Galiano Island Recycling Resources Society

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Galiano Island Recycling Resources Society


Bonnie, Paul, Susie, Heiko, Gord, Chris

1. Adoption of Agenda: moved paul second susie carried yes

2. Approval of Minutes: moved paul second susie carried yes

3. Correspondence:

Chris sent out hazardous waste - show us the wording, weren't into it, so cancelled, clearly not the case...we got an email couple months ago and Chris put in in the active page, now in summer people are coming concerned...does SGRT have anything to say about this? Doesn't seem to...came out of nowhere that it's not happening anymore...used to do it in Feb, very popular...totally ridiculous to cancel. Chris will bring up again at next coalition meeting...could only guess that it was a CRD program, they just used our space not our staff. Bonnie says to bring it up at the coalition meeting for sure, and to get a petition going to show the interest that there is. The coalition may like to do this on every island. Might have a big effect and would pair well with membership drive on the 6th. Bonnie will look into what the petition needs to look like to be legit. Petition for August.

Haz waste is motor oil, chemicals, etc.

Letter from Cascades, looking into rigid plastics, where does it go? Blow up the details to put on the wall so people can see just where all the things that goes to Cascades goes. Some stuff even goes to South Korea.

Letter to the CRD from the Southern Gulf Islands, report coming up, how can we help, response was basically, don't you worry your pretty little heads, letter to test the water, are we on the radar, next step to write to MMBC and the Ministry as it appears that we are not on the radar. Not really shocked, two years away, election in between, we should still keep in their ear and remind them we are here, "coalition of pitbulls" moved second carried

4. Business Arising: ·Employee Relations – staff/board fun day - Bonnie thinks this should become an annual event with a better name, Heiko will work on for next year...we'll try to be sure Orion and Maica can be there next year to really cement the party :-) ·Job Descriptions: Manager Final - attached Admin Assist Final - attached Chris signed and made the descriptions final, we did massive overhauls and divided up the work with the new position, and the budget is the biggest change that Chris will take on with an acknowledged learning curve and a plan in place. Manager Final and Admin Assist still needs to be signed by Ken ·Capital Fund update - Chris sent out details, balance is 10434.99. Recommendation is to: He met with Nicole to go over how to best present financials to us and balers. Chris recommends that we should purchase a new baler. He's done the research and has it down to two machines, there not cheap, one is 17000 before freight and taxes. The other is cheaper with smaller bales, Pender island recently bought two machines, thinks the smaller one they bought was a mistake. Bigger denser bales are the trend, but that complicates the moving of them on site and on to the truck. Width can be adjusted, but not length, we do have the capacity to move the larger bales. Change of equipment, but we could do it. We are short 7000, Nicole and Chris talked about the GIC that we are about to purchase. We have four balers on the go and a new interim motor and a back up motor, the used motor is 1000, but will slowly break down and become junk even with the bandaids. We have two GICs, are we going to buy a third one? Two months from order date to when we see it. We could puchase it in a month and a half, we'll put it on the agenda for August, Chris and Nicole will bring financial plan and we can vote on it. Fantastic...sounds good Chris. Heiko wants to name it. ·Rigid Plastic estimate & recommendation - Chris, 4600 is roughly the cost each year. Heiko suggested tying costs to membership so that people know where the money goes and maybe take an interest to have a say, Chris suggested informing them on the membership form of where it goes. Heiko suggested making it more public when we buy something so that people know their money supported us to do it. Show people that CRD pays for this, and we pay for that. Will buy a baler for sure, but we still need to know where the money will come from, we should leave the GIC alone and use what's in the account perhaps. Megabag for rigid plastic was only temporary, Gord wanted to know if it was a new thing. Bonnie thinks a blurb on the bin to inform people that CRD doesn't pay for this. Other islands have a sliding scale recommendation, for example, lawnchair = $2, Chris changed our sign to say 'fee' instead of donation...good thinking. Donation to date this year are $4000 and the rigid plastic is only a small part of that, refundables and membership make up more. All of these things are chances to leverage donations. ·Fiesta Float update- Heiko has an amazing plan, rigid plastic speedo for Chris, it will happen, they have a truck and a driver and a big sign with the website URL to make people aware, on the day before, Maica and others on going to decorate it with recycling. Chris talked with Nicole yesterday and they agree that it's fine and okay, and Heiko thinks we should maybe have a GIRR booth at next year's Fiesta, games for kids, information, donation and membership drives, Gord suggested t-shirts...the GIRR shirt. We'll need volunteers on the Friday to dress up the float. ·Web page update- Chris/Heiko jumped into the project, doesn't love the clunky nature of the site, talked to Chris, got passwords, Admin access, and they are planning to launch it on the Fiesta day, there is a Facebook page for GIRR and has lots of likes, post there to announce the float and the website, social media will pass the message along, like us, we're back in action. The website piece right now is a bit of a beast, Heiko suggests we pay for it if we do it again. Subscriptions and such are tricky when things not done professionally. Email blast will start soon, Chris and he were wondering if they can dump the membership list into the notification system, tell them the websites live, and then they can choose to stay on the list or not as they like. Polite thing to do is to ask if they want monthly updates, and then they can opt out. Will prepare this for the 30th as well so that we have a cross-platform announcement, they can then track the site to see if it's a success, and down the road they can come up with something new. Heiko is going to fire Facebook up again, Instagram is also integrated into the site, so it makes sense for the redirectory to use it like they have done before. We'll need to make sure that people are educated (one or two volunteers max) about what is going on at GIRR and the Redirectory, to keep our content out there and available regularily to remind people that we are here. The standard closures, hours, info stuff can be automated and easier to deal with. Just a simple picture of what's on the table today can get people interested and coming out. Chris and Heiko will talk to Maica about getting a volunteer who would be interested in taking this on. ·Volunteers and Memberships – using our membership database to greater advantage - More Discussion - see above, and keep ideas coming in to get people more engaged, Heiko pointed out the online things can help us track who opens what and who showsn interest in what. ·Site Improvement update - Chris thinks he has found somebody. Zack gave him a quote, got second opinion on the quote, looks fair and he can start in two weeks. His work is known to be good so these 3 jobs will be just the beginning. Alan Doty changed the elements in the heaters. Bonnie will send Alan a thank you note...arduous task. Bonnie curious if we now need to be tendering for every thing we need, Nicole knows, but not here, Chris will have a conversation with Nicole to find out if we need to tender for bids on jobs, or not. We should maybe explore the casual list as well. There might be a scope of projects for the casual list, larger projects maybe need tender. Tanya and Nicole are going to work on a policy around contract labour, which is what Zack is doing. Might be redundant to keep tendering just to get the same person every time. ·Membership Drive - Bonnie away on Friday, but not on Saturday. Maric and Alan have said that they will sit and do an hour. Alan has a preference, we need to call him and book him first and then we can work around that. Chris will check on times from last year. We all need a really good membership list when sitting there, Drive of the 5th and 6th of August, Maica will plan the shifts and we'll all have really good lists. Chris will get in contact with us and keep us up to date. ·Annual Plan progress - Bonnie/Chris Bonnie wanted to say that this came out of the manager meeting and September will see a draft ready, and as time goes on, September will be when the final version is ready. Chris has had the chance to research some templates/examples to find something that fits our agenda, he has something good and it is coming together.

5. Reports: *Treasurer Report - Nicole sick - no report today. *Monthly Budget Review - Chris and Nicole worked out some strategies for this and Chris says that everything seems to be looking pretty good, might be a typo that caused some discrepancy in Membership. Chris thinks a number is wrong that he will check with Ken. The only other thing outstanding is that refundable donations are quite low for the year to date, due to a big run that we did in July to the bottle depot. The annual budget numbers are not bad, but there must be an error as the numbers are just not right. Chris will get this cleared up. Expenses - eveything looking good. Garbage/junk removal is too high, the mouldy books may be to blame, but garbage/junk removal is still pretty high. There may be a number of issues to explain this, not all bills are monthly, time of year when there is just a lot more garbage showing up at the facility. The only big number that is there is the forklift training workshop, and that makes sense and will even out by the end of the year. *GIRR Manager - Chris's report covered in the above *Policy Committee - Nicole/Tanya * Re-Directory Report - Maica/ Chris *Education - Paul said Earth eater plan coming together. Communication - Heiko - see communication notes above.

6. New Business: ·Haul backs - how are they working - YTD: what are they costing/donation amounts How does this work? Haul-backs are when the truck comes back empty, we can supplement the income by bringing stuff back and charging $100/load for south and $125 for north end, the drawback is that when we're busy, we're really busy, but when we're not, we're not. Our truck capacity isn't huge, can only hold 4 yards of soil, or a yard and half, maybe two yards of gravel. This usually happens in the shoulder seasons and gardening season. Problems can be the driveways and where to dump it. This does work, but it can be more trouble than it's worth sometimes...there is room for growth, but we need to utilise this opportunity, a lot of people don't know, but you also have to be careful about ferry schedules, and it makes for a long day for the driver, and it's hard on the truck too. Loads can wait until someone other than the driver can deliver, for example Chris in a lull on a Saturday can do it. ·SGIRC - costs Bonnie asking Chris to put together a budget to figure out how to deal with the four hours. Nicole know more, Chris will talk to her about this. SGIRC has an account to cover travel cost, rentals for meeting, but we haven't been doing this recently. ·Board/Staff Meeting Childcare Paul will send out an email with details to see if there is interest.

Heiko moves we adjourn Paul seconds adjourned at 6:15

Next Meeting: August 18th

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