Assessor Copy Form 6-8 Student Name: Date:

1. Place the Student Copy in front of the student. Point to the names on the Student Copy as you read them: “This is a story about Jeffre y and S i enna . I want you to read this story to me. You’ll have 1 minute to read as much as you can. When I say “begin,” start reading aloud at the top of the page. Do your best reading. If you have trouble with a word, I’ll tell it to you. Do you have any questions? Begin.” 2. Start the timer. 3. While the student is reading, mark errors with a slash (/). 4. At 1 minute, mark the last word read with a bracket (]). 5. When the student gets to a logical stopping place, say “Stop.”

Jeffre y was walking down the street one day when he saw his friend S i enna 14 near the woods next to his uncle’s farm. Sienna stumbled through the bushes 27 breathing in long, sharp gasps. When Jeffrey asked what was wrong, Sienna 39 explained that she had lost her house keys. Her father would not be home for 54 another two hours. Soon, it would be getting dark and she definitely didn’t want to 69 wait outside until her father got home. Jeffrey comforted Sienna and offered to 82 help her find her keys. 87

Jeffrey and Sienna went into the woods to search for the missing keys. 100

They waded through a stream, but they didn’t see any sign of the keys. They 115 climbed a tall tree so that they would have a full view of the ground below, but 132 they still didn’t see the keys. They continued walking until the sun started to dip 147 lower into the sky and the shadows grew longer. 156

Sienna realized that two hours had passed and her dad was probably 168 wondering where she was. Jeffrey’s stomach growled and he realized that he was 181 starting to get hungry. Jeffrey and Sienna decided that it was time to give up their 196 search and go back home. As they started walking, they noticed that they were 210 back in the place where they had started. They would be home in a few minutes. 226

Suddenly, Jeffrey tripped on his shoelace and fell to the ground. As he started to 240 stand up, he noticed something shiny in the grass. When he looked closer, he 254 realized that the shiny object was Sienna’s keys. The keys had been right there all 268 along! Sienna and Jeffrey laughed. Their walk through the woods had been 281 unnecessary, but at least they had gotten to enjoy each other’s company. They 295 parted ways and returned home to their families. 304 Total Words Read: - # of Errors: = CWPM:

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