Assorted Passive Activities

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Assorted Passive Activities


1. Rewrite the following sentences in the passive, omitting the words given in brackets. If there is a number at the end of the sentence, it means you have to use more than one sentence :

1. ( Everybody) knows this fact very well . 2. ( They ) opened the cinema two weeks ago. 3. ( People ) will forget it. 4. ( You ) must write the answers in red ink. 5. ( Someone ) has taken two of my magazines. 6. ( You ) have already finished the exercise? 7. What should ( one ) do in such cases? 8. Did ( anybody ) say anything interesting? 9. Does ( someone ) clean this toilet regularly? 10. ( One ) should sow new lawns at the beginning of September . 11. I don´t think ( anyone ) can do it. 12. ( They ) would have sent him to prison if ( they) had found him guilty. (2) 13. ( You) must finish the work by 8.00 14. Fortunately, ( no one ) had said anything about it. 15. ( We ) will execute all orders promptly. 16. ( The police ) have kept the man in custody. 17. ( The police ) arrested the escaped convict two days later.

2. Complete the sentences with a passive construction. You have to use a suitable form :

1. We have had to move into a hotel while our new house...... ( do up ). 2. The meanings of new words should ...... ( look up ) in a dictionary. 3. Richard often ...... ( tell off ) for his mistakes. 4. The Government fear that negotiations could ...... ( break off ). 5. He felt he ...... ( let down ) badly by his closest friend. 6. The search party had little idea where to start looking because the climber´s tracks...... (blot out) by a recent snowstorm. 7. The new washing machines ...... ( turn out ) at the rate of 85 a day.

3. Complete the sentences with a passive construction, using the verbs given and in the form suggested in brackets. ADD a SUITABLE preposition as well :

1. Surplus grain ...... ( send ) ..... the striken area and ...... ( distribute ) ...... the starving population. ( past simple ) 2. A meeting...... ( arrange )...... the Commonwealth P. Ms. ( present perfect ). 3. A member of the Opposition pointed out that very few hospitals ...... ( build )...... the end of the war. ( past perfect ) 4. He wanted nothing except ...... ( leave ) ...... peace . ( Infinitive ) 5. These pills should ...... ( keep)...... of reach of children. ( infinitive ) 6. America ...... ( discover ) ...... the end of the 15th century. ( past simple ) 7. The two cottages ...... ( convert ) ...... one house. ( present perfect ) 8. The new car ...... ( equip) ...... sophisticated safety belts. ( future ) 9. The results of the exams ...... ( know ) ...... the end of the term. ( future) 10. This case ...... ( investigate ) ...... a member of the Labour Party? ( present cont) 11. The lights must...... ( switch off) ...... 11.00 . ( infinitive ).

4. Complete the sentences with a passive construction, using the verb given in the form suggested:

1. Much of London ...... ( destroy ) by fire in the 17th century. ( Past simple ) 2. The man who ...... ( bite ) by a poisonous snake was given a serum . ( past perfect ) 3. A leader should be a man who can...... ( respect ) .( / infinitive ) 4. The police ...... ( instruct ) to take firm action against hooligans. ( present perfect ) 5. A great deal of research...... ( do ) into the possible causes of cancer. ( present perfect ) 6. The worker claimed thatt he ...... ( victimize) by his employers . ( past continuous) 7. It ...... ( think ) the Government would do something. ( past perfect ) 8. 500 new houses ...... ( build) by the end of next year. ( future perfect ) 9. Because of a strike, work on the building had to ...... ( discontinue ) .( / infinitive ) 10. The witness strongly objected to ...... ( cross-examine ). ( gerund ) 11. The passengers ought ...... ( inform ) that the train ...... ( withdraw ) from service. (perfect infinitive ) ( past perfect ) . 12. Customers ...... ( ask ) to ensure that they ...... ( give ) the correct change before leaving the shop, as mistakes cannot afterwards ...... ( rectify ). ( present simple) ( present perfect) (/ infinitive ). 13. Was he very upset at ...... ( not offer ) the job? ( gerund). 14. The man was sent to prison, ...... ( find ) guilty of fraud. ( perfect participle) 5. Answer the questions using a passive form of the verbs in brackets together with a suitable adverbial particle. Sometimes an active construction is also usual : Example : What must be done with a bad tooth? ( pull)

It must be pulled out / the dentist must pull it out.

1. What might happen if you crossed a road without looking?. ( knock) 1. 2. What would happen to a lighted candle if there was a strong sudden wind? ( blow) 2. 3. What may happen to a person who has committed his first offence? (let ) 3. 4. What happens to traffic in a traffic jam? (hold) 4. 5. What must be done if a plan proves unworkable? ( give ) 5. 6. A notice has disappeared from a noticeboard. What must have happened? ( take ) 6. 7. I dropped a $10 note in the street and I can´t find it anywhere. What could have happened? (pick). 7. 8. Nobody can attend the meeting. What could be done to sove the problem?. ( put) 8.

6. Rewrite these sentences in the passive. Don´t forget to write down the prepositions given. (don´t use agent)

1. They gave up the search after three hours. 2. Nobody brought up that question at the council meeting. 3. It was clear that the mother had brought up the child very well. 4. We had to put off our visit. 5. Don´t speak until someone speaks to you. 6. They are putting up many new buildings in Berlin. 7. He hates people making fun of him. (passive gerund) 8. Someone hasn´t stuck this stamp on very firmly. 9. An official held us up at the Customs for half a day. 10. I didn´t know somebody had broken into your house. 11. His bank manager turned down his request for a loan. 7. Rewrite the sentences in the passive, making the words underlined the subject of the new sentence: 1. Someone showed the child how to use the new computer. 2. They declared him “ persona non grata”. 3. They gave her artificial respiration. 4. Why didn´t they offer you the job? 5. Someone left the girl a legacy of $ 35.000. 6. When he looked at the stamps, he found they had sold him forgeries. 7. How much did they pay you for the job? 8. We´ll send you the goods as soon as possible. 9. Somebody must teach that naughty boy a lesson. 10. Will somebody send Susan the details?

8. Answer the following questions using a passive construction in your answers : 1. What opportunity would you like to be offered? 2. What is given to people at Christmas? 3. What must be shown before entering a foreign country? 4. What is a patient given before an operation? 5. How much is a shop assistant paid in your country? 6. What might a close friend be left in a friend´s last will?and a close relative? 7. What foreign languages are you taught at school? 8. What can you be given if you are hysterical? 9. If you wrote to a travel´s agency for some information, what would you problably be sent? 10. What would you most resent being told?

9. Transform these sentences ( subject – verb) into a noun clause object : they say is said.

1. They say that he knows a lot of important people. 2. People felt that the social workers were doing hard work. 3. Everyone thought the Government would increse taxes. 4. People believe that there is life in other planets. 5. Everyone expects inflation will increase in South America in the following years. 10. Now transform these sentences making the subject of the noun clause the subject of the whole sentence - infinitive : Example : It is said HE knows everything . HE is said to know everything.

1. It is said he is a honest man.

2. It is considered this surgeon is a brilliant doctor.

3. It was proved his statements were false.

4. It was understood Mr Smith was willing to meet the Queen.

5. It is reported oil price will raise in two months.

6. It was claimed the drug didn´t produce side-effects.

7. It is said the police caught the gang in just 30 minutes.

8. It is presumed the radio burnt up during the explosion.

9. It was alleged the General had sold secret information to the enemies.

11. Rewrite in the active the following sentences :

1. Don´t let yourself be depressed by your failure.

2. The house had been broken into during the night.

3. 20.000 pounds were stolen at the National Bank.

4. The car thief was arrested after being chased for three hours.

5. He was sent a big amount of money.

6. Almodovar´s latest film was seen by thousands of New Yorkers.

7. I was given a wrist gold watch in my last anniversary.

8. The baby wasn´t well looked after during my trip.

9. Photographic films must be kept away from light.

10. He is said to behave like a a child.

11. Breakfast is served from 6 a.m. to 8 a. m.

12. Mr Green was wounded in the Second World War 12. Rewrite these sentences in the passive. Remember to suppress the active subject when not necessary :

1. They called the fire brigade last night.

2. Nobody opened the front door ( negative )

3. Spanish people often prefer coffee for breakfast.

4. Somebody answered the office phone early today.

5. Somebody will wake you at 7.00

6. Nobody reads my novels ( negative).

7. Somebody has broken Sophie´s best mirror.

8. People eat rice with chopsticks in China.

9. Most people in England drink tea.

10. People often make mistakes .

11. Women usually wear long cocktail dresses at important weddings.

12. We´ll serve the pudding at the end of the meal.

13. They will have to pay the bill in advance.

14. Everybody expected the headmaster before 2 o´clock.

15. People say the world´s natural resources are running out.

16. We now know man can return from the moon.

17. Everybody can hear the news every half an hour.

18. You can buy aspirin without a doctor´s prescription.

19. Students can´t eat sweets in class.

20. In Germany people drink beer everyday.

21. Somebody in this shop speaks English.

22. We buy eggs by the dozen.

23. People think that this project is too expensive. 13. Restate the following active sentences twice using : a) the direct object and b)the indirect object as the new subject in the passive. Use agent when necessary.

1. Mr Brown´s employees have given him a silver frame to celebrate the 25th anniversary of the company. 2. She brings me a cup of coffee at 7.00 every day.

3. We´ll send John a card from Seville.

4. The doctor asked the patient many questions about his health.

5. Somebody has told the police a lie.

6. They teach the students History of Rome and Athens in this school.

7. A soldier handed a telegram to the Captain.

8. The King granted the criminal a free pardon.

14. Rewrite these sentences in the passive. Don´t forget to rewrite prepositions :

1. Everybody was talking about the good weather.

2. We are looking for a new sales manager in the factory.

3. The Government paid for my University education.

4. An old charming servant looks after the flat..

5. People usually tie up parcels with string.

6. Due to health problems, they had to put off their wedding for three months.

7. A waiter poured out Turkish coffee and gave it to us.

8. Did the pilot send out an SOS?

9. Somebody has rubbed out the answers in my exam sheet.

10. People usually tear up old letters. 15. Complete the following sentences using BY or WITH :

1. Radium was discovered...... Pierre and Marie Curie.

2. These photos were taken ...... a very cheap camera.

3. These photos were taken ...... my sister.

4. The Old Man and the Sea was written ...... Ernest Hemingway.

5. Imagine was composed ...... John Lennon.

6. The cake was made ...... dried fruit.

7. The safety razor was invented ...... King camp Gillette.

8. The pie was made ...... my aunt.

9. The garage was painted ...... a new kind of paint.

10. The victim was killed...... a stone.

11. The safe was blown open...... dynamite.

12. The safe as opened ...... the robbers.

16. Most of these sentences contain one mistake. Correct it or write RIGHT :

1. My neighbour is very proud of her new grandson who born last week.

2. I´m very fond of this old brooch because it was belonged to my grandmother.

3. I´m afraid I can´t lend you my camera . It´s repairing this week.

4. My family live in Scotland but I was educated in France.

5. The bridge was collapsed during the floods but fortunately no one was using it at the time.

6. If you aren´t careful what you are doing with that hammer someone will hurt in a minute!

7. The word ´stupid` was in my report but it wasn´t referred to you.

8. I´m sorry I´m late. I got held up in the traffic.

9. When did you discover that the money had been disappeared?

10. Children under the age of seven do not allow in this pool. 17. Read this letter from Maurice, who is on holiday in Britain, to his sister Sally in New Zealand. Put the verbs in a suitable tense ACTIVE or PASSIVE :

Dear Sally, How are you? We´ve been having a lovely time. We´re being very well looked after by our hosts. We...... ( take ) sightseeing and we...... ( introduce ) to some of their friends, who ...... ( make ) us feel very welcome. Last night we ...... ( show ) a castle, by the owner! Most of the land in this area...... ( belong ) to his family for about five hundred years. Apparently, the land ...... ( give ) to them after one of his ancestors ...... ( kill) while trying to save the king´s life. Quite romantic, isn´t it? The castle itself was a little disappointing, to be absolutely honest. The owner told us that it ...... ( suffer ) serious damage during a fire about thirty years ago. When it...... (restore ) they ...... ( add ) central heating and things like that. So once you are inside it...... ( not feel ) much different to any other large , old house. But the owner is a real character. He told us lots of stories about things that ...... ( happen ) to him when he was young. He...... ( send) abroad to work in a bank, but he hated it, so he ...... (behave) very badly in order to ...... ( sack). He kept us laughing for hours. I hope he...... ( invite ) here before we leave. I´ll have lots more to tell you when we get back. Take care. Yours affectinately, Maurice

18. Read these sentences , then make them passive first in the interrogative form , then in the negative. Use agent only when necessary : 1. Somebody told the headmaster about John´s cheating.

2. His professors have reviewed all his test papers.

3. They also reread his term papers.

4. The headmaster notified his parents last night.

5. All professors, in any form, detest cheating.

6. The school deals with dishonest students severely.

7. They will dismiss John from University.

8. His roommate is consoling him. 19. Answer the following yes / no questions in the passive voice. Answer first in the negative, then in the interrogative : Example : Do many people use public transportation? Yes, it is used by the majority of people. No, it isn´t used by many people. 1. Had motorists reported over 20 accidents by 10.00 last night? 2. Are the police recording all accidents reports? 3. Have the police given out many tickets? 4. Did the police write over 350 tickets last year? 5. When I saw you last night, was the police officer giving you a ticket? 6. Did a judge suspend your driver´s license for thirty days last year? 7. Does someone report every accident? 8. Will intoxicated drivers kill many innocent people this year? 9. Are the police going to punish careless drivers severely? 10. Can anyone find good drivers? 11. Will the garage have repaired your car by the time classes begin?

20. Combine the following sentences into one paragraph. Use the passive voice when appropriate. Connect the sentences but do not over connect : 1. A speeding car has just hit a student riding a bicycle. 2. The girl was crossing the street. 3. A large crowd is surrounding the car and the student. 4. A ver tall police officer is inspecting the injured student. 5. A short police officer is ordering the crowd to move back. 6. I am certain that this officer will call an ambulance after he has inspected her. 7. He is calling for an ambulance on his car radio now. 8. I know that the officers are going to question the driver of the car. 9. I can see that the driver is extremely nervous. 10. The officers have asked a few people if they would testify in court. 11. About ten people witnessed the accident. 12. The ambulance will be here in a minute. I can hear its siren. 13. The ambulance driver will probbbly give the student oxygen and cover her wiyh a blanket. 14. Now the man who hit the student is getting into the police car. 15. The short officer is locking the driver´s car doors. 16. They are undoubtedly going to take him to the police station. 17. The state legislature should pass stricter laws to punish careless drivers. 18. We must eliminate reckless driving.

21. Report an accident that you have seen , trying to do something similar to the exercise above. You can also write about a true event in your life. Use the passive voice when you think it is appropiate.

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