Mr. Go’s Editing Codes

Most common:

DQ: Dropped quotation: embed quotation into the syntax (grammatical structure) of your analysis (combine quotation with analysis). See examples of this on the GERRC paragraph exemplar posted on the Writing support wikispace. syn: find a synonym or rephrase (aim for academic tone and clarity). spec: be more specific or narrow ideas (often in the thesis: remember that you are required to take the original topic and hone in on a more specific argument as the opinion statement followed by three subarguments that support that idea. At the start of each body paragraph, consider how those larger subarguments can be further broken into components or more specific considerations; 3 key ideas). full: write in full (often applies to numbers that can be expressed as two words or less). no break: avoid breaking works and citations at the ends of lines.

? : confusing idea or problem in logic. tr: use transition word or phrase and link closer to the ideas in the sentences before and after. ------see below for more------

Abbreviations consideratn = consideration ( small underlined “n” = “tion”) cxn: connection w/: with b/c: because

Other tips - Maintain Academic tone both in your analysis and inside quotations used as evidence. o Stay in present tense o Use third person void (avoid “I”, “we”, “our”, “us”, “you”) o Avoid contractions (can’t, won’t, don’t)