I. Pledge of Allegiance

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I. Pledge of Allegiance


~ MINUTES ~ Executive Assistant/Board Liaison Gina Estrada 512-389-7458

Monday, October 28, 2013 12:00 PM Meeting Called To Order 12:00 PM 2:21 PM Meeting Adjourned

I. Pledge of Allegiance

II. Public Comment: Sandy Seekamp spoke on the disadvantages and the limitations of individuals in electric wheel-chairs that use the fixed routes. Some of the limitations included pass-bys because the fixed route bus already has 2 wheel-chairs on the bus, therefore this could cause extra cost and additional appointments to the doctor's office because of no show or late and a limitation on the amount of groceries an individual can buy at one time. Using MetroAccess would be a better solution to these issues. She also spoke of the need for a wheelchair user as a member of the CSAC Committee.

III. Advisory Committee Updates: 1. Update on the Access Advisory Committee (AAC). Celso Baez, Community Involvement Specialist noted that the Access Committee had adopted the 2014 Access Committee Work Plan. As requested by Board Member Stafford the board will be provided a copy of the 2014 Work Plan.

Additionally, Board Chair Martinez requested a copy of the communication outreach to businesses that will be impacted by the new transit priority lanes.

IV. Executive Session of Chapter 551 of the Texas Government Code: Section 551.071 for Legal Matters - Vendor Contract Issues. Section 551.074 for Personnel Matters- President/CEO Annual Performance Review.

V. Board Committee Updates: 1. Operations, Planning and Safety Committee Chris Riley, Committee Chair, presented the updates for the Operations, Planning and Safety Committee. Chair Riley noted that the consent items 2-5 -- which included the following -- were discussed and recommended for the Consent Agenda today:  Herzog Technologies Inc. contract to signalize a private crossing at milepost 79.05  First Transit Services increased contract amount to cover salary and benefits from Veolia Operators who transition to First when contract ends  Contracts withMWM Design Group, Doucet & Associates & Big Red Dog Real Estate for jurisdictional services

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 Contracts withHDR Engineering Inc. & Parsons Brinkerhoff for FTA Consulting and Relocation 2. Finance, Audit and Administration Committee; and Board Member John Langmore gave the updates for the Finance, Audit and Administration Committee. The discussion at the committee included the following:  InternalAudit on Equipment and Facilities Maintenance  Internal Audit of Transit Store  Rideshare Fare Restructure 3. CAMPO update Board Member David Siebold gave the CAMPO monthly report. Discussion at CAMPO this month included:  Bike and Pedestrian lanes  Mission and goals of the organization

VI. Reports: 1. Presentation-(ID # 2616) Planning and Ridership Report Todd Hemingson, Vice President for Planning & Development gave the monthly report on Project Connect planning and ridership.

2. Presentation-(ID # 2620) Operations Report Chad Ballentine, Manager, Bus and Paratransit Services presented the Operations Report. Chad reported that staff is researching the pass-bys to further classify pass-bys by the reason they occur. Board Member Stafford mentioned adjusting the index on contractors that have the old fleets. It is a disadvantage to compare the contractors when one has new fleet and one has old fleet. There should be some type of adjustment. Chad noted that staff is working on the index to make the ratings more balanced. Chairman Martinez pointed out that we adjust penalties each year to account for age -- we could do the same for performance monitoring. Board Member Langmore wants staff to continue to look at the complaints as we wind down the Veolia contract. Even though we are making changes to services we should not see doubling of complaints. We are here to improve overall performance. Please keep an eye on this.

3. Presentation-(ID # 2633) Finance Report Donna Simmons, Vice President & Interim Chief Financial Officer gave the Finance Report. Chair Martinez noted that management team is doing a great job with the finances.

4. President's Report Linda Watson, President and CEO gave her report. President Watson report included the following:  ACL Festival Shuttle Numbers  Saltillo Plaza Volunteer Day  Transit Advertising Numbers Up  APTA AdWheel Award

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 New Eligibility Center Open  Announcement of Formula 1 Sunday Service Board Member Riley inquired about the Airport Flyer, downtown circular and the CM website advertisement of F1. President Watson responded that there will be no downtown circular this year for F1; the airport flyer will run the same frequencies; and staff will update the CM website regarding F1.

VII. Consent Items 1. Resolution-CMTA-2013-78 Approval of Minutes for September 16 and 23, 2013 Public Hearings and September 23, 2013 Board Meeting. 2. Resolution-CMTA-2013-79 Approval of a resolution authorizing the President/CEO, or her designee, to finalize and execute a contract with Herzog Technologies Inc., to signalize the private road crossing at milepost 79.05. in an amount not to exceed $285,540. 3. Resolution-CMTA-2013-80 Approval of a resolution authorizing the President/CEO, or her designee, to execute a modification to the contract with First Transit for transit services in an amount not to exceed $1,500,000. 4. Resolution-CMTA-2013-81 Approval of a resolution authorizing the President/CEO, or her designee, to finalize and execute task order contracts with MWM Design Group, Doucet & Associates and Big Red Dog for Real Property, Jurisdictional & Development Support rotational services for a three-year base and three one-year options in an aggregate not to exceed amount of $4,564,000. 5. Resolution-CMTA-2013-82 Approval of a resolution authorizing the President/CEO, or her designee, to finalize and execute task order contracts with HDR Engineering, Inc., and Parsons Brinckerhoff for FTA Consulting and Relocation Assistance rotational services for a three-year base and three one- year options in an aggregate not to exceed amount of $3,948,000.

VIII. Action Items: 1. Resolution-CMTA-2013-83 Approval of a resolution directing staff to participate in the Capital Area Council of Governments’ air quality program’s Ozone Advance Action Plan. Robert Borowski, Sustainability Officer, gave a report on the Ozone Advance Program. Rob stated that there are some new clean air assessments coming up and we are supportive of the program. Board Member Langmore asked if Rob could give a presentation to the Finance, Audit and Administration Committee or the full Board on Capital Metro's sustainability efforts before the end of the year, including the implications of EPA non-attainment for air quality.

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RESULT: ADOPTED [UNANIMOUS] MOVER: John Langmore, Vice Chair SECONDER: Chris Riley, Board Member AYES: Chafetz, Silas, Langmore, Stafford, Siebold, Martinez, Riley ABSENT: Frank Fernandez

2. Resolution-CMTA-2013-84 Approval of a resolution on the annual performance of the President/CEO. Chair Martinez and the board voted unanimously to give President/CEO Linda Watson a Far Exceeds Expectations on her performance review. President Watson has had a great year and the board wants to emphasize that there are high expectations in the near future for her and for staff. Congratulations to President Watson. The board voted a 6.5% to the base salary and 9% bonus retroactive to July 26, 2013.

RESULT: ADOPTED [UNANIMOUS] MOVER: Beverly Silas, Board Member SECONDER: Norm Chafetz, Board Member AYES: Chafetz, Silas, Langmore, Stafford, Siebold, Martinez, Riley ABSENT: Frank Fernandez

IX. Presentations: 1. Presentation-(ID # 2617) Project Connect Central Corridor Project Update Kyle Keahey, Urban Rail Consultant, gave the update for Project Connect Central Corridor. The presentation included the following;  Work Plan & Schedule  Public Involvement  Sub-Corridor Identification  Sub-Corridor Evaluation Criteria  Sub-Corridor Evaluation  Next Steps

X. Adjournment

ADA Compliance Reasonable modifications and equal access to communications are provided upon request. Please call (512)389-7458 or email [email protected] if you need more information.

BOARD OF DIRECTORS: Mayor Pro Tem Mike Martinez, chairperson; John Langmore, vice chair; Frank Fernandez, board secretary; Council Member Chris Riley; Council Member David Siebold; Beverly S. Silas; Ann M. Stafford and Norm Chafetz. Board Liaison: Gina Estrada (512)389-7458, email [email protected] if you need more information.

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The Board of Directors may go into closed session under the Texas Open Meetings Act. In accordance with Texas Government Code, Section 551.071, consultation with attorney for any legal issues, under Section 551.072 for real property issues; under Section 551.074 for personnel matters, or under Section 551.076, for deliberation regarding the deployment or implementation of security personnel or devices; arising regarding any item listed on this agenda.

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