7th Grade

This project will be to write and compose a math song/rap and dance. Students may work in pairs, if they like. To avoid repetition, the topic of your song will need to be approved on or before December 12, 2014. Your completed project will be due on December 16, 2014. Due Dates: December 8, 2014: Topics of song December 12, 2014: Rough draft of lyrics December 16 & 17, 2014: Final project due and presented You do have the option of pre-recording your sing-a-long and showing a tape of your performance to the class.

The objectives of this project are: (1) help students retain frequently used mathematical procedures by setting them to music/verse (2) integrate math with music/verse/dance, providing students with the opportunity to utilize both their cognitive and creative abilities (3) provide a motivational strategy that will encourage an appreciation for mathematics

Students will present an original song/rap and dance. The song/rap must: have a catchy title have a music accompaniment that will be played during the presentation music of any kind can be used (preexisting or your own creation) preexisting songs can be used but the lyrics must be dubbed out be less than 2 minutes but more than one minute in duration consist of acceptable lyrics that cover the math topics assigned The dance can be simple, but the dance must: be clean and appropriate go with the song/rap Students must present lyrics in two forms: display form as a decorated poster typed on a sheet of paper Category 5 4 3 2 Maximum Points Content Student shows a Student shows a Student shows Student does not full understanding good good seem to of the topic. understanding of understanding of understand the 25 the topic. parts of the topic. topic very well. Focus on Stays on topic Stays on topic Stays on topic It was hard to tell 100% of the time. 99 – 90% of the 89 – 75% of the what the topic Topic time. time. was. 25 Music Music and lyrics Music is present No music is No music. are appropriate but does not go present but and go perfectly well with lyrics. student has together. prepared music that is performed with the body 10 that goes very well with the lyrics. Dance Dance is Dance is Dance is present No dance. appropriate and somewhat present but does not go goes well with the and goes well with well with the music and lyrics. the music and music and lyrics. 10 lyrics. Preparedness Student is Student seems The student is Student does not completely fairly well somewhat seem at prepared prepared and has prepared but prepared, but it is to present. obviously might have clear that 10 rehearsed. needed a couple rehearsal was more rehearsals. lacking. Lyrics Lyrics are typed Lyrics are typed Lyrics are typed Lyrics are not on paper and on paper and on paper and typed on paper Display displayed on a displayed on a displayed on a and/or (not) poster that is poster that is poster that is not displayed on a nicely decorated. barely decorated. decorated. Has a poster that is not 10 Has a very catchy Has a very catchy title. decorated. Has title. title. no title. Enthusiasm Facial expressions Facial expressions Facial expressions Very little use of and body language and body language and body language facial expressions generate a strong sometimes are used to try to or body language. interest and generate a strong generate Did not generate enthusiasm about interest and enthusiasm but much interest in 5 the topic in enthusiasm about seems somewhat topic being others. the topic in faked. presented. others. Time-limit Presentation is Presentation is Presentation is Presentation is less than 2 one minute long. more than two more than 3 minutes but more minutes or less minutes long or than 1 minute than 1 minute less than half a 5 long. long. minute long. Maximum Possible Grade 100