Technology Leader Unit: All About Me

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Technology Leader Unit: All About Me

Technology Leader Unit: All About Me

Name: Jenny Engels

Grade Level/Area: 2nd Grade Math and Literacy

Name of Unit: All About Me

Common Core State Standards: RL.2.1. Ask and answer such questions as who, what, where, when, why, and how to demonstrate understanding of key details in a text. RL.2.7. Use information gained from the illustrations and words in a print or digital text to demonstrate understanding of its characters, setting, or plot. RL.2.9. Compare and contrast two or more versions of the same story (e.g., Cinderella stories) by different authors or from different cultures. RF.2.4. Read with sufficient accuracy and fluency to support comprehension. W.2.2. Write informative/explanatory texts in which they introduce a topic, use facts and definitions to develop points, and provide a concluding statement or section. W.2.8. Recall information from experiences or gather information from provided sources to answer a question. SL.2.4. Tell a story or recount an experience with appropriate facts and relevant, descriptive details, speaking audibly in coherent sentences. SL.2.5. Create audio recordings of stories or poems; add drawings or other visual displays to stories or recounts of experiences when appropriate to clarify ideas, thoughts, and feelings. 2.MD.10. Draw a picture graph and a bar graph (with single-unit scale) to represent a data set with up to four categories. Solve simple put-together, take-apart, and compare problems using information presented in a bar graph.

Big Idea: Students celebrate their individuality and learn about similarities and differences.

Key Concepts/Key Questions: What makes me special? How am I similar to other people? How am I different from other people? What is important about me?

Skills, Knowledge, and Vocabulary to Understand the Content: Skills: Demonstrates understanding of text that is read aloud; recalls information from experiences; clarifies thoughts, ideas, or feelings with visual displays; draws a picture graph and a bar graph to represent data; uses data from a bar graph to solve problems Knowledge: Information from personal experiences Vocabulary: Compare, contrast, similar, different, unique, special, graph Unit Overview: All About Me Pre-Assessment Lesson 1: Name Fame-Smartboard Graph Lesson 2: Happy Birthday Class-Smartboard Birthday Graph Lesson 3: In the Mirror-Photos with Digital Cameras Lesson 4: The Way I Feel-Smartboard Morning Sign In Lesson 5: I Like Me-Wordle All About Me Post-Assessment Culminating Activity: Pixie Slideshow All About Me Pre-Assessment Name: ______

1. Use the name wall. How many girls are in this class? ______

2. Use the name wall. How many boys are in our class? ______

3. How many students do we have all together? ______

4. Using this information, create a bar graph below.

13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 girls boys

5. Why do we use bar graphs? ______


6. Name one similarity (thing that is the same) between you and a friend in class. ______

7. Name one difference (thing that is not the same) between you and a friend in class. ______

All About Me Pre-Assessment Rubric

Graphing Data 4-5 points 3 points 0-2 points Compare/Contrast 2 or more points 1 point 0 points Lesson 1: Name Fame-Smartboard Graph

Note: Give the All About Me Pre-Assessment prior to this lesson. Modify according to student needs.

 Discuss: Have you ever thought about your name? How were you named? Is there an interesting story about how you got your name?  Introduce the poem, "Everybody Has a Name." Read together several times until students become familiar with it.  Before reading: Show the cover of the book Chrysanthemum. Ask students to make predictions. Do a group picture walk and ask the following questions:  Read the story.  Post-reading: Talk about Chrysanthemum's name and how she felt at different times in the story. Were our predictions correct? Do you think Chrysanthemum's name is special? What about your own name? How do you feel about your own name?  Let's find out more about our names, like who has the longest or shortest name. How could we do that? Graphs help us communicate information visually or with our eyes. It is an easy way to understand information. (Show a graph from a newspaper or magazine and talk about the meaning). First we have to gather the information.  Give each student the Lesson 1: Name Fame Activity Sheet. Tell them to print the letters of their first names in each of the squares and then count out how many letters are in their names.  Introduce the Smart board. Model with the letters in your own name how we will be graphing our data. Call students up one group at a time to drag the box on the graph. Students should duplicate the graph on their papers.  Summarize what students have done and interpret the graph results by using a language experience approach at the bottom of the graph.  After the graphing activity is completed, have students make a journal writing entry with something about their names. It may be a good idea to give students a sentence starter like: I like my name because______. I don't like my name because______. I wish my name was______because ______.  If time allows, have students share their journal entries.

Assessments Journal Writing (see rubric)

Extensions Name Math: Have students write their names with each letter on a square card. Then have students work together with partners to create addition, subtraction, or story problems using their names. Everybody Has a Name By Jean Warren

Everybody has a name. Some are different, some the same. Some are short, some are long, All are right, none are wrong. My name is ______. It's special to me. It's exactly who I want to be. Lesson 1: Name Fame

1. Write your name in the boxes below with one letter in each box.

2. How many letters are in your name? ______

3. Use the information from your class on the Smart board to complete the graph below.

Our Class Name Graph s t n e d u t S f o r e b m u N

3 letter 4 letter 5 letter 6 letter 7 letter 8 letter 9 letter 10 letter names names names names names names names names

Use the Smart board and your graph to complete the summary below.

4. There are ______students in our class.

5. ______has the longest name with ______letters.

6. ______has the shortest name with ______letters.

7. The most students in class have names with ______letters.

8. Today I learned ______

______. Journal Writing Rubric

I stayed on topic, I stayed on topic I wrote mostly Ideas used good details, and used some about my topic but and showed creative details. sometimes got off- thinking. track. I spelled all of my I spelled most of my word wall words word wall words I need to recheck Spelling/Conventions correctly. I also correctly. I used my sentences for used correct correct punctuation spelling, punctuation, punctuation and and capitalization and capitalization. capitalization. most of the time. My work is neatly written or typed. I My work is neatly My writing is Presentation added something to written or typed. readable. make my work special (picture, color print, border...) Lesson 2: Happy Birthday Class Part 1-Interactive Calendars

 What happens to you once a year that is special? (Acceptable answers would be Christmas, Easter, and Thanksgiving, but you are looking for birthdays.) o What is so special about your birthday? o How much time goes by from one birthday to the next? Show a calendar with twelve months and tell students that there are twelve months in a year. Count them together.  Show “Twelve Months in a Year” song on YouTube ( v=EEOhuuKtFYU&feature=related) For kinesethetic learners, have everybody stand up and sing along with the Macarena motions (“Montharena”)  Show the month of September. Tell them a month is made up of weeks and days. It is the second largest amount of calendar time.  A week is the next biggest amount of time. A week is made up of seven days from Sunday to Saturday. Count together how many weeks there are in August. There are four weeks in that month.  Show “Seven Days in a Week” song on YouTube ( v=wazQHVRGYKQ) Practice and sing along.  Turn the calendar to next month, which is October. How many weeks are in October? Count them together. Now tell students in a month there are 30 to 31 days, except for February. February usually has 28 days.  Review: What is the shortest time on a calendar? Have students point to a day you highlighted. What is the largest amount of calendar time? Have a student show all the months in your whole calendar. Seven days equal one______(week) in calendar time.  Students practice calendar skills independently on computers or Smart board: o Interactive Calendar o Days of the Week (Adam’s Family Tune) v=OPzIbbvoiMA&feature=related o Twelve Months in a Year Cheer v=z0tp8oFqBXM&feature=related

Assessments Participation in the group discussions, singing, and counting (formative)

Extensions Design your own calendar; mark the birthdays of classmates/family members Lesson 2: Happy Birthday Class Part 2-Smartboard Birthday Graph

 Play “The Birthday Song" on cd. What do you think we will talk about today? Tell them another special thing about each of them is the day they were born. Ask if anybody has an interesting birthday story to tell. Ask if everybody knows when his or her birthday is.  Before reading: Introduce the book, Happy Birthday to You. Cover the text and use the cover to predict what the story is about. Ask: What do you think is happening in this book? How do you know? Show pages 6 and 18. Talk about the illustrations on those pages.  Read the story.  After reading: discuss how good having a birthday makes a person feel. It makes them feel special, like the most important person in the world.  We are going to celebrate everyone's birthday this year and we need to find a way to let all students in the class know when all the birthdays are. How could we show that information? Make a birthday graph and display it on the wall next to the calendar.  Refer to yesterday's lesson on calendar time. Who can remember the vocabulary words we learned? (month, week, day) Sing "Twelve Months in a Year" and "Seven Days in a Week" songs to review.  Give each student the Class Birthday Graph activity sheet. Tell them to write their birthday on the sheet. They may use the class birthday poster as a reference.  Review graphing on the Smart board. Model with your own birthday to show how we will be graphing our data. Call students up one group at a time to drag the box on the graph. Students should duplicate the graph on their papers.  Summarize what students have done and interpret the graph results by using a language experience approach at the bottom of the graph.  After the graphing activity is completed, have students make a journal writing entry with something about their birthday. It may be a good idea to give students a sentence starter like: I like my birthday because______. The best part about my birthday is ______, I wish my birthday was______because ______.  If time allows, have students share their journal entries. Use these as a formative assessment.

Assessments Journal Writing (see rubric)

Extensions Read Lemonade for Sale. Relate the birthday graphing to the graphs the students in the book made. Ask if graphing makes the information easier to understand. Lesson 2: Happy Birthday Class!

Name: ______

1. Write your birthday below.

______, ______month day year

2. How old are you? ______

3. Use the information from your class on the Smart board to complete the graph below.

Our Class Birthday Graph s t n e d u t S f o r e b m u N

Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec.

Use the Smart board and your graph to complete the summary below.

4. There are ______students in our class.

5. ______has the most birthdays.

6. ______has the least birthdays.

7. The most students in class have birthdays in ______.

8. Today I learned ______

______. Lesson 3: In the Mirror-Kidspiration Web and Photos with Digital Cameras

 Just as we all have different names and birthdays, we all see something different when we look in the mirror.  Before reading: Introduce the story In the Mirror. Show the cover and have students make predictions on what the story will be about. Take a picture walk to introduce the story vocabulary. For example, what is the little girl looking at on page 2? (Her fingers).  Read the story.  After reading: Discuss predictions. What different parts did the girl look at?  Have students find a partner. Give each pair a small mirror. Tell them to look at themselves in the mirror just like the little girl in the story did. Find different body parts to look at other than the ones mentioned in this story. (Example: hair, eye, lips, foot, wrists, leg, arm, ankle, neck, chin, etc.). Remind them of appropriate use of the mirror and body parts.  After 5 minutes, have a class discussion about the different parts they looked at in the mirror. Use a Kidspiration Web to display their ideas in the form of pictures.  Tell students together they are going to make a reproduction of In the Mirror with the body parts brainstormed on the class web. They will be using digital cameras.  Model use of the digital cameras on the Elmo, showing how to take pictures, view pictures, zoom in, and zoom out.  Review Teamwork Rubric for group member expectations.  Divide students into groups of 4. They should write down 8 different body parts they want to photograph on their “Room 179 in the Mirror” book pages. Students should choose use the class brainstorming web and word walls as a reference to fill in their sheets. Each group member may take 1 picture and pose for 1 picture.  End the lesson by sharing all the students’ photos and writing on the Elmo. Then combine into a class book called “Room 179 in the Mirror.”

Assessments Teamwork Rubric

Extensions Body Collage: Use the pictures taken by the students to create a body collage—putting together eyes, ears, legs, arms, etc. Glue photo here See my ______.

Glue photo here See my ______.

Glue photo here See my ______.


Group Members: ______

I asked a question when I I asked a question I did not ask any Questioning didn’t understand when I didn’t questions. something or wanted to understand know more. something. Participation I participated by sharing I participated by I did not share my ideas. my ideas and listening to sharing my ideas. others. Respect I made nice comments to I got along with the I did not get along with people in my group. (What people in my group. the people in my group. a great idea! Good question...)

Explain: ______

______Lesson 4: The Way I Feel-Smart board Morning Sign In and Digital Cameras

 Show a selection of pictures to students. Each picture portrays a different emotion. Have the students guess how the person/character is feeling in each picture.  Listen to I Feel audio book on YouTube ( Ztd0XMUo&feature=related)  Show the Feelings poster on the Smart board  Have students come to the board to drag the face that describes their feeling next to their names. Explain that this will be part of the morning routine each day.  Before reading: Introduce the story The Way I Feel. Show the cover and have students make predictions on what the story will be about. Take a picture walk to introduce the story vocabulary.  Read the story.  After reading: Discuss predictions. What are some of the feelings the characters described? How did the pictures help us understand the characters’ feelings?  Brainstorm different feelings using Inspiration Rapidfire. Leave displayed on the board.  Hand out “The Way I Feel” activity sheet. Students should choose use the class brainstorming web and word walls as a reference to fill in their sheets.  Review use of digital cameras.  With a partner, use the digital camera to take photographs that show different feelings. Print and glue onto the writing page.  Students may share their work using the Elmo. We will post their work throughout the room.  End the lesson by reading the poem "I'm Glad I'm Me." Tell them they will explore more about themselves in tomorrow's lesson.

Assessments Teamwork Rubric

Extensions Sing “My Feelings” song on YouTube ( Read Sometimes I Feel Silly by Jamie Lee Curtis Feelings charades Feelings Bingo Opposites Matching (happy-sad, scared-brave) The Way I Feel by ______

Sometimes I feel ______,

And sometimes I feel ______.

Sometimes I like to ______,

But sometimes I like to ______.

Sometimes I want to ______,

And other times I want to ______.

But the one thing I know—no matter what—I always

______! I'm Glad I'm Me

No one looks the way I do.

I have noticed that it's true.

No one walks the way I walk.

No one talks the way I talk.

No one plays the way I play.

No one says the things I say.

I am special.

I am me.

There's no one else I'd rather be!

Lesson 5: I Like Me-Wordle

 Discuss the feelings poems from yesterday. We all have different feelings at different times, but that is part of what makes us who we are.  Today we will be comparing two stories: I Like Me and Being Me.  Before reading: o Introduce the books I Like Me and Being Me. o Make predictions about the story.  Divide students into partners; they will read each story together.  Read I Like Me and Being Me.  After reading: When partners finish reading, they should add 1-2 ideas to the Venn Diagram on the Smart board. Discuss as a class when all have finished.  Next we will be doing a writing activity where we make a list of words that describe ourselves. Model for students on the Smart board.  Have students take out their writing journals and make a list of words that tell about themselves. Students should use their word walls and the Smart board as a resource.  Go to the computer lab bringing the writing journals. Model for students how they will use their list of words to create a word cloud about themselves on Wordle ( o Explain that the more times I type a word, the bigger that word will show up. o Show how to copy their entire text before creating the wordle in case they want to make changes or redo it.  Circulate and assist students as needed.  Print, share with class, and hang above their cubbies.

Assessments Participation; appropriate usage of computers (formative)

Extensions Create a Wordle for a family member or staff member Create a word cloud on Tagxedo (

All About Me Post-Assessment Name: ______

1. Use the table to fill in the graph.

Class Pets Graph Dogs Cats Birds Fish Snakes

8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Dogs Cats Birds Fish Snakes

2. Which pet do the most students have? ______

3. Which pet do the least students have? ______

4. Why do we use bar graphs? ______


5. Name two or more similarities (things that are the same) between you and a friend in class. ______


6. Name two or more differences (things that are not the same) between you and a friend in class. ______


All About Me Post-Assessment Rubric

Graphing Data 7-8 points 5-6 points 0-4 points Compare/Contrast 4 or more points 2-3 point 0-1 point Culminating Activity: Pixie Slideshow  Students have spent the entire week learning reflecting upon themselves and learning similarities and differences with other students.  The final activity will involve each child create a slide about themselves using Pixie.  Students will write the following information into a paragraph (blank or modified provided). o How many letters are in their name o What month their birthday is in o One or more physical characteristics (boy, girl, eye color, hair color, etc.) o One or more feelings that describe them (happy, energetic, quiet, etc.) o One or more hobbies or interests that they have (swimming, reading, drawing, etc.)  Students create a digital representation of their written paragraphs on a slide in Pixie (using words or pictures).  Students then use the recording feature to read their paragraphs on the slideshow.  Once all slides are created, we will watch the slideshow as a class.  The slideshow will be burned on DVD and sent home so students can watch it with their families.

Assessment All About Me Slideshow Rubric All About Me












______All About Me



My name is ______.

Guess how many letters are in my name? ______!number

My birthday is ______month day year and I am ______years old. I have ______hair, age color

______eyes, and a ______smile. color describing word

Sometimes I feel ______and feeling word other times I feel ______. feeling word

I like to do many things, like ______, hobby or interest

______, and ______. hobby or interest hobby or interest

Being me is ______! describing word All About Me Final Project Name: ______

We have been learning about how we are similar and different from our classmates. Now you will share this information with your classmates. First, you will write a paragraph about yourself that reviews all the information we have learned about this week. Next, you will use that information to create a slide in Pixie. Finally, you will record yourself reading your paragraph as part of the slideshow in Pixie.

All About Me List (must be included in your paragraph)  How many letters are in your name?  In what month is your birthday?  Use one or more describing words about the way you look (boy, girl, eye color, hair color)  Use one or more describing words about the way you feel (happy, energetic, quiet)  Describe one or more of your hobbies or interests (swimming, reading, drawing)

All About Me Slideshow Rubric

Ideas I included all of the I included all of the I included some of items from the “All items from the “All the items from the About Me” list, plus I About Me” list. “All About Me” list. added extra information or details. Presentation My slide is easy to My slide is easy to My slide is difficult read. I included at read. I included some to read. least one picture for pictures. each item on my list. Recording I read my paragraph I read my paragraph I need extra practice fluently and with fluently. reading my paragraph. expression.

I think I did ______because ______



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