Week 15 English Language and History

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Week 15 English Language and History

CLAiT Plus Week 15 English Language and History

Section 1 Vocabulary activity (at home)

 Two words in each row are similar. Cross out the odd word.  Use a dictionary and thesaurus to help you.


1 indigenous native foreign

2 regional speaking dialect writing

3 accent spoken inflection Queen’s English

4 major predominant minor

5 hidden shown exposed to

6 extremities farthest point closest point

7 new customs traditions

8 native tongue first language second language

9 book lingual language

10 two languages bilingual mono-lingual

1. English is now the world’s primary language for international communication.

2. By 2020 it is estimated that nearly 2 billion people will speak English.

3. But where did the English language come from?

4. How has it developed over time?

5. Is there a correct form of English?

Visit these websites to learn more about the development of English:



Section 2 Reading activity

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As you read (or listen) write down any keywords on the time line, page 243.

Mary: What languages are spoken in the UK?

Wendy: Well as there are people from all over the world living in Britain, I believe they must speak their own home languages from nearly every country in the world.

Stephen: The United Kingdom is now truly multicultural, but there are many indigenous languages in the United Kingdom. If I show you my map again. Here in Wales the children are raised to speak Welsh. In many schools and homes the adults and children are bilingual - they speak two languages, both English and Welsh. Where in the South West in Cornwall there is a very ancient language called Cornish which many people speak. The rest of the United Kingdom predominantly speaks English though there are many ethnic languages around.

Mary: What about in Scotland. Do people in Scotland just speak English?

Stephen: Good question Mary. You see Scotland - we have the outer islands for example the Outer Hebrides and Orkney and there is an ancient language called Gaelic which some Scottish people still speak.

Mary: You said Stephen that Gaelic is a very old language, a very ancient language. Is English very old as well?

Stephen: The English we speak today is a very modern English. The English language changes over time. Originally the people of the United Kingdom did not speak English. A long time ago, over the last 2000 years, the Romans invaded England, pushing the Welsh, the Cornish and the Scottish into the extremities of the country.

Stephen: The official language of Britain was Latin.

From 400 AD, when the Romans left Britain, more countries invaded Britain. The Angles came from Denmark and the Saxons came from Germany. The Anglo-Saxons became the English people.

However, the official language for reading and writing was still Latin Most English people couldn’t read or write. They spoke ancient English, what was called Anglo-Saxon.

In the 8th to 10th century, Vikings attacked many parts of ancient Britain. Half of Britain was nearly lost and with it the English language. But in the 9th century King Alfred the Great fought back, saving the country and

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the language. For the first time, people began to learn in English not Latin. King Alfred wrote:

Ælfred kyning hateð gretan ða his wordum luflice ond freondlice

King Alfred is greeting you with his loving and friendly words

The English language became the spoken and written language of Britain.

But in 1066, William the Conqueror invaded from France and beat King Harold at the Battle of Hastings. For the next 300 years, the official language of England was French and Latin.

The English began to fight back. In the 14th century, Britain fought France for nearly 100 years. Schools then began to teach in English, not French.

Wendy: And people didn’t only come to England with their languages. British people went out to live in other countries and conquer other countries and picked up their languages as well.

Stephen: That’s true Wendy. From the 16th century the English people travelled and conquered many parts of the world, spreading the English language to India and America and many other countries.

In 1788, England began sending its criminals to Australia. Here, English prisoners were sent to Australia for life. They could never return to England. At this time, Singapore, Hong Kong and South Africa were also exposed to the British.

By 1897, the British Empire controlled over one-quarter of the world's population. Everywhere coloured red is under British control.

In 400 AD only a few people spoke ancient English. In modern times, the Anglo-Saxon language has now become an international language as people travel all over the world.

Given all these different influences it’s easy to see why English is such a rich, interesting, and sometimes difficult language to spell.

S. Woulds 242 Week 15 English Language and History

English Language Timeline

Watch the video and listen carefully. Under the arrow for each timeline, write down keywords, countries and languages which have shaped the English language. D A

0 0

4 s

e o t

m i t C

n B 0 0

r 5 5 0 e 0 6 5 d

1 o

o t o 6 0 7 m t 0 8 0 6 0 9 0 0 8 0 0 6 8 0 4 7 4 1 1 1 7 1 1

S. Woulds 243 Week 15 English Language and History

Section 3


Unit 7: Website Creation


You work for English Heritage which specialises in education. You have been asked to create a website which will be hosted by Progress Media.

All of the text and graphics for each of the pages have been prepared in advance by a designer. You must download these from Week 15 – http://esoluk.co.uk/itq

Note: You will need to download 3 text files (.txt) and 5 images files (.gif/.jpg) and 1 spreadsheet file saved in .csv format.

You are not required to produce any printouts for this assignment.

Website map index.htm

Home page

information.htm thoughts.htm

A page with further A page to leave feedback information

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In this task you will download and store all the files for your website.

1 a) In your working area create a folder for your website called English(your initials) e.g. EnglishSW

b) Within this folder create a sub-folder called images.

All image files for your website must be contained within the images sub-folder. All other files must be contained within the website folder, English(your initials).

2 a) Locate the web page http://esoluk.co.uk/itq - Week 15

b) Download the following four files and place them in your website folder English(your initials).


One_15 .txt Two_15 .txt Three_15 .txt Table_15 .csv

c) Download the following five files and place them in the images sub-folder that you created at Step 1b.


home .gif information .gif thoughts .gif email .gif timeline .gif

S. Woulds 245 Week 15 English Language and History


In this task you will create a master page/template that you will use to create your web pages to ensure they have a consistent style.

All links to files and images on the website must be relative, not absolute

1 a) Load software that will enable you to create web pages.

b) Create a new web page.

c) Save this web page in your website folder English(your initials) using the filename EnglishMast

d) Set the page properties as follows:

title as specified for each page background colour #CCFFCC text colour #0000CC link colour #FF3399 visited link colour #660066

2 Create the following META tags and insert the information shown:

keywords English, language, history, Anglo, Saxon author your name and centre number description (as specified for each page)


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3 You will now create a table to align the contents of your page. A layout guide is shown below:

Blank Heading area e

l Body text area b a t

n o i t a g i v a N Blank Copyright notice a) Create a table of 2 columns and 6 rows.

b) Set the table properties as follows.

width 750 pixels table alignment left border 0 cell padding 2 cell spacing 2

c) Set the cell properties as follows:

Horizontal Vertical Column Width alignment alignment

1st column 120 pixels centre middle

2nd column 628 pixels left top

4 a) In the 2nd column only merge the cells in rows 2, 3, 4 and 5.


S. Woulds 247 Week 15 English Language and History

5 Create a navigation table in the 1st column of your table.

a) All images have a height of 60 pixels and a width of 116 pixels which should be retained. The images must be inserted and formatted as follows:

Position in Image Alt text Link to column 1 Row 2 home.gif home index.htm

Row 3 information.gif more reading information.htm

Row 4 thoughts.gif what you think thoughts.htm

Row 5 email.gif email us your email address b) Check to ensure all links are relative add mailto: 6 You will now create a style sheet that must be applied to the appropriate areas of each web page.

a) Create a style sheet as follows

Name Font face Size Emphasis Alignment strong heading sans serif (eg Arial, Helvetica) 24 pt centre (bold) body sans serif 12 pt none left

b) Save your style sheet as appropriate to your software

7 The copyright notice needs to be displayed at the bottom of each page

a) In the last (bottom) row of column 2 key in the following text:

Copyright © Your Name 2014

b) Link this text to www.leedscitycollege.ac.uk add http://

c) Format this in the body text style

8 Save your master page/template in your website folder English(your initials) retaining the filename EnglishMast


1 a) Open a copy of the master page/template EnglishMast

S. Woulds 248 Week 15 English Language and History

b) Save this in your website folder English(your initials) using filename index.htm

c) Title the page: Home

d) In the description META tag enter the following description:

About English

2 In the Heading area key in the text:

About English

3 a) Insert the text file one_15 and place it in the body text area following the outline shown below: e l b a T

n About English o i t a

g iuyiyt gergfiusdhfuisfdhvvh cb ….. i v

a ………………………………………………………… N ……………………………………………………

tr sgdfg gf g gdgdfgdfg ….. ………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………

Format as a sdr df sdfdsf bullet list in ……………………… single line ……………………… spacing ……………………… … copyright notice b) Ensure each paragraph is separated by at least one clear line space.

c) Format the final 4 lines as a bulleted list in single line spacing.

d) Ensure that the style sheet has been applied to the appropriate parts of the text.

4 Spell check and proof read your web page and correct any errors.

5 Save your web page in your folder retaining the filename index.htm TASK 4

In this task you will need to insert several files.

S. Woulds 249 Week 15 English Language and History

1 a) Open a copy of the master page/template EnglishMast

b) Save this in your website folder English(your initials) using the filename information.htm

c) Title the page modern English history

d) In the description META tag enter the following description:

English in the last 400 years

2 In the Heading area key in the text:

How English has spread

3 a) Insert the text file two_15, the image file timeline and the table from the file table_15 placing them in the body text area, following the ` outline shown below: e l b a T

n How English has spread o i t a g i

v Dskhf dsh fksdhfk j ….. …………………………… a

N …………………………………………………………

ieortertreutueroutvm ….. ………………………………. …………………………………………………………


Dfh dfkjhdsk fhkdf ……………………………………. ……………………………………………………………

Mnv kjn kjdfn knddjfn ………………………………… ……………………………………………………………


b) Makecopyright sure the notice file table_15 is displayed in two columns.

c) Ensure that the style sheet has been applied to the appropriate

S. Woulds 250 Week 15 English Language and History

parts of the text. The body text style should also be applied to the table_15 table.

4 Apply the following formatting to the image timeline

a) Flip the image horizontally

b) Reduce the resolution by 10 pixels per inch

c) Centre the image horizontally

d) Set the image attributes as follows:

width 620 pixels height 150 pixels

alt text English timeline

5 Save your web page in your website folder English(your initials) retaining the filename information.htm


1 a) Open a copy of the master page/template EnglishMast

b) Save this in your website folder English(your initials) using the filename thoughts.htm

c) Title the page your feedback

d) In the description META tag enter the following description:

tell us what you think

2 In the Heading area key in the text:

Please answer this survey


3 You are going to create an interactive form. An outline of the form is below:

S. Woulds 251 Week 15 English Language and History

Please answer this survey

What do you think?….. …………………………… …………………………………………………………

Xcvkjdf nvdfjvk jdvjkd ….. ………………………………. …………………………………………………………

Your name: single line text field


excellent e l

b good a T okay n o i t could be better a g i

v a

N Type of English drop down selection

Your country

scrolling text box

Email address single line text field

submit reset button button

Thank you for ………………………………………………. ………………………………………………………………

copyright notice a) Insert the text file three_15 in the body text area, following the outline above. b) Ensure the style sheet has been applied to the appropriate parts of the text. … TASK 5 CONTINUED

4 a) Create an interactive form as follows:

S. Woulds 252 Week 15 English Language and History

start of form before the text: What do you think? end of form after the text: Thank you for completing this form form method POST form action http://www.esoluk.co.uk/email.php

5 Add form items according to the following table, placing them where shown in the outline on the previous page.

The field settings for radio buttons and drop down selection may be selected or not selected.

Type Name Value and Field settings hidden field emailto your email address hidden field password emailthis hidden field emailsubject How good is your English? single line text field name width = 20 radio button Ability value = excellent radio button Ability value = good radio button Ability value = okay radio button Ability value = could be better options British American drop down selection English Indian Australian Canadian 8 lines of 40 characters, text area country scrolling single line text field emailfrom width = 40 submit button submit value = search reset button reset value = start again!


6 Save your web page in your website folder English(your initials)

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retaining the filename thoughts.htm

7 Test the interactive form to ensure it correctly sends the information to the recipient.

8 Save and close your website and exit the software.

9 Load your website in a browser and check that all:

a) pages load correctly

b) links function properly

c) page content and images(s) are displayed

d) links to other pages and images in the website are relative NOT absolute

e) pages have been formatted accurately

f) pages are free from spelling errors

Save or copy all files to the disk, drive or network location specified by your tutor.

No printouts should be submitted for this assignment.

S. Woulds 254 Week 15 English Language and History Section 4

Here is a more complicated timeline showing the development of English(es). Notice the red line which represents the English language and the other colours/languages. Think about the different types of English across the world today. Watch the videos Yorkshire Travel and The Coopers. Answer the questions:

1. In modern times, is there a correct form of spoken English? 2. In England, which type of English is used most often? 3. Is one type of English more powerful than another type of English? 4. Is someone with a foreign accent taken less seriously than someone with perfect English? 5. How many different types of English are spoken in Britain? Think of regions and countries in the UK? 6. Is someone with a regional accent taken less seriously than someone with perfect English? 7. How is your language (how you speak and write) connected to your cultural identity? 8. How can your language (your accent and dialect) benefit or work against you in society?

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Section 5 Create a website on language

Video in week 15 folder or go to http://esoluk.co.uk/itq/week15

You need to create a website with four pages.

 Copy the folder called language from week 15 into your own document area.  Open the language folder in Dreamweaver as a New Site. name of page what to do master create a master-page which will be used for all the other pages. Your master page will need the following: jump menu a title at the top of each page using CSS with links to 4 the main body using CSS and to include writing and images web pages: index english history feedback

a footer with a link to your email address index Your first page will have information and an image about English language. You will need the files timeline2.gif and index.txt english Your second page will have information about your English. Write a few words about how long you have been learning English.

 What are your thoughts and experiences?  Are you disadvantaged with low English, for example, in job interviews?  Is there a correct form of English?  Is one type of English more powerful than another type of English?  Is someone with a foreign accent taken less seriously than someone with perfect English? history The third page will have an audio file about English language history and you should add the transcript. You will need to insert the file english.mp3 as a plugin and copy and paste english.txt. feedback Your fourth page will have an interactive form asking people how good their English is. You are going to create the interactive form from yesterday. Look at the next two pages. You will need the file form.txt.

S. Woulds 256 Week 15 English Language and History

n w u o n d

e p m

o Please answer this survey r D

How important is it so speak perfect English?

Your name: single line text field

Perfect English is

very important important not important

How long have you been speaking English?

drop down selection

Your country

scrolling text box

Email address single line text field

submit reset button button

Thank you for ………………………………………………. …………………………………………………………… … copyright notice

S. Woulds 257 Week 15 English Language and History

start of form before the text: How important is it so speak perfect English? end of form after the text: Thank you for completing this form form method POST form action http://www.esoluk.co.uk/email.php target blank

Type Name Value and Field settings hidden field emailto your email address hidden field emailsubject Enquiry hidden field password emailthis single line text field name width = 20 radio button Choice value = very important radio button Choice value = important radio button Choice value = not important options 10 years + 5 to 10 years drop down selection Speaking English 3 to 5 years 2 years less than 1 year 8 lines of 40 characters, text area country scrolling single line text field emailfrom width = 40 submit button submit value = search reset button reset value = start again!

S. Woulds 258 Week 15 English Language and History

Section 6 - Reading and video activity (1)

Here is what we have learned in the first term and important words for understanding society. When you have finished reading, watch a video and answer the questions on the next page. week 2 - The process of learning what is right and wrong is called socialisation. It starts from birth and continues throughout a person’s life. In our culture we learn the values, beliefs, customs and rules shared by people who are close to us. Because society is multicultural people will have been socialised to have different beliefs and customs. week 3 - Every culture has major values that most people believe in and try to follow. Values are very important. A value is a belief that something is good and worth trying to achieve. Because society is multicultural people will have been socialised to have different values. week 4 - Education controls how people behave in school and later in society. If people don’t conform to agreed values, beliefs and customs, they are often not accepted by the wider society. week 5 - Primary Socialisation is a process which happens during the early years of our lives. During this period we learn unwritten rules and values from our parents. These unwritten rules might also be called norms. A norm defines what is acceptable, including what we eat, what we wear, how we speak, how we behave with other people, etc

Secondary Socialisation happens when a child enters school and later in life at college and work. Here is when many of the norms learned in primary socialisation are changed or altered. We are exposed to friends, teachers, priests, film stars, musicians, politicians, sports people. All of these people can influence and change a person’s values and norms. week 6 - We learned about social control and gender, how boys and girls are socialised into dressing and behaving in different ways. They each have different values and norms. Girls play at cooking and cleaning and wear certain clothes. Boys play at fighting and mending things. These patterns of behaviour are often carried into adulthood. week 7 - We looked at Significant Others in the shaping of male gender. Significant Others are people we admire and want to be like. These people can change our behaviour and how we dress. In Primary Socialisation, Significant Others are often our parents. In Secondary Socialisation it could be anybody from the wider society. week 8 - Up to week 7 we looked at positive of social control. Most forms of social control are good. They show people how to behave and how not to behave. Social control helps the citizens of a society to live in cooperation and harmony. Some forms of social control are not good. The Declaration of Human Rights is there to protect everyone from unfair methods of social control. week 9 - We learned about culture and racial control. We looked at how Martin Luther King protested peacefully against American forms of racial control and segregation.

S. Woulds 259 Week 15 English Language and History week 11 - We continued with culture and racial control. Malcolm X rejected integration of black and white people. He rejected peaceful protest. He called for black power. He said "Our objective is complete freedom, justice and equality by any means necessary." week 12 - We learned about cultural control and imperialism. Gandhi called for passive resistance against the British occupation of India. week 13 - We learned about social control and aliens. By watching a video about American belief in aliens, we learned how people can be socialised into believing anything. We also learned how the media play a part in developing our beliefs.

Section 6 - Reading and video activity (2)

Watch the video on culture and answer the questions. Use some of the ideas and words from term 1 to support your answer.

1. What is culture? Give examples. (Timeline – 2.00 to 4.00)

2. What is tradition? Give examples. (Timeline – 4.00 to 6.00)

3. What is identity? How is it influenced? Give examples. (Timeline – 6.00 to 8.30)

4. What is diversity? Why is it good? Give examples. (Timeline – 8.30 to 9.30)

5. How is spoken and written language connected to your identity?

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Section 7 Writing activity (at home) Choose one option to write about.

1. Using some of the words and ideas you learned about culture, tradition and socialisation, try to explain who you are. How has your background shaped your values and beliefs?

2. Choose your own subject related to culture, tradition and socialisation and write about it.

3. Compare and contrast your spoken first language with spoken English.

4. Choose your own subject related to English language and write about it.

5. In what ways are you a good or bad language learner?

S. Woulds 261 Week 15 English Language and History

Section 8 Spelling activity (at home) Write down 10 words you want to learn to spell. Practise spelling the words correctly. Use LOOK SAY COVER WRITE CHECK SPELLINGS

word syllables 1st try 2nd try 3rd try 4th try











S. Woulds 262 Week 15 English Language and History

Section 9 Crossword activity to develop English (at home)

S. Woulds 263 Week 15 English Language and History

Answers to Section 9

S. Woulds 264

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