Proposal Cover Sheet s1

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Proposal Cover Sheet s1

Proposal Cover Sheet Term: Fall 2011 5 Instructor: Dr. Nora Demers

Name: Michael Saenz

Present Year in Education: Senior 10 E-mail Address: [email protected]

Major: Environmental Studies

15 Have you identified a research mentor for a senior thesis (if applicable)? No If yes, please identify.

Name: n/a

20 Title of Proposal:

“How has predation by the invasive Lionfish, Pterois volitans, impacted the juvenile populations of the Rainbow Parrotfish, Scarus guacamaia, known to depend on Bahamian mangrove habitat?”

25 Keywords (3-5): Pterois volitans, Scarus guacamaia, mangrove(s), invasive, Bahamas


30 All required portions of the first submission are included: Yes

I had an external reviewer read the proposal: Yes

If Yes, who? Holly Taylor (Mother), Dr. Greg Tolley, Professor Nora Demers 35 I authorize the use of this proposal as an example in future courses: Yes




ABSTRACT: The successful invasion of the Indo-Pacific lionfish species, Pterois volitans, into the sub-

50 tropical and tropical Western Atlantic has raised major concern about the potential ecological impacts of

this invasive predator on native marine ecosystems. A considerable amount of research has been

conducted on the impact of this invasion within Bahamian coral reef ecosystems, however, there appears

to be a clear need for further investigation into lionfish impacts on critical non-reef habitat, such as

mangroves, that provide shelter and protection for important herbivorous coral reef species as juveniles

55 during their maturation. Juvenile specimens of the Rainbow Parrotfish, Scarus Guacamaia, will be used

in order to conduct controlled laboratory experimentation on the predation of P. volitans among three

distinct levels of structural habitat complexity, including one consistent with the complexity found in

their natural habitat. This research will allow us to quantify the ability of natural mangrove prop-root

system conditions in protecting juvenile S. guacamaia populations from predation by P. volitans in the

60 wild.



2 Table of Contents


Page - 1. Cover Sheet

2. Research Abstract

3. (Table of Contents)

80 4. Introduction

6. Research Objectives

7. Methods

10. Broader Implications

11. Time Table and Project Management

85 12. References Cited

14. Curriculum Vitae



3 100 Introduction

“How has predation by the invasive lionfish, Pterois volitans, within Bahamian mangrove ecosystems

impacted the juvenile populations of the Rainbow Parrotfish, Scarus guacamaia,successfully being

recruited to adjacent coral reef ecosystems as adults?”

Mangroves represent vital habitat for juvenile fish communities by providing shelter to protect these fish

105 from predation during their vulnerable maturation period (Layman, 2002). The prop-root systems found in

mangrove habitat provide necessary protection to juvenile fish by acting as both a physical and visual barrier

from predators. The high structural complexity of mangrove habitat inhibits the ability of predators to find and

capture their prey in this environment, thus increasing the chances of survival for juvenile fish communities

using these habitats (Rooker et al., 1998). Recently, however, the delicate balance of these vital mangrove

110 ecosystems has been threatened by the invasion of the Indo-Pacific Lionfish, Pterois volitans, not only into the

Bahamas but throughout the Atlantic and Caribbean (Schofield, 2009).

Lionfish are highly effective predators and are voracious eaters that consume a wide-range of prey. To

exacerbate the problem, there are virtually no natural predators of lionfish in this region and because of the fact

that P. volitans is an invasive species, there appears to be some degree of predator naiveté among native prey

115 species, meaning they do not inherently recognize or acknowledge the lionfish as a predator. Research suggests

that the invasive lionfish populations are accumulating at greater densities with larger body sizes and total body

mass on Bahamian coral reefs in comparison with the Pterois miles populations examined in their native Kenyan

coral reefs (Darling, 2011).

Much of the existing research available about the invasion has been concentrated on the origins

120 (Freshwater, 2009), as well as the temporal and spatial extent of the invasion (Johnston, 2011). Research has also

4 been conducted on the overall biology and ecology of P. volitans (Morris, 2009), the impact of lionfish predation

on coral reef ecosystems (Albins, 2008, 2011), as well as potential management actions that could be initiated to

regulate the invasion (Barbour, 2011). There appears to be a significant gap in knowledge about the invasion in

125 regards to the impact of this invasion on critical non-reef habitat, such as mangrove ecosystems. It is important

to investigate the impact of this invasion, either through predation or competition, on critical non-reef habitat

because these habitats are closely interconnected with coral reefs and have a significant impact on coral reef fish

biomass, as well as community structure (Barbour, 2010). There appears to be a clear need for further research

into the impact of lionfish on foraging fish communities. The foraging behavior of herbivorous fish species

130 provides a vital ecosystem service by regulating the algae levels on coral reefs (Schofield, 2009). Mangrove

habitat provides shelter and protection from predation for many herbivorous fish species during the juvenile

stage until they migrate from these habitats to adjacent coral reefs as adults (Layman, 2002). The presence of

these herbivorous fish on coral reefs is important because the absence of these key species have been shown to

significantly reduce the ability of coral reef systems to defend themselves against the overgrowth of algae

135 (Mumby, 2004).

I intend to assess the impact of the invasion of predation by the lionfish species, Pterois volitans, on

juvenile foraging fish communities that inhabit Bahamian mangrove habitat. Scarus guacamaia will be

designated as the experimental prey species because it is considered to be the largest herbivorous foraging fish

species in the Atlantic and has been shown to have a functional dependency on mangrove ecosystems during its

140 juvenile stage. S. guacamaia is an IUCN Red List threatened species, making it especially vulnerable to any

additional predation pressure imposed by the invasive lionfish populations. Mumby (2004) estimated that the

loss of a single adult specimen of S. guacamaia would constitute as much as a 10% reduction in total Rainbow

Parrotfish biomass within its territory. I plan to investigate the effectiveness of mangrove prop root systems in

protecting juvenile S. guacamaia populations from predation by P. volitans.


5 150

Research Objectives

The purpose of this research study is to examine the effectiveness of the natural structural

155 complexity found within mangrove habitat in defending juvenile populations of the Rainbow Parrotfish,

S. guacamaia, from predation by the invasive lionfish, Pterois volitans. The overall goal of this research

is to determine the level of threat that predation by the invasive lionfish, Pterois volitans, is posing to

Bahamian herbivorous fish populations known to utilize mangrove prop-root system habitats as

juveniles. This research will address the lack of knowledge present about the impacts of this invasion on

160 critical non-reef habitat like mangroves. This research will reveal whether or not predation by the non-

native P. volitans in Bahamian mangrove habitat could significantly be reducing the amount of S.

guacamaia adults successfully being recruited to adjacent coral reef ecosystems to which their foraging

habits are vital in controlling reef algae levels.


170 6 Methods 175

One hundred juvenile specimens (standard length ≈ 78.8 mm) of Scarus guacamaia will be collected,

also known as the Rainbow Parrotfish, within the mangrove habitat on Andros, Island of the Bahamas (Randall,

1963). Collections will take place during low-tide and be sampled using trap nets (8 x 2m, 1 mm mesh size) set

180 at the mouths of small tidal creeks to catch fauna being swept out with the receding tide as the mangrove forest

is drained. (Laegdsgaard, 1995) Water temperature, salinity, and oxygen levels will be measured upon each trap

collection for laboratory reference after obtaining IACUC approval as well as permission from the Bahamas.

After a 1-week acclimation period for the S. guacamaia specimens, a separate collection will be

conducted of the invasive lionfish species, Pterois volitans. Thirteen adult (11 to 15 inches) specimens of P.

185 volitans will be collected using hand-nets to reduce the risk of envenomation, from various coral reef sites also

found on Andros, Island in the Bahamas (Morris et al., 2009) (NOAA, 2011).. Both P. volitans and S. guacamaia

specimens will be transported to the testing facility in water obtained on site during specimen collection and

temperature will be monitored to ensure specimen well-being throughout transportation.

190 Experimental Protocol

Experimental and holding tank conditions will be maintained as closely as possible to the native

environment based on field measurements taken during collection. All fish will be acclimated to experimental

tank conditions for a minimum of 48 hours on arrival. The S. guacamaia specimens will be fed Hikari® algae

wafers daily until enough algae accumulates in the tanks in order to sustain them (Verweij et al., 2006). P.

195 volitans specimens will be starved prior to the experiment for a minimum of 48 hours in order to catalyze

feeding behavior (Fishelson, 1997).

7 Three (3) separate trials consisting of three-hour periods will be conducted for each of the four different

tank environments. The tank environments represent three relative scales of habitat complexity: open water/no

200 complexity, medium complexity, and high complexity. A fourth tank will be used to set up a control for the

experiment, consisting of an additional open water environment in which no P. volitans will be exposed to the S.

guacamaia population. Mangrove habitat complexity will be simulated by hanging PVC tubing (diameter 1.5 cm,

length 40 cm) just above the tanks to mimic aerial mangrove prop-root systems found in the natural environment.

The highest complexity tank environment will have a density 64 m-2 because previous research has correlated

205 this level of structural habitat complexity with the highest abundances of fish being found in these environments

(Verweij, 2006). Using this as our standard, the medium complexity tank will have a density equivalent to half of

that found in the high complexity environment, 32 m-2. The open water tanks in both the control and

experimental environments will have no PVC tubing or additional structural complexity.

In each tank there will be 10 S. guacamaia specimens exposed to 1 P. volitans per trial, with the

210 exception of the control experiment which will monitor 10 S. guacamaia without the presence of P. volitans in

an additional open water tank. Introduction of the P. volitans into each sub-environment will occur at exactly

9:30 AM each morning based on research that P. volitans are diurnal feeders with the highest predation activity

occurring between 8:00 AM and 11:00 AM (Schofield, 2009). Tanks will be cleaned between each trial and the

water will be replaced using a filtration system.

215 Data Collection and Analysis:

Three observers will record the number of S. guacamaia remaining after each trial as well as the number

of physical attacks initiated by the P. volitans for each trial. This data will allow for a comparison between the

220 energy exerted by the P. volitans per feeding trial and the actual amount of S. guacamaia killed and/or eaten.

The data gathered will be analyzed using a 1-way Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) test, using a p-value

significance of < 0.05 (or equal to). For example, “0.09” would not be significant, while “0.0001” would be

considered highly significant.

225 8 230 Factor - Habitat Complexity

Level(s): Open Water, Medium complexity, High complexity

Experimental control: Open Water tank – 10 juvenile S. guacamaia with NO P. Volitans 235

Response variables:

Number (#) of S. guacamaia fish eaten per 3 hour trial 240 Number (#) of attacks by Pterois Volitans on juvenile S. guacamaia per 3 hr. trial

Tukey's multi-comparison post-hoc test will also be applied to further determine the significance of the



250 9


Broader Implications

Throughout the preliminary research process a clear need for further investigation into the impacts of the

invasion of the Indo-Pacific lionfish, Pterois volitans, on Bahamian mangrove ecosystems became apparent in

260 order to assess the level of predation pressure the invasive predator is imposing on important foraging fish

species known to utilize these habitats during their vulnerable juvenile stage. This is an important research

endeavor because the aforementioned characteristics unique to the invasive P. volitans give it the potential to be

one of the most ecologically devastating species invasions in modern history. The more research conducted on

the dynamics and unique characteristics of this species invasion, the better our scientific understanding will be

265 for initiating the appropriate response measures.

270 10


Time table and Project Management

The nature of this proposed research suggests that the endeavor is feasible within a relatively short

period of time. The biggest time constraints involved in the implementation of this research would be obtaining

IACUC approval as well as permission from the Bahamas territory at the onset of the research. Once permission

280 is granted, the experiment can move forward beginning with the collection of the juvenile Scarus guacamaia

specimens using trap-nets.

Due to the relatively small quantity of S. guacamaia specimens required for the experiment, the goal

number should be achieved within a small number of trapping attempts. After a one-week acclimation period for

the collected juvenile S. guacamaia specimens, a separate collection of adult Pterois volitans specimens will be

285 conducted using hand-nets. Once the collected lionfish specimens arrive at the laboratory testing site, they will

be acclimated to experimental tank conditions for a period of about 48 hours, during which time they will be

deprived (starved) of food until the experiment is underway.

Four experimental tanks representing various levels of habitat complexity will be used to conduct three

different feeding trials per tank, for a total of 12 individual experiments. Each feeding trial will last for exactly

290 three hours and so we can conclude that no more than 36 hours of actual laboratory experimentation and data

collection will be necessary to conclude the experimental phase of the research. At this point, data can then be

statistically analyzed for significance comparisons among the different habitats. 295 11

Literature Cited

Introduction section

300 Albins MA, Hixon MA (2008) Invasive Indo-Pacific lionfish Pterois volitans reduce recruitment of Atlantic coral-reef fishes. Mar Ecol Prog Ser 367: 233-238

Albins, M., & Hixon, M. (2011). Worst case scenario: potential long-term effects of invasive predatory lionfish (Pterois volitans) on Atlantic and Caribbean coral-reef communities. Environmental Biology of Fishes, 305 1-7-7. Springer Netherlands.

Barbour, Andrew; Meredith Montgomery, Alecia Adamson et al. (2010) Mangrove use by the invasive lionfish Pterois volitans, 291-294. In Marine Ecology Progress Series

310 Barbour, A., Allen, M., Frazer, T., & Sherman, K. (2011). Evaluating the Potential Efficacy of Invasive Lionfish (Pterois volitans) Removals. PLoS ONE, 6 (5) DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0019666

Freshwater, D. et al. (2009). Mitochondrial control region sequence analyses indicate dispersal from the US East Coast as the source of the invasive Indo-Pacific lionfish Pterois volitans in the Bahamas. Marine 315 Biology, 156(6), 1213-1221.

Johnston, M.W., Purkis, S.J., 2011. Spatial analysis of the invasion of lionfish in the western Atlantic and Caribbean. Marine Pollution Bulletin 62 (6), 1218–1226.

320 Layman, C.A. and Silliman, B.R. (2002) Preliminary survey and diet analysis of juvenile fishes of an estuarine creek on Andros Island, Bahamas. Bulletin of Marine Science 70(1):199-210.

Morris J.A. Jr, et al. (2009) Biology and Ecology of the Invasive Lionfish, Pterois miles and Pterois volitans. Proceedings of the 61st Gulf and Carribean Fisheries Institute November 10-14, 2008. Gosier, 325 Goudeloupe, French West Indies.

Mumby, P.J., et al (2004) Mangroves enhance the biomass of coral reef fish communities in the Caribbean. Nature, 427 (6974). pp. 533-536. ISSN 0028-0836

330 Rooker et al., 1998 J.R. Rooker, G.J. Holt and S.A. Holt, Vulnerability of newly settled red drum (Sciaenops ocellatus) to predatory fish: is early-life survival enhanced by seagrass meadows?. Mar. Biol., 131 (1998), pp. 145–151.

Schofield, P.J. (2009) Geographic extent and chronology of the invasion of non-native lionfish (Pterois volitans 335 [Linnaeus 1758] and P. miles [Bennett 1828]) in the Western North Atlantic and Caribbean Sea. Aquatic Invasions 4:473-479.

Verweij M.C., Nagelkerken I, de Graaff D, Peeters M, Bakker EJ, van der Velde G (2006) Structure, food and shade attract juvenile coral reef fish to mangrove and seagrass habitats: a field experiment. Marine 340 Ecology Progress Series 306: 257-268 12

Literature Cited Continued

Methodology section 345 Cerino C (2010) Bioenergetics and trophic impacts of invasive Indo-Pacific lionfish: MSc thesis. Greenville: East Carolina University. 72 p.

Fishelson, L. (1997) Experiments and observations on food consumption, growth and starvation in Dendrochirus 350 brachypterus and Pterois volitans (Pteroinae, Scorpaenidae). Environmental Biology of Fishes 50:391– 403.

Green SJ, Côté IM (2008) Record densities of Indo-Pacific lionfish on Bahamian coral reefs. Coral Reefs 28: 107 355 Laegdsgaard, Pia; Johnson, Craig R. (1995)Mangrove habitats as nurseries: unique assemblages of juvenile fish in subtropical mangroves in eastern Australia. Mar. Ecol. Progr. Ser. 126:67-81

Layman, C.A. and Silliman, B.R. (2002) Preliminary survey and diet analysis of juvenile fishes of an estuarine creek on Andros Island, Bahamas. Bulletin of Marine Science 70(1):199-210. 360 Morris J.A. Jr. et al. (2009) Biology and Ecology of the Invasive Lionfish, Pterois miles and Pterois volitans. Proceedings of the 61st Gulf and Carribean Fisheries Institute November 10-14, 2008. Gosier, Goudeloupe, French West Indies.

365 Morris J.A. Jr, Akins JL (2009) Feeding ecology of invasive lionfish (Pterois volitans) in the Bahamian archipelago. Env Bio Fish 86: 389–398.

NOAA's National Ocean Service: Lionfish Invasion." NOAA's National Ocean Service. N.p., n.d. Web. 3 May 2011. . 370 Mumby, P.J., et al (2004) Mangroves enhance the biomass of coral reef fish communities in the Caribbean. Nature, 427 (6974). pp. 533-536. ISSN 0028-0836

Randall, John E. (1963) Notes on the Systematics of Parrotfishes (Scaridae), with Emphasis on Sexual 375 Dichromatism. Copeia, Vol. 1963, No. 2 (Jun. 14, 1963), pp. 225-237

Schofield, P.J. (2009) Geographic extent and chronology of the invasion of non-native lionfish (Pterois volitans [Linnaeus 1758] and P. miles [Bennett 1828]) in the Western North Atlantic and Caribbean Sea. Aquatic Invasions 4:473-479. 380 Turner JW, Jr, C Rogers and R Nemeth (2003) Measurement of fecal glucocorticoids in parrotfishes to assess stress. Journal of General and Comparative Endocrinology 133:341-352

Verweij M.C., Nagelkerken I, de Graaff D, Peeters M, Bakker EJ, van der Velde G (2006) Structure, food and 385 shade attract juvenile coral reef fish to mangrove and seagrass habitats: a field experiment. Marine Ecology Progress Series 306: 257-268 13

Michael T. Saenz

390 7533 Trillium Boulevard, Sarasota, Florida 34241

(941) 650-5833


2008-Present: Florida Gulf Coast University, Ft. Myers, FL (Projected Graduation Date: Fall 2012)

Major: Environmental Studies

395 Minor: Interdisciplinary Studies

Relevant course work - Marine Systems, Environmental Education, Environmental

Literature, Environmental Biology of SW Florida, Environmental Humanities, ST:

Sustainability, Integrated Ecosystems Management

2004-2008: Riverview High School, Sarasota, Florida (Graduation Date: 2008)


Awards and Achievements:

 Dean's List FGCU (2009 and 2010)

 Florida Bright Future’s Scholarship (2008-Present)

 Quill and Scroll National Journalism Honor Society (Senior Year, H.S.)

405  Renaissance Academic Achievement (Senior Year, H.S.)

 Bobby Geere Award: Sarasota Herald Tribune contest recognizing excellence in High School


 Outstanding Attendance and Achievement (Junior/Senior Year, H.S.)

410 14

Extracurricular, Personal and Volunteer Activities:

415  P.A.T.C.H. - member of the Project Art Therapy for Children's Health club, President Marisa

Schreiber. (FGCU)

 Special Equestrians Volunteer: Assist in providing Horse therapy for disabled individuals,

program provides therapy for a wide range of disabilities.

 BUDS (Bringing Up Down Syndrome) volunteer: Assist with fund raising and group events

420 throughout the year. Participant in the annual “Buddy Walk”.

 TOPS Soccer volunteer: Act as a “buddy” to disabled children in special needs soccer league

 KEY Club- Riverview High School: Participate in various community service oriented events

throughout the year

425 Work Experience:

February 2011-Present: Angelina's Ristorante, Fort Myers, FL

Server Assistant; Food Runner/Expeditor – (fine Italian dining)

2007-2008: Sarasota Herald Tribune, Sarasota, Florida

430 Correspondent Writer: Write entertainment related news and music reviews as assigned

2006-2007: Firehouse Subs, Sarasota, Florida

Sandwich preparation, operating the cash register, and customer service in a fast-paced

restaurant 435 15

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