Meeting Agenda – August 01, 2013 1000 – 1200

To be held at: Service Transport Company 7900 Almeda Genoa Road Houston, TX 77075 Host: Skip Parker 713.209.2500 or cell 281.726.7951


1. Welcome – Skip Parker


Do we anyone her new to a TRANSCAER® meeting?

2. Approve Minutes of Last Meeting

Motion –

2nd -

3. Financial Update – Ed Schinnie

 Last meeting total was $16,382.72

 Current total is (write in) $

Motion to accept current treasury amount –

2nd –

 Patrick on shirts that they get for Dupre’?

 We need to place an order for shirts regardless of who we use to have available do we want to stay with the LL Bean shirts (quality). Ed can place an order whenever we are ready. Minimum order is 20 shirts. Last meeting there was >15 people interested in making a purchase.

4. Membership Update – Skip

 The latest membership list has been emailed to all members and is printed for those in attendance.

 Update from April on her model for financial partners – do we need to concern ourselves with financial partners at this time based on the money available?


5. Texas Transcaer By Laws – Review - (Skip)

 Covered and reviewed by the board last meeting, updated with changes by Skip that was again reviewed by email with other board members and sent to Donna Lepik for review with legal. No response at this time.

6. Transcaer webpage update – Vern Wingfield

 Updates to the web page

 Registration is working well. Do we have a way to make it go to a single address and is someone in the group willing to take ownership of keeping up with those registered for planned training?

7. Training Event Updates – All Discuss and Organize

Some of the training events are now planned. We need to get the rest of this year planned.

 Scott Whitelaw with Texas United Corporation is VP of EHS and has indicated to me that he has annual training at his land based storage site and would consider a joint venture for training of personnel. This is an area where we may be able to involve pipeline. Who would like to make contact with Scott to see if this is something we want to be involved in?

 Waco for 2013 – November 07, 2013 – Frank Lerch

We may expect a large turnout for this event due to the recent events in West, TX

 Eagle Pass for 2013? – Training Dates – Pat Brady How many days? Pass on this? Have not had any firm contact with the chief

 Hotzone 2013? – Training Dates – Frank Lerch How many days

 San Antonio Chlorine Institute training – Tim Lancelin \ Todd Johnson Training to occur on August 14th are we going to include a day before or after for additional training per original planning with Bexar Co. EMS?

 ILTA 2013 – 2014 – Training – Skip Parker Plan any training for June 2014. This would be a multi-day event. The Dana Trailer would be a great fit for this event.


Other training?

 3rd Coast Terminals in conjunction with Solv Chem – fall 2013

 Ashland - fall 2013

 Tomball, TX – April 2014

8. Requests for training from the following – All

 Felix Carrazco – Training Chief – Eagle Pass Fire Dept. Looking mainly for rail training – on Chlorine and Anhydrous but would like any training available above that. 50 full time plus volunteers. May include PD and Border Patrol

9. Training Templates – Skip

 Internal document for Texas Transcaer® members to complete showing what they can offer in the way of training. If you have not as yet received one of these documents please let me know. I am trying to build a database for us to use to help track and plan training events so all that want to be involved can be.

 Template for organizing a training event.

The first try on this was not a success. I have edited the form to remove items that are not “transportation” related for Texas Transcaer® training events. Chief Simmons (Waco FD) tried to use it and has some difficulties with it so I will try sending it to one of our members that is willing to complete it as a test run. Any volunteers?

10. New Business

 Open Discussion

 Plan dates for next meeting