Industry Relations: The Society’S Commitment To Strengthen Industry Relationships Has Progressed And Will Continue In The Fol

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Industry Relations: The Society’S Commitment To Strengthen Industry Relationships Has Progressed And Will Continue In The Fol

2012 SNM Fall Board of Directors Meeting Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Report Virginia Pappas, CAE

SNMMI saw a small decrease in full membership from 2011 to 2012; 4,038 in 2012 compared to 4,075 in 2011. The resident in training category almost tripled this year; 1,542 compared to 518 in 2011. New for FY2013, the scientists-in-training transition category was approved providing scientists, their first year after free trial, to join the SNMMI at a discounted rate. During the fall SNMMI Board of Directors meeting, the final decision will be made regarding whether or not to implement a dues increase for FY2013. Based upon the board’s decision, renewal notices will be mailed on September 24.

The 2012 Annual Meeting held June 9-13, in Miami, Florida, was a huge success. General registration for physicians/scientists was up; 1,692 budgeted pre-registration compared to 1,999 actual pre-registrants. In addition, “on-site” registration exceeded budget; 651compared to 818. Categorical registration was above budget with 313 individuals pre-registered, totaling $41,375 or $4,500 above pre-registration budget. However, “on-site” categorical registration was slightly below budget with 133 individuals registered totaling $24,705, compared to a budget of $25,095. Weekend pre-registration was up slightly from a budget of 37 registrants compared to 57 actual weekend pre-registrants. Weekend on-site registration exceed budget with 81 compared to a budget of 47. Overall, registration revenue exceed budget by $140,335 (total revenue was $603,338 for physician/scientist only). Total meeting revenue (including technologists) exceed budgeted revenue by $200,590, (Budgeted revenue was $523,563).

In addition, a total of 31 press releases were issued surrounding the Annual Meeting. Releases covered research presented at the meeting (two to three abstracts per category), SNM’s new leadership, award winners, the Image of the Year, the name change and the dose optimization statement. And, more than 450 articles about SNM’s Annual Meeting research were published by 314 media outlets reaching more than 700,000,000.This is an increase over the amount of media coverage garnered in 2011. However, it should be noted that media monitoring software was put in place since last meeting.

2012 Annual Meeting exhibit sales totaled $1,747,835 representing 504 full paid booths (10’ x 10’) with a budget of 471 booths or $1,634,905. This represents a surplus of $112,930. There were 171 companies that exhibited at the meeting. SNM created a “wait-list” for companies who contacted us after the exhibit hall sold-out.

The second SNMMI Virtual Meeting was also well received amongst SNMMI members and non- members. Pre-meeting and onsite sales exceeded expectations, providing SNMMI with $17,451 in unbudgeted revenue, compared to 12,760 last year (1st year of sales). Sales are continuing to come in and marketing efforts are ongoing. The Virtual Meeting includes over 100 hours of content from the SNM 2012 Annual Meeting. All selected sessions can be accessed online. Looking forward to 2013, the SNMMI Mid-Winter Meeting will be held, January 23-27, in New Orleans LA. The website will be going live later this month with registration and housing opening the beginning of October. To date, 19 table-top booths have been sold, compared to a budget of 25 (or 76% sold out).

New this year, in conjunction with the meeting, the SNMMI will be hosting the 2nd Sino-American Conference. The conference, first held in February 2011 in Beijing, China, will bring together leaders and young professionals from China and the United States. The SNMMI has asked Andrei Iagaru, MD and Adam Alessio, MD to serve as to co-chairs from the US to lead this effort. Dr. Iagaru and Dr. Alessio were the recipients of the best abstract award during the 1st Sino-American Meeting and travelled to China following the complete of the meeting for additional networking and “training” within a Chinese institution. The addition of this conference will add a ½ day to the meeting; now beginning on Wednesday, January 23. The program, although not yet finalized, will be available soon. In addition, the American College of Nuclear Medicine (ACNM) has agreed to collaborate with SNMMI to host the meeting and will be assisting with the resident/young professional networking events as well as the abstract process. In the coming weeks Dr. Iagaru and Dr. Alessio will begin discussing the specifics and will be inviting key residents to submit abstracts. This is a very exciting opportunity for the SNMMI and we are excited to be hosting the 2nd conference in the US.

The 2013 Annual Meeting planning is also underway. The Annual Meeting will be held June 8-12, 2013 in Vancouver, Canada. The website is anticipated to launch in late October and the Save-the- Date will be finalized shortly. The call for abstracts will mail October 10 and the online submitter will launch October 10. All abstracts must be submitted by January 4. Acceptance letters will be finalized and sent March 28.

This year, SNMMI partnered with the American Society for Nuclear Cardiology (ASNC) to host ASNC on the Road. The first “roadshow” was held August 21, 2012 in Kansas City, MO. The 3- hour dinner program featured Timothy Bateman, MD and Timothy Blackburn, MD as speakers and focused on radiation reduction. Final attendance was over 80 individuals. The next “roadshow” is scheduled for October 17 in Providence, RI.

The SNMMI and IAEA hosted a webinar on August 21, 2012 at 9:00pm (PDT) focused on 10 CT Cases of the Thorax, Abdomen, and Pelvis. The webinar was complimentary and was presented by Sundeep Nayak, MD, Adjunct Professor of Radiology at the University of California, San Francisco. The webinar was approximately 90 minutes; one hour of presentation and then 30 minutes of questions.  278 people registered for the webinar  121 people logged onto the webinar  There were between 20-30 questions asked by attendees.  26 Countries were represented, with the largest contingencies (excluding the US), coming from: Australia, India, Pakistan and the Philippines. The complete listing of the number of attendees, by country, is included in the board agenda (under Global Outreach, Sunday’s agenda).

In addition to the webinar, the SNMMI will also be providing IAEA with access to the CT Cases at a discounted rate for “developing countries.” IAEA’s mission to provide diagnostic CT and PET/CT education is uniquely aligned with the education provided in the CT and PET/CT online case reviews. The SNMMI has agreed to provide the following to IAEA:  100 CT Cases and 100 PET/CT Cases with access for 100 users at a cost of $10,000. Should IAEA choose to provide cases to an additional 100 users in Asia, the cost would be an additional $10,000.  DVDs accompanying the online cases to aid in the downloading process at a cost of $400 per 100 users – essentially the cost of creating the DVDs and shipping them to the IAEA. SNMMI is also working with IAEA on a joint certificate for the cases as well.

June marked the launch of promotional material sales for Nuclear Medicine Week, October 7-13, 2012. Each year, the SNMMI and SNMMI-TS join forces with the nuclear medicine and molecular imaging community to gain recognition and support for the field. Celebrated during the first full week of October, Nuclear Medicine Week encourages community members to take pride in their profession – recognizing their colleagues for their hard work and promoting nuclear medicine to the entire medical community as well as to the public. This year's theme is: Focusing on You. There are several new products for sale including; a mug, post-it-note cube, H2O2GO Bottle, and a scrub shirt. We have also created bundled packages of the various products. As in previous years, the SNMMI will continue to sell Nuclear Medicine Week pens, posters, pins and calendars. This is the second year the Nuclear Medicine Week Toolkit has been available. The toolkit has received a lot of views and is even being featured in a promotional notice Cardinal Health is sending out. To assist in putting a “face” on nuclear medicine and molecular imaging, the SNMMI launched the “Focusing on YOU” video challenge. Videos will be judged on creativity, best use of NMW products, most interesting methods to reach the public and participation of SNMMI members. First prize will receive $350. Through September 19, SNMMI had generated $ 28,141 in 2012 NMW merchandise sales. The theme, products and promotional tool kit were all created and developed by the SNMMI-TS Nuclear Medicine Week Task Force chaired by Brenda King, CNMT, FSNMTS.

Books sales have exceeded budget with 342 books sold, compared to a budget of 224. The 2013 catalog (with new ads for the 2013 meetings included) is being printed for fall chapter meeting distribution, EANM, etc. In addition, SNMMI has included paid banner ads running on Facebook and Auntminnie promoting the TECH Study Combo. The last sale of the fiscal year was the Labor Dale Sale (August 30 – September 7) where we offered 10% savings on select books. This brought in $850 within the first two hours and $2,952.90 by the end of the sale.

The SNMMI is outreach activities are strong and we are continuing to focus our efforts on educational offerings at key organizational meetings. Specific educational outreach activities include: 1. Proposal to ASCO for a joint session at their 2013 meeting. SNMMI submitted a proposal for a session - PET/CT in Clinical Practice: Evidence-based Use and Appropriateness Criteria. 2. Proposal to the Commission on Cancer entitled “Personalized Medicine: An Imaging Approach” for their 2013 meeting and will be getting a response later this month. 3. American Academy of Neurology proposal for a day-long session at the 2013 AAN meeting was accepted. We will be providing a ½ day Education Course – “Amyloid Imaging: Are Neurologists Ready for the Paradigm Shift?” and a ½ day Integrated Neuroscience Session – “Alzheimer Biomarkers in Neurologists' Clinical Practice”. 4. Two proposals were submitted to the American College of Cardiology for the 2013 annual meeting - Radiation Safety and Comparative Effectiveness Research 5. Several SNMMI proposals have been accepted for the 2013 American Heart Association meeting.

Finally, the Patient Advocacy Advisory Board hosted the Thyroid Imaging and Therapy Webinar on August 23 and it was a huge success. The webinar jointly marketed with the American Thyroid Association) and ThyCa: Thyroid Cancer Survivors' Association, Inc., had 196 registrations and 92 actual attendees. Not only did we reach patients across the county, but also around the world (Peru, Israel, Saudi Arabia, Russia to name a few). The next webinar will be held October 2 and will focus on Molecular Imaging of the Prostate, followed by another webinar on October 17 focused on Molecular Imaging and Lewy Body Dementia.

SNMMI has 3,681 people like SNMMI on Facebook; 669 followers on Twitter and 3,676 people are a part of SNMMI’s community on LinkedIn. The website had 4,194 visits in the last month. There are 11,233 Facebook followers and 36 Twitter followers for the patient sites.

Finally, the SNMMI was featured in an article in Associations Now, the American Society of Association Executives (ASAE) magazine. The article (included as an attachment to this report) discussed the steps the SNMMI took to really understand the relationships between programs and actual costs. The programmatic assessment document that was created several years ago was referenced in the article as a “best-practice” tool for other associations to use during their strategic planning and budgetary process.

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