Osbornville School

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Osbornville School


2 Telephone Numbers School: 732-785-3000 x7500 Nurse: 732-785-3000 x7502 Social Worker: 732-785-3000 x7507 Reporting Student Absence 732-785-3000 x7570 Transportation: 732-785-3000 x2063, 2066, 2067, 2069 Board of Education: 732-785-3000 Web address: www.brickschools.org

Principal Mrs. Kathleen DiGrigoli Secretaries Mrs. Ileana Poglodek Mrs. Doral Thomas Nurse Mrs. Amelia Tallarida Social Worker/Counselor Mr. Brett Novick Facilities Manager Mr. Daniel Cullen

School Hours 9:00 AM – 3:30 PM


Student Attendance

Students are expected to attend school on a regular basis as per New Jersey State Law. Excessive absence or tardiness will result in parent notification. Vacations, trips, etc. are considered unexcused absences even if the school has been notified. Please note that school begins promptly at 9:00AM. The first ten minutes of the instructional day are important. Students who miss this time will begin the day less prepared than they need to be. Parents are urged to make medical and dental appointments after school hours. Thank you for your cooperation in making sure that your child is in school on time.

3 Student Absence

Please continue to call the school at 732-785-3000 x7570 by 9:30 AM when your child is going to be absent for any reason. An automatic phone dialer system will contact you to verify the absence.

Notes from Home

Whenever there is any change in a child’s routine a note from home is requested. This will include picking your child up prior to dismissal time or picking up your child rather than having him/her ride the bus home. It is imperative that we receive a note if someone other than the custodial parent is picking your child up. Under no circumstances will we release a child to anyone other than his/her custodial parent without a written request from you. This person must be listed as an “Emergency Contact.” Otherwise the child will not be released.

Changing Telephone Numbers

If your work, cell or home telephone number changes, kindly notify the school as soon as possible and we will update your child’s emergency information in our student data system. This would also be true for any person you have designated as an alternate contact.

4 Student Drop Offs/Pickups

Due to limited parking, we ask that parents make every effort to utilize school bus services. Students who are transported to school by car must not arrive any earlier than 8:45 AM, because of lack of supervision. Parents should make sure students are safely escorted into the building. Children may not be dropped off on Drum Point Road or on any property other than school property. Safety concerns require that once school buses are present no one will be allowed to enter the school parking lot until the buses depart. Parents who pick up students at the end of the day should arrive by 3:15 p.m. and must show photo ID. Students will be dismissed from class at 3:25 p.m. If you arrive later than 3:15 the parking lot will be closed until the buses depart. Please have photo ID ready.

Emergency School Closing/Delayed Opening

In the event of an early dismissal or delayed opening information will be broadcast on local radio stations including WHLW (1170), WJLK (1310), WADB (95.9) WOBM (92.7) as well as the district website at brickschools.org. Based on phone information supplied by parents in the student data base, an automatic phone dialer message will also be implemented.

We consistently emphasize throughout the school year that our first priority is for the safety and security of our students. Take a few moments to develop a plan for your child in the event of an early

5 closing. We need to confirm that every child has a safe and secure plan in place if school is closed for an emergency since all children, including those students who stay for the Brick Extended School Time program (B.E.S.T.) will be sent home. We suggest you review the plan periodically with your child. We ask for your cooperation to be sure your child is aware of these emergency plans. On occasion, students will be dismissed early from school for staff development. Early dismissal days are noted on the school calendar and website. Early dismissal time for Osbornville is 1:30 pm.

Building Access After School

The school will be open until 4:00 PM Access to the building after that time will be limited to persons or groups with permits to use the building facilities. For security reasons, students must not enter the building without a parent after dismissal. For the safety and security of our school and those in the after school program, students will not be able to come back after school to retrieve forgotten books or homework after 4 PM.

Dress Code

Student appearance and apparel should not interrupt learning. The following are some guidelines regarding clothing:

 During warm weather children begin to wear a variety of lighter and more comfortable clothing. Some fashionable attire, however,

6 is inappropriate for school. These would include short shorts, T-shirts with objectionable words or pictures, “flip-flops”, high heels or clogs.  Sneakers with heels cannot be worn for gym due to safety concerns. Regular sneakers need to be worn for recess as well as gym.  During cooler or cold weather students should be dressed appropriately with jackets or coats. Dressing in layers is a good choice, as this will allow children to remove a layer should the classroom become too warm. Students who are inappropriately dressed may not participate in outdoor recess.  Hats and sunglasses may not be worn in the school.  Any clothing that, by slogan or illustration, is offensive or otherwise inappropriate including promoting the use of drugs, alcohol or cigarettes will not be permitted. Parents will be telephoned to bring in a change of clothing.

Items of Value

Students sometimes bring personal and valuable possessions to school that may have special meaning to them. To safeguard your child from the loss, theft or damage of these articles and because the school cannot be responsible for them, please do not allow them to be brought to school. Cell phones and other electronic devices are not to be visible in school or on the school bus and should remain in their backpacks and turned off. Thank you for your cooperation.

7 Lost and Found

Lost articles may possibly be located in the lost and found area located outside the Fourth/Fifth grade wing. Osbornville Elementary School takes no responsibility for lost items. Periodically, unclaimed articles will be donated to charity.


Please be advised as per Board Policy #5143 the Brick Township School District does not provide accident insurance for students. If you wish to purchase this insurance, the cost and coverage information will be sent home with your child. Just follow the instructions on the application and send it directly to the insurance company, not to school.

School Safety/Visitors

All children have the right to learn in a safe environment. For this reason, all exterior doors will be locked at all times. In the interest of your child’s security, you must first stop in the office, sign in and receive a visitor’s pass when visiting the school for any reason. Please understand that should you not wear a visitor pass you will be stopped and questioned. When visiting school for the first time, please remember to bring your photo license. We are sure you will agree that the safety and well- being of every child is our first priority and knowing

8 who is in our school and for what purpose is a major part of our maintenance of safety and security. Younger and older siblings are prohibited from visiting classrooms or attending during school hour events, for their safety and the safety of others.

Student Sign-Out Procedure

We have instituted a procedure affecting students who are picked up by parents or their designee at dismissal time. All students must be signed out in the office before they will be allowed to leave school property. There will be no exceptions to this procedure.

 Kindly send a note with your child when you request a different dismissal time. This would include picking your child up early, someone other than a parent picking up your child, a change in B.E.S.T. schedule or any other change in your child’s normal routine. Often children are unsure of changes in your schedule and a note clarifies the situation. If we are unable to determine whether your child stays after school in the B.E.S.T. program or goes home on the bus, we will always keep your child with us in school until you are contacted and arrangements are made.

 We will always check to be sure that the person picking up a child is the custodial parent or designee. We will request an acceptable form of identification with a photograph. If someone other than a parent is picking up the child, a note signed by the

9 custodial parent MUST be sent in with the child that day. Phone calls are not acceptable forms of consent. Under no circumstances will we release a child to anyone other than a parent/guardian without written notification from you and on the “Emergency Contact” list

 A student sign-out pass will be issued at dismissal. This verifies to the staff member supervising your child that you have properly signed him/her out in the office. An administrator, faculty or staff member will collect your pass upon leaving the building or school property. We will not release any student unless a pass is produced.

By instituting this procedure, we can insure that every student has been properly signed out and increase the safety and security of all of our students. We appreciate your cooperation and your help in implementing this procedure.

Emergency Information Forms

Forms will be distributed on the first day of school. At that time, we will ask you to check the current information and make any necessary changes. We rely on the accuracy and completeness of this data in the event of an emergency. It is important that someone is available for emergency contact during school hours. Please list any person who may pick up your child during the school year on the form. If

10 any information changes during the year, especially phone numbers, please contact us immediately with the new information.

The school district uses an Automated Dialer System (Honeywell) to contact families in case of an emergency. Failure to provide accurate or updated information may delay our ability to reach you in case of an emergency.


If you are moving out of district or re-locating within Brick Township, kindly let the school know as soon as possible via a note or phone call. Advance notice will help us begin the process of sending records and completing paperwork.


Homework Policy

Homework is an essential component of the educational process. Assignments are the result of instruction and as such will be review, reinforcement, or study activities that can be completed independently at home. The amount of homework will increase incrementally with each grade level with a maximum of 15 minutes for grade one to 60 minutes for grade five. It is understood that these are guidelines and the amount of homework could be modified at the discretion of the

11 teacher. Homework will be included as part of the overall grade. Students who do not complete assignments will be given an opportunity to make up the work for partial credit. At no time will homework be used as a punishment.

If your child is absent from school and needs make- up work, kindly contact the office by 10:00 A.M. to allow your child’s teacher time to prepare the work.


The elementary schools in Brick Township are on a quarterly report card schedule. Report cards are issued in November, February, April and June. Parent conferences are scheduled with you and your child’s teacher in November but can also be requested and scheduled at any time by the teacher or the parent. Additionally, weekly folders with student work samples will come home on any week of four or more days. Should you request to speak to your child’s teacher, kindly call the office (732- 785-3000 x7500) to request a phone call. You will receive a call back no later than the following school day.

Marking Period Grading Schedule may be viewed at www.brickschools.org


Every classroom has one main computer and the ability to use iPads/Chromebooks. This system

12 allows quicker access to sites and programs. Students will only use this technology under the direct supervision of a teacher. Misuse of hardware, software, Internet or e-mail may result in loss of computer privileges or disciplinary action including parent notification.

Students also have access to Dell and Apple laptops/netbooks. Classes can sign these laptops out for use in either the media center (library) or classrooms. Additionally, all of the classrooms and media center have ceiling mounted projectors for interactive projects.

Math Expressions/Journeys Online Think Central Math and Literacy Online Think Central is available to all students for access at home. The same login used at school will be used at home.

Webpage Osbornville Elementary is on the Internet! Our faculty, staff and administration have developed WebPages with schedule information, instructional highlights, PTA news, important dates and educational links to other sites. We will be updating information each marking period. You can find the webpage via www.brickschools.org. Our district website is an excellent resource for district events and school news. Be sure to check out Osbornville’s page!

13 Extra Help Assistance

As in past years, teachers will provide before or after school assistance for our students. Late buses will be available after school only on Tuesdays and Wednesdays. Should your child require extra assistance, your child’s teacher will contact you so you can make transportation arrangements.

Intervention and Referral Services Committee (I&RS)

The Intervention and Referral Services Committee is a group of faculty members, specialists and the building principal who meet to develop appropriate interventions for students who are experiencing academic or behavioral difficulties. Parents will be notified when a child has been referred to the I&RS Committee and will be invited to participate as part of the I&RS team when discussing that child’s concerns. Recommendations and interventions will be reviewed with the parent prior to implementation.

Child Study Team

At times, the Intervention and Referral Service Team will recommend a Child Study Team evaluation. Once again, the parents will play a key role in this process. Kindly contact the building principal should you like more information about the Child Study Team and what services they provide.

14 Physical Education Notes

In order to maintain the safety and well being of children participating in physical education classes, we ask that you adhere to the following procedures:  Pants, shirts or shorts that are appropriate for play need to be worn on gym days. Pants that are touching the ground are inappropriate.  A sweater or sweatshirt can be brought to school for cooler weather.  Sneakers with Velcro or laces and socks must be worn. Sneakers with high heels or thick soles are not appropriate. Students who do not wear the appropriate footwear will not be allowed to participate during physical education classes.  Jewelry may not be worn during physical education. If it is worn it must be removed and given to the teacher for safekeeping.  A note from the doctor or parent/guardian is necessary for a student to be excused from participation in physical education activities. If a student is excused from physical education, he/she will not be allowed to participate in recess activities.

15 Social Worker

Our school Social Worker is available to assist children with social or personal concerns that may affect their academic performance. Our school social worker will also work with students in small groups to help them with conflict resolution skills.

School Nurse’s Message

All students are required to participate in physical education classes unless a written excuse from parents or guardians is given to the school nurse. If it is a long-term absence, a doctor’s note is required. Any child who is excused from physical education will not be allowed to actively participate in outdoor recess. It is assumed that if the child were unable to run, jump, etc. in gym class this would also be true for recess.

Student illness is always a major concern. Children who are actively ill should stay home. Children who do not feel well, have a fever, are nauseous, etc. will not only have difficulty learning but could spread the infection to others. At times children are sent to school only to be immediately sent home before the first hour of school is concluded. Doctors may prescribe medication for students and after a few days the students may no longer be contagious but

16 still may not feel well enough to participate in classroom instruction or other school activities. Although we never turn children away for care, we would ask that any injuries that are incurred at home be treated at home. Please do not send a child to school if you think he has a communicable disease. Contact your doctor and then notify the school of the diagnosis. The following description of symptoms may help:

CONJUNCTIVITIS (pink eye): Redness of eyes with some crusting and mucus around eyelids. Exclusion from school until the student sees a doctor and has at least two doses of medication and is no longer contagious. CHICKEN POX: General feeling of being tired with a slight fever and rash which develops into blisters that look like tiny mosquito bites. Student may be excluded from school for at least seven days after the onset of the rash. All blister crusts and scabs must be completely dry before returning to school. IMPETIGO: A skin disease marked by pustules that become crusted and begin to ooze. Exclusion from school until medication is obtained and the infected areas are completely covered. STREP: An infection caused by the strep bacteria. A child with strep may have a sore throat, swollen glands, fever, headache, or a stomach ache. Exclusion from school until your child takes the prescribed medication for 24 hours and is fever free for the preceding 24 hours.

Your doctor should check any unknown skin disorder or rash. If you have any questions please

17 contact our school nurse, Mrs. Tallarida at 732-785- 3000 x7502.


Medication policy for prescription and over-the- counter medication to be administered at school: 1. Signed parent/guardian consent for administration of prescribed medication in school. 2. Written order from physician for the prescribed medication given to the school nurse. 3. Medication should be brought to school by the pupil’s parent/guardian in the original container appropriately labeled by the pharmacy.


Student Behavior

Our goal is to teach children responsibility for their actions and to respect the rights of others. Behavior that prevents teachers from teaching or children from learning, that is threatening or harassing, involves verbal or physical assaults or does not respect authority will not be tolerated. Damage to school property will result in restitution by the student and their parents/guardians. When riding the bus to and from school students are considered “in school” and, therefore, must abide by school rules and expectations for appropriate behavior. We will take appropriate action and notify parents immediately for all behavior infractions.

18 Character Education

To help students meet behavioral expectations, Osbornville is involved in the district Character Education program. Each month students participate in an assembly and are recognized for the featured character trait of the month. More about our program will be posted on the building website.

School Bus Safety

School bus safety for all students is a priority. A bus safety booklet outlining rules, expectations and information can be downloaded from the district’s website at www.brickschools.org – then click on the transportation link. Please be aware that the bus driver is in complete charge of the bus and its occupants, including seating. Students may only ride their assigned bus and get on/off the bus at their assigned stop. Students must remain seated at all times. Seatbelts must be worn and be snug. Pupil transportation is a privilege that can be revoked. Students who do not follow bus rules or respect the rights of others will be issued a bus conduct report followed by an investigation by the building administrator.

19 Our greatest concern is for the safety and well being of our children. We ask your cooperation and understanding for the following concerns:

 Because buses often transport a full complement of children, we cannot grant requests for children to ride any other than their assigned bus. If you feel there is a special situation, kindly call transportation at 732-785-3000.

 Food on the bus ~ Due to allergy concerns, students will not be allowed to eat on the bus or transport classroom treats/containers to or from the home.

 Dangerous Items - In the interest of the safety and well-being of all children and adults in our school, items which are dangerous such as firecrackers, explosive devices, any type of knife or knife-like items, martial art sticks or weapons, laser pens, etc.) are not permitted at the bus stop, on the bus or on school property. School policy dictates that students who bring such items to school, to the bus stop or on the bus will face stern disciplinary action. Chains associated with keys or lasers are also prohibited. We appreciate your vigilance and cooperation

20 Custody Arrangements ~ If you have sole custody of your child, you should present the school with a copy of the custody order. If you share joint custody, both parents are entitled to receive school related materials such as notices, progress reports, report cards, etc. Please fill out the proper form which will be distributed the first week of school and returned to the main office to process this request.

Parent Teacher Association (PTA)

The Osbornville PTA is an association of parents and teachers working cooperatively to enhance the educational program for our students. Our dedicated PTA members work hard to provide many additional assemblies, activities, and materials for our students. We urge you to join the PTA, attend monthly meetings and, if possible, volunteer to help at one or more of the many worthwhile activities provided by the PTA.

PTA President: Sandy Alvarez First Vice President: Tine Simonetti Treasurer: Christina Sorensen Recording Secretary: Joyce DiSorco Corresponding Secretary: Christine Schaefer

21 Listed below is a checklist of forms which need to be returned to school:

____Media consent form

____PTA membership form (if interested)

____ Genesis emergency form

____Student early dismissal form

____Student technology agreement form

Please return these forms to school asap. Thank you for your cooperation!!


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