Scholarship Science 9 Independent Study- the Comeback Toy

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Scholarship Science 9 Independent Study- the Comeback Toy

Scholarship Science 9 Independent Study- The Comeback Toy

GOAL#1: Using the instructions provided, build a come-back toy that will roll a minimum of four meters and return to its starting point. Demonstrating the comeback toy for a final grade  You will demonstrate your toy at school on the final presentation day.  NO materials, including rubber bands, will be provided to students on final presentation day.  The toys may not be touched once they pass the starting line.  The toy must start and remain on the ground when moving. No bowling!  You will have THREE free attempts to successfully demonstrate the toy. o A fourth attempt will cost 5% of your final grade (20 points). o A fifth attempt will cost 10% of your final grade (40 points). o No more than five attempts will be allowed.  On final presentation day 10% will be deducted from your final grade for each occurrence of the following: o Changing the design of your toy. o Receiving assistance before or between attempts.

Extra credit options (You may earn up to 10% extra credit)  You may earn a 5% bonus by testing your toy at school on one of the scheduled testing days.  You may earn a 5% bonus by submitting your completed poster or PowerPoint no later than one week before the due date. o All parts of the poster or PowerPoint must be completed. o The poster or PowerPoint must earn at least three scores of 4 and one score of 3.

Goal#2: Students will submit either a poster or a PowerPoint as part of their Independent Study.

Poster Requirements  The poster should meet all requirements of the grading rubric.  The poster should contain the following components: o Digital photograph of final design o More than one picture may be needed to adequately display toy. . Print on plain white paper or photo paper; your choice. . Show all parts labeled correctly. . If your toy is made from an opaque or translucent cylinder, you will need to take a picture of the toy disassembled with all the parts displayed. . Show all dimensions of the toy in centimeters. o Sequence of energy conversions (flow chart) taking place in the toy . A minimum of SIX types of energy with FIVE energy conversions should be included. Types of energy may be used more than once. . Each type of energy will be listed on a 3” X 5” index card and attached to the poster. . Each index card should include the following—labeled in this order:  The classification of energy as potential or kinetic.  The type of energy.  An explanation of how this type of energy relates to the movement of the device. . The information should be handwritten on each card by the student. . Arrows are to be included on the chart to interconnect energy types. Poster Design  Use 22” X 28” poster board.  The digital photograph and energy flow chart should be located on the front of the poster.  The student’s name and class period should be placed on the back of the poster.

PowerPoint Requirements  The PowerPoint should meet all requirements of the grading rubric.  The PowerPoint should contain the following components: o A title slide that includes name of student. o Digital photograph of final design . More than one picture may be needed to adequately display the toy. . Show all parts labeled correctly. . If your toy is made from an opaque or translucent cylinder, you will need to take a picture of the toy disassembled with all the parts displayed. . Show all dimensions of the toy in centimeters. o Sequence of energy conversions (flow chart) taking place in the toy . A minimum of SIX types of energy with FIVE energy conversions should be included. Types of energy may be used more than once. . Each energy description should include the following and be labeled in this order:  The classification of energy as potential or kinetic.  The type of energy.  An explanation of how this type of energy relates to the movement of the toy. . Arrows are to be included on the chart to interconnect energy types.

PowerPoint Design  There should be a minimum of three slides. More may be used if needed. o Title slide including student’s name o Slide of digital photograph o Slide of energy conversions  Use Tahoma, Verdana or Arial font.  There should be no distracting animations or slide transitions.  Choices of slide background and font color should make text easy to read. Flow chart example



A ball starts from the top of the hill at point A and rolls to a stop at point B.

The energy flow chart for this action is shown below.

Kinetic Kinetic Sound Sound The ball The ball emits sound emits sound as it moves. as it moves.

Potential Kinetic Potential Kinetic Gravitational Mechanical Gravitational Mechanical The ball starts The ball The ball gains The ball at the top of begins gravitational begins the hill. rolling down energy as it rolling down the first hill. rolls up the the second smaller hill. hill.

Kinetic Kinetic Heat Heat There is There is friction friction between the between the ball and the ball and the surface. surface.

Scholarship Science 9- Comeback Toy Score sheet

Student Name ______Period ______

Comeback Toy points /280

PowerPoint / Poster points /120

Design tested in extra credit scheduled session +20

Date tested: ______

PowerPoint / Poster submitted at least one week early +20

Date submitted: ______

Points deducted


Final score % Comeback Toy Grading Rubric Name ______

Attempt 1 Attempt 2 Attempt 3 Attempt 4 Attempt 5 Comeback toy Comeback toy Comeback toy Comeback toy Comeback toy rolls 4 meters rolls 4 meters rolls 4 meters rolls 4 meters rolls 4 meters away from and away from and away from and away from and away from and back to the back to the back to the back to the back to the starting point. starting point. starting point. starting point. starting point. 280 points 280 points 280 points 260 points 240 points

Comeback toy Comeback toy Comeback toy Comeback toy Comeback toy rolls 3.5 rolls 3.5 rolls 3.5 rolls 3.5 rolls 3.5 meters meters meters meters meters away from and away from and away from and away from and away from and back to the back to the back to the back to the back to the starting point. starting point. starting point. starting point. starting point. 220 points 220 points 220 points 200 points 180 points

Comeback toy Comeback toy Comeback toy Comeback toy Comeback toy rolls 3 meters rolls 3 meters rolls 3 meters rolls 3 meters rolls 3 meters away from and away from and away from and away from and away from and back to the back to the back to the back to the back to the starting point. starting point. starting point. starting point. starting point. 160 points 160 points 160 points 140 points 120 points

Comeback toy Comeback toy Comeback toy Comeback toy Comeback toy rolls 2.5 rolls 2.5 rolls 2.5 rolls 2.5 rolls 2.5 meters meters meters meters meters away from and away from and away from and away from and away from and back to the back to the back to the back to the back to the starting point. starting point. starting point. starting point. starting point. 120 points 120 points 120 points 100 points 80 points

Comeback toy Comeback toy Comeback toy Comeback toy Comeback toy does not meet does not meet does not meet does not meet does not meet minimum minimum minimum minimum minimum performance performance performance performance performance standards. standards. standards. standards. standards. 80 points 80 points 80 points 60 points 40 points

Student changed the design of the toy on testing day (-40 points per occurrence)

Point -40 -80 -120 pts. -160 -200 -240 -280 -320 -360 -400 deduction pts. pts. pts. pts. pts. pts. pts. pts. pts.

Student received assistance on testing day (-40 points per occurrence)

Point -40 -80 -120 pts. -160 -200 -240 -280 -320 -360 -400 deduction pts. pts. pts. pts. pts. pts. pts. pts. pts. Comeback Toy Poster Rubric

4 3 2 1 0 Poster The poster: Three of the four Two of the four Fewer than two Composition 1) Is displayed on 22” X requirements are requirements are requirements are (X 5) 28” poster board. met. met. met. 20 points 2) Uses 3” X 5” cards for the energy flow chart. 3) Contains all required components including name on the back. 4) Displays components spatially with no large areas of empty space. Poster Appeal The poster is The poster is The poster is The poster is not Parts of the (X5) exceptionally appealing appealing in somewhat appealing. The poster are 20 points in terms of layout, terms of layout, appealing though poster is very illegible. design & neatness. design & it may be a bit messy or poorly neatness. messy. designed. Digital The photo(s): Only three of four Only two of four Fewer than two photograph(s) 1) Shows all parts requirements are requirements are requirements are of final design labeled correctly. included. included. included. (X 10) 2) Lists all dimensions OR 40 points of the toy in meters or Labels are centimeters. illegible 3) Matches the actual toy submitted for final grade. 4) Contains no spelling errors. Sequence of The diagram: The diagram The diagram The diagram The diagram Energy 1) Will show a contains one contains two contains three contains more Conversions minimum of 6 types of error within the errors within the errors within the than three (x10) energies and 5 following areas: following areas: following areas: errors within the 40 points conversions. 1) Energy types. 1) Energy types. 1) Energy types. following areas: 2) Will show no errors 2) Explanation of 2) Explanation of 2) Explanation of 1) Energy types. in energy types or energy types. energy types. energy types. 2) Explanation of conversion sequence. 3) Energy 3) Energy 3) Energy energy types. 3) Will show an conversions. conversions. conversions. 3) Energy explanation of each 4) Arrows. 4) Arrows. 4) Arrows. conversions. energy type that 5) Spelling. 5) Spelling. 5) Spelling. 4) Arrows. correctly relates to the 5) Spelling. movement of the toy. 4) Includes arrows. 5) Contains no spelling errors or grammatical errors. Comeback Toy PowerPoint Rubric

4 3 2 1 0 PowerPoint 1)The PowerPoint 1)The PowerPoint The PowerPoint Composition contains a minimum of contains a minimum contains fewer (X 5) three required slides: of three required than three 20 points a)Title. slides: required slides. b)Digital photograph. a)Title. c)Energy conversions. b)Digital photograph. 2) Text and graphics c)Energy conversions. are arranged spatially 2) Text and graphics are arranged with with no large areas of large areas of empty empty space. space. Slide Design 1) Slide background Only three of the four Only two of the Fewer than two (X5) and font color make requirements are four requirements requirements are 20 points text easy to read. met. are met. met. 2) An easily read content font is used. 3) Animations & transitions are not distracting. 4) Each slide is appealing in terms of layout & design. Digital The photo(s): Only three of four Only two of four Fewer than two photograph(s) 1) Shows all parts requirements are requirements are requirements are of final design labeled correctly. included. included. included. (X 10) 2) Lists all dimensions 40 points of the toy in meters or centimeters. 3) Matches the actual toy submitted for final grade. 4) Contains no spelling errors. Sequence of The diagram: The diagram The diagram The diagram The diagram Energy 1) Will show a contains one contains two contains three contains more Conversions minimum of 6 types of error within the errors within the errors within the than three (x10) energies and 5 following areas: following areas: following areas: errors within the 40 points conversions. 1) Energy types. 1) Energy types. 1) Energy types. following areas: 2) Will show no errors 2) Explanation of 2) Explanation of 2) Explanation of 1) Energy types. in energy types or energy types. energy types. energy types. 2) Explanation of conversion sequence. 3) Energy 3) Energy 3) Energy energy types. 3) Will show an conversions. conversions. conversions. 3) Energy explanation of each 4) Arrows. 4) Arrows. 4) Arrows. conversions. energy type that 5) Spelling. 5) Spelling. 5) Spelling. 4) Arrows. correctly relates to the 5) Spelling. movement of the toy. 4) Includes arrows. 5) Contains no spelling errors or grammatical errors. Energy Introduction for Scholarship Science 9

Energy  Energy enables physical work to be done.  Energy is a property a body has that helps it move against a force.  Physical work is done when something moves against a force. o This needs a transfer of energy to take place. o Work is done when we lift an object from a table onto a shelf. . We are lifting the weight (a force) upwards. . Energy is transferred from our arm to the object.

Types of energy  Potential- Energy that is stored in a body and has the potential to do work. o Chemical . Energy a body has because of what it is made of. . Present in a battery, explosives, food, gasoline o Elastic . Energy stored when something is stretched or compressed. . Present in a pulled rubber band or squashed spring. o Gravitational . The energy a body has because it is near something . When we lift an object up, we transfer energy to it. . We say that it gains gravitational potential energy. . The higher the object is lifted the more gravitational energy it will gain. o Nuclear . Energy stored in the nucleus of atoms that can be released during fission, fusion, or radioactive decay.  Kinetic- Energy a body has because it is moving. o How much kinetic energy a body has depends on its speed and mass. o Heat . Energy transferred from hot regions to cool regions because of the temperature difference between them o Sound . Energy moving through a medium causing a vibration o Electrical . Kinetic energy of moving charges in an electrical circuit o Electro-magnetic . Energy carried by electromagnetic radiation, such as light or X-rays. o Mechanical . The ability to do work Additional information may be found in your textbook.

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