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St. John’s United Church of Christ
2010 December Newsletter
ST. JOHN’S UNITED CHURCH OF CHRIST 4 North Main Street, P.O. Box 356 Richlandtown, PA 18955 215-538-0875 [email protected] WWW.STJOHNSUCC.ORG The Reverend Linda Lennon – Pastor
1 ST. JOHN'S UNITED CHURCH OF CHRIST Richlandtown, Pennsylvania The Reverend Linda Lennon Office Telephone 215-538-0875 The Reverend Linda Lennon 610-691-5769 Stephen Sechriest - Council President 215-538-8238 Larry Benner - Organist / Choir Director 215-536-2791 David Williams - Custodian 267-377-5610
E-Mail: [email protected] Website: www.stjohnsucc.org
-Calendar of Events- November 28th – First Sunday of Advent – Communion and Advent Wreath Lighting ♫ November 28th – Cantata Rehearsal Choir, Narrator and Accompanists – 7:00 pm November 29th – Worship Committee Meeting – 7:00 pm November 30th – Memorial Service at Phoebe Home’s Moyer Hall – 7:00 pm December 1st – Advent Worship Service & Soup Supper 6:15 pm, Worship – 7:00 pm ♫ December 3rd – FINAL Cantata Rehearsal– 7:00 pm ♫ December 5th – Christmas Cantata – 7:30 pm Last Day to Order Reppert’s Candy Second Sunday of Advent December 8th – Advent Worship Service & Soup Supper 6:15 pm, Worship – 7:00 pm December 8th – Phoebe Christmas Gift Collection Deadline December 8th – Miracle of Christmas December 9th – Church Council Meeting – 7:30 pm December 11th – BBQ Pack-Up Orders – 6:30 pm December 11th & 12th – BBQ to GO – pick up December 12th – Congregational Meeting, After Church December 12th – Christmas Play Practice ♫ December 12th – Christmas Cantata – 7:30 pm December 12th – Candy Order Pick-Up 2 December 12th – RADA Cutlery Deadline for Orders December 12th – Food Pantry Christmas Dinner Food Bag Deadline December 15th – WOW Christmas Party – 7:00 pm December 15th – Advent Worship Service & Soup Supper 6:15 pm, Worship – 7:00 pm December 17th – Summer Harmony & the St. John’s Cantata Choir – 7:30 pm December 18th – Christmas Caroling, 5:30 pm – Meet at the Church, 4:00 pm for Christmas Play Practice December 19th – Children’s Christmas Play – during Worship December 19th – Fireman’s Breakfast – 8 am – 1 pm December 21st – Longest Night Worship Service – 7 pm December 22nd – Advent Worship Service & Soup Supper 6:15 pm, Worship – 7:00 pm December 24th – Christmas Eve Candlelight Services – 7:00 pm and 11:00 pm December 26th – No Sunday School December 29th – Food for Friends Meal December 31st – New Years Eve January 1st – Happy New Year! January 2nd – Epiphany Communion
Weekly Schedule SUNDAY: Sr. Choir – 8:45 am Sunday School – 9:00 am Worship Service – 10:15 am FIRST TUESDAY OF THE MONTH: Girl Scouts – 6:00 – 8:00 pm WEDNESDAY: Women’s Guild (Quilting) – 9:00 am THURSDAY: Narcotics Anonymous (NA) Meeting – 6:30 – 9:30 pm Women for Sobriety (WFS) Meeting – 7:30 – 9:00 pm
Church Office Hours 10:00 am to 3:00 pm -- Monday through Thursday Church Office ………………………..…………………………....215-538- 0875
3 Church E-Mail ……………………………….. …[email protected] Church Website………………………………………. …..www.stjohnsucc.org Pastor Linda Lennon – Home……………….……………….610-691- 5769 Pastor Linda’s E-Mail………………….. ………[email protected] Council President, Stephen Sechriest………….……….215-538- 8238 FROM PASTOR LINDA
Happy New Year!
It may seem a bit early, but the Christian New Year begins with the first Sunday in Advent, November 28th. Just as we make New Year’s resolutions for our lives, the Christian New Year gives us an opportunity to look at our lives as people of faith. As we seek to become more faithful on our Christian journey, let us take some time to contemplate how we have grown in faith over the past year. Where have you seen God’s actions? How has God used you to bring wholeness and healing to those around you? Are there places you wish for a fresh start? Advent is a time of waiting in anticipation for God coming into waiting hearts and lives. Even though society tells us differently, it is a time to slow down and contemplate the gift we are to receive in the coming weeks. In the midst of everyday life, angels spoke to Mary and Joseph and turned 4 their lives upside down that the world might be turned right- side up. In Jesus, God offers us possibilities to undo, to please, to apologize, to change, to surrender, and to grow. May we be ready to receive God’s gift anew. Instead of hurrying to celebrate the Big Day, let us get ready to celebrate the birth of Jesus, a world and life changing event! May the God of new life fill you and your loved ones with joy, hope, and peace this Christmas!
Peace and Blessings, Pastor Linda
MISSION STATEMENT Adopted February 2, 1997
We, the Congregation of St. John's United Church of Christ, building on the heritage of the Church as we move into the next century, hereby set forth the following as a statement of our purpose.
Worship As a Congregation we strive to worship God, and preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ through traditional and alternative methods. The celebration of the sacraments affirms in this place the ecumenical unity and inclusiveness in Christ's Church throughout.
Community Involvement We strive to be an active contributor and participant in the life and activities of the Richlandtown area and surrounding communities. Following the example of Jesus Christ, we endeavor to minister to the needs of all people in the community.
Christian Education We strive to provide an opportunity for persons of all ages to teach and learn about God's Word.
Membership 5 St. John's U.C.C. openly welcomes anyone interested in becoming a Member of this church family and eagerly accepts new Members through confirmation, reaffirmation of faith and letters of transfer.
Stewardship We, the Congregation, acknowledge our responsibility to provide the financial support for the maintenance of Church facilities and on-going programs as well as benevolence within the community and the Church's wider mission. LECTIONARY SELECTIONS FOR DECEMBER The following is this month’s selection of scripture passages taken from The Common Lectionary. This three year rotation of texts takes us through the Old and New Testaments of the Bible. The underlined selection is the one that will be highlighted on the back of that Sunday’s bulletin.
December 5th, Second Sunday of Advent Violet OR Blue – Vision of Peace Psalm 72:1-7, 18-19, Romans 15:4-13 Matthew 3:1-12 Isaiah 11:1-10
December 12th, Third Sunday of Advent Violet, Blue, OR Rose – Heartbeat of Justice Isaiah 35:1-10, Psalm 146:5-10, James 5:7-10, Matthew 11:2-11 Luke 1:47-55
December 19th, Fourth Sunday of Advent Violet OR Blue – God with Us Isaiah 7:10-16, Psalm 80:1-7, 17-19 Romans 1:1-7 Matthew 1:18-25
December 24th, Christmas Eve White Isaiah 62:6-12, Psalm 97, Titus 3:4-7, Luke 2:(1-7), 8-20
6 December 26th, First Sunday after Christmas White – Cosmic Power Isaiah 63:7-9, Hebrews 2:10-18, Matthew 2:13-23 (or the readings for Epiphany may be used) Isaiah 60:1-6, Psalm 72:1-7, 10-14, Ephesians 3:1-12, Matthew 2:1-12 Psalm 148
As 2010 begins to draw to a close, we are once again approaching the time when the nominating process for new Council Members begins. The Council Member position is a position of honor and it is of the utmost importance to our Church. The nine individuals who hold this position are those who make the day to day decisions as to the spiritual life and work of our Church – as well as its business decisions. Thus, we ask that our Congregation would be in prayer and reflection as the Nominating Committee moves forward seeking individuals for this year’s four new nominees to replace Deb Deily, Stephen Sechriest, LuAnn Kramer and Romaine Thrapp. Names (including your own) can be forwarded to Stephen Sechriest or Pastor Linda. If asked to serve (terms are for three years), we ask for your prayerful consideration. We are clearly convinced that God is at work in our Church and that God is planning an exciting and very meaningful future for us!
First Sunday of Advent And Advent Wreath Lighting The season of Advent begins on Sunday, November 28th with Advent Holy Communion. This is the time when we prepare ourselves for Christ’s birth. The body (bread) and the blood (wine) of Holy Communion are one of the ways that we focus on the real presence of God in the world today. Please plan to join us as we prepare our hearts and minds for the coming of Jesus Christ. It has been our tradition to include an Improvement Fund offering during this First Sunday of Advent.
7 THOSE SCHEDULED TO SERVE ON NOVEMBER 28TH: USHERS: Debbie Deily, Marcella Kulp, LuAnn Kramer and Romaine Thrapp ALTAR: David King ALTAR GUILD: DottiAnne Edmonds, Kerry Thompson, Jade Scholl and Ruth Moyer WREATH LIGHTING: The Thompson Family
Please Welcome St. John’s new Secretary… Brenda Kucharik
Report from the Special Church Financial Secretary Position Committee By Stephen Sechriest At our meeting this month the Committee concluded that the current division of duties is working well. Jeanette Shurow, DottiAnne Edmonds and Sue Benner all agreed to continue doing the tasks that they are now doing. We also came up with job titles for what they are doing. Jeanette is the Treasurer and is responsible for handling the money, making deposits and writing checks. She receives the bills that are submitted to the church. While the Treasurer is currently a Council Officer, it is the thought of the Committee that going forward that the Treasurer should not necessarily be a member of Council. DottiAnne is the Financial Assistant. She is keeping the books of the church, recording the payment of bills and deposits, using the computer software Quicken. She prepares the financial reports, including the budget document that will be considered at the December 12th Congregational Meeting. She provides information to the Treasurer for the issuance of the payroll checks and balances the check book. Sue is the Financial Secretary. She is maintaining the individual giving records of all our members and will be preparing the end of year individual giving record information. Because not everyone can be at church each Sunday, all three along with other members of the Committee are assisting to prepare the weekly deposit of the offering and other contributions after church on Sundays. Once more formalized
8 job descriptions can be developed; they will be presented to Council for approval. It is anticipated that each year Council would appoint three people to do the jobs. For now all three have agreed to continue with the jobs they are doing.
A Great Big Thank You To all the Members and Friends of St. John’s who helped to make our restroom renovations happen. We met our goal of $10,000 and it wouldn’t have happened without all of you!
News from PSEC A Time of Celebration and Farewell was held for PSEC conference minister the Reverend F. Russell Mitman this past Saturday, November 20, 2010. It was truly a great celebration of his retirement! During the worship service, St. John’s pledge card was turned in committing to offer $3000 toward Our Church’s Wider Mission!
Inclement Weather In the event it becomes necessary to cancel Services at any time during the winter, we will notify WFMZ in Allentown. They will post this information on their website (wfmz.com) and also notify WLEV 100.7 FM in Bethlehem of the closing. Even when we have Services, we ask that you use your best judgment for your own safety when deciding to venture out in inclement weather.
Pastoral Relations Committee 9 Now Formed! Since St. John’s is at a place of new beginnings, a new committee was just formed to keep the lines of healthy communication open. The purpose of the Pastoral Relations Committee is to maintain and improve the relationship between the pastor and the congregation, to enhance their mutual ministry, to resolve unfruitful conflicts, and to assist the church in it’s mission and ministry. The committee serves as a place for helpful and honest dialogue out of which new understanding may arise and new commitments to ministry may come about. The committee met recently, and updated the pastor’s job description. The following people have agreed to serve, and are willing and open to hear your input. Those now serving on the pastoral relations committee are: Judy Guise (chair), Katie Yerger, Karen Bilger, Mary Gillen, and John Moyer.
I would like to thank everyone for their cards, calls & prayers. It means so much when you know so many people care. Also, thank you Pastor Linda for your hospital visits and telephone calls. I am doing fine – getting better each day. Again thanks to everyone.
-Ellen Yerkes Advent Coin Cards Enclosed in last months newsletter were Advent Coin Cards. Proceeds from the coin cards are used to pay the heating expenses of the Church. There is a receptacle in the Narthex for your convenience.
Use of the Church and/or Church Property
10 Any activities that need to be ‘booked’ at St. John’s or borrowing of Church Property i.e. tables, chairs, or other items must go through the Church Office – this is so that we have no conflict of interest. Thank you in advance for your consideration. St. John’s Church Kitchen Please try to keep our kitchen tidy. And don’t forget refrigerated items that might not keep.
St. John’s Holiday Fund Raiser -Candy & Nuts- Our annual Holiday Candy & Nut Sale is almost at the end. Nuts and Apricots are available after our Worship Service. Orders for Christmas are due December 5th and delivery will be December 12th. Additional order forms are available in the Narthex on top of the bookcase or at the Church Office.
All Saints Sunday On Sunday, November 7th we observed All Saints Sunday. In this service we remembered loved ones who had passed away since last October. Donald Kade, October 12, 2009 Helen Kooker, October 17, 2009 Ronald Kulp, October 20, 2009 Gladys Gross, December 28, 2009 David “Chip” Leh, January 26, 2010 Jeffrey Nemeth, January 27, 2010 Mildred Hagan, April 12, 2010 Martha Freed, September 10, 2010 Hazel M. Kramer, October 16, 2010
An Item of Interest If you need to dispose of old medications properly, Rann Pharmacy in Harleysville has a disposal box. They also have a website that can help in areas pertaining to medications - www.mymedschedule.com Other Drop-Off Locations Quakertown Borough: 11 The Quakertown Police Department 35 North 3rd Street, Quakertown Richland Township: Richland Township Police Department 229 California Road, Quakertown
Pastor Linda’s Installation Service What a wonderful Installation Service on November 7th! Many thanks to all who worked hard to make the day such a special one in the life of St. John’s community! God has truly blessed us with so many gifts as we journey forward together in faith. Peace & Blessings, Pastor Linda
BBQ to GO ORDER DEADLINE IS TODAY, NOVEMBER 28TH! Our Pork BBQ to GO is scheduled for Saturday, December 11th. We will be packing up the BBQ pork on Friday night (December 10th – 6:30 pm) and meals can be picked up at church on Saturday, December 11th from 10:00 am - 12 NOON or on Sunday, December 12th after church. If you would like to make brownies please let Linda Lindsay know, we need about 8 (9” x 13”) pans, we have 1 so far. And we are still looking for a vendor to donate bags of chips. The cost will be the same as last year $12.00 for a Large Meal (feeds 4-5) and $8.00 for a Small Meal (feeds 2-3). Please turn in your order form to one of the WOW committee members Bev Kuhn, Helen Refsnider, or Mary Hardcastle TODAY, there is also be a BBQ to GO Order Deposit Box in the Narthex where you can drop off your order from. December is a busy time of the year, so order your BBQ to GO for a quick and delicious dinner. Additional order forms are available in the Narthex or the church office. Thank you for your support!
St. John’s Children’s Play “Live From Bethlehem” DATES FOR THE CHRISTMAS PLAY PRACTICE: 12/12 – Practice following Church 12 12/18 – Practice prior to Christmas Caroling – we’ll meet in the church at 4:00 pm Please mark your calendar for the Children’s Christmas Play during our Worship Service on December 19th!
St. John’s Christmas Bazaar The winners of the Bazaar Raffle were: Quilt – Gladys Fehr 3D Picture – Carol Afflerbach Christmas Pillow – Karen Rossi 1 lb. Box Repperts Candy – Beverly Kuhn INCOME - $1,483.85 (Baked Goods - $188.25, Kitchen - $152.00, Crafts – $560.60, Raffle - $383.00) LESS EXPENSES - $356.69 NET PROFIT - $1,127.16 Many items will be available after church services through the next few weeks. We had a good response at the baked goods table and we sold out of chili and almost out of all the soup and hot dogs. The WOW Group thanks everyone who volunteered, sold candy, made crafts, baked & cooked, and supported our Christmas Bazaar in any way… and also a special thank you to Santa. You all made this a success this year!
Veterans’ Day was November 11th We recognized & honored & thanked those who served the United States of America on Sunday, November 14th – Recognition Sunday. Larry C. Benner – Army – (Rank of SP/5) Vietnam War – August 15, 1966-August 14, 1968 U.S. Army Hospital, Fort Gordon, Georgia Assistant to three Chaplains Good Conduct Medal & Army Commendation Medal
William E. Benner, Jr. – Army – (Rank of PFC) World War II – 3 years 13 Infantry – Germany Good Conduct Medal & Purple Heart
Lloyd Ewer – Army – August, 1957- July, 1959 Fort Benning, Georgia & Bamberg, Germany Good Conduct Medal
William B. Fairer – Navy (Grandfather to Katie Yerger) August, 1943 - June, 1946 Naval Air Station, Beaufort, South Carolina ‘Aviation Electronics Technicians Mate – First Class’ (involved in radar maintenance)
Gerald Freed – Army – November, 1965 -1967 Fort Carson, Colorado & Vietnam Expert Sharpshooter, Good Conduct, National Defense, Republic of Vietnam Service
Joseph Gillen – Navy – 1968-1970 USS Independence, Norfolk, Virginia
Ernest W. Gross – May 1943-December 1946 Army Air Force - stationed in the South Pacific, Japan, & Seattle, Washington Sergeant – Ground Radar Operator
Karl M. Jancsics – Marines – August, 1965 - June, 1969 North Carolina, California, Vietnam & Puerto Rico
Ronald Kulp – Army & Active Reserve, 1964-1970 Fort Jackson, South Carolina, Fort A.P. Hill, Virginia Fort Drum, New York, Indiantown Gap, Pennsylvania
John Moyer – Army – 1958-1960 14 Redstone Arsenal, Huntsville, Alabama
Jerome Musselman – Navy – 1951-1955 CA139 USS Salem Vessel Boston, Massachusetts & Norfolk, Virginia
Jerry Stauffer – Army – January 6, 1960-March 8, 1962 Fort Jackson, South Carolina, Fort Benning, Georgia, 1 year – Seoul, Korea & 6 weeks – Germany
Bruce Yerger – Air Force – January 4, 1968-December, 1971 Basic Training, Amarillo Texas, Westover Air Force Base, Massachusetts Buck Sergeant Heifer Project International Thanks to all of the Members and Friends of St. John’s for their contributions to Heifer. We raised a total of $465.71. The youth are deciding on what to purchase and will be letting us know shortly.
St. John’s Replicas There are still a few (Cat’s Meow-like) replicas of our Church that can be purchased at the church office for $5. On the back of each is a short history of our Church. The building makes for a very nice reminder of our 200th Anniversary celebrations.
We are Always Looking for New Lectors… Would you be interested in reading scripture passages at our Sunday morning Worship Services? If you would like to read or have any questions please contact Pastor Linda or Marcella Kulp.
15 The N E W St. John’s Website The new St John's website is now live, after roughly five months of development! Many thanks go to Pastor Linda and Church Council for their support of this new venture. Please take a look at the new website at: www.stjohnsucc.org , which is the same name as before. Even though the website has gone live, there may be a few items that haven't yet been included, or maybe there is an error or two. Please bear with us, as this website is an on- going effort, and also, please let us know your comments. And yes, the address will stay the same… www.stjohnsucc.org.
Don’t forget to mark your calendar… ‘A Song For Christmas’ Sunday, December 5th & December 12th at 7:30 pm
CANTATA REHEARSAL ‘A Song For Christmas’ THE FINAL REHEARSAL – December 3rd – 7 pm
Staples Please bring your empty toner and ink cartridges (any brand) to the church office. Staples will give us a $2 credit for each cartridge we return to the store. We are able to return 10 cartridges per month which gives us $20 a month to spend on office supplies for free! Staples accepts any brand! Thank you so much for all of your support with this great way to recycle and save St. John’s in office expenses!
16 Cash Register Tape Fundraiser The WOW group collects cash register tapes from Redner’s Warehouse Markets. Please register for a Shopper’s Card at the courtesy counter and tell them it is for St. John’s UCC. With the closing of Boyer’s we can use all the tapes we can get, so please try to remember when you grocery shop. Thank you.
Longest Night Memorial Service There will be a Longest Night Memorial Service on Tuesday, December 21st at First United Church of Christ in Quakertown (4th & Park Avenue). This service especially focuses on those who have suffered a loss of a loved one in the past year. The Worship Service time is at 7:00 pm. All are welcome!
Memorial Service Phoebe Home will be having a Memorial Service on Tuesday, November 30th at 7:00 pm at Phoebe Home’s Moyer Hall. Hazel M. Kramer will be remembered at this service. Words of comfort, assurance, and hymns will be sung. A candle will be lit to honor and remember Hazel. Family, friends and neighbors are invited to this service. Refreshments and fellowship will follow the service. Questions… call the Pastoral Care Office 610-794-5116.
The Quakertown Food Pantry Serving God by serving those in need (215) 536-0240 [email protected] Pantry Hours: Monday, Wednesday & Friday: 10:00 am – 1:00 pm Tuesday & Thursday: 6:00 pm – 8:00 pm Saturday: 10:00 am – Noon Food Pantry Christmas Dinners The Quakertown Food Pantry is asking local Congregations to fill bags with Christmas dinner items – they 17 are providing a ham or turkey to go with these items. The items are listed below. We need these bags by Sunday, December 12th. They are hoping to provide 200 families with a Christmas dinner. Please take a coupon (item list) from the packet in the Narthex on the bulletin board and after your bag is filled with the requested items, place the bag (with the coupon attached) in the Narthex area. ITEMS REQUESTED: 1 box instant mashed potatoes, 1 can green beans, 1 can corn, 1 can cranberry, 1 can gravy, 1 bottle apple juice, and 1 box or bag of Christmas cookies. Thank You!
Join the St. John’s Food Pantry Team Every fourth Thursday of the month we will be volunteering at the Pantry from 6:00 - 8:00 pm. If you would like to join the ‘FOOD PANTRY TEAM’ speak with Pastor Linda.
Food Pantry Training Session The next food pantry training will be on Saturday, December 4th at 12:30 pm. If would like to attend, please call the church office. Thank you.
Advent Soup & Supper Worship Series “The Stars Tell the Story” Offered by St. John’s Lutheran, St John’s UCC and St. Paul’s Evangelical Lutheran Church. Supper at 6:15 pm AND Worship at 7:00 pm. Join us in the Activities Center of St. John’s Lutheran Church. Enhance your Advent Spiritual Experience by joining our Wednesday Evening Soup & Supper Worship Series. WEDNESDAYS IN DECEMBER… 1st, 8th, 15th, and 22nd. We are providing the Soup & Bread on December 8th and the Dessert on December 22nd – Please sign up!
Operation Santa Claus for Phoebe Richland St. John’s will be collecting Christmas gifts for the residents of Phoebe Richland Healthcare Center. The 18 deadline for gifts is Wednesday, December 8th. Listed below are some gift ideas for Operation Santa Claus. Chocolates (no nuts), flavored puddings, applesauce, other prepared/pureed desserts. Fleece or regular sweatshirts, or zipper front shirts for men & women (L, XL, XXL), and decorative pillows. Scented body creams, shampoos, and body sprays (like Avena bath wash). Cheese crackers, Tasty Cakes, soft snacks including sugar free cakes and candies. Picture books; scenery, animals, sports, puzzle books (easy large print word searches and cross words). DVD’s and / or CD’s of classic movies and music selections appropriate for age and gender. PLEASE DO NOT WRAP GIFTS Your donations will make for a VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS at Phoebe Richland Health Care Center.
You are invited to attend… St. John’s Next Book Reading Discussion Wednesday, January 19th at 7:00 pm “THE HELP” by Kathryn Stockett
In Celebration of our Thankfulness… We are asking the Congregation to bring in a selection of canned goods to support the Quakertown Food Pantry. The need will be great during this holiday season. The Food Pantry gives out a 3-day supply of food for people in need. During these difficult economic times, the need continues to grow in our community. Please support the Food Pantry in a generous way. SUGGESTED ITEMS: Cereal (hot or cold), Canned Fish and Meats, Tomato, Chicken Noodle and Cream Soups, Hearty/Chunky Soups, Beef Stew, Pork & Beans, Canned Pasta (Ravioli, Spaghettios, Etc.) Rice, Spaghetti Sauce & Pasta, Instant Mashed Potatoes, Canned Vegetables, Peanut Butter, Jelly, Mac ‘N Cheese, Canned Fruit, Canned Juices, Sugar, Hot Chocolate, Coffee, Tea Bags, Mayonnaise, Etc. 19 Church World Services A BIG THANK YOU... to you, the members and friends of St. John’s, for your support in making the school kits for Church World Services. 27 schools kits were assembled. Thanks to a Congregation like ours, Church World Services provided 121,735 kits (school, hygiene, baby care, and emergency clean-up buckets), all of which make a huge difference in disaster relief & recovery. Thanks so much for all of your support!
Our Daily Bread Our devotional booklets, ‘OUR DAILY BREAD’ for December through February and also the Christmas edition are now available at the end of the pews. It is time to make our annual donation to the organization that provides these devotional guides. If you would like to make a donation to help defray the cost and support a meaningful ministry, it would be appreciated. Please place your donation in the offering plate marked ‘The Daily Bread’. Thank You.
Bulletin Sponsors The 2010 Bulletin Sponsor List is posted on the bulletin board. The cost is $5.00 per week per sponsor. There is room for 2 sponsors per week . Please help us defray the cost of printing our weekly bulletins by volunteering to be a Bulletin Sponsor. If you have any questions, please contact Carla Spotts.
‘Miracle of Christmas’ At the Sight & Sound Theatre in Lancaster, Pennsylvania St. John's Lutheran Church in Richlandtown invites St. John’s UCC members and friends to join them in on a motor coach trip to see the ‘Miracle of Christmas’ Thursday, December 9 We will depart from the St. John's Lutheran Church
20 parking lot in Richlandtown promptly at 8:30 am. A second pick up location is possible depending on the response. Return time is approximately 5:30 pm. Cost… $ 65, which includes entrance for the show and the bus driver tip. Lunch is first, at Shady Maple ($11.95 adult, $10.75 over 60) or you can go on your own. Please call St. John's church office at 215-536-5027 or e-mail [email protected] to reserve your seat. Please include your name and phone number. Please make checks payable to: St. John's Lutheran Church. Mailing Address: P.O. Box 459, Richlandtown, PA 18955. Space is limited, so reserve your seat ASAP!!!
Christmas Eve Candlelight Services Friday, December 24th 7 pm – Candlelight Family Worship Service 11 pm – Candlelight Worship Service WOW Christmas Party Please join the Women of the Word on Wednesday, December 15th at 7:00 pm for their celebration of Christmas. Join us in the Social Hall and don’t forget to bring along your favorite snack or treat to share with friends. Come and enjoy some fellowship and the festivities of the season!
The Quakertown Ministerium & Toys for Tots Come and Celebrate the Miracle of Christmas! Once again, the Quakertown Ministerium, HUBBUB & Toys for Tots are sponsoring their Annual Christmas Carnival. It will be held on Saturday, December 11th from 11:00 am – 2:00 pm at Quakertown United Methodist Church. They are looking for participants and sponsors for this event. They will have ‘fun stations’; Cookie Decorating, Silhouette Drawings, Penny Splash, Pin the Tail on the Reindeer, Sand Art, Ornament Designing, Etc. For more information see Pastor Linda. 21 FREE GAMES AND PRIZES! Kids of all ages are welcome… lunch is provided!
Congregational Meeting The Church Council has called a Congregational Meeting for Sunday, December 12th to be held in the Sanctuary immediately following our Worship Service. The Proposed Budget for 2011 will be presented and following discussion, the Congregation will vote as to whether or not to approve the 2011 budget. We encourage all Members to attend this meeting and be a part of the approval process.
There are some St. John’s Cookbooks still Available!!! Please come to the Church Office to purchase your copy of our new cookbook. They make a great holiday gift… $15 Each. Restroom Renovation Update We came a step closer to having a fully functioning pair of bathrooms when Willie's installed the fixtures and reinstalled the heating. The men of the church and our faithful custodian were there to finish painting, wiring and patching walls and floors. Likewise the women of the church were instrumental in selecting colors and vanities. Some things remain to be done, namely, adjusting the doors and installing the partitions after they are delivered in a week or two. Hopefully we will have them complete for the Christmas cantata programs. John Moyer
Ushers & Acolytes Please note, if you are an usher and also an acolyte on any given Sunday, please be at the church at least 20 minutes before the service so that you can light the candles. The order of lighting should be the Christ candle first (the large candle on the landing) then the altar candles. At the end of the service
22 the altar candles should be extinguished first and then the Christ candle is extinguished. Ushers should return to their seats after giving the offering plate to the pastor or acolyte, this is so they can be seated for the Offertory Prayer in unison.
Join St. John’s on December 18th for Christmas Caroling We will be meeting at the Church at 5:30 pm. We will have soup, chili and bread for supper and play some games like jeopardy before caroling. Afterwards we’ll have cookies and hot chocolate.
Upcoming St. John’s Social Hours All committees have been scheduled for their Social Hours during the upcoming year. If a date needs to change, please contact Debbie Deily or the Church Office. You can be as creative or simple as you like for your Social Hour. December – No Social Hour January 9th – Hosted by the Spiritual Life & Property Committees – Blood Pressure Screening February 13th – Hosted by the Budget & Finance / Worship Committees March 13th – Hosted by the WOW Group April 10th – Hosted by Church Council May 8th – Hosted by the Men of the Church June 19th – Hosted by the Christian Ed. Committee
Communication All Committee Chairpersons, please give reports or any information on current meetings to the Pastor or Church Secretary by Wednesday for the Sunday bulletin and by the 20th of the month for the newsletter. E-mail us at [email protected]. Also a large calendar has been placed on the Narthex bulletin board. People are strongly encouraged to fill in their planned meetings/events on the calendar for everyone to see.
Prayer 23 Prayer is not a trial balloon we send up to see if God is there. It is an opportunity He has given us to communicate with Him. Please allow our Prayer Chain to join you in prayer. The information you give will be kept confidential. For prayer needs or for membership, please contact Marcella Kulp at 215- 536-5625.
The Prayer Shawl Ministry Do you know someone who would be warmed in body, mind and spirit by receiving a prayer shawl? If so, please contact either Barbara Fehnel or Mary Gillen. They have prayer shawls available. Not only are the shawls a wonderful blessing to those who receive them, but they are wonderful blessings to those who make them!
~ In Concert ~ Summer Harmony and St. John’s Cantata Choir Summer Harmony Men’s Chorus of the Lehigh Valley, which appeared at St. John’s in 2007 during our 200th Anniversary celebration year, and The Cantata Choir of St. John’s will appear, along with three other choirs from the Lehigh Valley, in concert together on Friday evening, December 17, 2010 at First Presbyterian Church, Tilghman Street and Cedar Crest Boulevard, Allentown. Concert time is 7:30 PM. Tickets are $15 and can be obtained from Larry Benner. A portion of each choir’s ticket sales will be donated back to support their music program. So, the more tickets we sell, the greater the reward! Please come out and support our choir for this very special occasion. Perhaps we can carpool and make it a holiday “musical” outing for the members of St. John’s, their families and their friends. Spread the word. It will be an evening well spent! Deadline for Tickets is today, November 28th.
Don’t Forget to Mark Your Calendars for “A Song for Christmas” Sunday, December 5th at 7:30 PM 24 AND Sunday, December 12th at 7:30 PM Musical Prelude to begin at 7:15 PM The deadline for Cantata Patron contributions is Today, November 28th.
COUNCIL NOMINEES St. John's is looking for four nominees for our Church Council. This is an important responsibility in our church as the council seeks to be responsible for the maintenance and mission of the church. Those going off council are Deb Deily, Stephen Sechriest, LuAnn Kramer and Romaine Thrapp. If you are interested please contact Stephen Sechriest or Pastor Linda.
-Our Church Elevator- When exiting the elevator please make sure the door is completely closed & latched. If the doors on all floors are not closed, the elevator cannot be called from another floor. 2011 Offering Envelopes Soon, the 2011 Offering Envelopes will be available in the Narthex. If you see someone who needs to get their envelope, please feel free to take theirs with you. Thank you.
Are You A Scrap Booker? We are still looking for a talented, dedicated, scrap booker to put together books of St. John’s history. If you think you are up to the task, please contact the Church Office.
Our New 2011 Directory In January our Church Directory will be revised. If anyone would like to make any changes to their present listing, please let the Church Office know via telephone/message, e-mail, regular mail or dropping the information off at the Church Office. Thank you in advance for your assistance.
25 Food for Friends Our next Food for Friends dinner will take place during Christmas week, December 29th, so we are planning to have a special meal. Our menu will be ham, scalloped potatoes, corn, applesauce, rolls and finger food desserts. We also plan to distribute socks to everyone present. We are therefore in need of some contributions to make this all possible. Please sign up for some way you could assist us with this special festive dinner. – The Caring Church Committee
Cold Feet Are No Fun!!! Help keep someone’s feet warm this winter by donating a pair or two of new socks. They will be distributed during the next St. John’s Food for Friends Evening on December 29th.
RADA Cutlery A CUT ABOVE THE REST! Please support the WOW Group and order some Rada Cutlery. The WOW Group is placing an order before Christmas… the deadline is December 12th. And now it is as simple as a click on your computer. Please see the enclosed flyer. Orders are delivered in 2 weeks to your home. If any errors were found in this newsletter, we apologize. Please contact the office at (215) 538-0875 or email [email protected]
As always, the Offering needed each week is of utmost importance to paying St. John’s bills. With the holiday season fast approaching we are praying for helpful contributions at our Sunday Worship Services.
St. John’s Finances
26 Offering Needed Each Week $1,701.92 Offering Received (10/31/10 -11/21/10) $6,991.50 Year-to-date Shortfall $7,407.51
OUR CHURCH FAMILY Prayers and Concerns within Our Congregation Jeanette Kade at Phoebe Richland
DECEMBER BIRTHDAYS 1 John Wassmer 7 Jamie Wassmer 3 Samantha Roberts 9 Troy Jancsics 4 Dorothy Ewer 10 Kellie Crouthamel 6 John Gavis 29 Beverly Kuhn Judith Roberts Those Scheduled to Serve Lectors December 5 – Carla Spotts December 12 – Jeanette Shurow December 19 – John Moyer December 24 – 7 pm – Courtney Weeks 11 pm – Mindy Metzger December 26 – Jerry Lennon January 2 – Karen King
Greeters December 5 – Gladys Haas & Edith Krigor 27 December 12 – John & Ruth Moyer December 19 – Craig & Kerry Thompson December 24 – 7 pm – Larry & Judy Roberts 11 pm – Linda Lindsay & LuAnn Kramer December 26 – George Schaffer & Marge Schaffer January 2 – David Ackerman & Ruth Ann Ackerman
Ushers December 5 – John Moyer & Linda Lindsay December 12 – Sue Benner & Judy Guise December 19 – Lloyd & Dorothy Ewer December 24 – 7 pm – Joseph Horton & Craig Thompson 11 pm – George Spotts & Donnie Edmonds December 26 – George Schaffer & Stephen Sechriest January 2 – Jade Scholl & Aaron Scholl
Acolytes December 5 – Linda Lindsay December 12 – Shannon King December 19 – Emily Scholl December 24 – 7 pm – Jason Horton 11 pm – Donnie Edmonds December 26 – Linda Lindsay January 2 – Aaron Scholl
Visitation Committee December – Barbara Fehnel & Ruth Moyer January – Jessica Sechriest, Karen King & Shannon King
Altar Guild December – Karen King & Shannon King January – Ruth Ann Ackerman & Sue Gross
Nursery December 5 – LuAnn Kramer & Ellen Yerkes December 12 – DottiAnne Edmonds & Katie Yerger December 19 – Karen King & Shannon King December 26 – Linda Lindsay & Dorothy Ewer 28 January 2 – Karen Bilger & Gail Jancsics
Offering Processing December 5 – John Moyer, Stephen Sechriest & Marcella Kulp December 12 – LuAnn Kramer, David King & Romaine Thrapp December 19 – John Moyer, Debbie Deily & Marcella Kulp December 24 – 7 pm – Debbie Deily, David King & Stephen Sechriest 11 pm – LuAnn Kramer, Romaine Thrapp & John Moyer December 26 – Stephen Sechriest, David King & Romaine Thrapp January 2 – Debbie Deily, John Moyer & Marcella Kulp
FIRST SUNDAY OF ADVENT – COMMUNION NOVEMBER 28TH Ushers: LuAnn Kramer, Debbie Deily, Marcella Kulp, and Romaine Thrapp Altar: David King Altar Guild: DottiAnne Edmonds, Kerry Thompson, Jade Scholl and Ruth Moyer
CHRISTMAS CANTATA ‘ A Song for Christmas’ DECEMBER 5th – 7:30 pm Ushers: George Schaffer & Stephen Sechriest Greeters: Robert & Joan Kelly DECEMBER 12th – 7:30 pm Ushers: Ernest Gross & Raymond Gross Greeters: Judy Guise & Jeanette Shurow
SECOND SUNDAY AFTER CHRISTMAS – EPIPHANY CELEBRATION – COMMUNION JANUARY 2ND Ushers: Debbie Deily, LuAnn Kramer, John Moyer and Stephen Sechriest Altar: Marcella Kulp Altar Guild: Barbara Afflerbach, Barbara Fehnel and Carla Spotts
To All the Members and Friends of St. John’s Have a Happy, Healthy, Safe
30 & Very Merry Christmas!!!
ST. JOHN’S UNITED CHURCH OF CHRIST WWW.STJOHNSUCC.ORG 31 4 North Main Street, P.O. Box 356 Richlandtown, Pennsylvania 18955 215-538-0875 EMAIL: [email protected]