Local Health Improvement Team

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Local Health Improvement Team

Local Health Improvement Coalition (LHIC)

Meeting Date: April 19, 2017 Chairperson: Ed Singer, Health Officer CoChairperson: Rev. Jerry Fuss Time: 8:30 - 9:30 a.m., followed by Maryland Rural Health Association Focus Group Location: Carroll County Health Department Attendance record available

Note: This meeting was shortened to one hour in order to accommodate the Maryland Rural Health Association’s healthcare provider focus group. Agenda Topic Discussion Summary Follow-up Welcome and Introductions Ed Singer welcomed the group and thanked all for coming. Introductions were made.

Minutes The October 19, 2016 and January 18, 2017 minutes were approved as written.

Population Health Update Community messaging for the flu will be available in late May/early Maggie Kunz will create and June. The two main messages are to get the flu shot after October 1, distribute flu messaging to the and to get the quadrivalent shot to protect against four strains instead of Flu Planning group. Any other three. organizations interested in messaging can contact her for Ed Singer reported on the statewide efforts to reduce opioid use and more information. deaths, the Opioid Operations Center. An Opioid Senior Policy group will be convened to review community efforts and request funding for gaps. The mobile crisis team being planned will help with these efforts.

Social Determinants of Health/Access to Health Care Access Carroll Leslie McCleod reported that Access Carroll is working to offer detox services 7 days a week.

Mental Health Amy Baker reported that a new provider in Eldersburg, Hope Health, Services/Prevention, offers mental health services for Medicare and Medicaid patients, Wellness, and Recovery including children. Family and Children’s Services also has a doctor who can see Medicare patients. PWR will be hiring someone soon to replace SOAR specialist.

Health Benefit Exchange Open enrollment Nov-Dec only this year. Door to Healthcare will no longer be HBE after June 30th; but new organization is likely to keep local navigators in place. Maryland Children’s Health The program is now fully staffed with new employee Laura Russo. Program MCHP Connie Giannotto is still going to the Detention Center the 1st Wednesday of the month in the morning. Debbie Whitcomb is retiring and will be replaced by someone who will oversee both the MCHP and ACCU programs.

Faith Community Health No report. Network

Community Health Updates The Partnership will begin the next Community Health Needs Partnership (PHCC) Assessment in July. Health Department (CCHD) Carroll Hospital (CH) Zika and Fight the Bite messaging campaigns, including billboards and mobile ads, will be running this spring.

School Health Filipa Gomes, Supervisor of Health Services at CCPS, reported: In August 2016 all school nurses were Naloxone trained. The next step is athletic trainers and possibly security. The 2016 Diabetes Bill created guidelines for training school staff (including non-medical) to help support students with diabetes at extra- curricular events. For the first time, CCPS with Maryland Partners for Prevention offered the two shots required for incoming 7th graders to all 6th grade students. Response was good for the first year.

Transportation: At least two new buses are on the way for Carroll Transit Systems. The - MA Transportation TAC continues to meet. Another Transportation Development Plan will - Transportation Advisory be done in 2018 Committee (TAC) Next Meeting Wednesday, July 19, 2017, Carroll County Health Department Multipurpose Room @ 8:30 a.m.- 10:30 am

Adjournment Ed Singer again thanked the group for their attendance. The meeting was adjourned at 9:35 a.m. for the Maryland Rural Health Association focus group.

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