
Sorry not to respond earlier. I was trying to find ways where you can work at home through ssh channel to use the setool.

I corrected the link error. It now points to http://cs.uccs.edu/~cs522/hw/hwF2003/setool.htm

Setool is an X windows application with GUI for specifying CFSMs of a protocol (limit to two per protocol at this point) and performing reachability analysis to generate the reachability graph. It was written first in Sunview as part of my dissertation. I ported to use Xview 12 year ago, but the color mapping on different platform has been a problem. You may see strange color background for node symbols. I did not improve on it. You can use it to check your hw3 answers but you need to tolerate strange mouse button assignment for drawing the transition, and middle button for concluding some of the operation. You should be able to verify the reachability analysis result without using such tool.

For those brave to use it, go to the CS Unix machines in EAS 149, login in front of the console, copy the ~cs522/bin/ex2f2002.* files to your own working directory, type ~cs522/bin/setool and follow the man page in http://cs.uccs.edu/~cs522/hw/hwF2004/setool.html You can edit individual machines M and N by changing the transition(edge) labels to that in part 2 exercise 1. Then select the protocol | RG from Initial State. The popup frame will ask How deep to explore, default is 8 level. Just click “Do it” and it will show the RG.

If you try to work at home, has high speed connection (X windows will be very slow on dial up link), and has high quality X server on windows such as HummingBird Exceed, then following the following steps to start setool at home. We will run X server on your home machine and run setool X application at CS Unix machine. Since allowing X windows protocol from outside of an organization has been identified as security threat. Most of organization simply block the X window protocol access. Therefore you can not just set up Xsession from home to CS Unix machines. To bypass the router filtering, one way is to setup a Virtual Private Network (VPN) connection which connects you securely to UCCS networks (packets are encrypted between home and VPN server voyager.uccs.edu.

The other way is to set up a secure bypass tunnel using putty and using the secure terminal connections to pass X window protocol messages. Since the X window messages are encapsulated in packets destined to port 22 of the server, it will not alert the router. To setup secure tunnel on putty, when the configuration window appears, select SSH | Tunnel on the left hand side Category subwindow. You should see the right side window changes, check “Enable X11 Forwarding”. Then go back to main session window by select Session on category subwindow. Type in server name to login.

Before you type in ~cs522/bin/setool in putty window, start the X window server on your PC. For Exceed package, just select start | programs | HummingBirdConnectivity 7.x | Exceed | Exceed. After you type “~cs522/bin/setool”, the setool window should show up the X server window. For Cygwin, you can download xorg X server package but it seems the screen ID was not mapped properly there. I was not able to bring setool window up. Let me know if some of you have it working.

I also tried XlitePro v1.2 trial version. It assigned black background color for the node symbol, on setool (which black and white version) it can not show the node labels. But if you use ~cs522/bin/secolor, you can manage to see the node labels.

If you are brave and excite about the tool building, the source code of setool is available at ~chow/xse. You can download and run on your Linux box or the fc1uml virtual machine.

You are welcome to port it to other new GUI packages, including Tk http://tcl.activestate.com/scripting/ Qt http://www.trolltech.com/

Let me know if you choose to pursue the porting effort as a semester project or just for fun.


-----Original Message----- From: Jacquelyn Nation [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: Monday, September 20, 2004 9:06 PM To: [email protected] Subject:

I get "Access forbidden!" when going to the link http://cs.uccs.edu/~cs522/hw/hwF2003/setool.htm for homework #3. Can you help?


Jackie Nation