ACADEMIC REGISTRY Systems Support and Development Pro-forma for a new Course Block Occurrence

This form is only to be used to create new course block occurrences (CBO) in SITS where a course is already in existence and is fully validated. Where no course or route exists normal validation procedures must be followed.

Please complete all fields and e-mail to the Course File Maintenance team in Registry Services at [email protected].

Course Code: (Family code to which the CBO will belong)

Faculty and Department (eg HLS and JA Healthcare)

Location: (eg Newcastle/Singapore/ Other UK

Institution: (eg Northumbria/Marketing Institute of Singapore/Distance Learning)

Major Source of Funding: (eg HEFCE, Tuition Fees only, NHS)

Mode of Attendance: (eg FT, PT, THK Sand)

For Collaborative Provision: Is this a Franchised or Validated Programme?

Overall length of Programme: (eg 1 year/3 years)

Is this a Closed Course? Y/N

Type of Award (eg Bachelor of Arts/Master of Science)

Programme PAB PAB Decision Start Date End Date Level of Placement Credit Progress/Award or Year Date eg 1, 2, 3 dd/mm/yy dd/mm/yy Study Y/N Points Continue at same mm/yy level

Updated July 2013