Computer Science Self Study / Review

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Computer Science Self Study / Review

2007 Computer Science Seven Year External Review Departmental Response and Action Plan Phase II – Addressing Curriculum Deficiencies

Analysis of Concerns Identified by Dr. Impagliazzo:

Dr. Impagliazzo’s concerns can be categorized into three major categories. The first category falls under the program objectives and assessment; the second category falls under curriculum deficiencies, and the third category falls under resource deficiencies.

A) Program Objectives and Assessment: In the area of assessment, the concerns are focused on the departments mission; identification of stake holders, lack of measurable program objectives, lack of direct assessment of program outcomes and sporadic and marginal data collection.

B) Curriculum Deficiencies: In the area of curriculum deficiencies, the concerns were primarily on the mathematic and science requirements. Some concerns were also raised regarding how the department ensures that area such as verbal and written communication, ethical conduct, and understanding of social implications of technology are reinforced and measured.

Dr. Impagliazzo did not voice any concerns about the core or advanced areas of computing. However, in order to address the identified deficiencies, the department may have to modify its core requirements. The department’s curriculum committee will be brainstorming this issue during the spring 2007 semester. Below is a detailed list of concerns raised by Dr. Impagliazzo:

1) Mathematics requirements need adjustment. The current technical calculus courses (M208/M209) are not necessarily of high quality or what would be suitable for science majors. 2) The program’s math requirement is one credit short of the current ABET requirements. (The C251 (discrete mathematics / foundations of digital computing) could be counted as part of the mathematical requirements for our majors. For example, the 3 credit C251 can be viewed as 2 credits of CS, and one credit of Mathematics.) 3) The science requirements need adjustment. CS majors should be required to take science courses that are designed for science majors only. Students need to be exposed to scientific methods. 4) Ethics, social impacts of computing must be covered in one or more specific core courses or maybe a distinct one credit course. They should be documented, measured, and assessed. 5) Written and verbal communication skills must be developed and applied in one or more specific core courses. They should be documented, measured, and assessed.

C) Resource Deficiencies: In the area of resource needs, the concerns were primarily on the insufficient base funding for departmental laboratories, lack of access to IEEE journals, lack of release for associate chair in computer science, elevated advising load, insufficient travel funds for the level of scholarly activities and lack of base funding for replacement of faculty research equipment.

1 C) Resource Deficiencies

C1) Current base funding for the CS laboratory is $10,000. In order to maintain a 3 year replacement cycle, approximately $30,000 will be needed. Currently, the CS labs are adequate; however, there is no stable source of funding for replacing equipment. In the recent past, the department has relied on budget augmentation, LAS college funds, CTE funds, or other one time budget requests.

Action Plan: In order to maintain a 3 year replacement cycle, approximately $30,000 will be needed.

Administration Response: We’ll keep trying.

C2) Currently, the department associate chair receives no release time. Given the size and scope of responsibility of the associate chair (e.g. scheduling, advising, backing up the chair, etc.), a release may be appropriate. Currently, the associate chair receives $1,200 stipend.

Action Plan: Request at least one course release per year for the associate chair in computer science.

Administration Response: Not feasible at this time.

Distribute the advising among faculty, to reduce the load of the chair and associate chair. Also, redistribute the responsibilities of the chair, associate chair and the informatics director, so that a release is not needed.

C3) The department has access to ACM electronic journals and conference proceedings, however lacks access to IEEE publications. A full subscription to IEEE, costs approximately $17,000, however a smaller subset may be obtained for approximately $3,000).

Action Plan: Request that the library purchase a subscription to the IEEE. At this point a smaller subset may be obtained for approximately $3,000. The informatics library budget could be used for this purpose.

Informatics Response: Informatics will use its library budget to pay for electronic subscription to a subset (5) IEEE publications. This should cost approximately 3000 per year.

2 C4) Currently, the undergraduate advising load is divided between two faculty members. Each advising approximately 75 to 80 students per year. According to Dr. Impagliazzo, the advising load is too high, either a release, or some other method must be employed to reduce the advising ratio to 25 to 1 or fewer.

Action Plan: Either provide release time to existing advisors or divide the students among the faculty. Maintain an advising ratio which is 25 to 1 or less.

C5) Travel funds appear to be inadequate for the level of faculty scholarly activity.

Action Plan: Request additional travel funds for the college. Subsidize faculty travel from informatics travel budget.

College Response: College travel budget is not quite adequate for the number of faculty in the college. The college has been redirecting funds from unspent S&E account to subsidize travel. Given the large number of new faculty and the level of publication, we will continue to seek additional funding from the administration.

Informatics Response: We need a policy about this. How about the following:

1) All travel requests should first go through the dean’s office. 2) All international travel (places other than 48 contiguous) should first try to get foreign travel funding from IUB. 3) Use external grant account if available. 4) Use other campus or university resources (i.e. Assessment grants, Vice chancellor’s office, etc.) 5) If none of the above sources cover the expenses, and if funding is available, the informatics director will try to cover expenses as follows: a) For presentations: Up to 1000 per trip, up to 2 trips per year. b) For attendance: Up to $500 per trip/ per year. c) For journal publications: Up to $500 per article / per year.

C6) There is no plan/budget for replacing faculty research equipment.

Action Plan: In addition to encouraging faculty to obtain external grants, the graduate program should work more closely with the IU central administration to further develop the research infrastructure at IU South Bend. This includes budgetary planning for research equipment.

Overhead funding from existing grants should be used as seed funding for additional faculty research

3 support.

Administration Response: Use external grants.

C7) Assessment Implementation Funding: a) Startup: A total of 4 course release for the next two year to prepare the assessment instruments, develop rubrics, collect analyze the data, and refine the instruments. b) Funds for attending conferences and workshops on accreditation and assessment. c) Sustain and Maintain: One course release per year to collect and maintain accreditation documents.

Action Plan: Startup: Request one course release per semester for a period of two years. The release will allow for the creation of a departmental assessment czar. This individual will work with the faculty, the assessment committee and UCET to prepare the assessment instruments, develop rubrics, surveys, collect analyze the data, and refine the instruments.

Submit an assessment grant proposal, requesting $2000 to attend workshops on ABET assessment and accreditation.

Sustain and Maintain: Request one course release for one faculty to systematically collect and maintain assessment data, keeping the department on track for future accreditation visits.

Administration Response: Use assessment grants to get release time for startup issues.

Develop a mechanism by which the secretary could be in charge of collecting and maintaining the assessment data.


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