder shall be entitled to conclude freight-forwarding contracts with third parties in own name and at the Client’s expense. 9.4. The documents received by means of fax, electronic connection shall be admitted as literal proof. The Parties shall be obliged to provide each other with the original documents within the shortest time period.
10. Company Details and Signatures of Parties
FORWARDER: “Svetlana”-K, Ltd. Client:
Legal address: 29, Dzerzhinskogo str., Korolyov city, Legal address: Moscow Region, 141080. Current address: Postal address: P.O. Box 1928, 8, Yubileinaya str., INN/KPP: Medvezhyi Ozyora, Moscow Region, 141143. Current account: INN 5018053524, KPP 509950001, OGRN 1025002032384 Bank: Current account 40702810801200002662 in «ALFA-BANK» OJSC Correspondent account: Correspondent account 30101810200000000593 BIK: BIK 044525593 6
Tel./fax: +7 (495) 708-48-48; 8-800-200-46-48 OKPO: Fax: +7(495) 708-98-89 OKVED: E-mail: info @ svetlana - k .ru Tel.: Fax: Director General of “Svetlana”-K, Ltd. E-mail:
______/Kartashov G.A./ Director General
______Place of seal ______/______/
Place of seal 7
Appendix No 01 dated «__»______2014г. Of the Contract No ______dated «__» ______2014г.
1. Intracity forwarding: Table No1. Cost of intracity logistics organization by vehicular transportation (hourly rate) within Moscow and Moscow Region
Vehicle type (curtain) Cost of vehicle operation, rub. incl. VAT 18% Gazel (up to 4 Bychock (up to KamAZ (up to 8 KamAZ (up to Eighteen-wheeler europallet, up to 6 europallet, up europallet, up to 12 europallet, (up to 33 europallet, 1,5 tons to 3 tons, 15 5 tons, 24 cubic up to 10 tons up to 20 tons 8cubic m.) cubic m.) m.) 33 cubic m.) 82 cubic m.) Minimum billable 8+1 operating time, including 4+1 5+1 6+1 7+1 1 (one) hour of pick up, hour. Hourly rate (rub.) incl. 500rub. 650rub. 700rub. 900rub. 1050rub. VAT 18%
Minimum cost for 9 450rub. delivery when payment on 2 500rub. 3 900rub. 4 900rub. 7 200rub. an hour basis, rub. incl. VAT Cost of vehicle curtain By agreement By agreement By agreement By agreement 2000rub/one way uncovering. with the with the with the with the Forwarder Forwarder Forwarder Forwarder
Table No1А. Payment conditions of vehicle entrance into Third Ring Road, Moscow Circular Railway, Garden Ring.
Payment in addition to the rates specified in the table No1, rub. incl. VAT 18% Eighteen-wheeler Gazel (up to 4 Bychok (up to KamAZ (up to KamAZ (up to (up to 33 Vehicle type (curtain) europallet, up 6 europallet, 8 europallet, 12 europallet, europallet, up to to 1,5 tons) up to 3 tons) up to 5 tons) up to 10 tons) 20 tons) Entrance to Moscow 2 hours of 2 hours vehicle - - - Circular Railway vehicle operation 1 hour of 1 hour of 1 hour of operation Entrance to Third Ring vehicle vehicle vehicle Road operation operation operation Entrance to Garden Ring By preliminary agreement and existence of vehicle with pass Table No1B. Conditions of freight delivery out of Moscow Ring Highway (Moscow Region).
Payment in addition to the rates specified in the table No1, rub. incl. VAT 18% Distance, km. From 20 km to 40 From 40 km to 60 km From 60 km to 80 km From 80 km to 100 km km Additionally paid 1 hour of vehicle 2 hours of vehicle 3 hours of vehicle 4 hours of vehicle operation operation operation operation Table No1C. Cost of insurance and armed escort of freight. 8
Expense items Cost, rub. incl. VAT 18%
Armed guard in vehicle cab per 12 operating hours or one vehicle trip (if freight cost is 4 600 from 10 000 000rub to 30 000 000rub
Cost of each operating hour of a guard, over 12 hours. 210 Escort vehicle with two armed guards per 12 operating hours or one vehicle trip (if 14000 freight cost is over 30 000 000rub) Cost of each operating hour of escort vehicle, over 12 hours. 1200 Cost of freight insurance (per cent of freight cost) (if freight cost is over 3 000 000 0,12% (three million) rub.
1.1. Rates of table No1 include: 1.1.1. VAT 18%. 1.1.2. The Forwarder’s fee; 1.1.3. Transportation within Moscow up to 20km. from the Moscow Ring Highway.
1.2. Rates of table No1 does not include: 1.2.1. Single-box (single-article) acceptance/release of freight. Rates shall increase for cost of 1 (one) operating hour (table No1) of a vehicle (Gazel, Bychock), and for cost of 2 (two) operating hours (table No1) of a vehicle (KamAZ, eighteen-wheeler). 1.2.2. Freight delivery within the Third Ring Road, Garden Ring and out of the Moscow Ring Highway, shall be additionally paid in accordance with the cost specified in table No1A and 1B. 1.2.3. Insurance and armed escort of the Client’s freight shall be additionally paid according to the cost specified in table No1C.
2. Long haul Table No2. «Cost of long haul organization by vehicles».
Type of vehicles Cost in rub. including VAT 18% Eighteen- Eighteen-wheeler Delivery Rate for wheeler (up to 33 Transportation armed escort Rate for armed Eighteen-wheeler (up to 33 europallets, up to route from period * in vehicle escort vehicle, (up to 33 europallets, 20 tons, 82 cubic Moscow to (days, excl. body. (rub. (rub. incl. VAT) europallets, up to up to 20 m.) REEFER destination cities: the loading day) incl. VAT) 20 tons, 82 cubic tons, 82 m.) CURTAIN cubic m.) ISULATED TRUCK Barnaul 6 38 000 148 930 188 000 196 000 202 000 Voronezh 1 6 900 19 120 27 000 28 000 29 000 Yekaterinburg 3 19 000 78 170 100 000 110 000 121 000 Izhevsk 2 12 700 51 880 82 000 87 000 92 000 Irkutsk 8 50 600 209 300 246 000 276 000 299 000 Kazan 2 12 700 35 900 54 000 56 000 59 000 Kemerovo 6 38 000 145 460 188 000 200 000 202 000 Krasnodar 2 19 000 52 730 60 000 63 000 65 000 Krasnoyarsk 7 44 300 166 640 205 000 207 000 219 000 Nizhniy 27 000 28 000 30 000 Novgorod 1 6 900 20 000 Novosibirsk 5 38 000 137 860 164 000 173 000 190 000 Omsk 5 33 900 110 930 141 000 150 000 156 000 Penza 1 12 700 25 880 44 000 45 000 49 000 Rostov-on-Don 2 12 700 41 860 53 000 55 000 56 000 Samara 2 12 700 42 870 61 000 64 000 68 000 St. Petersburg 1 6 900 32 520 22 000 23 000 23 000 9
Saratov 1 12 700 32 520 50 000 55 000 58 000 Surgut 5 26 500 118 580 170 000 173 000 184 000 Tomsk 6 38 000 145 870 188 000 196 000 207 000 Tyumen 4 26 500 89 840 129 000 138 000 144 000 Ufa 2 19 000 56 790 77 000 81 000 87 000 Chelyabinsk 3 19 000 73 170 100 000 110 000 121 000
* - in presence of loading address inside the Moscow Ring Highway (MRHW) with pick-up time from 06-00 to 22-00 (at Fridays and days-off - from 06-00 to 24-00), delivery period shall be extended for one day.
Table No 2А «Cost of above-norm demurrage and freight insurance» Cost, rub. incl. VAT 18% Eighteen-wheeler Eighteen-wheeler Eighteen-wheeler (up to 33 europallets, (up to 33 europallets, up Vehicle type (curtain) (up to 33 europallets, up to 20 tons, 82 cubic to 20 tons, 82 cubic m.) up to 20 tons, 82 cubic m.) ISULATED REEFER m.) CURTAIN TRUCK Cost per each hour of additional vehicle operating time on 200rub 200rub 300rub loading/unloading Cost of freight insurance (per cent 0,12% of freight cost)
2.1 Rates of table No2 include: 2.1.1. VAT-18%. 2.1.2. The Forwarder’s fee. 2.1.3. Cost of freight transportation on delivery route according to the scheme: one hour of loading – one hour of unloading. 2.1.4. Cost of freight acceptance/release by pieces (pallets). 2.1.5. Unpaid standard time for loading/unloading – summarily 8 hours. 2.1.6. Delivery of the Client’s freight, in case the freight cost in one vehicle is up to 3 000 000 (three million) rub.
2.2 Rates of table No2 does not include: 2.2.1. Cost of above-norm demurrage, on condition of vehicle arrival within operating hours of warehouse, on loading/unloading shall be paid additionally according to the cost specified in table No2A. 2.2.2. Cost of freight insurance, if its cost is over 3 000 000 (three million) rub., specified in table No2A. 2.2.3. Cost of additional loading/unloading address (within destination/departure city) - 1500 rub. incl. VAT in Moscow and 3000 rub. incl. VAT in St. Petersburg.
3. Rates validity: 3.1. The rates specified in the present Appendix shall be valid up to December, 31 2013. In case, after the expiry of validity period of the rates, neither of the Parties offers to review them, the Appendix shall be valid till signing of new rating Addendum of the Contract. 3.2. The rates specified in the present Appendix may be reviewed before expiry in case of significant (over 10%) change in fuel cost. At the time of signing of the Appendix, the Parties shall fix fuel cost at the rate of 33,61 rub. incl. VAT according to the data of Moscow Fuel Association(www.mfa.ru).
4. Signatures of Parties.
FORWARDER CLIENT Director General of “Svetlana”-K, Ltd.
______/Kartashov G.A./ /______/______/
Place of seal Place of seal 10
Appendix No 02 dated «__»______2014г. of the Contract No ______dated «__» ______2014г.
RULES of acceptance and release of freight This appendix shall confirm mutual agreement between the Parties as follows: 1. In case of loading at consignor’s warehouse, driver shall accept goods, if stock package is in undamaged condition, exceptionally by quantity of piece (pallet with palletized goods) and in the presence of appropriate freight accompanying documents with the driver. The driver shall examine safety of pallets. 2. The Client shall be obliged to specify the quantity of pallets as pieces in freight accompanying documents. In case of specifying boxes as pieces, the Forwarder shall not be responsible for safety of the boxes. Pallet shall be wrapped with cellulosic packing film without traces of disclosure. 3. Driver shall be obliged to examine the correspondence of stowage in vehicle to the requirements of safety traffic and to provision of vehicle safety, as well as to inform consignor and the Client about the noticed failures concerning stowage rules and securing of freight, which can endanger its safety. Stowage rules shall be as follows: - boxes put on a pallet shall not stand proud of the pallet; - height of a pallet of maximum allowable size shall be in accordance with maximum load on lower box; - gravity centre of boxes put on pallet shall not be shifted; - pallet shall be accurately wrapped with wrap film (3-4 turns all over the perimeter including top); - pallets shall not be put on each other; 4. At driver’s request the Client shall be obliged to correct detected faultiness in stowage and freight security or to organize their correction by consignor. In case of possibility of visual detection of defects, shortage or damage, including package damage, driver shall be entitled to demand to change damaged or inadequate (according to the requirements worded in the clause 1 of the present Appendix) freight or to refuse from its loading. In case consignor refuses to fulfill the requirements concerning loading procedure, driver shall specify this information in freight accompanying documents (shipping document) and in Demurrage report, confirming them with its signature, as well as with the signature and seal (stamp) of consignor. Responsibility for fulfillment of consignor’s obligations, listed in this clause, shall be incurred by the Client. 5. Consignor’s filling of the field, which includes information about condition of freight and its package at the moment of loading, shall be obligatory in shipping documents. In case consignor does not fill the specified field of shipping document, the Client shall not be entitled to refer to the fact that the information, specified in the shipping document, about condition of freight and its package at the moment of loading, is incorrect, as well as to the fact that consignor has not directed the driver to accept the freight, which is defective, incomplete, damaged, inappropriately packed or inconsistent with requirements specified in the present appendix, for transportation. 6. Circumstances, which can be the basis for material responsibility of the Forwarder, consignors and consignees when vehicle freight forwarding, shall be confirmed with the notes of consignor (consignee) and the Forwarder in shipping documents. Shipping documents may include the following circumstances: a) breakage or damage of freight; b) discrepancy of title, weight and piece quantity of freight specifically to the information specified in shipping document; c) failure or absence of seals on body or section of a vehicle; d) Forwarder’s pick up of vehicles inadequate for transportation of such freight and not qualified for sanitary requirements; e) other circumstances which can be the basis for material responsibility of parties. Notes, specified in the clause 3 of the present article, shall be confirmed by the signatures of consignor (consignee) and driver in shipping documents. One-side notes in shipping documents made by consignor (consignee) or driver shall be invalid. In case of dispute between driver and consignor (consignee), the circumstances, which can be the basis for their material responsibility, shall be drawn up in an act (example below). The acts can be drawn up in the cases when it is necessary to describe the circumstances in detail, which could not be made in shipping documents. Neither of parties shall be entitled to refuse from signing the acts. In case of disagreement with the content of the act, each party shall be entitled to air its opinion. In case of refusal from drawing up the act and making a mark in shipping documents related to shortage, breakage or damage of freight, the act shall be drawn up in the presence of representative of uninterested organization. A mark of drawing up of the act shall be made in shipping documents. In the cases when freight arrived in vehicles, trailers, vehicle sections sealed by consignors, condition of specified seals and their details shall be mentioned in the act, and the seals shall be applied to complaint files.
"__" ______2014 г.
Automobile operating company or organization______Brand and identification number of vehicle ______Trailer No ______The present act is drawn up in presence of: ______(surname, job position) ______Consignor ______Consignee ______Shipping document No ______dated "__" ______20__ г. ______Freight title ______Description of circumstances which caused drawing up the act:______
FORWARDER CLIENT Director General of “Svetlana”-K, Ltd.
______/Kartashov G.A./ /______/______/
Place of seal Place of seal
Appendix No 03 dated «__»______2014г. of the Contract No ______dated «__» ______2014г. INSTRUCTION TO FORWARDER ( EXAMPLE ) Application for vehicle № Date 12 of the Contract № Date Forwarder : “Svetlana”-K, Ltd., +7-495-708-48-48 Responsible party, tel.: Contact name and telephone number for connection in case of emergency Customer : Responsible party, tel.: Contact name and telephone number for connection in case of emergency Consignor : Loading address: City Address Contact name, tel.: Date and time of loading: dd.mm.yyyy from: hh:mm to: hh:mm Notes: Consignor shall be obliged to provide driver with waybill or shipping documents of freight Consignee : Delivery address: City Address Contact name, tel.: Delivery date: Unloading time From: hh:mm To: hh:mm Notes: Freight description : Number of pieces: Type of package Weight, kg Volume, cubic m. Other Vehicle type Type of vehicle body Type of loading/unloading (rear-, over-/side, etc.) Insurance Declared value of freight, rub Rate of insurance, rub Forwarding Security required Temperature conditions Pass order Specific conditions: Agreed transportation value, rub (per hour), incl. VAT Minimum time of vehicle operation Payment shall be made on the basis of the Contract No № dated Confirmation of application (shall be filled by Forwarder) License plate number of vehicle Driver’s name Driver’s passport details Driver’s cellphone number Forwarder ( full name )______Client ( full name )______Place of seal Place of seal Applications directed by the Parties via e-mail or fax connection shall have full force and effect
FORWARDER CLIENT Director General of “Svetlana”-K, Ltd.
______/Kartashov G.A./ /______/______/
Place of seal Place of seal