School District Of Indian River County

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School District Of Indian River County

Artifact 4 School Improvement Plan Liberty Elementary School

 This artifact was developed by the School Improvement Team during Summer 2007 for the following school year 2007 – 2008.

 My role in this project was participant in a group. I was an active participant in utilizing data to develop our SIP for the following year.

 I received positive feedback regarding my participating. My administrator was very appreciative of all my efforts.

 This project addresses the following Florida Educational Leadership Standards:

X Standard 1: The principal has a personal vision for the school and the Vision knowledge, skills, and dispositions to develop, articulate and implement a shared vision that is supported by the larger organization and the school community.

Standard 2: The principal promotes a positive learning culture, provides Instructional an effective instructional program and applies best practices Leadership to student learning, especially in the area of reading and other foundational skills.

Standard 3: The principal manages the organization, operations, facilities Managing and resources in ways that maximize the use of resources in the Learning an instructional organization and promotes a safe, efficient, Environment legal, and effective learning environment.

Standard 4: The principal collaborates with families, business, and Community community members, responds to diverse community and interests and needs, works effectively within the larger Stakeholder organization and mobilizes community resources. Partnerships

Standard 5: The principal plans effectively, uses critical thinking and Decision problem solving techniques, and collects and analyzes data Making for continuous school improvement. Strategies

Standard 6: The principal understands, responds to, and influences the Diversity personal, political, social, economic, legal, and cultural relationships in the classroom, the school, and the local community. X Standard 7: The principal plans and implements the integration of Technology technological and electronic tools in teaching, learning, management, research and communication responsibilities.

X Standard 8: The principal monitors the success of all students in the Learning, learning environment, aligns the curriculum, instruction, and Accountabili assessment process to promote effective student ty, and performance, and uses a variety of benchmarks, learning Assessment expectations, and feedback measures to ensure accountability for all participants engaged in the educational process

Standard 9: The principal recruits, selects, nurtures and where Human appropriate, retains effective personnel, develops mentor Resource and partnership programs, and designs and implements Developmen comprehensive professional growth plans for all staff—paid t and volunteer.

Standard 10: The principal acts with integrity, fairness, and honesty in an Ethical ethical manner. Leadership

 Reflective statement: A school improvement plan is such an important document to school funding. I was honored to be a part of the team. I learned a great deal about our school, my colleagues, and our school’s priorities. The skills I have acquired during my graduate studies contributed to my successful participation. Communication and collaboration are essential in developing such an important tool.

2 Our Vision – Student Success!



Liberty Elementary

District Mission: We will provide an innovative educational environment that allows and inspires success for everyone

School Co-mission: The mission of Liberty Elementary School is to provide a safe, orderly, learning environment where the "Freedom to Learn Prevails" and to ensure that all strive for excellence.

3 School District of Charlotte County 2007 – 2008 STUDENT SUCCESS! PLAN SSP Writing Team/ SAC Approval


Angie Taillon Assistant Principal

Holly Vida ESE Teacher

Melissa Marlett ESE Liaison/Parent

Cynthia Chausse’ Guidance Counselor

Renee Wiley CRT

rd Denise Ziemak 3 Grade Teacher

Becky Hazeltine Principal’s Secretary

Michael Hazeltine Parent

Lauren Shamus Writing Teacher

Grace Shepard K-Teacher/Parent

Heidi Keegan First Grade Teacher

Mary Ann Reading Teacher Morehouse Thomas Gifford Principal

Joella Moore SRO/Parent Adrienne McElroy Third Grade Teacher

James Arthur Fourth Grade Teacher Plan Submitted to SAC for Approval:


4 (Please attach a copy of your SAC Roster)


Principal Date

SAC Chair Date

5 School District of Charlotte County 2007 - 2008 STUDENT SUCCESS! PLAN “Big Rock” Plan

“Big Rock” Strategy Name: Creating a Model School; “Expect More, Get More!”

Three to Five Year “End in Mind” Vision Statement: Using Daggett’s “Successful Schools: From Research to Action Plans” as a guide, Liberty Elementary School will create a culture that fosters characteristics of a research-based, highly effective, successful school by building character and competence. We will continue to strive to create a model school by focusing on the following actions:  Nurturing the development of strong, supportive leaders  Mentoring students and teachers  Creating a culture that supports change  Setting high expectations that include a rigorous and relevant curriculum through differentiated instruction  Incorporating the United States’ 12 Guiding Principles to Exceptional Character into our Positive Behavior Support Program to create a highly productive and safe learning environment  Monitoring student progress to ensure the needs of all students are met  Increasing community involvement to improve student performance  Encouraging and educating students, community, and staff to establish good health and nutritional habits

Resources Needed to Realize Vision: Human Resources All staff members, parents, community members, SRO, LES students, CCPS District Office staff Physical Resources Printed materials, character education curricula, knowledge taxonomy, tangible rewards, budget Technology Resources Larson’s Math, FCAT Explorer, Compass, Harcourt Brace Math Curriculum, Performance Matters, Super Phonics, UBDs, United Streaming, LCD projectors, document cameras, Kaplan Achieve, Nettrekker, portable laptop lab, Mac and PC computer labs, teacher websites, STEM Lab, virtual safety classroom Information Resources Daggett’s “Successful Schools: From Research to Action”, Florida DOE’s Leading Action Research in Schools, School Climate Survey, Kaplan Achieve, FCAT, DIBELS, FLKRS, STAR reports, Accelerated Reader reports, parent surveys, The Ultimate Question survey, CCPS’ Administrative Survey Instructional Resources “7 Habits of Highly Effective Students” curriculum, Positive Behavior Support curriculum, United States’ 12 Guiding Principles of Exceptional

6 Character, professional development, “Gold Seal Lessons” by Daggett, Kaplan Science Curriculum, Harcourt Brace Reading, Math and Science Curricula, Book Nook, LJ STEM Lab Curriculum Partnerships New Hope Church, Red Lobster, Edgewater Church STAIR program, PTO, SAC, Big Brothers and Big Sisters, YMCA, Charlotte County Sheriff’s Department, CCPS, Domino’s Pizza, Chick-Fil-A, Papa John’s Pizza, Port Charlotte Elks Lodge, Charlotte County Public Library, Charlotte Community Mental Health, Nurturing Parents, Dad’s Tool Time, Cub Scouts, Girl Scouts, Lexington Manor, Coca Cola, Taco Bell, Publix, Wal-Mart, Wendy’s Fiscal Resources PTO, New Hope Church, CCPS, Federal and State Grants, Donations, School Improvement Funds, School Fund Raisers, AYP Plan, Principal’s Discretionary Fund

Alignment to District Goal(s): Success for All Optimal Facilities Comprehensive Curriculum, Instruction, Assessment Diversity of Workforce Technical & Career Education Leadership Effective Schools and Classes Compensation & Benefits Recruitment, Support, and Retention Technology Equipped Professional & Staff Development Effective Communication Fiscal Responsibility Enhance Relationships Build Partnerships

7 School District of Charlotte County 2007 - 2008 STUDENT SUCCESS! PLAN Needs Assessment

Data Reviewed:

☻School Demographics (F/R Lunch, Minority, LEP, ESE) FCAT Scores (including disaggregated data) Florida Accountability School Grade Report Florida Accountability Return on Investment Report NCLB Adequate Yearly Progress Report ☻Florida Kindergarten Readiness Screening (FLKRS) ☻Dynamic Indicators of Basic Early Literacy Skills (DIBELS) Scores ☻AGS GRADE & GMADE Scores/ Kaplan Achievement Scores ☻Promotion Rates Graduation Rates ☻Climate Survey ☻School Discipline Data ☻Parent Involvement Data ☻School Environmental Safety and Incident Report (SESIR) ☻Highly Qualified Teachers

Other: (please indicate)______

Other: (please indicate)______

Key Findings (include specific NCLB sub-group needs):

Will add when School Grade and AYP status is determined by state.

8 9 School District of Charlotte County 2007 - 2008 STUDENT SUCCESS! PLAN Goals & Objectives

2007-08 Student Success Annual SMART Goals: Reading The percentage of students in grades 3-5 scoring proficient levels of 3, 4 or 5 on FCAT Reading will increase by a total of 5% Writing 85% of students will score a proficient level of 3.5 or higher on FCAT Writing. Mathematics The percentage of students in grades 3-5 scoring proficient levels of 3, 4 or 5 on FCAT Math will increase by a total of 5% Science The percentage of students in grade 5 scoring proficient levels of 3, 4, and 5 on FCAT Science will increase by a total of 5%

2007-08 Objectives to implement “Big Rock” and meet Student Performance Targets: Objective (What) Strategy (How) Evidence of Completion

 Nurturing the  Offer teachers the opportunity to observe Duty Leave Forms, development of strong, master teachers teaching Certification/Degree supportive leaders  Implement a school-wide Action Plan initiative Completions, for professional development Inservice Logs,  Support in the completion of higher Completed Grants professional certificates and degrees  Offer teachers who are seeking Ed. Leadership Master’s Degrees to participate in activities that promote leadership skills  Encourage teachers to participate in CCPS’s CAPE program  Encourage staff to participate in Seven Habits and Speed of Trust workshops  Form a grant writing committee to secure more funding for special projects

 Mentoring students and  Support NET teachers’ growth by providing NET Portfolios, teachers peer support with ongoing monitoring National Board Mentor Logs,  Recommend National Board teachers assist Visitor Sign-in Sheets, fellow teachers with professional development Teacher Lesson Plans,  Partner with community organizations, parent Duty Leave Forms, volunteers, and teachers to mentor students Faculty Meeting Agendas,  Encourage student-student mentoring Professional Development  Pair master teachers up with other teachers Evaluation Forms  Offer in-house professional development through school-wide Action Plan initiative  Provide adult mentors for students needing academic, emotional, and/or behavioral support

10  Creating a culture that  Provide time and location for school-wide Duty Leave Forms, supports change learning communities Faculty Meeting Agendas,  Provide planning opportunities for grade level Grade Level Meeting teams during the school day Agendas  Ensure that all Faculty Meetings include Climate Survey, sharing of Action Plans Administrative Observations  Provide professional development opportunities for teams to build partnerships  Provide a supportive atmosphere that promotes team planning, brainstorming sessions and idea sharing  Decorate foyer, cafeteria and classroom hallways to promote positive student and school accomplishments  Setting high  Include a technology training opportunities at Faculty Meeting Agendas, expectations that Faculty Meetings Teacher Lesson Plans, include a rigorous and  Set clearly defined expectations so that every DIBELS’ Reports, staff member will support literacy (writing Kaplan Achieve Scores, relevant curriculum and reading) in every area FCAT Scores, through differentiated  Have teachers focus on power standards which FLKRS reports, instruction reflect the most essential learnings DRA scores,  Make Daggett’s Gold Seal Quadrant D lesson Running Records, plans available to all teachers in grade level Classroom Walk-Through pods Data,  Share Walk-Through data with teachers Administration Observations,  Encourage teachers to incorporate authentic Higher Overall test scores, learning activities and assessments into their STAR Reading Test Reports lessons  Incorporating the  Core Team and PBS Team will meet to discuss PBS Meeting Agendas, United States’ 12 how to implement principles into PBS’ STAR Less Discipline Referrals, Guiding Principles to expectations SWIS Data,  Core team will present to PBS team and SASI Data, Exceptional Character compromise how to implement Newsletters, into our Positive  WLES will air the principles weekly to Posters, Behavior Support introduce and review with students Marquee Program to create a  Posters will be hung in cafeteria and highly productive and throughout the school safe learning  Principles will be promoted in school newsletters environment  Principles will be placed on marquee outside, publicizing with “word of the month”  Monitoring student  Use a 2nd grade teacher allocation to form a Teacher Lesson Plans, progress to ensure the reading resource room Software Reports, needs of all students are  Utilize Performance Matters and/or Kaplan Duty Leave Forms monitoring reports to analyze test scores Progress Monitoring Reports, met  Provide substitutes for technology facilitators PMPs, to allow time for teacher training and IEPs, facilitation of report generation iii forms,  Request that our PTO fund the salary of a Signed meeting agendas from paraprofessional to assist in our Freedom Program Planner/Grade- Reading Room Level meetings,  Have teachers continuously monitor the A.R. bulletin board in strengths and weaknesses of all students and cafeteria, develop strategies that are research-based to Monthly A.R. recognition on

11 meet their individual needs WLES,  Have CRT meet with 3rd grade team to review Bi-monthly A.R. recognition portfolio progress monthly of at risk students in newsletter,  Freedom Reader Teacher will review teacher Completed Communication DRA progress quarterly with first and second Logs grade teachers whose students are receiving services  Create a School-Wide Communication Log for classroom teachers to utilize  CRT will meet monthly with grade levels to review iii forms  CRT will meet quarterly with all grade levels to review PMP progress  Add a Program planner for EH Tops Team  Form a school wide A.R. Committee to optimize communication opportunities regarding the program  Increase community  Participate in CCPS’s “Be There Program” Newsletters, involvement to initiative NTI Log, improve student  Grade levels will hold parent meetings at the Family Involvement beginning of the year to discuss academic and Committee agendas, performance behavioral expectations Evening workshop agendas,  Family Involvement Committee will meet bi- Teacher Websites, monthly to implement strategies and set goals Grade-level Expectation  Hold a minimum of three evening workshops Meeting agendas, for parents in various subject areas Communication Logs,  Invite parents to our Annual Drop Everything Visitor sign-in sheets, And Read Picnic Parent conference forms,  Utilize NTI System and bi-monthly Newsletters to keep parents informed  Encourage and educate  Disperse monthly Champ’s Café menu to Champ’s Café menus, students, community, parents Newsletters, and staff to establish  Publicize healthy foods on WLES Pledge forms from the  Implement FL state statute of 150 minutes of Exercise the Right to Read good health and P.E. per week Program, nutrition habits  Include articles on health and fitness in our bi- Creation of physical Walking monthly newsletter Trail  Implement a Walking Trail Master Schedule  Participate in the Exercise the Right to Read Running Program by reading 26 minutes each day for 26 days and walking a mile each day for 26 days  Assign Student Recess Monitors to encourage students to be active during Recess/PE

12 For each Sub-group that did not meet NCLB-AYP; For Students Scoring at Level 1 & 2 and the Lowest 25% on the FCAT /State Accountability System, Objectives for 2007-08: Sub-group Objective (include Strategy (research-based) Progress Evaluation subject area) Indicators

2008-09 “Big Rock” Objectives: Objective Strategy  Nurturing the  Offer teachers the opportunity to observe Duty Leave Forms, development of strong, master teachers teaching Certification/Degree supportive leaders  Continue with school-wide Action Plan Completions, initiative for professional development Inservice Logs,  Support in the completion of higher Completed Grants professional certificates and degrees  Offer teachers who are seeking Ed. Leadership Master’s Degrees to participate in activities that promote leadership skills  Encourage teachers to participate in CCPS’s CAPE program  Encourage staff to participate in Seven Habits and Speed of Trust workshops  Mentoring students and  Support NET teachers’ growth by providing NET Portfolios, teachers peer support with ongoing monitoring National Board Mentor Logs,  Recommend National Board teachers assist Visitor Sign-in Sheets, fellow teachers with professional development Teacher Lesson Plans,  Partner with community organizations, parent Duty Leave Forms, volunteers, and teachers to mentor students Faculty Meeting Agendas,  Encourage student-student mentoring Professional Development  Pair master teachers up with other teachers Evaluation Forms  Offer in-house professional development through school-wide Action Plan initiative  Provide adult mentors for students needing academic, emotional, and/or behavioral support

 Creating a culture that  Provide time and location for school-wide Duty Leave Forms, supports change learning communities Faculty Meeting Agendas,  Provide planning opportunities for grade level Grade Level Meeting teams during the school day Agendas  Ensure that all Faculty Meetings include Climate Survey, sharing of Action Plans Administrative Observations  Provide professional development

13 opportunities for teams to build partnerships  Provide a supportive atmosphere that promotes team planning, brainstorming sessions and idea sharing  Decorate foyer, cafeteria and classroom hallways to promote positive student and school accomplishments  Setting high  Include a technology training opportunities at Faculty Meeting Agendas, expectations that Faculty Meetings Teacher Lesson Plans, include a rigorous and  Set clearly defined expectations so that every DIBELS’ Reports, staff member will support literacy (writing Kaplan Achieve Scores, relevant curriculum and reading) in every area FCAT Scores, through differentiated  Have teachers focus on power standards which FLKRS reports, instruction reflect the most essential learnings DRA scores,  Share Walk-Through data with teachers Running Records,  Encourage teachers to incorporate authentic Classroom Walk-Through learning activities and assessments into their Data, lessons Administration Observations, Higher Overall test scores, STAR Reading Test Reports  Incorporating the  WLES will air the principles weekly to PBS Meeting Agendas, United States’ 12 introduce and review with students Less Discipline Referrals, Guiding Principles to  Posters will be hung in cafeteria and SWIS Data, throughout the school SASI Data, Exceptional Character  Principles will be promoted in school Newsletters, into our Positive newsletters Posters, Behavior Support  Principles will be placed on marquee outside, Marquee Program to create a publicizing with “word of the month” highly productive and safe learning environment  Monitoring student  Use a 2nd grade teacher allocation to form a Teacher Lesson Plans, progress to ensure the reading resource room Software Reports, needs of all students are  Utilize Performance Matters and/or Kaplan Duty Leave Forms monitoring reports to analyze test scores Progress Monitoring Reports, met  Provide substitutes for technology facilitators PMPs, to allow time for teacher training and IEPs, facilitation of report generation iii forms,  Request that our PTO fund the salary of a Signed meeting agendas from paraprofessional to assist in our Freedom Program Planner/Grade- Reading Room Level meetings,  Have teachers continuously monitor the A.R. bulletin board in strengths and weaknesses of all students and cafeteria, develop strategies that are research-based to Monthly A.R. recognition on meet their individual needs WLES,  Have CRT meet with 3rd grade team to review Bi-monthly A.R. recognition portfolio progress monthly of at risk students in newsletter,  Freedom Reader Teacher will review teacher Completed Communication DRA progress quarterly with first and second Logs grade teachers whose students are receiving services  Teachers will utilize a School-Wide Communication Log to communicate with parents

14  CRT will meet monthly with grade levels to review iii forms  CRT will meet quarterly with all grade levels to review PMP progress  Add a Program planner for EH Tops Team  Form a school wide A.R. Committee to optimize communication opportunities regarding the program  Increase community  Participate in CCPS’s “Be There Program” Newsletters, involvement to initiative NTI Log, improve student  Grade levels will hold parent meetings at the Family Involvement beginning of the year to discuss academic and Committee agendas, performance behavioral expectations Evening workshop agendas,  Family Involvement Committee will meet bi- Teacher Websites, monthly to implement strategies and set goals Grade-level Expectation  Hold a minimum of three evening workshops Meeting agendas, for parents in various subject areas Communication Logs,  Invite parents to our Annual Drop Everything Visitor sign-in sheets, And Read Picnic Parent conference forms,  Utilize NTI System and bi-monthly Newsletters to keep parents informed  Encourage and educate  Disperse monthly Champ’s Café menu to Champ’s Café menus, students, community, parents Newsletters, and staff to establish  Publicize healthy foods on WLES Pledge forms from the  Include articles on health and fitness in our bi- Exercise the Right to Read good health and monthly newsletter Program, nutrition habits  Implement a Walking Trail Creation of physical Walking  Participate in the Exercise the Right to Read Trail Running Program by reading 26 minutes each Master Schedule day for 26 days and walking a mile each day for 26 days  Assign Student Recess Monitors to encourage students to be active during Recess/PE  Continue to develop more activities for the Walking Trail

2009 – 2011 “Big Rock” Objectives: Objective Strategy  Encourage and educate  Request new outdoor equipment students, community,  Repave basketball court and staff to establish  Add additional covered area good health and  Add additional outside facilities – water fountain, bathrooms nutritional habits  Add outdoor track

 Increase technology  Provide laptops and LCD projector, and document camera school-wide for every teacher after training, through grant writing, A+ money, PTO funds  Increase technology training  Implement Electronic Report Cards

15 NCLB and State Compliance Areas to Address for 2007-08: Area Objective (What) Strategy (How) Indicators/Measures Academic Implement the  Administer Kaplan assessments  Student scores/ Progress district progress and ensure all instructional staff utilization reports Monitoring monitoring system are utilizing “Performance of Performance Matters”/Kaplan Reports Matters/Kaplan  Complete analysis of FCAT scores  Completed by classroom and have teachers Progress develop PDP goals to increase Monitoring student achievement Forms on all  Hold monthly Child Assistance students Team grade-level meetings to performing discuss the progress of struggling below grade level learners and develop ongoing  PMPs strategies to meet their needs  IEPs  Grade level meetings to discuss  Parent the progress of struggling learners Conference and develop ongoing strategies to Forms meet their needs  Grade-level Team Meeting Agendas Extended Provide remediation  Offer before and after-school  Increased levels Learning and enrichment reading and math remediation of achievement Opportunities for opportunities for  Most ESE students in grades 3 and in FCAT struggling learners 4 will receive education in the Reading, Math, Struggling Least Restrictive Regular Writing, and Learners Education classroom Science scores  Certified teachers will be hired to  Teachers’ offer additional support in Professional classrooms Development  Teachers and administrators will Plans have ongoing meetings to discuss  CAT paperwork CAT priorities and effective  Grade-level strategies to use with struggling Team Meeting learners agendas  Teachers will meet with parents of struggling students to discuss strategies that can be used at home as well as school to optimize learning  Teachers will continuously monitor the progress of struggling learners and adapt strategies when necessary  Use a 2nd grade teaching allocation to form a Reading Room to work with all 1st and below-level 2nd grade readers  Catch-Up Room will be established in a classroom/portable for students who are struggling behaviorally and academically School Safety/ To decrease the amount  Continue with Positive Behavior  Discipline

16 Discipline of behavioral referrals Support Program referrals to three a day  Offer ongoing support to PBS  SWIS Data Committee members  SASI Data  Continue to post PBS expectations  Communication all around campus logs  Attend PBS Booster Meetings  P.E. records  It will be highly recommended that  Monthly students wear closed toe, closed recognition of heel shoes character ed  Implement the United States’ 12 characteristics Guiding Principles

Technology Work with CCPS’s  Offer Computer Lab reading and  Computer Lab Technology Department math remediation to students in attendance sheets to infuse technology grades 3-5  Administrative throughout the school to  Offer new computers to teachers Walk-Through optimize students’ who use technology on a daily Data authentic learning basis in their classrooms.  Purchase Orders  Buy additional LCD projectors  Teachers’ Lesson and document cameras for Plans teachers who are using United  Monthly PMP Streaming and online resources in reviews their lessons  Implement S.T.E.M. Lab for grades K-5 Student Wellness To promote fitness  Students will have 150 minutes of  Teachers’ Lesson (include parent activities and to P.E. weekly which includes Plans awareness) stimulate cognitive lessons on health and nutrition  Parent development and  Teachers will review the CCPS’s Verification higher-level thinking Wellness Policy with students and Sign-Off Forms skills in all students parents  Student Sign-Up  Implement Brain Gym activities in Forms PE classes  Newsletter  Administration, Ellen Harvey, and  WLES teachers will provide an arts-  LEAP student infused and Brain Gym after- sign-up sheet school program every day for participating students of LEAP Indoor Air Work with the CCPS  Replacement of chiller and  Climate Surveys Quality/ Physical Maintenance accessories  Parent Surveys Environment Department to ensure  Quick response time to concerns  Work order that our school has about air quality and physical spreadsheet quality air and a safe environment, including the physical environment installation of data loggers as needed Continuous Create Student Success  Form a school-wide SSP Planning  SSP Improvement Plan and implement Committee and meet to form  SAC Meeting Model research-based school goals and to develop action Agendas strategies to ensure plans  Faculty Meeting Implementation student growth and  Gather input from faculty and Agendas success SAC members and make  Teacher Lesson necessary modifications of SSP Plans  Family Involvement Committee will hold academic workshops for

17 families Parent Increase the level of  Ask family members to complete a  Completed Involvement & family involvement at parent survey to share their Parent Surveys Empowerment our school by opinions regarding the strengths  Communication strengthening and weaknesses of our school Log relationships with our  Send a letter to families requesting  Family families their involvement in activities on Involvement campus Committee  Make personal phone calls to agendas families to request their help  Workshop sign-  Continue to strive to increase the in sheets level of participation in our SAC  Grade Level  Continue to have a pre-school Expectation Open House Meeting sign-in  Have teachers contact sheets parents/guardians on a regular  Open-House basis to discuss how each student sign-in sheets in their class is doing  Visitor sign-in  Family Involvement Committee sheets will meet bi-monthly  NTI messages  Newsletters  Classroom Websites  School Website  CCPS Website Highly Qualified To hire only highly  Interview highly qualified  Degrees and Teachers, qualified staff members candidates for open positions Certifications Administrators,  Continue to support those staff  Job Applications members who are not yet highly  National Board and qualified Mentoring Logs Paraprofessionals  Utilize National Board Certified Teachers as mentors  Encourage teachers to seek National Board Certification

School District of Charlotte County

18 2007 - 2008 STUDENT SUCCESS! PLAN Professional Development Plan

Summary of Professional Development Objectives Targeting SSP Goals/Objectives and Individual Professional Development Plans (IPDPs): 1. Complete a matrix of Professional Development opportunities for all staff members and fulfill development needs so that all staff obtain needed skills in methodology and learn research-based strategies. 2. Continuously offer ongoing Professional Development opportunities that ensure a collaborative, team approach to gaining skills in methodology and best practices through action-research plan. 3. Plan with individual teachers and focus on data-driven, skill-based planning for every student’s educational plan; recognizing learning modalities that vary in each child.

Summary of Research-Based Professional Development Delivery Strategies: 1. Analyze FLKRS, DIBELS, KAPLAN Achieve and FCAT scores and identify “islands of success” and ask these master teachers and Nationally Board Certified teachers to train other teachers in their area of expertise. 2. Teachers will utilize Spalding Phonics, Guided Reading, 4 Blocks/Balanced Literacy, Harcourt Brace, Marzano strategies and new Social Studies/Science curricula to best meet the needs of all students, especially struggling learners. 3. Kaplan Science curriculum will be used in grade 5. 4. Teachers will utilize Sunshine Math, Harcourt Math, and AIMs curricula to best meet the needs of all students, especially struggling learners. 5. Action Research plans will be developed collaboratively with the staff.

Summary of Research-Based Professional Development Follow-up Strategies: 1. Ask teachers to meet to do a follow-up on Guided Reading and Literacy Center Training and to share collaboratively in Learning Communities. 2. Reading Room teacher will meet with K-2 teachers to review the DRA testing implementation and execution to ensure consistency of testing students. 3. Our teachers will utilize CCPS’s Essential Learnings that include Power Standards and Pacing guides. 4. Grade Level Teams will meet monthly to discuss successful strategies, student progress in literacy and math, and Progress Monitoring Plan updates. 5. Entire faculty will participate in Positive Behavior Support Booster Training and will be strongly recommended to participate in “7 Habits of Highly Effective People” to ensure a highly productive learning environment.

Summary of Research-Based Professional Development Evaluation Strategies: 1. Ask teachers to meet to do a follow-up on Guided Reading, DRA, and Literacy Center Training and to share collaboratively in Learning Communities. 2. Faculty members will monitor the progress of students by analyzing Kindergarten assessment developed by FLKRS, FLARE, DIBELS, Kaplan Achieve and FCAT Test scores, classroom assessments, STAR measurements, district science assessments, and practice FCAT writings. 3. Grade Level Teams will meet monthly to discuss successful strategies and student progress in literacy and math.

School Mentoring Plan: 1. Support NET teachers’ growth by providing peer and administrative support 2. Recommend National Board teachers assist fellow teachers with professional development

19 3. Partner with community organizations, parent volunteers, teachers and support staff to mentor students 4. Encourage student-student mentoring 5. Pair master teachers up with teachers who seek or require additional mentoring 6. Partner with Nurturing Dad’s Program and Parenting Program

School Professional Learning Communities Plan: 1. Provide time and location for school-wide Learning Communities 2. Ensure that all Faculty Meetings have an instructional component on each agenda 3. Provide professional development opportunities for teams to build partnerships 4. Provide a supportive atmosphere that promotes team planning, brainstorming sessions and idea sharing

School District of Charlotte County 2007 - 2008 STUDENT SUCCESS! PLAN Budget

20 Area Resources Funding Sources Total Amount Research-Based 1. Teachers will utilize  PTO Remediation Funds  $5,000 Program(s) Spalding Phonics, Guided  Project 102  $2,000 Reading, 4  CCPS Funds  $4,000 (instructional Blocks/Balanced Literacy, materials)  A+ Funds  $5,000 Harcourt Brace Reading  SIP Funds  $7,200 and Social Studies/Science  New Hope Church  $7,000 curricula to best meet the  Technology Funds  $3,000 needs of all students,  School Funds  $2,000 especially struggling  Textbook Funds  $35,000 learners. 2. Kaplan Science will be used in grade 5. 3. Teachers will utilize Sunshine Math, Harcourt Math, and AIMs curricula to best meet the needs of all students, especially struggling learners. 4. The 5th Grade Conversion Unit will utilize the Read 180 Program. 5. FCAT Explorer in grades 3-5, Larson’s Math in grades 2-5, and COMPASS in grades 1-5, and Accelerated Reader in grades K-5 will be used to support Core curriculum. Research-Based 1. FCAT Explorer in grades  Technology Funds  $3,000 Resource(s) 3-5, Larson’s Math in  CCPS Funds  $5,000 grades 2-5, and  Project 102  $1,000 (web-based, COMPASS in grades 1-5, assessment  PTO Remediation Funds  $2,000 Accelerated Reading in  Federal and State Grants  $5,000 tools, etc.) grades K-5 will be used to support Core Curriculum. Technology 1. One Mac Computer Lab,  Technology Funds  N/A and one PC  Capital Outlay Funds  $4,000 Computer Lab  CCPS Funds  $5,000 2. Lap Tops 3. LCD Projectors 4. United Streaming Professional 1. Substitutes  SIP Funds  $4,000 Development 2. On-Site Master Teachers  CCPS Funds  $4,000 3. CCPS Curriculum and  N/A Instructional Specialists Other

Total: $103,000


21 Site Partnership and Performance Council Review and Monitoring Log

Event Date Recommendations Initials Initial Review

Monitoring Review

Monitoring Review

Monitoring Review

Monitoring Review

Monitoring Review

Monitoring Review

Monitoring Review

Monitoring Review

Final Review

Signed upon Completion:


CFEA Lead Representative: ______Date: ______

Please return this form to Professional Development Academy by June 30, 2008 2007 - 2008 STUDENT SUCCESS! PLAN

22 Mid-Year Progress Implementation Report (Due January 30, 2008) SCHOOL:

Major Accomplishments to Date:

Major Adjustments to 2007-08 SSP:


Principal Date

SAC Chair Date


23 Wildly Important Goal

Success for All: We will provide for the Success of each and every student by teaching reading as a foundation of learning.

Supporting Goals

Comprehensive Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment: We will provide a diverse, balanced, and challenging curriculum, employ high quality and innovative instructional strategies, and continuously monitor performance through a variety of assessment strategies

Technical and Career Education: We will expand career and technical education opportunities for all students.

Effective Schools and Classes: We will enhance the effectiveness of schools and classes to maximize the learning experience and provide the safest possible environment.

Optimal Facilities: We will provide the highest quality facilities to meet student learning needs.

Recruitment, Support, and Retention: We will recruit, support, and seek to retain high quality personnel.

Diversity of Workforce: We will honor and strengthen the diversity of our workforce. Compensation and Benefits: We will provide competitive compensation and benefits appropriate to retain and attract high quality employees.

Professional and Staff Development: We will provide continuous high quality professional development to enhance the district workforce and enhance individual knowledge and skills.

Leadership: We will develop the leadership capacity of all staff and students to operationalize district values.

Technology Equipped: We will infuse technology that increases the productivity of the organization.

Effective Communication: We will improve the quality, integrity, and delivery of our communication with internal and external stakeholders.

Fiscal Responsibility: We will utilize our fiscal resources responsibly to meet district needs.

Develop Partnerships: We will maximize student success through effective partnerships with businesses, community organizations, and individuals.

Enhance Relationships: We will strengthen our relationships with parents and families to foster an environment of involvement and collaboration.


24 School Based PPC Committee membership

1. Membership on the School-Based Partnership Committee a. Teacher members of the committee shall be appointed by the CFEA president in consultation with building administration and teachers at the school site with high school committees having six teacher members; middle schools having five teacher members, and elementary/special schools or centers having four teachers members of the committee. b. Each committee shall have at least one administrative member. c. Vacancies shall be filled consistent with the original selection process.

School Based PPC Committee membership

Elementary Principal - CFEA Representative (Determined by CFEA President) Principal’s designee One K-2 teacher One 3-5 teacher One ESE teacher One specials area teacher

Middle School Principal - CFEA Representative (Determined by CFEA President) Principal’s designee Four core teacher* One ESE teacher* One exploratory teacher*

High Schools and Academy Principal - CFEA Representative (Determined by CFEA President) Principal’s designee Four core teacher* One ESE teacher* One elective teacher*

*Determined collaboratively by the principal and the CFEA designee


25 Principal and Principal organizes Writing team drafts plan appropriate writing team: the team with input from school committees should be representative committees including SAC complete data-based of the school community and PPC. needs assessment including SAC and PPC members

Initial draft is District review team Writing team makes submitted to PDA for provides feedback and modifications and submits review by recommendations for final draft to SAC and June 30 changes. PPC for approval/acceptance.

Upon SAC and PPC Upon school board Changes affecting major approval/acceptance, approval, the site PPC goals and/or budgeted items the Writing Team will continue must be submitted to SAC submits to the district monitoring the plan for approval. for School Board including approval by recommendations for September 1. adjustments

Principal, PPC, and SAC Principal, PPC, and SAC prepare mid-year report to complete end-of-year district by January 30. evaluation by June 30. PPC log submitted to PDA by June 30.


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