Round 13 by Jonathan Magin

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Round 13 by Jonathan Magin

Extra Packet 3 Questions by MAQT

1. Daniel Malan first introduced this policy in his 1948 election platform, while it was later expanded by Henrik Verwoerd and John Vorster. It was implemented in laws such as the Group Areas Act and the Population Registration Act, and forced citizens to live in nine resource-poor “Bandustans” under the “separate development” plan. International pressures and boycotts caused P. W. Botha to relax it, while F. W. de Klerk won the Nobel Peace Prize for ending it. Constantly opposed by Nelson Mandela, FTP, identify this South African system of racial segregation. ANSWER: Apartheid

2. One of only four people to be a two-time Noble Laureate, she was the first women to be appointed as a professor to teach at the University of Paris. The element with the atomic weight of 247 and atomic number of 96 is named after her. FTP, name this Polish chemist, a pioneer in the early field of Radiology, whose 1934 death from aplastic anemia was almost certainly due to her exposure to radiation. ANSWER: Marie Curie

3. This poem's epigraph consists of lines spoken by Guido di Montefeltro in Dante's Inferno, while the opening lines compare the evening to “a patient etherized upon a table”. The title character emphasizes that he is not Prince Hamlet, and wishes that he was “a pair of ragged claws/ Scuttling across the floors of silent seas.” That character is also anxious about talking to women who “come and go/ Talking of Michelangelo”, and wonders “Do I dare / Disturb the Universe?” Beginning with “Let us go then, you and I,” FTP, identify this poem by T. S. Eliot. ANSWER: The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock

4. If it weren't for this man, 0 degrees Celsius would be the boiling point and 100 would be the freezing point, as he suggested inverting that scale. He wrote easy-to-follow instructional lectures on sex titled “How to Go Together," and appears on the 100 Kronor bank note. He is responsible for starting the whole “men are from Mars thing,” as he was the first to use those planetary symbols to signify the genders, which is not surprising, as he is quite well known for classifying things. FTP, name this Swede who organized the taxonomic binomial nomenclature still used today. ANSWER: Carolus Linnaeus (accept Carl Von Linee and variants, but prompt on Linee)

5. An 1887 fire at the Paris Opera-Comique destroyed the composer's remaining notes for this opera, as its composer only finished the prologue and first act before his 1880 death, leaving Ernest Guirard's orchestration as the only definitive version. The play's protagonist has no easy time either: his current love, Stella, runs away with Lindorf, while his first love, Olympia, has her head smashed in with a hammer. FTP, name this opera about “an artist, a young girl, and a courtesan,” as well as the German author of "The Sandman", by Jacques Offenbach. ANSWER: Tales of Hoffmann (or Les Contes d'Hoffmann) 6. He built a new city called Caesarea Maritima, as well as a refurbished fortress atop Masada. He was given his title by Mark Antony in 40 BC but he did not conquer the region until 37 BC, which he ruled for 24 years. He banished his first wife and son in order to marry Mariamne, whose family was the titular rulers of Judea; later, on his deathbed, he would order the death of his son Antipater. The Roman client-king of Judea this is, FTP, what king who rebuilt the Temple in Jerusalem and ordered the Massacre of Innocents according to the Gospel of Matthew. ANSWER: King Herod I or The Great

7. At the end of this short story, the narrator bribes Mr. Cutlets to procure food for the title character in prison. That character was originally hired as a copyist in order to have a calming effect on Turkey and Nippers, but, after refusing to compare his work with others, he stops copying altogether. The narrator then moves to a new office and denies knowing him, resulting in his incarceration in the “Tombs”, where he dies. FTP, identify this Herman Melville short story about a character whose response to any request is “I would prefer not to.” ANSWER: Bartleby, the Scrivener

8. Thomas Aquinas described it as a state of eternal and natural joy, free from any sense of loss of how much more joy could be obtained. Some medieval literature attributes the Harrowing of Hell to Christ's freeing of this place of just souls between his death and resurrection. In Dante's Divine Comedy, it represents the first circle of Hell, and its residents reside in a brightly lit castle reminiscent of Elysium. FTP, identify this place in the Catholic afterlife reserved for noble pagans and un-baptized babies. ANSWER: Limbo

9. This show was produced by 7030's studios, which used stock footage from a 1970's Hanna-Barbera cartoon as well as original material. Appearing on Cartoon Network's Adult Swim for five seasons, it is set one year after the time period of the 1970's cartoon, during which the crew has gone slightly crazy. FTP, name this cartoon, which follows the adventures of Capt. Murphy, Stormy, Quinn, Debbie, Sparks and Marco, who usually end up blowing up their underwater installation at the end of each episode. ANSWER: Sealab 2021

10. This island, which contains the cities of Pagnirtung and Clyde River, is separated from a large archipelago by the Gulf of Boothia and the Lancaster Sound. It contains the Barnes and Penny Ice Caps, as well as Iqualit, the capital of Nunavut. Lying mostly north of the Arctic Circle, this fifth-largest island in the world is separated from Greenland by its namesake bay. Located directly above Hudson Bay, FTP, name this largest island in Canada. ANSWER: Baffin Island

11. It's namesake scientists, Ejnar and Henry Norris, independently used these in 1911 and 1913 to organize their stellar data. They originally plotted either color or spectral type on the horizontal axis, while distances from recent parallax measurements allowed absolute magnitude to be plotted vertically. Modern forms plot luminosity versus temperature backwards on the axes, revealing clear trends among the stars. FTP, name these graphs which revolutionized theories concerning stellar evolution, marked by the main sequence running across its diagonal. ANSWER: Hertzsprung-Russell Diagram or H-R Diagram

12. This book is similar to Oryx and Crake in its post-apocalyptic setting. The title character was indoctrinated into a totalitarian society by the Rachel and Leah Re- Education Center, and is supervised by Aunt Lydia. Set in Gilead, a theocratic society where subjugation of women is the norm, the plot follows Offred, who is forced to bear a child for the Commander. Occurring in an alternate America taken over by religious fanatics, FTP, name this dystopian novel by Margaret Atwood. ANSWER: The Handmaid's Tale

13. It is bordered by deserts on either side, although one of those lies on the Atlantic Ocean. One of its more contentious cities is Walvis Bay, prized by Great Britain for its strategic placement to give ships safe passage, and though it was also briefly challenged by the Germans, the League of Nations ultimately gave control of it to South Africa. In 1994, Walvis Bay was finally given to this country, which received its independence from South Africa in 1990. FTP, name this African country recently in the headlines for being the location Angelina Jolie plans to give birth in, with capital Windhoek. ANSWER: Namibia

14. The main character in it must stop the primary antagonist from executing a plan known as the Caviar Sweep. Richard Roxburgh plays scientist Keith Orbit, the mastermind behind the antagonist of this film. The film climaxes with the harrowing escape of Lt. Kara Wade from North Korea after being shot down by that same antagonist. FTP, identify this 2005 box office bomb, starring Josh Lucas and Jamie Foxx as fighter pilots battling a ridiculously implausible renegade drone plane. ANSWER: Stealth

15. Similar to World War I, it started with foreign intervention in a domestic dispute of a tributary state, the Donghak Peasant Revolution. The aggressors gave up the Liaodong peninsula to Korea when it ended less than a year after it started. During it, the Qing Empire suffered major defeats at on the sea at Weihaiwei and Yalu and a more famous land engagement, in Lushunkou, in which only 36 inhabitants of the city survived. For ten points, name this 1894-1895 war ended by the Treaty of Shimonoseki between two Asian powers, most famous to Westerners for its “Port Arthur Massacre.” ANSWER: First Sino-Japanese War

16. It is believed that he was part of a group of insurrectionists hoping to overthrow the Roman occupiers, though there are only vague references to him being a “bandit” and a “notorious prisoner.” Some scholars even suggest that he did not exist, but rather was a myth created from confusion over whether his name meaning “son of the father” in Aramaic meant the chanting crowd was referring to another man. Either way, the custom of Passover allowed Pontius Pilate to commute one prisoner's death sentence and, FTP, he chose to free this man instead of Jesus Christ. ANSWER: Barabbas

17. In the center of this painting, a lute lies next to an open hymn book and a globe on a shelf. A higher shelf contains scientific instruments like a celestial globe and a sundial, while a small crucifix in the upper-right corner is barely concealed by a green curtain that stretches across the background. An anamorphic skull appears at the bottom, an allusion to the ill health of the two people portrayed, Jean de Dinteville and George de Selve. FTP, identify this painting by Hans Holbein the Younger about two French courtiers. ANSWER: The Two Ambassadors or The French Ambassadors or The Ambassadors

18. The fact that they both contain their own DNA and that they each have two or more membranes the composition of the innermost membrane differs from other membranes in the cell give credence to the theory proposed by Andreas Schimper in 1908. FTP What theory states that the mitochondria and plastid were once bacteria that was engulfed by a eukaryotic cells and eventually became an organelle in eukaryotic cell? ANSWER: Endosymbiotic Theory

19. His re-election to Congress in 1872 outraged many northerners, leading them to question whether the North had really won the Civil War. He claimed African slavery was a natural course of action and asserted that the U.S. Constitution's declaration of racial equality was fundamentally wrong in his famous Cornerstone Speech at the dawn of the Civil War. FTP, identify this man who is best known for being the vice president of the Confederacy. ANSWER: Alexander Stephens

20. His most successful play was Hernani, though it barely got by the censors. One of his novels inspired a French historical preservation movement and a revival in Gothic architecture, but the Disney movie would have you believe it was all about a hot gypsy chick and some magical gargoyles. FTP name the author who helped preserve the Notre Dame Cathedral with The Hunchback of Notre Dame. ANSWER: Victor Hugo

1. Name these works by J.D. Salinger FTPE. [10] Perhaps his most famous short story, it follows Seymour Glass' conversation with Sybil on a beach, where he gives an account of the title creatures before committing suicide. ANSWER: A Perfect Day for Banana Fish [10] This story's title comes from the hero of the tales that The Chief tells to a group of Boy Scouts called the Comanche Club. ANSWER: The Laughing Man [10] Both "A Perfect Day For Bananafish" and "The Laughing Man" appeared in this short story collection, which also includes "Uncle Wiggily in Connecticut" and "Teddy". ANSWER: Nine Stories 2. Given a state, identify the chemical element whose atomic symbol is the same as that state's postal abbreviation FTPE: [10] Colorado ANSWER: Cobalt [10] Missouri ANSWER: Molybdenum [10]Minnesota ANSWER: Manganese

3. 5-10-15, Name these industrialists of the 19th & 20th century from clues [5] An american industrialist founded Standard Oil and built it into the largest company in the world. ANSWER: John D. Rockefeller [10] A scottish-american businessman, he was the founder of U.S. Steel. ANSWER: Andrew Carnegie [15] The director of the New York Central Railroad. His 600 acre home in Hyde Park, New York called simply Hyde Park is now a museum. ANSWER: Frederick William Vanderbilt

4. Season 5 has not been a good season to know Jack Bauer. It seems like almost every main character on the show has been killed off in just a few short hours. Answer some questions about these departed souls, FTPE. [10] This writer of this question thought he was especially clever when he yelled “Ruuuudy” after this man from Division was killed by the nerve gas that his lost key card helped bring into CTU. ANSWER: Lynn McGill [10] This techie earned a silent clock after he was unable to get to the situation room when that same deadly nerve gas was released in CTU. ANSWER: Edgar Stiles [10] This former Chief of Staff was found “hanging around” his holding cell after Jack Bauer and Mike Novick uncovered his plot to sell the nerve gas to Chechen-esque terrorists. ANSWER: Walt Cummings

5. FTPE, identify these 20th century philosophers. [10] This author of Why I Am Not a Christian coauthored Principia Mathematica along with Whitehead; his namesake paradox asks if there can be a set of all sets that do not contain themselves. ANSWER: Bertrand Russell [10] This Spanish-American author of The Last Puritan and The Sense of Beauty is more famous for saying that those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it. ANSWER: George Santayana [10] This Spanish philosopher of works like The Dehumanization of Art interpreted fascism and Communism as signs of decay caused by the rejection of aristocratic elites in The Revolt of the Masses. ANSWER: Jose Ortega y Gasset 6. 5-10-15, Given the name of a scientific work name its author. [5] Origin of Species ANSWER: Charles Darwin [10] Philosophiae Naturalis Principia Mathematica ANSWER: Isaac Newton [15] A Brief History of Time ANSWER: Stephen Hawking

7. FTPE, name these African writers. [10] This South African author of Too Late the Phalarope is best known for a novel about Stephen and Absalom Kumalo: Cry, The Beloved Country. ANSWER: Alan Paton [10] This South African playwright attacked apartheid in plays such as Sizwe Banzi is Dead and Master Harold…and the Boys. ANSWER: Athol Fugard [10] This Nigerian author of the comedic play The Lion and the Jewel also wrote about the British colonial government's prevention of Elesin's ritual suicide in Death and the King's Horseman. ANSWER: Wole Soyinka

8. Personally, I blame Lincoln. FTSNOP, answer these questions about the multiple causes of the Civil War. [10] The Republican Party was formed in 1854 as a result of the passage of this act that violated the Missouri Compromise, which led to increased sectional tensions. ANSWER: the Kansas-Nebraska Act [5] The stereotypical depiction of slaveholder Simon Legrees in this abolitionist novel by Harriet Beecher Stowe angered southern slave owners. ANSWER: Uncle Tom's Cabin [5] John Brown's raid here was seen by slave owners as the start of a movement by abolitionists to lead slave rebellions. ANSWER: Harper's Ferry [10] Kansas was admitted to the United States as a free state in 1861 after this constitution supporting slavery failed to pass through Congress. ANSWER: the Lecompton Constitution

9. FTSNOP, answer the following questions about Rabbinic literature. [10] This authoritative record of rabbinic discussions contains the Mishnah and the Gemara. ANSWER: the Talmud [15] The talmudic and rabbinich law, customs, and traditions, the 613 commandments, and the Torah are together called this collective of Jewish religious law. In it is laid out the practical application of Jewish law that will lead to a good life. ANSWER: Halakha (also accept Halakhah, Halacha, Halakhot and Halachah) [5] The name of these books literally means "teaching," "instruction," or "law." It is also called the Law of Moses, and it contains the first five books of the Hebrew Bible. ANSWER: the Torah 10. Answer these questions about Gullivers Travels, 5-10-15. [5]This land is populated by people six-inch high people and ANSWER: Lilliput [10] This land, also of little people, is the rival country of Lilliput ANSWER: -Blefuscu [15]In this land, the inhabitants can resurrect dead people and Gulliver talks to Aristotle and Descartes. ANSWER: Glubdubdribb

11. Name these Baroque artists FTPE. [10] This Italian artist used tenebrism to accentuate the dramatic effect of paintings such as Conversion of St. Paul and Calling of St. Matthew. ANSWER: Caravaggio or Michaelangelo Merisi [10] This Dutch painter of Elevation of the Cross and Descent From the Cross gained renown for his fleshy, lush nudes. ANSWER: Peter Paul Rubens [10] This Dutch painter is thought to have used a camera obscura to create the remarkably realistic effects of light in paintings such as The Letter, View of Delft, and Girl With a Pearl Earring. ANSWER: Jan Vermeer

12. Answer some question about Americans at the Winter Olympics in Torino, FTPE. [10] Shaun White, winner of the Gold Medal in Men's Snowboarding Halfpipe, earned this nickname for his long red hair. ANSWER: The Flying Tomato (also accept Il Pomodoro Volante) [10] Even knowing her Visa check card was secure probably couldn't ease the mind of this Snowboard Cross silver medalist after she muffed a backside method grab to lose the gold. ANSWER: Lindsey Jacobellis [10] This sister of a 2002 gold medalist in Figure Skating earned a trip to Torino after Michelle Kwan backed out. ANSWER: Emily Hughes

13. Answer the questions about the Glorious Revolution, 5-10-15: [5] This revolution was a popular overthrow of what Stuart monarch. ANSWER: James II [10] All or nothing, name the monarchs that were installed as joint rulers after the revolution. ANSWER: William III (or William of Orange) of Orange-Nassau and Mary II [15] Within 2 years, what year did the revolution take place. ANSWER: 1688 (accept anything between 1686-1690)

14. FTPE, names the musical artist with a low-brow, yet still hilarious album title. [10] This group's third album, Hooray for Boobies!, featured their hit single “The Bad Touch.” ANSWER: The Bloodhound Gang [10] The fourth studio album of this band was Take Off Your Pants and Jacket, the follow-up to the equally funny sounding Enema of the State. ANSWER: Blink 182 [10] Only funny because of the inherent irony, this band's album 14:59, referring to their fifteen minutes of fame nearly being up, proved true as the lead singer is now relegated to hosting Extra. ANSWER: Sugar Ray

15. FTPE, given the name tell what it is the study of [10] herpetology ANSWER: Reptiles and Amphibians [10] ichthyology ANSWER: Fish [10] Entomology ANSWER: Insects

16. Identify these works by Jean-Paul Sartre FTPE. [10] His best-known play features the characters of Garcin, Inez, and Estelle trapped for eternity in a hotel room where "hell is other people". ANSWER: No Exit or Huis Clos [10] Electra abandons Orestes after the title insects turn into the Furies in this Sartre play. ANSWER: The Flies or Les Mouches [10] This novel tells of Antoine Roquentin, an existentialist hero who finds himself increasingly unable to enjoy any part of his life and concludes that existence itself is meaningless. ANSWER: Nausea or La Nausee

17. FTPE, name these men who made developments in science [10] This astronomer provided the first modern formulation of a heliocentric theory of the solar system. ANSWER: Nicolaus Copernicus [10] Known as the "father of Microbiology"; he is best known for his contribution to the improvement of the microscope. ANSWER: Anton van Leeuwenhoek [10] [repeat] This English philosopher established and popularize inductive reasoning, going from observation to experimentation. ANSWER: Francis Bacon

18. FTPE, identify these Post-Impressionist paintings. [10] A large black building appears on the left of this bluish-toned Van Gogh painting, which depicts a moon and eleven stars in the night sky. ANSWER: Starry Night [10] A gathering of rural religious women visualize a Biblical scene in this Paul Gauguin painting with an unnatural red background. ANSWER: The Vision After the Sermon or Jacob Wrestling With the Angel [10] A sleeveless man smoking a pipe and a woman with a pet capuchin monkey are two of the many characters in this best known George Seurat pointillist painting. ANSWER: A Sunday Afternoon on the Island of La Grande Jatte

19. Answer some questions about a recent discovery in the field of anthropology, FTPE. [10] The newly discovered hominid fills in a gap between the older Ardipithecus ramidus and this hominid discovered in 1974 by Donald Johanson that was named after a Beatles song. ANSWER: Lucy [10] The newly discovered remains are of the species anamensis, and is of this same genus as Lucy. ANSWER: Australopithecus [10] Both Lucy and the Australopithecus anamensis were found in the Middle Awash site of the Afar Depression in this Horn of Africa country. ANSWER: Ethiopia

20. Identify these writers, philosophers, and scientists who lived during the Scientific Revolution of the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries FTPE: [10] “Nature and Nature's laws lay hid in night. God said 'Let Newton be,' and all was light.” These words were written by what English poet, best known for An Essay on Criticism and The Rape of the Lock. ANSWER: Alexander Pope [10] Living from 1623 to 1662, this French thinker made great contributions to fluid mechanics and projective geometry, but left the sciences for theology after a mystical experience. He is best known in mathematics for his triangle and in religion for his wager. ANSWER: Blaise Pascal [10] This early defender of the scientific revolution was Lord Chancellor of England under James I. He is remembered for writing Novum Organum and New Atlantis, which led Charles II to found the Royal Society. ANSWER: Francis Bacon

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